The next meeting is on Aug. 10th, 2022 (Wed)

The next meeting is planned for Aug. 10th, 2022 (Wed)!!

To avoid the close contact of the members and guests, the next meetings in August will only be held online(zoom).
We usually hold meetings at Oimachi (Curian) in Shinagawa Ward of Tokyo every second fourth and fifth Wednesdays, from 19:00 to 21:10.)

Guests are free to participate in our regular meetings up to 3 times. Let’s come and join us!

please refer to the  Meeting Schedule page.

Venue: “Curian” (Shinagawa Citizens Hall) (Please refer to Access Page.)

Temporarily changed to Ota city seikatsu center.

If you would like to join our club as a guest, please click here(Jump to form page) !!


MEETING REPORT Oct 9th, 2019

Meeting Report (#331)  Oct.9, 2019

by TM S.E. 


定刻にTM ATさんが開会を宣言し ゲスト紹介(

)を行い、今夜のトーストマスターTM NHさんにコントロールを渡し 和やかに本日の例会がスタートしました。

TMoENHさんよりは本会の今年のスローガンである”One for all, all for one”の言葉の由来などがあり、リラックスした雰囲気が醸し出されています。

次に、今夜の言葉「こつこつと」がTM NKさんより提示されました。毎回TM NKさんの身振り豊かな話しぶりには皆ほっこりとさせられます。

続いて役割紹介がなされました。計時係:TM AOさん、集計係:TM KSさん、

文法係:TM SMさん、例会レポート係:TM SEです。

  • 準備スピーチ#1

Pathways: Dynamic Leadership, Level 1 「リサーチとプレゼンテーション」

タイトル 「あの日の分析」 TM TH  (Time 6’50“)

-約1か月前の例会で「論評」の役割を果たす予定であった「あの日」に急な体調不良が発生し、不参加となってしまった。その体調不良に至る過程と状況をスピーチで具体的かつ説得力を持って分析されていた。耳石の損傷による眩暈、むち打ち症、或いは何らかの原因での過呼吸等が考えられたとの話。病院までは救急車で救急病棟に直行し手当を受けた状況を時系列で具体的に示された。聴衆も臨場感を持って話に聞きほれてました。医師の診断は原因不明との結論で、決して納得いく内容ではなかったが、症状も落ち着て来たの帰宅した由。これらの実経験を分析し 聴衆に次の提案をなされた。➀必要に応じ救急車は使うべし

夜間診療は新米医師が多い事を留意すべし ③You Tubeでの(病気の対応法等)検索も役に立つことがある ④ あまりに心配するより、好きな事(例えば、トーストマスター例会参加や温泉巡り等)をやると気分が晴れるし良い対応策と思うと。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM KKさん  (Time 3’53”)

非常に素晴らしいスピーチであり、次の3点が称賛された。➀タイトルの意外性と導入部の巧みさで聴衆の気持ちを最初から掴んでいた。②リサーチの徹底性が指摘され、耳の構造図を使った説明や、救急病院での会話の描写など聴衆がその場に居たかの如く思える。 ③更に、ビデオやスライド等が効果的に使用されていた。尚、Suggestionとして次の提案がなされた。医師の分析手法や対応についての観察と分析は良く理解されたので、TM TH個人としての原因分析の話がもう少し付け加えて頂ければより完成度が上がると思うと。

  • 準備スピーチ#2 TM HYさん   (Time 7’33”)

Pathways: 影響力ある説得 Level3 #1 「対立の解消について

タイトル 「そのとき、あなたは?

