第436回例会レポート/ Meeting report #436 (September17th, 2023)
本日の司会(Toastmaster of the Evening)は、6年ぶりにTMOEを務めるTM G.K。欠席者が出てクラブのシンボルフラッグがない中、白板にフラッグの絵を描いて例会ムードを盛り上げます。
今夜の言葉(TM W.E): たけなわ
準備スピーチ1:「音楽を奏でるように」 (TM K.M)
今年6月に本クラブに復帰したTM K.M。過去の自分のスピーチ対する先輩からのフィードバックを見返した際、ボーカルバラエティがワントーンになりがちだったことに気付きます。改善のヒントはないかと考え思い出したのが、以前聴きに行ったメンデルスゾーンのコンサート。ヴァイオリニストによって、音を一つ一つ丁寧に積み重ねるように弾いたり、フレアスカートを穿いた女性が階段を駆け下りるような滑らかさで弾いたりと、スタイルは様々。スピーチのボーカルバラエティも、音楽を奏でるように、自分のスタイルで身に着けていきたいとのことでした。
準備スピーチ1:「私のふるさとの光景」 (TM H.H)
初スピーチとして、自身のルーツを紹介するTM H.H。出身は徳島ののどかな田舎町で、小学校は規模が小さく、高校までクラス替えも経験なし(「好きな子と同じクラスになれた!」と甘酸っぱい経験してみたかったそうな…)。学校の前の駄菓子屋では、子供たちがキン消しのガチャガチャに夢中になったり、地面に直置きのジャンプを買ったり。夏になると駄菓子屋に銛が売られ、それを買ってフナやドジョウ、ナマズ等を捕まえたそうです(中には自分の足を銛で突いて病院送りになる子もいたそうな…)。そんな故郷は今も自然豊か、最近はラフティングで人気のスポットとなっています。
テーブルトピック(即興スピーチ) (出題者:TM Y.U)
(1)試合展開: 人生最大の番狂わせは?(回答者:ゲストY)
(2)ラグビーボール:どちらの結果になるかハラハラした経験は?(回答者:TM A.O)
(3)ノーサイド:何かに取り組んで、チームと称え合った経験は?(回答者:TM T.M)
#1 TM S.EからTM K.Mへの論評
#2 TM M.AからTM H.Hへの論評
[English session]
Word of the evening: negligible
e.g. The difference was negligible.
1st speech “Zoo” by TM K.K
TM K.K tried English version of Rakugo, the Japanese traditional standup comedy, for the first time in her Toastmasters journey. She told a story of a man who was hired by a financially challenged zoo, which was looking for someone who can pretend to be a tiger. Dressed in the tiger costume, put in the animal cage, what will happen next to that stupid man―? Sat on the chair with her Japanese fan in her hand, TM K.K performed a wonderful Rakugo and audience couldn’t stop laughing at the funny gestures and humorous development of the story.
2nd speech “”No” Strategy” by TM N.S
Have you ever said “yes” to join an event which you didn’t want to join? TM N.S had confronted such difficulties many times since she didn’t want say “no” to others, especially in the business situations. However always saying yes could cause negative effect both physically and mentally on us and hinder us from seizing better alternative opportunities. Thus, guided by self-development books, TM N.S sort out her priorities and learned when to say no, as well as the ways for refusal in a polite and assertive way. These knowledges helped her to establish her “NO strategy” or “Number One strategy” in her life. At the closing, she beautifully introduced the citation of Wallen Buffet pertaining to the power of saying “no”.
Evaluation for TM K.K by TM A.O
Brilliant performance of famous Rakugo story, successful delivery and closing, cracked audience up. Video recording before the performance to check the voice tone/ volume might help. Also, try to alter the ending part of the original script and create your own version to be an advanced Rakugo performer.
Evaluation for TM N.S by TM T.M
Double-meaning title was curious, the logic and structure were very clear throughout the speech, the storytelling part added persuasiveness and emotion to the business style presentation. To improve more, stand on listeners’ view point and show benefits of “no” strategy for the audience.
General Evaluator, TM K.I praised the hardworking of TMOE G.K to conduct a well-organized meeting, and suggested everyone who use slides to prepared a contingency plan for the tech issues, such as weak Internet connection, to keep the meeting proceed smoothly.
As the closing of this report, congratulations for the prize winners.
The best speaker TM K.K
The best evaluator TM M.A
The best Table Topics speaker TM A.O