MEETING REPORT Oct 9th, 2019

Meeting Report (#331)  Oct.9, 2019

by TM S.E. 


定刻にTM ATさんが開会を宣言し ゲスト紹介(

)を行い、今夜のトーストマスターTM NHさんにコントロールを渡し 和やかに本日の例会がスタートしました。

TMoENHさんよりは本会の今年のスローガンである”One for all, all for one”の言葉の由来などがあり、リラックスした雰囲気が醸し出されています。

次に、今夜の言葉「こつこつと」がTM NKさんより提示されました。毎回TM NKさんの身振り豊かな話しぶりには皆ほっこりとさせられます。

続いて役割紹介がなされました。計時係:TM AOさん、集計係:TM KSさん、

文法係:TM SMさん、例会レポート係:TM SEです。

  • 準備スピーチ#1

Pathways: Dynamic Leadership, Level 1 「リサーチとプレゼンテーション」

タイトル 「あの日の分析」 TM TH  (Time 6’50“)

-約1か月前の例会で「論評」の役割を果たす予定であった「あの日」に急な体調不良が発生し、不参加となってしまった。その体調不良に至る過程と状況をスピーチで具体的かつ説得力を持って分析されていた。耳石の損傷による眩暈、むち打ち症、或いは何らかの原因での過呼吸等が考えられたとの話。病院までは救急車で救急病棟に直行し手当を受けた状況を時系列で具体的に示された。聴衆も臨場感を持って話に聞きほれてました。医師の診断は原因不明との結論で、決して納得いく内容ではなかったが、症状も落ち着て来たの帰宅した由。これらの実経験を分析し 聴衆に次の提案をなされた。➀必要に応じ救急車は使うべし

夜間診療は新米医師が多い事を留意すべし ③You Tubeでの(病気の対応法等)検索も役に立つことがある ④ あまりに心配するより、好きな事(例えば、トーストマスター例会参加や温泉巡り等)をやると気分が晴れるし良い対応策と思うと。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM KKさん  (Time 3’53”)

非常に素晴らしいスピーチであり、次の3点が称賛された。➀タイトルの意外性と導入部の巧みさで聴衆の気持ちを最初から掴んでいた。②リサーチの徹底性が指摘され、耳の構造図を使った説明や、救急病院での会話の描写など聴衆がその場に居たかの如く思える。 ③更に、ビデオやスライド等が効果的に使用されていた。尚、Suggestionとして次の提案がなされた。医師の分析手法や対応についての観察と分析は良く理解されたので、TM TH個人としての原因分析の話がもう少し付け加えて頂ければより完成度が上がると思うと。

  • 準備スピーチ#2 TM HYさん   (Time 7’33”)

Pathways: 影響力ある説得 Level3 #1 「対立の解消について

タイトル 「そのとき、あなたは?

-先月の台風15号が関東直撃し、各地に大きな爪痕をのこしたこと。又、交通手段において計画運休が初めて大々的に運用された事を伝えた。アンケート結果として計画運休には9割が納得しているが、復旧に時間かかったことに4割以上が不便を感じたことなど紹介された。HYさんは会社で総務に携わっておられるようで、台風の際 会社として従業員へ通達し対応してゆくか 関係者で討議し、いかに行動したかを発表。又、その後 意思決定のプロセスを分析し、今後へつなげる話をされた。最後に、聴衆に向かっては「今週も大型台風が来ることが予想されているが、其の時 あなたはどうされますか?」との問いで話を締め括られた。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM JSさん  (Time 2’51”


総合論評のTM AOさんより、各人共に非常に良かった。特に、TMoENHさんの議事進行が滑らかで、和やかな雰囲気作りが素晴らしいと。又、TM HYさんが会社で縁の下の力持ちであることが良く解りましたとのコメントありました。

[ English Session ]

This session started 19:55 which was 5min. ahead of the scheduled time.

The word of the evening was “ Steady” presented by TM BH 

  • Prepared Speech #1 by TM MA (Time: 6’13”)

Pathways: Visionary Communication, Level#1 Ice Breaker

Title: “A curious girl”

– TM MA introduced her younger days of memories. She was a very curious girl who had strong interest in architecture, history, and buildings. So she studied architecture and became an architect for more than 20year. Then, she explained the reasons why she takes part in TITMC. 1) There is a necessity of explaining the public in English. 2) To find the place(or community) where allows the mistakes of her action(s). Because she had been working independently as an architect, so there was no boss nor no commander.

3) In order to achieve the ability to think in English, joining the Toast Masters Club might be a good chance. She also point out that it took 5years before joining TITMC due to find out the spare time and brushing up her English ability.

The evaluator was TM NS (time 3’25”)

-TM NS commented that;

1)Speaker’s attitude seems very stable, confident with good voice control. The usual ice break speaker was shaking and/or rushing, but she looked confident. 2) The explanation of her purpose to join the club was so clearly mentioned. 3) The speech was constructed well. The introduction, body and business background story flew smoothly.

One suggestion added. The speaker was looking at the paper material almost all the time.