-先月の台風15号が関東直撃し、各地に大きな爪痕をのこしたこと。又、交通手段において計画運休が初めて大々的に運用された事を伝えた。アンケート結果として計画運休には9割が納得しているが、復旧に時間かかったことに4割以上が不便を感じたことなど紹介された。HYさんは会社で総務に携わっておられるようで、台風の際 会社として従業員へ通達し対応してゆくか 関係者で討議し、いかに行動したかを発表。又、その後 意思決定のプロセスを分析し、今後へつなげる話をされた。最後に、聴衆に向かっては「今週も大型台風が来ることが予想されているが、其の時 あなたはどうされますか?」との問いで話を締め括られた。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM JSさん  (Time 2’51”


総合論評のTM AOさんより、各人共に非常に良かった。特に、TMoENHさんの議事進行が滑らかで、和やかな雰囲気作りが素晴らしいと。又、TM HYさんが会社で縁の下の力持ちであることが良く解りましたとのコメントありました。

[ English Session ]

This session started 19:55 which was 5min. ahead of the scheduled time.

The word of the evening was “ Steady” presented by TM BH 

  • Prepared Speech #1 by TM MA (Time: 6’13”)

Pathways: Visionary Communication, Level#1 Ice Breaker

Title: “A curious girl”

– TM MA introduced her younger days of memories. She was a very curious girl who had strong interest in architecture, history, and buildings. So she studied architecture and became an architect for more than 20year. Then, she explained the reasons why she takes part in TITMC. 1) There is a necessity of explaining the public in English. 2) To find the place(or community) where allows the mistakes of her action(s). Because she had been working independently as an architect, so there was no boss nor no commander.

3) In order to achieve the ability to think in English, joining the Toast Masters Club might be a good chance. She also point out that it took 5years before joining TITMC due to find out the spare time and brushing up her English ability.

The evaluator was TM NS (time 3’25”)

-TM NS commented that;

1)Speaker’s attitude seems very stable, confident with good voice control. The usual ice break speaker was shaking and/or rushing, but she looked confident. 2) The explanation of her purpose to join the club was so clearly mentioned. 3) The speech was constructed well. The introduction, body and business background story flew smoothly.

One suggestion added. The speaker was looking at the paper material almost all the time.

If she could look at the audience’s eye more often, the speech could be much better.

  • Prepared Speech #2 by TM TM (Time: 6’53”)

Pathways: “Innovative Planning”, Level#3 “Present a proposal”

Title: “Margin”

-TM MY showed a piece of printed paper and started his speech. He said that the paper has not only the main contents but also marginal things. He insisted it was better to have margin in our life rather than only the main contents. The reasons were as follows;

1) Productivity: He referred to Google research that the productivity of a team be higher when they share each personal information rather than no sharing. 2) Communication:

Marginal things themselves promote additional feelings and communication. He got out Kappa-Ebisen from the bag and started talking. 3) Interest things: The machine is accurate, logical and no mistake. However, there were some of the products which made from emotional feeling could give us additional interest and preference.

The evaluator was TM AT (time 3’10”)

-TM AT commented that;

The speech was easily understood. The speaker gave the conclusion first, then, started the reasons and main contents, followed the conclusion last part. His gesturer with some of the materials like a copy sheet of Garigari-kun Tamagoyaki version(new product), Kappa-Ebisen was so funny and attracted the audience greatly. She suggested that it would be more understandable if the speech included the speaker’s own experience.

  • General Evaluation by TM AO

-She commented that each evaluator did nice job; TM NS made a well-organized evaluation.

TM AT was very professional and cool. She also pointed out that TM TM gave a question to TM AO in his speech intentionally or not. So, she said that TM AT could have react and evaluated his speech by the passionate way.

  • Awarding Presentation

The Best Speaker : TM TM

The Best Evaluator : TM NS

TITMC Meeting #331 has completed with a sense of satisfaction at 20:45 on Oct.9,2019

Today’s attendants were total 18persons(including 1guest-Mr.Okamoto)

MEETING REPORT Aug 28th, 2019

Today’s TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) is TM T.M.
He started this meeting quickly and efficiently.

Word of the Evening, “Laborious”, was presented by TM J.S.

Table Topic by TM N.S..
She asked us three questions connected to summer.

Q1 What is the best memory in this summer?

TM. M.Y. talked his story about snorkeling although he was not good at swimming.
It was a wonderful story that he enjoyed the summer sea with a family.

Q2 Suppose if you are budgeted air and hotel (free), but by yourself (alone), where are you going?

