Meeting Report May 31st, 2023

#428 Meeting Report (May 31, 2023)

Meeting started with Japanese session as hybrid format (In-person & Zoom)

Welcomed 3 guests that demonstrated great enthusiasm, and meeting kicked off with great energy.

Before moving to role introductions, we had multiple role changes and speech order adjustments to accommodate participants availability.

Toastmaster of the Evening, TM J.S., displayed strong leadership and flexibility.

・Word of the Evening:”Greenfield”

…Selected by TM G.F., word is used to describe an area of land that has never had buildings on it before; referring to starting something from scratch.

・Prepared Speech – English

■TM K.I.:”Okinawa Link”

Great backstory of how there is a link with her current life & Okinawa. Starting off with her beautiful relationship of a friend from Okinawa, and how TM K.I. had many discoveries and learnings of Okinawa culture as their friendship developed over time.

■Evaluation for TM K.I. (Delivered by TM K.K)
Several positive points were specified pertaining to self management, structure of speech, and conclusion of speech. Even through some technical issues, TM K.I. was able to move forward with great poise and managed situation very well.

One suggestion shared was to make more effort to maintain eye contact even if online format.

■Table Topics (Facilitated by TM S.E.)

Topic: Fruit countries Summit Talk (taking from G7 summit at Hiroshima in May’23)

Speakers were to represent a particular fruit as if it were a country, and how that fruit would make the world a better place.

Fruits: Apple, grapes, watermelons, strawberries

・Prepared Speech – Japanese

■TM K.K.:”くつがえった仮説(Kutsugaetta Karisetsu)” (Overturned hypothesis)

Great introduction of family members living together, and who is to blame for not tidying up the house. However, after several years of living apart, it may have became evident of who is to blame… overturning the initial hypothesis.

■Evaluation for TM K.K. (Delivered by TM A.O. )
Numerous positive points were shared as the speech was full of humor, and followed a Rakugo principles (a traditional Japanese comic storytelling). Usage of certain vocabulary was highlighted, which helped lighten up story.

One call out was to use more exaggeration for dramatics to close the speech.

Meeting Report March 29th, 2023

例会レポート #424 /Meeting Report #424

2023年3月29日/29th of March, 2023


この日のTMOEはTM N.H、そしてTM J.Sにより発表された「今夜の言葉」は「たけなわ」” Be in the full swing / be at the peak of”。



■Prepared Speech #1 by TM K.K

Today’s title is Fascinating CNN10. TM.K.K. delivered a speech about the advantages of this news and inspired the audience. To acquire listening skills through authentic American pronunciation and speed. To know about the current world situation through a wide range of news such as international politics and economy. To enhance the quality of our writing and speaking by checking CNN10’s transcript. In the speaker’s case, the special lesson using CNN10, especially the discussion with her teacher raised her motivation.

■Evaluation for TM K.K(by TM F.G)

今回のTM K.K.さんのスピーチ目的はto inspire otherで自分の英語試験に対する挑戦と対策について発表をしていただきました。評価としては3つの分野で行われ、まずスピーチデリバリについていい評価として聞きやすい発表およびジェスチャーがなされており、改善点としてはオンラインユーザにとって見えない立ち位置に立っていたため、今後はオンラインユーザを意識しスピーチを行われば完璧。次はVisual aidとしてご自分が作成されたessayを見せていただいてとてもよく、大変であることをイメージできたが、改善点として、オンラインユーザを意識し、その資料をずっと共有するのではなく、必要な時だけに共有すればいいとアドバイスされた。また、最後はスピーチの内容自体だが、今回の目的であるto inspire otherをおおむね達成できたとコメントされ、難しい挑戦をされることや、それを克服するためにCNN 10を紹介されていたが、もっと観客をinspireするには情報を与えるだけではなく、観客の感情/emotionをもっとうまくコントロールできるようにとアドバイスされた。

■準備スピーチ #2  TM R.Yさん

コンテストスピーチの練習ということで、ゲストのTM R.Yさんに当クラブにてその素晴らしいスピーチをご披露頂きました!コンテストスピーチのため、詳細はここでは秘密とさせて頂きます。。

■TM R.Yへの論評(TM S.E)

