Meeting Report June 14th, 2023

Meeting Report #429


今夜の司会、TM Kさんが、会場を常に明るく盛り上げます。


今夜の言葉は、TMAさんによる「みずみずしい(瑞々しい)」です。アジサイの花にフォーカスして、美しいスタートになりました!(でもTMOE Kさんが落としてくるんです!!)

#準備スピーチ1 「エイリアン父さん」TM Hさん(6:55)


論評TM Nさんからは、ホメ、ホメ、ホメで非の打ち所の無いスピーチのところ、控え目ながらに訥々と絞りだした改善案、「最後はヒデキ・カンゲキに繋げて欲しかった・・・」に、同世代メンバーは大受けでした!(・・・がこのフレーズを知らない人もいて、ココに世代の溝が!!!)

[English Session]

The word of the Evening is “Fresh”.

Prepared Speech “How to raise my motivation” By TM K (6:20)

She shared with us 4 important things related to her positive ways of thought vividly. Each one has her special way, that we heard the details. And she concluded her speech clearly and warmly. We all found where her usual high-energy come from!

TM G’s evaluation was very helpful. The smart, kind, and detailed evaluation linked to the word “Positive” inspired not only the speaker but also the audience. And he showed her a very specific way to make her speech more impressive.

Today’s Table Topics Master was TM K.

He prepared 2 Questions, how to enjoy the rainy season and too hot summer!

A1:TM Eto, Enjoy the rainy season by swimming.(1:17)

A2:Guest M, Enjoy the rainy season with fancy umbrellas, smelling the rain, staying home, and planning something for later fine days.(2:10)

A3:TM Aisaka, Enjoy too hot summer by swimming and drinking beer(1:30)

A4:Guest S, enjoy too hot summer by camping, and staying in nature, especially with fresh cold wine! A hard environment gives her a new perspective. (0’55)

TT master, TM K deeply recommended fresh beer, and craft beer in summer! It was the most important answer!

Best Table Topics speaker: Guest S

Best Evaluator: TM G

Best Speaker: TM H