Today’s Guest, TM.A(University of Toronto Toastmasters) said that is his current situation.
And he started his talk spreads to the story an orange rolling in the slope.
Over there, there is a can of the juice. Everyone wonder why “Orange”?
He said ” An orange on the Aluminum can! (In Japanese: アルミ缶の上にあるみかん!)
It’s a great play in Japanese words!!

Q3  August is ending this week, which means we have only 4 months left in this year.
What do you need to do to close 2019?

Today’s another Guest , Mr.A (He is from Uganda) answered it connected to his future plan,
to be president of a construction company.

Today’s 1st prepared speaker is  Up-and-comer ,TM C.U.
The speech title is “The Secret of Sinkai Makoto’s film hits”
She analyzed why Sinkai Makoto’s films moved our hearts.
She solved that secret and picked up two keywords “miracle” and ” future” from these films.
“Even you are getting older, but you have power.”
“Teenage isn’t my peak,future is my peak!”
Her speech had strong messages and that was truly great ice-break speech!

The evaluator of the1st speech is TM A.T.
She encouraged the first-timer, TM. C.U. well.
The General evaluator is TM.N.H.(This is the first time of taking the role of the G.E. for her.)
She praised the 1st evaluator, TM A.T. and her feedback.
In addition, she suggests her share your experience more on how to do that.

MEETING REPORT July 31th, 2019

Meeting Report for the TITMC Meeting #327 31st July 2019


夏本番、ムッと蒸し暑い一日。この日は出席者が少なく、場内は沈黙気味…。そんな空気を汲み取り、「今皆さんの気持ちは一つ。暑い、そして人が少ない!」と笑いを誘うTM A.Tの言葉で例会はスタート。TMOEは安定感抜群のTM K.A、ゲストは2回目の参加となるAさん。

今夜の言葉はTM A.Oによる「事ほど左様に」。ラジオのパーソナリティが使っていたそうで、「前述のとおり、これほどに」といった、物事を纏める際に使う言葉だそうです。

日本語スピーチ#1:TM H.Y 「カエルの子は…」


評価者:TM N.Sによる評価


日本語スピーチ#2:TM T.M「給食トリビア」


評価者:TM K.Sによる評価


テーブルトピックはTM N.Hによる出題。「トイストーリー4」を観て子供時代を思い出したということで、「思い出」にまつわるお題をチョイス。

1.捨てられない思い出の品と、それにまつわる思い出を教えてください。:TM K.M


2.過去に影響を受けた作品(ジャンル不問)について語ってください。:ゲスト Aさん


3.あえて「昔はよかった、何故なら~…」を語ってください。:TM K.A


4.退職した後は、故郷に住みたいか?別の場所に住みたいか?:TM G.K


総合論評者はTM G.KTM N.Sの論評に対し、スピーチの中の対比に気づいた点を評価。改善点を指摘する際に申し訳なさそうな様子も見られたが、論評者として強く言って良い、とアドバイス。TM K.Sの論評に対しては、内容がスピーチ目的に合致していることを見抜いた点を評価。その鋭さなら、改善ポイントもよりハイレベルなことを言えたはず!と、更なる洞察を促すコメントでした。

日本語セッションは定刻通り終了し、10分のコーヒーブレイクへ。しかし、場内は相変わらず沈黙気味。そんな中…?(English Sessionに続く)

<English Session>

During the break time, TM R.T played jazzy coffee-shop-style music with her smartphone to relax the silent atmosphere. Nice way to change the circumstances!

The Word of the Evening for English session was “Once in a blue moon”, a very poetic expression which means “very rarely” or “not often”.

English Speech #1 “Where is the water?” by TM A.O

TM A.O, the great magician of TITMC, introduced that he joined the TMC in order to brush up his communication skills to interact with his audiences. He proved what he acquired through his TM life by performing a magic using 3 cups and a bottle of water, with a lot of jokes and fun. At the end of his speech, he reminded everyone that TMC is a safe place for practicing, for any kind of expressions.