If she could look at the audience’s eye more often, the speech could be much better.

  • Prepared Speech #2 by TM TM (Time: 6’53”)

Pathways: “Innovative Planning”, Level#3 “Present a proposal”

Title: “Margin”

-TM MY showed a piece of printed paper and started his speech. He said that the paper has not only the main contents but also marginal things. He insisted it was better to have margin in our life rather than only the main contents. The reasons were as follows;

1) Productivity: He referred to Google research that the productivity of a team be higher when they share each personal information rather than no sharing. 2) Communication:

Marginal things themselves promote additional feelings and communication. He got out Kappa-Ebisen from the bag and started talking. 3) Interest things: The machine is accurate, logical and no mistake. However, there were some of the products which made from emotional feeling could give us additional interest and preference.

The evaluator was TM AT (time 3’10”)

-TM AT commented that;

The speech was easily understood. The speaker gave the conclusion first, then, started the reasons and main contents, followed the conclusion last part. His gesturer with some of the materials like a copy sheet of Garigari-kun Tamagoyaki version(new product), Kappa-Ebisen was so funny and attracted the audience greatly. She suggested that it would be more understandable if the speech included the speaker’s own experience.

  • General Evaluation by TM AO

-She commented that each evaluator did nice job; TM NS made a well-organized evaluation.

TM AT was very professional and cool. She also pointed out that TM TM gave a question to TM AO in his speech intentionally or not. So, she said that TM AT could have react and evaluated his speech by the passionate way.

  • Awarding Presentation

The Best Speaker : TM TM

The Best Evaluator : TM NS

TITMC Meeting #331 has completed with a sense of satisfaction at 20:45 on Oct.9,2019

Today’s attendants were total 18persons(including 1guest-Mr.Okamoto)

MEETING REPORT Sep 25th, 2019

Tokyo International Toastmasters Club #330 Meeting report on Sep.25

[English Session]

Today’s TMOE (Toastmaster of the evening) is TM C.Y.

It was a very big surprise that today’s meeting was the last day for TM C.Y at our club.

He had been joined our club for more than five years, and he contributed to how to improve and increase motivation for our club. We are very grateful for his hospitality and what he had been don for our club.

Today’s meeting was an irregular meeting where English and Japanese sessions were shuffled. However, TM C.Y handled very well and managed efficiently.

Word of the Evening, “Everywhere”(いづこも同じ), was presented by TM M.A.

This phrase is a quote from one hundred people(百人一首).

Today’s 1st prepared speaker is TM N.H.

The speech title is “Do you really own it? – IoT to challenge the philosophy of the modern world-”

IoT stands for “Internet of Things”. She explained how our society will be depending on the IoT world nowadays in the future. IoT is connected to our life, and she smoothly brought up a question who will be ownership of IoT devices and objects, and etc.

She explained very well with a great visual effect material (PPT), and she simply gave a concrete example (owning a car) and explained about this big topic very efficient.

Her speech had strong messages and grabbed the audience’s heart.

The evaluator of the1st speech is TM N.S.

She praised the way TM N.S posture, gesture and eye contact. The content of speech is very interesting and easy to understand even though TM N.S was not aware of IoT well.

She suggested that the name of topic was too long, so it was better to create a short and simple. And it was better to add TM N.H opinion at last parts how she thinks regarding IoT ownership.


日本語の部の今夜の言葉は「いづこも同じ」by TM M.A.

本日、2本目のスピーチはTM A.O.



例えば、令和元年になり、1022日(火)は「即位礼正殿の儀の行われる日」になり、今年のみこの祝日があります。 「天皇の即位の日及び即位礼正殿の儀の行われる日を休日とする法律」が公布され、施行されたのが18年の1214日だったため、カレンダーに祝日とて記載されていない場合が多いので、約80%の方が祝日と認知していないそうです。(私もその1人でした。。。)






2本目のスピーチの論評者はTM K.S.





3本目のスピーチはTM K.K

ワークショップ「真実の瞬間/ Moments of Truth」という事で、4つのグループに分けて議論をして最後に発表をしました。


まず「真実の瞬間/ Moments of Truth」とはマーケティング概念の1つです。

マーケティング用語としてこの言葉を最初に取り上げたのは、1980年代初頭にスカンジナビア航空のCEOヤン・カールソン氏で、彼が唱えたMoment of Truthの考え方は、同航空会社でお客さまに直接応対するスタッフの当時の平均応接時間が15秒であり、そのわずかな時間にお客さまが判断するサービスの質が同社の成功を決めるというもの。同氏は、この考え方に基づいてさまざまな施策を打つことで、当時経営危機に陥っていたスカンジナビア航空をわずか1年で立て直しました。



TeamA – DCPの意味が分からない。Pathwaysのやり方がよく分からない。

TeamB- 会員同士や友達の絆を強める。仕事やスピーチの成功失敗を共有する。

TeamC- 会員の維持、達成認証の改善が必要。Pathwaysの基本説明が必要(助け合い精神で)

TeamD- 多様性があると居ごこちがいい。コミュニケーション。大会出場が必定以上に求められる。


今回で東京インターを退会されるTMOE, C.Y.の例会の進め方を称賛し、今までこのクラブのために、運営側や会員のモチベーションアップのために貢献して頂けた事に感謝を伝えておりました。


今日のグラコーTM O.N.がキャッチーな言葉や季節感のある言葉を発表されたのも良かったとおしゃっておりました。



The Best Speaker TM N.H.