ゲストスピーカーのTM R.Y.さんはDivisionコンテストに向けて準備中とのことです。

スピーチの最初より声音を上手く変化させ、立ち位置を変えたりと身体を使った表現方法に魅了されました。特に、「キラキラ⇔ギラギラ」、「ピアニスト⇔サーファー」など言葉の対比を巧みに使いグイグイと聴衆を引き込んでいました。 男性の声音と自身の話し方との使い分けも成功していると感じました。「馴染みのない聴衆と気持ちを通わせる」ことを目標とされたスピーチとして大いに成功です。

■総合論評(前半) TM T.M

前半はゲストが多かったにも関わらずスムーズな例会運営だったとの論評。それはTMOEのTM N.Hの力量はもちろんのこと、多くのメンバーが例会開始より早く来て準備してくれていることが大きいとの感謝が述べられました。

For the 1st Evaluator (TM F.G), the evaluation was structured so logically but at the same time it motivate speaker a lot.  The evaluation was structured by 3 points of focus, and TM F.G explained good point/suggestion for each point.  And the last suggestion about emotion motivate speaker a lot.

2人目の論評者(TM S.E)は、とにかくスピーカーの為になることに注力した論評が素晴らしく、その姿勢を見習いたいとコメントがありました。また、コンテストスピーチということで、総合論評者からもスピーカーのTM R.Yへの論評が行われました。


■テーブルトピックス (Presented by TM A.O)

Q1 「日本」という言葉を聞いて何を思い浮かべますか?

A1 TM J.S.さん 時間:2分29秒



Q2 無くなってしまったもので、取り戻すべきものは何でしょうか?

A2 TM.K.K.さん 時間:2分02秒


※スピーチの後、TM J.S.さんが「Kさんに今日、飲みに行きましょう」の一言が場を和ませてくれました。

Q3 1000人の前でスピーチをするとしたら、あなたは何を話しますか?

A3 TM M.Y.さん(ゲスト) 時間:2分30秒



■お楽しみコーナー TM N.H

「この言葉、英語でなんと言うのか分からない。でも目の前の外国人に伝えないといけない…」そんないざという時、役に立つのは自分の知っている言葉やジェスチャーです。(お笑い芸人:出川のイングリッシュのように…)というわけで、本日のTM N.Hのお楽しみコーナーは、「ある単語を、その言葉を使わずに聴衆に伝える」というゲーム。うなぎ、観覧車、校長先生、噴水、狼人間…メンバーもゲストさんも、身振り手振りを交えながら楽しく聴衆にコミュニケートして頂きました!

■総合論評(後半) TM T.M & TM J.S

(※TMOEのミステイクで、後半の総合論評は二人に。)TM T.Mからは、疾走感のあるノリノリの後半だったとの感想!TM J.Sからは、お見事!オリジナリティー、最適化 時間ぴったり抜群の徳れいかい、とのコメント!

■文法報告 TM K.K

今日の言葉は、日本語が「たけなわ」英語は、”be in the full swing ” と ” be at the peak of ”  。「たけなわ」は、宴もたけなわ、くらいしか思いつかないところ、MさんとEさんが見事にスピーチや論評で披露。英語の部でも ” be at the peak of ” は、多くの方が使っていました。さすがですね。また、皆さん、不要な言葉も極力使わないように意識しており、また、随所に効果的な表現を使っている人も何人かいて、表現の幅の広さ、引き出しの多さの大切さを痛感した役割でございました。 


・ベストスピーカー:TM R.Y

・ベスト論評者:TM F.G

・ベストテーブルトピックスピーカー:TM K.K

Meeting Report January 25th, 2023






TMOEのMAさんによる「good & news」です。


  • TMさん(BAD NEWS)


  • RTさん


  • KKさん













[English Session]

The word of the Evening is “Passionate”. This word is also chosen by the same reason as Japanese session.

#Preparation Speech3 :“Meister&Padwan”by TM FG(6:28)

This topic was the speech about introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring.

In this speech, we could understand speaker’s good experience brought by his mentors.

Everyone was surprised at the first scene like movie’s end credits..

#Preparation Speech4:“Moment of the truth” by TM TM(7:42)

This topic is an effective body language.

In this speech, his body language using his umbrella was wonderful and finally it was broken by his passionate performance.

Best speaker:: TMさん

Best evaluator:KKさん

Today’s session has 4 speeches. All members appreciate this active situation.

Meeting Report January 11th, 2023

第418回例会レポート/ Meeting report #418 (January 11th, 2023)

It was the first meeting in bright new 2023 and the Toastmaster of the evening was our club’s Mr. Passionate, TM J.S!