->Evaluator for TM A.O’s speech was TM A.T.

TM A.T evaluated TM A.O’s speech was full of his passion, and the construction was superb as well as the level of inspiring audiences. Her suggestion to him was to involve the audience more and make the performance interactive, for example by letting audience to join the magic.

English Speech#2 “How to describe “Mentor” in Japanese?” by TM K.K

TM K.K described that he didn’t know what the word “mentor” exactly mean. When he googled the translation of “mentor” in Japanese, he only found “mentaa”, and even the visual images of the word on Google didn’t help him. But finally it came home to him that mentoring was what he experienced through TM activities, such as being helped by senior members, or helping other members. The answer was not on Google, but in his mind.

->Evaluator for TM K.K’s speech was TM K.M.

TM K.M pointed out the good points of TM K.K’s speech such as (1) effectively used body languages, (2) match to the speech objective, and (3) well organized story. He suggested that it would be even better if there’s any episode regarding mentoring in the speaker’s school days.

General Evaluator was TM G.K. He praised TM A.T for find out the passion point and objectives in TM A.O’s speech, while pointing out her suggestion may not be suitable if the speech was for competition, not for regular meeting. For TM K.M, he described his evaluation was a great complements for TM K.K’s speech, though his suggestion was not quite realistic, since TM K.K didn’t meet mentor in his school days.

Regarding the meeting overall, he made 2 suggestions; (1) be careful not to choose negative/abusing words, and (2) it might be fair to change the timing of General Evaluation, since the evaluators for the second half session can take in what General Evaluator suggested in the first half session.

This night’s Best Evaluators were TM K.S & N.K, Best Table Topic Speaker was TM G.K, and the Best Speaker was TM K.M. Congratulations to you all!





Finally our dear Guest, A-san made a comment in English. She showed how she worked hard to study English and expressed her excitement to be able to attend the TM meeting. It was a very moving speech to all. Thank you!

MEETING REPORT June 26th, 2019

<English Session>

Today’s TOME TM O started the session with the quote of “ when in Rome, do as the Romas do”, in light of this quote, he speaks British English in London, speak American English in NY and Japanese English in Tokyo, so he humorously mentioned to speak Japanese English today.

After his funny introduction, TM S selected the Word of the evening which is Tasteful, he encouraged to use the word.

English Speech #1

The first speaker TM M, his point was to compare the objectives of CC manual and Pathways,

CC manual is based on skilled based objectives, it enables us to step forward one by one, whereas Pathways’ objective is more goal -based one, it just shows the goal, so it requires us to set our own milestones in the middle of the way to the goal, so that we can achieve the mile stone and lead to the final goal.

Table topics followed the speech, which was led by TM Y, he kindly took this role to fill the canceled English speech session. His topics were quite interesting like when do you quite driving car, which is quite controversial topic nowadays, and another topics were what do you do in rainy
season and how the new year resolutions going. Each topic was quite timely theme and every speaker talked with a lot of their insight.

Evaluation for English Speech #1

Evaluation for #1 by TM K pointed out two positive ones and one suggestion. Positive ones was, well organized structure and unique insight like setting the personal goal in the midway and suggestion was to show a bit more specific example so that help us to convince the difference between CC manual and Pathways.

General Evaluation

General Evaluation by TM S was to highly appreciated TMOE O to establish the relaxed atmosphere with his humor in the introduction and flexible support by TM Y to lead the Table topics to fill the slot.