The Best Evaluator TM K.S.

本日もゲスト3名を迎え、TM C.Yが我らクラブで最後の例会活動と素晴らしいTMOEの進行の元、心温まる例会でした!


MEETING REPORT Sep 11th, 2019

Later half was English session, started on time.

Originally assigned TM K1 chose the word “Suddenly” for the word of the evening.

TM K1 considered tonight situation, some members couldn’t come on time and selected that word.

Next, role takers showed their smile, because roles were already introduced in the Japanese session.

The first Speaker in the English session was TM K2.

She managed a discussion based on an AC manual “Facilitating Discussion”, project 4 “Handling Challenging Situation”. Speech title was “Send Members to Contests!”

She felt that our club members didn’t seem like participating in speech contests, even in our club’s one. As a former Area director, she wanted our club members to be willing to participating in speech contests at any level. So, she divided participants into 7 groups, and made each group member do 5 minutes discussion about “how you can be motivated (to compete in contests)”. After discussion each group wrote ideas of that on a whiteboard, and TM K2 made them vote which idea was better. Finally, we got the best idea of “how to motivate our members participating in speech contest”. It’s “listen to motivational stories by speech champions”. Discussion time was limited, but TM K2 and us get one of the great answers within 30minutes. We enjoyed. And TM K2 did a Good Job!

The second speaker in the English session was TM M.

He delivered a speech based on Pathways, Level 2 “Connect With Your Audience”. His speech title was “Cashless society”.

Unfortunately, we hadn’t a projector at that time, so he suddenly decided not to use PC and projector.

But he delivered an excellent speech without visual aids. He mentioned about Japanese percentage of using prepaid and postpaid cards. According to his speech, Japan still remains in “cash society”. And Japanese government plans digital payment late got increased. The reason why digital payment late got increased is “cost & tax”.

From the aspect of “cost”, handling and counting cash need lots of manpower. And from the aspect of tax, digital payment increases transparency. We could understand the Japanese situation and got information about digital payment. Thank you TM M!

The evaluator for TM K2 was TM S. He carefully observed TM K2’s discussion session and did an analytical evaluation. He raised 3 good points and 1 suggestion. The speech title was suitable for our members! The way of facilitating was also superb!! And handling discussion was excellent!!! He also said, if TM K2 made a summary, she could deliver her discussion conclusion with a stronger impact.

The evaluator for TM M was TM O. luckily she had listened to TM M’s three speeches consecutively. Based on that experiences she delivered her evaluation. She felt TM M’s speech was very timely, seasonal. And she also felt TM M’s growth in delivering a speech.

I felt TM O’s evaluation was very maternal.

After the English speech evaluation, TM T did General Evaluation.

She evaluated two evaluators’ evaluations. She had carefully observed each evaluation and mentioned good points and suggestions for two evaluators. It was very encouraging and analytical. I thought each English evaluator got inspiration by her evaluation!

The most exciting part of the meeting was an award presentation part.

Dram roll

The best evaluator was TM O & TM S!

The best speaker was TM Y!!

Congratulations TM O, TM S and TM Y!!!

We took photos of TMOE (TM N), vest evaluator and vest speaker without club banner.

(Tonight we couldn’t bring some equipment for our club meeting)

But, we enjoyed it so much and got positive energy from our meeting!

Thank you fellow TMs and a Guest!!

MEETING REPORT Aug 28th, 2019

Today’s TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) is TM T.M.
He started this meeting quickly and efficiently.

Word of the Evening, “Laborious”, was presented by TM J.S.

Table Topic by TM N.S..
She asked us three questions connected to summer.

Q1 What is the best memory in this summer?

TM. M.Y. talked his story about snorkeling although he was not good at swimming.
It was a wonderful story that he enjoyed the summer sea with a family.

Q2 Suppose if you are budgeted air and hotel (free), but by yourself (alone), where are you going?

Today’s Guest, TM.A(University of Toronto Toastmasters) said that is his current situation.
And he started his talk spreads to the story an orange rolling in the slope.
Over there, there is a can of the juice. Everyone wonder why “Orange”?
He said ” An orange on the Aluminum can! (In Japanese: アルミ缶の上にあるみかん!)
It’s a great play in Japanese words!!

Q3  August is ending this week, which means we have only 4 months left in this year.
What do you need to do to close 2019?

Today’s another Guest , Mr.A (He is from Uganda) answered it connected to his future plan,
to be president of a construction company.