[English session]

■Word of the evening:  Go Dutch (chosen by TM S.E)

Definition: Share the cost of something. TM S.E also introduced us the expression “Greek”, meaning the things which is way too difficult to understand.

■1st speech “My happy communication style” by TM K.K

In this speech, TM K.K introduced her view on her communication style from 3 aspects; (1) According to Pathways, or the study program of Toastmasters, communication style could be categorized into 4 groups, passionate, supportive, direct and analytical. TM K.K assumed that she took supportive communication style in workplace but direct style in private situation. (2) According to TM K.K, personality traits and relationship of the communicators played a significant role in their communication (i.e. supportive person could have a good match with direct and competitive person,) (3) Different personality traits could complement each other. A good combination of different communication style could produce a constructive result.

■Evaluation for TM K.K by TM K.K

Great points: (1) Match with the objective -her speech met her speech objective (to learn about different communication styles and identify my primary style), (2)Analysis -Her analysis toward communication style was multi-faceted and was eye-opening.

Suggestions: (1) To speak clearly and get closer to the microphone so that audience online can hear her clearly, (2) To have more eye-contact with the audiences who’s online.

■2nd speech “Knock Knock” by TM H.A

Knock knock. Every morning TM H.A is woken up by a sound made by a man who is knocking on his room’s door. Actually the man is TM H.A’s competitor and TM H.A have been competing against him more that 20 years. When TM H.A was in his teenage, he didn’t notice the man’s presence. But in his 20s the man suddenly came up to him, and then the man started to follow after TM H.A just like his shadow. One day TM H.A learned that some of his friends were also competing against the man, and they advised him to keep diary to defeat him. TM H.A did just as they told him to, and he found some progress. Now, dear readers, could you guess who the man TM H.A is competing against is? It was himself in the past. TM H.A is always trying to be a better man compared to the past! He never gives up, and his competition continues.

■Evaluation for TM K.K by TM K.K

Excellent points: (1)Story –audience could see image the of the story, (2) Structure – opening from the sound of “knock knock” attracted audience’s attention, and the until the very end audience was wondering who’s TM H.A’s competitor, just like a mystery novel, (3) Inspiring – audience got inspired and felt that “I should be more competitive as well!”

Suggestions: To hint who’s TM H.A’s competitor at the early part of the speech so that audience can get guide to the flow of the story.

Challenge: To make stories on our club’s SNS to attract guests!


■今夜の言葉: 割り勘(TM S.E)

「お金に関する言葉を例会で使うのは難しいが、それにチャレンジするのがトーストマスター」とTM S.E。

■準備スピーチ1:「振り返り」 (TM A.O)

Pathways Lv.5の最終スピーチとして、これまでの全てのスピーチの振り返りを行ったTM A.O。彼のPathはInnovative Planningで、Lv.1の最初のスピーチを行ったのは2016年。最初の「Ice Breaker」では入会動機としてマジックのプレゼンが上手くなりたかったことを紹介し、次の「リサーチ」に関するスピーチでは日本でコメディ映画が受けない理由を分析しました。Lv.2では「リーダーシップスタイル」のスピーチで野球、サッカー、ラグビーのリーダーのあり方の違いを分析したり、「メンタリング」のスピーチでSTAR WARSをネタにメンターについて説明したりしました。Lv.3では得意の手品ネタを多数披露しましたが、本当に大変になるのはLv.4から!「PJの管理」ではメンバーと他のクラブ訪問PJを企画したり、Lv.5「PJの実行」では自身が会場係(クラブ役員)として直面していた課題を「会場マニュアル」の形にしてクラブに貢献しました。全ての旅路を経験したTM A.Oからのアドバイスは2つ。(1)過去のスピーチ原稿やアジェンダはとっておいたほうがいい(記録をアップロードも可能)、(2)やる気になればPathwaysはどんどん進められる。最後は得意のマジックで幕を下ろすTM A.O。Lv.5完了、おめでとうございます!