<日本語 セッション>

日本語スピーチ #1

今日の言葉は、“ 趣がある “ という言葉。梅雨に入りすっきりしない天気が続くが、このような時期でも、緑雨、青葉雨といった雨の中に緑が映えるような趣がある使い方があり、このような表現の使用を勧めた。


スピーチ#1は、TM Aさん。

スピーチタイトルは、泣きたい気持ち A編。こちらのタイトル、数回前の他のTMのスピーチを引用しつつ、自分独自のアプローチでスピーチを展開。キャプテン翼をテーマに笑いあり、そして涙(?)あり、臨場感のあるジェスチャーあり、の展開に引き込まれた。


日本語スピーチ#2は、TM Oさん。



スピーチ#3 TM Sさん。


歴史・教養シリーズ ということで、江戸開城 西郷隆盛と勝海舟の会談で、江戸総攻撃が中止になった歴史的史実より、リーダーシップ・誠実さ・外交力の重要性を説いた。リーダーは、私利私欲を持ってはいけない。

日本語 評論#1


日本語 評論#2


日本語 評論#3  







【第315回例会レポート (2019/02/27(水)19:00~21:10)】

Toastmaster of the evening was TM H.Y.
The word of the day was “Reality Bites” by TM A.O.

Speech #1 (TM R.K.):
AC manual: Special Occasion Speeches #5
The title is “Graduation”.

She talked about her graduation from university.
It’s been 8 years to graduate since she entered the university.
She revealed why it took 8 years. She couldn’t take a class
in the first 2 years because of the lack of support system for
visual impairment students.

But she changed that 2 years to positive side and
challenged many new things. And one of the challenge was a
She said “Without that 2 years, I didn’t know the Toastmaster and I’m not here.”
And she closed her speech “Nothing is waste of a time.”

Congratulations on your graduation!

Speech #2 (TM A.O.):
Pathways: Dynamic Leadership
Level 1: Icebreak
The title is “Been a Bridge”.

She introduced herself from her parents story.
Her both parents taught at University in north China.
Her mother did know her father is a Japanese after the marriage.

Her family moved to Japan because of Cultural Revolution.
She also be forced to change school and had to learn Japanese so hard.
Her father contributed to create a bridge between China and Japan.
But last year, he suffered leukemia and passed away.
This was a speech dedicated to her father.

It was so moving and please accept my deepest condolences to you.

Evaluator TM S.E. evaluated TM R.K..
Evaluator TM A.T. evaluated TM A.O..



今夜の言葉はTM A.O.さんより「事程左様(ことほどさよう)に」でした。

スピーチ #3 (TM Y.O.):
CCマニュアル #4: 身体表現


スピーチ #4 (TM R.Y.):
ACマニュアル “Humorously Speaking”: Make them laugh


論評TM Y.I.さんは、TM Y.O.さんの論評
論評TM K.K.さんは、TM R.Y.さんの論評

総合論評はTM E.S.さんでした。

ベストテーブルトピックはTM N.K.さん、
ベスト論評賞はTM Y.I.さん、
ベストスピーカーはTM R.K.さん でした。

また、入会式がありTM N.K.さんが入会されました。



Welcome to Tokyo International Toastmasters Club!
Ever thought of speaking in front of large audience both in English and Japanese?
Tokyo International Toastmasters Club will help you achieve your goals!

We are a non-profit group that focuses on improving communication and leadership skills through making speeches in Engilsh and Japanese at an enjoyable, friendly environment.

We hold meetings at Oimachi (Curian) in Shinagawa Ward of Tokyo every second and fourth Wednesdays, from 19:00 to 21:10. Guests are free to participate in our meetings. Let’s come and join us!

Next Meeting Information is HERE.

(c) 2013 Tokyo International Toastmasters Club
The names “Toastmasters International”, “Toastmasters” and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.


Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting #311

*English  below

TM RTが開会・ゲスト紹介、そして「おあとがよろしいようで」の本来の意味(落語で前座が師匠の準備ができたので交代する)を解説・引用し、「なるほど」と思わせる粋な方法で今夜のTMOE TM YOにコントロールを渡し例会がスタートしました。

今回、前半に日本語・英語のスピーチセッション、後半に日本語ワークショップという通常とは異なる構成でしたが、TM YOのマネージメントにより違和感なく非常にスムーズな進行でした。