Today’s 1st prepared speaker is  Up-and-comer ,TM C.U.
The speech title is “The Secret of Sinkai Makoto’s film hits”
She analyzed why Sinkai Makoto’s films moved our hearts.
She solved that secret and picked up two keywords “miracle” and ” future” from these films.
“Even you are getting older, but you have power.”
“Teenage isn’t my peak,future is my peak!”
Her speech had strong messages and that was truly great ice-break speech!

The evaluator of the1st speech is TM A.T.
She encouraged the first-timer, TM. C.U. well.
The General evaluator is TM.N.H.(This is the first time of taking the role of the G.E. for her.)
She praised the 1st evaluator, TM A.T. and her feedback.
In addition, she suggests her share your experience more on how to do that.

MEETING REPORT July 31th, 2019

Meeting Report for the TITMC Meeting #327 31st July 2019


夏本番、ムッと蒸し暑い一日。この日は出席者が少なく、場内は沈黙気味…。そんな空気を汲み取り、「今皆さんの気持ちは一つ。暑い、そして人が少ない!」と笑いを誘うTM A.Tの言葉で例会はスタート。TMOEは安定感抜群のTM K.A、ゲストは2回目の参加となるAさん。

今夜の言葉はTM A.Oによる「事ほど左様に」。ラジオのパーソナリティが使っていたそうで、「前述のとおり、これほどに」といった、物事を纏める際に使う言葉だそうです。

日本語スピーチ#1:TM H.Y 「カエルの子は…」


評価者:TM N.Sによる評価


日本語スピーチ#2:TM T.M「給食トリビア」


評価者:TM K.Sによる評価


テーブルトピックはTM N.Hによる出題。「トイストーリー4」を観て子供時代を思い出したということで、「思い出」にまつわるお題をチョイス。

1.捨てられない思い出の品と、それにまつわる思い出を教えてください。:TM K.M


2.過去に影響を受けた作品(ジャンル不問)について語ってください。:ゲスト Aさん


3.あえて「昔はよかった、何故なら~…」を語ってください。:TM K.A


4.退職した後は、故郷に住みたいか?別の場所に住みたいか?:TM G.K


総合論評者はTM G.KTM N.Sの論評に対し、スピーチの中の対比に気づいた点を評価。改善点を指摘する際に申し訳なさそうな様子も見られたが、論評者として強く言って良い、とアドバイス。TM K.Sの論評に対しては、内容がスピーチ目的に合致していることを見抜いた点を評価。その鋭さなら、改善ポイントもよりハイレベルなことを言えたはず!と、更なる洞察を促すコメントでした。

日本語セッションは定刻通り終了し、10分のコーヒーブレイクへ。しかし、場内は相変わらず沈黙気味。そんな中…?(English Sessionに続く)

<English Session>

During the break time, TM R.T played jazzy coffee-shop-style music with her smartphone to relax the silent atmosphere. Nice way to change the circumstances!

The Word of the Evening for English session was “Once in a blue moon”, a very poetic expression which means “very rarely” or “not often”.

English Speech #1 “Where is the water?” by TM A.O

TM A.O, the great magician of TITMC, introduced that he joined the TMC in order to brush up his communication skills to interact with his audiences. He proved what he acquired through his TM life by performing a magic using 3 cups and a bottle of water, with a lot of jokes and fun. At the end of his speech, he reminded everyone that TMC is a safe place for practicing, for any kind of expressions.

->Evaluator for TM A.O’s speech was TM A.T.

TM A.T evaluated TM A.O’s speech was full of his passion, and the construction was superb as well as the level of inspiring audiences. Her suggestion to him was to involve the audience more and make the performance interactive, for example by letting audience to join the magic.

English Speech#2 “How to describe “Mentor” in Japanese?” by TM K.K

TM K.K described that he didn’t know what the word “mentor” exactly mean. When he googled the translation of “mentor” in Japanese, he only found “mentaa”, and even the visual images of the word on Google didn’t help him. But finally it came home to him that mentoring was what he experienced through TM activities, such as being helped by senior members, or helping other members. The answer was not on Google, but in his mind.

->Evaluator for TM K.K’s speech was TM K.M.

TM K.M pointed out the good points of TM K.K’s speech such as (1) effectively used body languages, (2) match to the speech objective, and (3) well organized story. He suggested that it would be even better if there’s any episode regarding mentoring in the speaker’s school days.

General Evaluator was TM G.K. He praised TM A.T for find out the passion point and objectives in TM A.O’s speech, while pointing out her suggestion may not be suitable if the speech was for competition, not for regular meeting. For TM K.M, he described his evaluation was a great complements for TM K.K’s speech, though his suggestion was not quite realistic, since TM K.K didn’t meet mentor in his school days.

Regarding the meeting overall, he made 2 suggestions; (1) be careful not to choose negative/abusing words, and (2) it might be fair to change the timing of General Evaluation, since the evaluators for the second half session can take in what General Evaluator suggested in the first half session.

This night’s Best Evaluators were TM K.S & N.K, Best Table Topic Speaker was TM G.K, and the Best Speaker was TM K.M. Congratulations to you all!