■TM N.KからTM A.Oへの論評

良かった点: (1)TM A.Oの4~5年にわたるスピーチのスタイルがよく伝わってきて、「そのスピーチ、あったあった!」と脳裏に浮かんでくる内容だった、(2)アジェンダ/記録の大切さを他のメンバーにも伝えていた(TM A.Oは昔、全てノートにとっていたはず!)、(3)TM A.Oのコミュニケーションが、よく伝わってきた。みんなが最後いつかやるスピーチなので参考になる。

改善点:(1)Pathを通じた自分自身の成長について、考えを述べると良かったのではないか、(2)Innovative PlanningというPathをメンバーにおすすめできるか?そういった観点もあると良かった。

■テーブルトピック(即興スピーチ) (出題者:TM R.T)

※少しお疲れ気味のトピックマスター:TM R.Tでしたが、出題のセンスや話の運び方の上手さは流石。

(1)知らなくて失敗してしまった習慣はありますか? (回答者:TM H.A)


(2)今年の抱負はなんですか?(回答者:TM K.K)


(3)あの時の私はカンが冴えてたな~という経験は?(回答者:TM S.E)


ベスト論評者はTM N.K、ベストテーブルトピックはTM K.K、ベストスピーカーはTM H.Aでした。おめでとうございます!

2023年も幸先の良い、元気で明るい例会でした!Thank you for everyone and our Toastmaster of the evening, TM J.S!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

■総合論評 TM N.H

Meeting Report December 8th, 2022

Meeting Report #415




#準備スピーチ1 「今年の漢字」AOさん(6:59)



Q1: 初戦のドイツ戦は予想外の勝利でしたが、あなたにとって、予想外の勝利は?


Q2: 第2戦のコスタリカ戦は予想外の敗戦でしたが、あなたにとって、予想外の敗戦は?

A2:カレとの関係は、予想外の負けがこんで・・・ NHさん(1:44)


A3:働き方改革されない職場で・・・ KKさん(2:01)


A4:いつも時差ボケには苦労。早朝の電話に・・・   KKさん(1:53)


[English Session]

The word of the Evening is “ Scintillate” . A very sparkling word for your impressive presentation!!

Prepared Speech “My strategy for success” By TM KK (5:23)

Firstly, she talked about her challenge for National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter, especially 2 mins presentation to get high score. It has 3 difficulties. And she has 3 strategies for it. They are so detailed and positive ones that we feel toastmaster’s usual leaning will work a lot. We all pray her scintillate smile and success!

And Today’s special project by TMOE F was another exercise for English expression! He prepared funny, great practices with slides and we all enjoyed and struggled!

Best Table Topics speaker: TM KK

Best Evaluator: TM NH

Best Speaker: TM AO



Meeting Report November 23rd, 2022

Meeting Report #414


今夜の司会は、いつも上手に楽しい空気をつくりだす、安定のTM TMさん。TM FGさんが素晴らしいカメラを持って動き回ってくれています!

[English Session]

The Word of the Evening is “Historic.” TM MA went to the historic site in Nagano pref. and she was very impressed by 2 Jomon Dogus (clay figures) of national treasures.

The 1st Speech, “Things we shouldn’t’t forget” by TM FG(7:07)

TM F opened his speech about last week’s earthquake in his native Indonesia. He said he believed they would stand up again even through this tough, painful situation. As they have a great history of winning their independence from the Dutch after WarⅡ with their great cooperation and perseverance. He made a speech for us about his mother country’s history so, so vividly with many tools…a national hat, a gun-shaped cane, and a lovely song for sadness and peace…, of course with a nice Batik! A very inspiring and soulful speech moved us a lot. Thank you for your wonderful speech!

Table Topics by TM OA

Q1:What is your favorite time of the year?  

A1: Autumn! Because colored leaves are so beautiful! She likes the yellow carpet of Ginkgo, especially in Ueno Park, where various kinds of people come across it. (TM MA  1’24’’)

Q2: What is your favorite place on Earth? 

A2: It’s my home! Because he can do everything he likes and no one disturbs him. (TM JS 1’03’’)

Q2: What are you scared of? What is your biggest phobia?

A3: Sudden happenings. He remembered his former boss’s sudden business orders that struggled him. (TM TM  1’23’’)

Q4: In a word, how would you describe this year? 

A4: She was hospitalized and took surgery this year. She recommended taking health check every year.  (TM KK  2’02’’)



スピーチ①「私は〇〇〇でFIREしちゃいました」 TM JSさん(6:35)

勢いよく楽しく始まったTM JSのスピーチは、ご自身の転職について。皆さんFIREってご存じですか?一般的には、Financial Independence, Retire Early(早期退職と経済的自立)を指すそうですが、TM JSの提唱するFIREとはいかに!?ご自身の経験談を流れるように、リズムよく話し進め、もう一つのキーワードMAP( Mission, Action, Passion)を示しつつ結論に持っていく、驚くべきスピーチでした。みんな、やりたいことやろうぜっ!

