TITMC 第374回例会レポート 2021/5/26(水) 19:00-21:20
# English Session:
Our president TM K.K. started our meeting with showing tonight’s 2 big events. Yes, the super moon and the election for new officers!
Today’s TMOE was TM T.M.
The word of the evening was “Cut to the chase” by TM H.Y. (He was on the way home!)
# Speech #1 (TM M.Y.) 6:25
“Estonia-History links the present with the past”
Title page showed the geographical location of Estonia and a beautiful photo of the capital city. We’re all excited with this opening that we felt like on a travel to unknown country. At the beginning of his speech, he showed his speech structure clearly. We could traveled with him to Estonia’s some sightseeing spots and think of the country’s the present and the past. And he let us learn this country correctly as tourists. We felt his kindness and passion for this small lovely country. Lastly he recommended a trip to Estonia after this Covid-19 situation. Great speech!
# Speech #2 (TM H. A.)7:37
“Introduce your future”
He started with his conviction about the meaningful self-introduction. Don’t introduce only your past and present but introduce your future. He showed how boring the former one is.
And he said “Why do you introduce yourself?”, ”To build a good relationship!” It’s clear vision of his. And he compared 2 self-introduction, a typical one and a future oriented one effectively. And lastly, he introduced himself oriented on his future. We’re all moved his sincere and meaningful speech so much.
# Evaluater TM A.O.3:16
He started with showing his ignorance about this small country with his own way, it made everyone smile and relaxed. And he raised TM M.Y.’s good points:well-organized structure, topic focus on, and understandable presentation. Lastly he thanked to his presentation, that he got a great motivation to research about Estonian film industry! (We all knows he deeply loves films all over the world!)
# Evaluater TM N.H. 4:09
She showed TM H.A.’s 3 good points and 2 feedbacks clearly. Good points were, starting with question, showing his speech objective at the beginning, and demonstrating with his own. They are extremely effective to deliver speech values for audience. And feedbacks were showing his speech “map” at the beginning and using pictures on his slides instead of many letters. Her evaluation sounds so gentle and helpful for our new member. So great!
# 日本語セッション:
今夜の言葉はTM H.Y.さんより、五月にちなんで「五月蝿い(うるさい)」です。”五月蝿くならないように”など、否定形にも多く使われました。
# 準備スピーチ#3 6:57
TM J.S.さんによる「世界中のどこでも結果を出せる人に共通する〇〇とは」
ここで本日のTMOEによる、クラブ役員の仕事の「勝手に説明会!」が、入会間もないメンバーに向けて開催されました。これはスピーチ論評者への準備時間確保の配慮でもあります。もぅ~みんなが上手くいく手立てを、ついつい考え実行しちゃうんですね、TM T.M.さん。スライドもサクッと用意されて行き届いていました。さすがミスター東京インターと呼ばれるわけです!
# 論評 TMR.T. 3:22
総合論評は安定のTMK.K. 論評TMR.T.の人を観る力、それを言語化する能力の高さを称賛しましたが、まだまだ称賛し足りない様子でした。また、TMT.M.の例会マネジメントについても、行き届いた取り回しを「TMスピリット」と大いに称えました。
ベスト論評者:TM R.T.
ベストスピーカー:TM H.A.