Finally our dear Guest, A-san made a comment in English. She showed how she worked hard to study English and expressed her excitement to be able to attend the TM meeting. It was a very moving speech to all. Thank you!

MEETING REPORT July 24th, 2019

VP of education kindly volunteered to do the opening with a great smile, and smoothly introduced TMOE. She speaks beautiful English and created a nice atmosphere though it was the first time for her to do TMOE. Today’s word was “Trilled”

Speech #1 “1% or inspiration, 99% of perspiration”

She confessed she used to have hyperhidrosis. Through her personal experience, she says that a positive perspective will change the mentality of the person and even body response. Her speech encouraged the other speakers, esp. those who get nervous as s/he provides a speech.

Speech#2 “ Captain Tsubasa Again”

He brought in a vinyl soccer ball and entertained the audience as he speaks. He has a special talent to attract the audience.

Both of the evaluators for the speakers provided positive advice on their speeches. The tech-savvy general evaluator uses the i-pod memo as he provides overall comments on the English session.

MEETING REPORT July 10th, 2019

Word of the Evening was “ambiguous” chosen by TM G.K.

Prepared Speech 3

The speaker was TM J.I. The title was “I want a dog.”

She suggested the audience to have a dog with 4 merits. She showed photos of cute dogs in every slide.

1. Fun: If you have a dog, you can have more fun to go outside, for example, to a park, or camping.

2: Health: You become healthier to have a dog since they take you outside for a walk. She walks 45 minutes every day with her dog.

3: Mental Health: Dogs can keep your mental health, too. Although you are exhausted after work, you will forget the stress when you come home if your doggy is waiting for you.

4: Home Security: Dogs are smart enough to tell dangerous people from the good ones. Her dog barks at dubious people.

In addition to the merits, she also mentioned two anxieties people often have.

1: Cost: It’s true you need some amount of money. If you buy a pure-blooded dog, it cost you about 300,000~¥700,000. However, if you go to a shelter and adopt one, it will save your money and life.

Another cost is medical bills, but there is insurance for dogs. It cost you only 15,00 per month.

2: Traveling: They say they are anxious about leaving dogs during their trip.

In the speaker’s case, she hires a pet sitter to take care of the dog.

Now your anxiety has gone and knows the merits. She finished her speech by saying, “Are you ready to have one?”

Panel Discussion

Today we have an irregular program by TM R.K. She invited 3 panelists and served as a moderator of the panel discussion. All the panelists took or are taking a roll as President of this club. She praised the panelists as well-experienced, super great, wonderful, amazing members.

She asked 4 questions.

1: Self-introduction

TM A.T.: 3 years in the club, the incumbent President, Working for a Camera manufacturer as a legal operation department

TM A.K.: 9 years in the club, ex-president, Software Developer

TM S.K.: 6 years in the club, president in 2017, Engineer who designs something interesting

TM R.K. summed up that they have various backgrounds, which makes the club atmosphere more flexible.

2: How did you know about this club and why did you join in?

Everyone googled and found the web page.

TM A.T. was looking for an English club but she changed her thought after attending the meeting. She thought it was better to be in a bilingual club since she was not confident enough in her English skills.

TM A.K. chose this club because his office was close to the venue.

TM S.K. thought this club had something interesting. When he asked the president “can I join in?” she answered, “why not?.” Then he decided his mind.

TM R.K. concluded that the Internet was important.

3: What have you changed after joining this club?

TM S.K. changed his way of thinking toward the leadership and management of the club. He came to look for something to be improved and put them into practice all the time.

TM K.A. was shy, though he doesn’t seem to be at all, however, he got used to speaking in front of the audience. As an ex-president, to communicate with committee members and the officers in other clubs gave him a great experience.

TM A.T. has improved her English skills. She became the President of the club and is trying new challenges.

TM R.K. said that the club changed them in various good ways.

She was also shy when she joined in, however, other members pushed her forward in the Toastmasters club and they found out different perspectives of her personality. Then she started to try new things.

4: What is TITMC for you in one word or phrase?

TM A.K. : Refreshment which gives him energy

TM A.T.: Gas station. She charges the energy after worn out by work.

TM K.S.: Another sky (thought the meetings are held in the evening and can’t see the sky.)

TM R.K. said that it’s like vitamins that energize the members.

She showed her appreciation to the panelists and said that the answers can be the hints for other members or guests to be involved in the club activities.

Evaluation 3

TM K.K. said he was convinced by her speech. He came to think about having a dog.

He enumerated 3 good points and one suggestion.

1: The topic is familiar to people. Everyone has thought about having pets.

2: Good structure; The speaker mentioned 4 merits with supportive cute visual aids.

3: Pros and cons: She not only referred to the merits but also noticed the concerns.

One suggestion was to give a clear solution to the concerns.

Evaluation 4

The general evaluator took the role as an evaluator for the panel discussion though it was a request on short notice.

He praised that the program was highly organized. TM R.K. made an ice-break at the outset with humor and let the panelist introduce themselves. Then she went on to the 4 questions. All of these fulfilled the objectives of the project. Moreover, she summarized the discussion in appropriate expressions. One suggestion was to choose another member and let them in the discussion, which was challenging for her.