「今夜の言葉」の担当者が欠席でしたが、自発的にTM SEが即興で今日の言葉「最新の」を紹介し、難なくリカバリすることができました。

準備スピーチでは、TM MOがPathways: “Innovative Planning”: L1 #1 Evaluation and feedbackに取り組み、タイトル「ハッピーパッド」で本人の実体験に基づいたアフリカ・ウガンダでの貴重な体験を話されました。貧困による生理用品不足により引き起こされる女子生徒の学校中退問題、なぜそのようなことが起こるのかをスピーカ自身の現地インタビューを交えながらスライドを使って説明されました。また、解決のためにクラウドファンディングで資金を集めて「ハッピーパッド」を女子生徒に配布し、その生徒が学校復帰を果たしたことなど、自身の社会問題に対する貴重な取り組みと成果が紹介され、最後は「ハッピーパッド」でハッピーという言葉で締められました。私個人としては誰もがなしえない実話だけあって大変魅了されました。

TM JSによる論評では前回のスピーチから改善されている点、さらに社会問題に取り組んだテーマ・ストーリの構成されている点など挙げられました。また、自信を持ってスピーチするには口角をあげる、ポーズをつけるなど非常に具体的な内容が提案され、スピーカに寄り添った晴らしい論評でした。

[English session]
Word master TM YO introduced the words of the evening “state of the art”, which is same meaning of Japanese session.

At prepared speech session, TM NK talked about “Name” based on Pathways: “Innovative Planning”: L1 Reach and Presenting. He started to tell us how he was named, introducing how his wife and he named his child, and lastly delivering a key message “Every child has a beautiful name” with singing “”Beautiful Name” of Godiego. It was very impressive and consistent story. Also, he seemed to enjoy and confident during the time. It’s first time for him in our club, but he knows very well how to make a speech from his TMC life/experience, and successfully expressed himself with eye contact and gesture.

As an evaluator, TM KA raised three good points – 1st: it was very organized, 2nd: well-researched, 3rd: attractive story about naming his son. Then, he suggested utilizing 1-minute left for speech, evaluating it was very good overall.

後半はTM KYによるチームビルディングについてワークショップが行われました。
チーム作りの3要素(理念共有、自己有用感、居心地の良さ) + 1の “+1”にNo2(右腕)を作ることには、私の経験からも心の中で激しく同意しました。

TM RKによる総合論評では、初めてにも関わらず落ち着いた雰囲気で論評者の良かった点・提案を具体的に示されました。また例会全体として、事前に机の配置がワークショップ用に3つの島に分かれていたり、突然の欠席でロールが外れてもリカバリーできたりとチームビルディングがよく機能しているとコメントを頂きました。

ベストスピーカはTM MO、ベスト論評者はTM JSでした。おめでとうございます。



2/13 (水) TITMC インハウスコンテスト、ブリーフィング 18:45スタート
3/16 (土) エリア93 コンテスト@武蔵小杉生涯学習センター 301
4/7 (日) ディビジョンI コンテスト@下丸子大田市民会館
5/10-12 全国大会@東京
3/27 (水) 花見例会


Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting #298(27th, June, 2018) Meeting Report

Toastmaster of the evening was TM O.N.
The word of the day was “Revitalize” by TM R.T.

Speech #1 (TM A.O.):
Pathways Icebreak
The title “Starting Over”.

He talked about why he joined Toastmasters Club.
As a magician, he thought he needed a better presentation skill to attract audience.
Tonight, he performed one of his magic tricks on live and it ended successfully .

Table Topic by TM R.K. (She kindly took this role.):
1) What is the most memorable speech in this term? (TM A.T. said TM A.O.’s speech.)
2) What do you want to achieve in 2018-2019? (TM K.S. said “Go out club with members”.)
3) What do you want to do as an area level event in next term? (TM R.T. said debate competition.)

Speech #2 (TM B.H.):
Pathways Icebreak
The title “where there’s a will there’s a way”.

He introduced himself and talked about why he joined Toastmasters Club.
He also talked about his hometown.
Then his story went into his message “will”, like studying hard and working hard
leading to his current achievements.
That was inspiring speech.

Evaluator TM A.S., her first evaluation in a long while.
Evaluator TM T.M., his evaluation was perfect to motivate TM B.H.