General Evaluation

TM M.T. praised TMOE again for managing the meeting on schedule.

He evaluated TM K.K.’s evaluation as well-organized with 3 good points and one suggestion.

TM K.K. started his evaluation by expressing his good expression to listen to the speech, which made his evaluation more acceptable for the speaker.

TM M.T. made a suggestion to refine the title with more impact, for instance, “are you ready to have a dog?”

Award presentation

The Best Evaluator went to TM T.M.

The Best Speaker went to TM J.I.

Congratulations to the award winners!

Annual Award Presentation

The ex-president TM K.A. chose the unique awards in the last term.

Ex) Carrier Master: who carried the belongings of the club for the most of the time

High Attendance: who attended the meeting the most

He also awarded as follows.

The Annual Best Table Topic Master went to TM S.E.

The Annual Best Evaluator went to TM M.T.

The Annual Best Speaker went to again, TM M.T. and TM R.T.

At the end, one guest declared her will to join in the club.

Welcome new member! We look forward to listening to your speech!



MEETING REPORT June 26th, 2019

<English Session>

Today’s TOME TM O started the session with the quote of “ when in Rome, do as the Romas do”, in light of this quote, he speaks British English in London, speak American English in NY and Japanese English in Tokyo, so he humorously mentioned to speak Japanese English today.

After his funny introduction, TM S selected the Word of the evening which is Tasteful, he encouraged to use the word.

English Speech #1

The first speaker TM M, his point was to compare the objectives of CC manual and Pathways,

CC manual is based on skilled based objectives, it enables us to step forward one by one, whereas Pathways’ objective is more goal -based one, it just shows the goal, so it requires us to set our own milestones in the middle of the way to the goal, so that we can achieve the mile stone and lead to the final goal.

Table topics followed the speech, which was led by TM Y, he kindly took this role to fill the canceled English speech session. His topics were quite interesting like when do you quite driving car, which is quite controversial topic nowadays, and another topics were what do you do in rainy
season and how the new year resolutions going. Each topic was quite timely theme and every speaker talked with a lot of their insight.

Evaluation for English Speech #1

Evaluation for #1 by TM K pointed out two positive ones and one suggestion. Positive ones was, well organized structure and unique insight like setting the personal goal in the midway and suggestion was to show a bit more specific example so that help us to convince the difference between CC manual and Pathways.

General Evaluation

General Evaluation by TM S was to highly appreciated TMOE O to establish the relaxed atmosphere with his humor in the introduction and flexible support by TM Y to lead the Table topics to fill the slot.

<日本語 セッション>

日本語スピーチ #1

今日の言葉は、“ 趣がある “ という言葉。梅雨に入りすっきりしない天気が続くが、このような時期でも、緑雨、青葉雨といった雨の中に緑が映えるような趣がある使い方があり、このような表現の使用を勧めた。


スピーチ#1は、TM Aさん。

スピーチタイトルは、泣きたい気持ち A編。こちらのタイトル、数回前の他のTMのスピーチを引用しつつ、自分独自のアプローチでスピーチを展開。キャプテン翼をテーマに笑いあり、そして涙(?)あり、臨場感のあるジェスチャーあり、の展開に引き込まれた。


日本語スピーチ#2は、TM Oさん。



スピーチ#3 TM Sさん。


歴史・教養シリーズ ということで、江戸開城 西郷隆盛と勝海舟の会談で、江戸総攻撃が中止になった歴史的史実より、リーダーシップ・誠実さ・外交力の重要性を説いた。リーダーは、私利私欲を持ってはいけない。

日本語 評論#1


日本語 評論#2


日本語 評論#3  






MEETING REPORT May 22nd, 2019

Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting #321


今日の言葉はTM Hさんより「殊の外(ことのほか)」でした。「殊」という字の由来は切る、殺す、など普通じゃないというところから発展し、「案外・予想に反して・特別に」という意味で使われるそうです。

本日の準備スピーチ#1はTM Iさんより「熱血メンター」でした。メンタリングとは何か?1対1で行う人材育成であり、メンターとメンティ(受ける方)との関係や本人に気づきを与える方法などについて説明から始まり、ご自身のメンティとしての経験をお話しされました。過去に7年間、海外にいるメンターよりモニターを通じてメンタリングの時間が毎週あり、相手がとても熱血な方でダメ出しの時間でもあり、モニターを通じで泣いてしまうこともしばしばあったそうです。しかし、そこから学ぶことが多々あり、今の自分があるのはメンターのおかげだと思えるとのことでした。その経験から、メンタリングとは上司から部下へ成長させることを伝えることであり、自分と相性の合うメンターを見付けることができれば自分を見つめ成長させることができるとまとめました。

次はテーブルトピックの時間。TM Oさんより出された課題は以下でした。


TM Yさん「登山。登山の最中はつまらない、早く帰りたいと思うが、登山を終えるととても体が軽くなり、しばらくするとまた体が重くなるので登山をする」


TM Hさん「自分の6歳の子どもが言うことを聞かないので、親子のことを書かれた本を読んだ。今の経験を通して、親になってどうやってコミュニケーションをとるか記録に残すためにも書いてみたい」


TM Kさん「GWは子供を実家に連れて行ったが、義理の姪っ子も来ており、一人ならず二人の子供の相手をしなければならず、GWは自分にとっては休みにならなかった」

日本語の準備スピーチ#1への論評はベテランのTM Yさん。


文法報告はTM Sさん、皆さんの「あの~」や「え~」をしっかりカウントしていました。

総合論評はTM Kさん、スピーチへの評論は良かった点と改善点を明確に述べ、身振り手振りの感想を述べた点が良かったこと、またテーブルトピックの課題出し際にご自身の経験を交えながら上手に課題を与えていた点、今夜の言葉のチョイスが良かった点を挙げました。

English Session

Today’s word of the day is ‘Otherwise’ by TM H and she added the other saying of this word such as ‘if not’ ‘in the different way’ and ‘in other respects’

Speech #1 ‘Do you know him?’ was provided by TM M. He started to showing pictures of Steve Jobs and Lawrence Levy from PIXAR and pointed out their issuers such as bad relationship between Steve and the member, good technology of computer animation with low benefit as well as terrible contract with Walt Disney. He explained Lawrence’s achievements to solve these problems by communicating with Steve and also Lawrence’s great leadership skills.

Speech #2 ‘Mentor & Protégé’ was spoken by TM O. He explained ‘what is mentor’ by using power point and uniquely explained by original chart of Star Wars. He explained benefit of mentoring, as well as the difference between coaching and mentoring. He defined that characteristic of coaching is ‘limited’ and ‘focus small (specific) thing’, otherwise, mentoring is ‘personal’ and ‘large’ and finally closed with a quote of ‘May the mentor be with you’

Evaluation for #1 was conducted by TM H and mentioned several good points such as explaining how Lawrence Levy involved member and the title ‘Who will be the person’. He also suggested that it would be better to add ‘what is leadership’.

Evaluation for #2 was carried out by TM K who provided positive points which were, well used visual aids, and explained difference between coaching and mentoring etc. Suggestion is to face to audience, not to screen.

The CRAHCO’s was reported by TM S who well counted unnecessary words and provided good expression ‘If I were you’ by TM H.

Lastly TM K conduced general evaluation about TM K’s body language technics and good saying ‘If I were you’ by TM H as well as well choice of Word of the Evening.

Award Ceremony

The Best Table Topics Speaker TM H.

The Best Evaluator TM K.

The Best Speaker went to TM O.


Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting #320

The session on May 8th was the first day since Reiwa has started. It was a good day with blue sky and moderate temperature with the wind in the beautiful green season.


TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) was TM.A.T. She managed the entire session with cheerful mood, which makes TM members relaxing and comfortable. It is helpful for all who came back to the normal life with work after long Golden week holidays.

The word of the evening was “Encourage” which was presented by TM K.V. He mentioned it is a very helpful word to support and motivate people, which should be used proactively.

<English Session>

#1 Prepared Speech by TM D.N   (time: 14’14”)

  • Pathways: Strategic Relationship
  • Level 1 “Ice Breaker”
  • Title: “Self Introduction”

It was the 1st presentation for TM D.N. It was started with funny mood touching on his outfit; white and wide pants. He says ‘Everyone would consider why this stupid guy wears this strange outfit. The answer will come later’. It made everyone laugh. His presentation covered from his job to hobbies. His career started as a Navy and now a medical associate. He also loves Karate and diving. The reason wearing white pants came from here. Demonstration of Karate was interesting. Regarding diving, it would be a good opportunity for everyone to get to know the world competition/record of the depth of the sea-diving with no light nor sound and how risky it is. He covers a lot for his 1st presentation.

Evaluation for the Speech #1 by TM K.S (time 3’52”)

TM K.S called out 2 good points and 2 suggestions.

Good point 1: It included lot of humor, which let people relax with Confident.

Good point 2: He didn’t use memo.

Suggestion: it would be good if TM D.N. were keen to the time limitation as it took 14 min. Emphasizing on focus area and exercising with stop watch by himself as the official preparation would be helpful.

#2 Prepared Speech by TM T.H (time: 5’40”)

  • Pathways: Dynamic Leadership
  • Level 1 “Ice Breaker”
  • Title: “My addiction”

TM T.H. spoke about his addiction introducing his current status and situation; He works as an account executive covering 300 customers. Every end of month is the time to judge him and his team as the management asks the sakes achievement, which is very stressful. To manage his frustration, what he has been doing is going to Super Sento, which offers a variety of hot tabs even in the city, relaxing rooms, massage and sauna. They also provide some foods and drinks. It is helpful for him to escape from his facing stress and to release frustration. As a closing, he demonstrated drinking coffee-milk up (not a cafe late nor cappuccino) in an old type of small bottle as if he were in Sento. Having a sweat in sauna, then drinking coffee-milk without breathing is what he has been addicted to manage his frustrations.

Evaluation for the Speech #2 by TM T.M. (time 3’09”)

TM T.M. called out TM T.H wore all necessary basic speech skill sets; very confident, optimization, clear voice and attitude cheering himself, which brought positive mood in the room. It should have been very supportive on his job as a sales account executive since everyone could understand the situation easily with his presentation. One suggestion was to differentiate tone of voice. Variety of tone of it would retrieve more internets from audience.  

#3 Prepared Speech by B.H  (time: 7’47”)

  • Pathways: Team Collaboration Level 1
  • Title: “Test Drive”

TM B.H started his presentation sharing the monochrome picture of the first car in the world in 1887. At that time, the vehicle seemed very risky and dangerous for everyone as they’ve never seen it nor tried. TM B.H. shared another picture as an opposite example, which was the shot his son was sitting in the next seat in his car with reading a book with comfort. As a different approach, he shared a research result that KPMG consulting firm was done about the countries ranking in the world of ‘Readiness of the self driving car’. Japan was the 11th, while the Netherlands are in the 1st position. It was concluded with 2 points – 1. Self driving vehicles are future. 2. Self driving vehicles will be used by transportation companies initially.

Evaluation for the Speech #3 by TM A.O. (time 3’25”)

TM A.O called out the time management was good, however it would be better to reinforce more; If suppose, we have 7 minutes, it can be broken down 2min, 3min and 2 min. The first 2min can be used for ‘Introduction’ (this case – ‘Self driving concept’), the next 3min to be ‘Body’ (this case – ‘Sharing Global map, Chart, Research result’), and the last 2min to be used for ‘Conclusion’ (this case – ‘Benefit’), while TM BH spent 4min for the Body part, which made the presentation longer. Another advice was the chart was too small to see. Better to have a bigger one.

General Evaluation was done by TM K.K. mentioning today’s attendees are lucky having 3 different evaluation style.

  • TM K.S. Encourage approach
  • TM T.M. Story telling approach
  • TM A.O Analytical approach




今夜の言葉は「れいぎただしい」がTM K.V.さんより提示されました。日本へ来て1年、メンバーになって約1ヶ月の彼は、「漢字が書けないので平仮名でごめんなさい」と話しメンバーを笑わせ、次のとおり説明。‘This is the word to describe Japanese people, who are very Reigi Tadashii, very polite! 是非使ってください!’と和やかにスタート。



準備スピーチ#1 TM J.S.さん(time 8’29”

  • ACマニュアル 物語の話術
  • プロジェクト#4 感動的なストーリー
  • タイトル: 「意識」

GW中に放送されたTV番組の中から、和太鼓に魅了されたスイス出身のアニナさんのエピソードを披露。佐渡へ来て2年。和太鼓に夢中になり楽しむが、課題は大きな声が出ないこと。掛け声で大きな声を出す必要のある和太鼓には致命的。師匠にアドバイスをされても彼女は躊躇する。そんな試練に立ち向かい、やがて彼女が大きな声で歌えるまで成長していく様を実際にTM J.S.さんはアニナさんに成りきって大きな声で歌って見せる。聴衆は一瞬驚きながらも引き込まれる。TM J.S.さんのキーメッセージは、意識を変える事が勝因となる事。そして最後には、「意識」を「意思気」に変えてチャレンジしてみませんか?と締めくくった。

日本語スピーチ#1への論評 TM K.A.さん(time 3’33”)


準備スピーチ#2 TM Y.I.さん(time 6’57”

  • CCマニュアル 
  • プロジェクト#4 表現方法
  • タイトル: 「積み重ね」

「いい線行ってるんだけどな、何か違うんだよね」というセリフ回しからスタート。メンバーはどんな話が展開されるかと引き込まれる。昔、水泳に夢中になっていたが、人と比べて起用ではないTM Y.Iさん。それでも人の2倍時間をかければ習得できるのが分かっていたので、根気よく練習を重ねてバタフライが出来るまでに。遠泳も2-3キロ泳げるまでになった。そしてスピーチは、10年も続けているフラメンコの内容へ。滑らかなフラメンコの踊りの手の動きが美しく、彼女がどれだけフラメンコを愛しているかが伝わってくる。一時は離れたこともあったが今は夢中になっている。「継続は力なり。続けることは素晴らしい」。そして「トーストマスターズも続けてやっていきましょう!」と締めくくった。

日本語スピーチ#2への論評 TM N.K.さん(time 3’10”)




総合論評は、英語の部と同じくTM K.Kさんより。

– TM K.Aさん:印象から評価。詳細なスピーチの分析で分かりやすい。森を見て木を見ていくようなアプローチで素晴らしい。

– N.K.さん:冗談から入る論評で彼しかできない楽しいアプローチ。内容もスピーカーの特徴を捉えて分析されていて良かった。


< 表彰 >

The Best Speaker :  TM T.H.

The Best Evaluator :  TM T.M.