TMOEスペシャル「KZ2」by TM TMさん

KZ2って何???これは、Katsu-Zetsu-Kai-Zen “滑舌改善”のワークショップでした!!


TM TMさんのKZ2は「母音だけを読んでいくと、子音に頼らず話すため、口が大きくアイウエオの形に開き、自然と滑舌が改善する」というもの。試してみると確かに不思議不思議、大きく口が開きます(驚き!!)。上達すると某国のアナウンサーのようになります。コツは間違いを気にせず発話し続けること。「スピーチの前にはKZ2!」がトレンド入りしそうです!?


Best Table Topics Speaker: TM Sさん

Best Evaluator: TM Hさん

Best Speaker: TM Fさん




Meeting Report October 26th, 2022

第412回例会レポート/ Meeting report #412

It was the once-a-year Halloween meeting, and some members were dressed in their Halloween costumes!


Guest: Ms. H

[English session]

■Word of the evening: brilliant (chosen by TM H.A)

■1st speech “Preparation for my future” by TM K.K

TM K.K was severely ill last September, and she spent a lot of time in bed, watching TV, or using the iPad. Then she found she wasted much of her precious time and money. She warned that we could easily waste our time and money on 3 things which are; (1) TV (passive watching may cause Alzheimer’s disease!), (2) iPad (we can easily purchase unnecessary things only with a click without thinking) and, (3) napping (sleeping on noon may obstacle regular sleep on the night). She swore that she would stop wasting her time on those things and have better habits to prepare for her fruitful life after retirement.

3 evaluators delivered their evaluation speeches at this night’s meeting.

■Evaluation by TM K.K

He evaluated that (1) the structure of TM K.K’s speech was clear and (2) the selection of the topic was appropriate because it was easy to understand for everyone. He added that it would be even better if she could mention what she’s working on now to prepare for her brilliant future as a conclusion of her speech.

■Evaluation by TM M.A

She pointed out 2 good points which was; (1) the structure was easy to understand, and (2) TM K.K kept her positive attitude during her speech even thought she experienced hard time when she was ill. For the suggestion, she could have worked a bit more on her speech title to hint the audience what her story would be.

■Evaluation by TM N.K

Since the previous 2 evaluators mentioned the good points of TM K.K’s speech, TM N.K focused on the room of improvement, which was; (1) the 3 stories she told should be interconnected and be connected to her conclusion, (2) show a bit more emotion during the speech and, (3) show the vision of her future.

■Table Topics by TM H.A

Q1. What we should do to prepare for the future pandemics? (TM A.O)

Many people felt down during the COVID crisis and some even committed suicide. As the survivor of the pandemic, we should send the message of “never give up and look at the bright side” to the future generation.

Q2. What kind of volunteer we should bring to Japan? (TM F.G)

Recently the Indian descendant became the Prime Minister of UK for the first time. Looking at Japan, we can still feel some kind of closeness in the society, so we need some volunteer to try to connect with other cultures and bring openness into Japanese society.

Q3. Why Japanese society is not globalized enough? (TM M.A)

Because of the language education. Many Japanese have difficulties in speaking in English. I personally started studying English at the age of 47. However, the younger generation are different from us, so we can expect they will bring more globalization into Japanese society.

Q4. What book or article inspired you recently? (Guest H)

A book on Israeli women. When I read the book, I was shocked to learn that the average Israeli women give birth to 2 or 3 kids while they are working, and some of them think that they want to be a man. I leaned the harsh situation Israeli women are facing now.



■今夜の言葉:心躍る(TM H.A)

■ハロウィン例会スペシャルスピーチ「映画ハロウィンについて」 TM A.O

TM A.Oによると、ホラー映画のシリーズものの中で最も制作本数が多いのは、スラッシャー映画「ハロウィン」シリーズだそう(なんでもあの「13日の金曜日」や「エルム街の悪夢」シリーズよりも多いのだとか)。この「ハロウィン」という映画、1978年のハロウィンに米国で第1作が公開され、米国では3年連続で劇場公開されるほどの大ヒット!(因みに当時の日本ではまだハロウィンの文化も知られておらず全くヒットせず。以降しばらく公開されなくなったのだとか…。)その後、第1作の成功に味を占めた制作会社が手を変え品を変え「ハロウィン」シリーズを連発していった経緯と、その評判・興行成績の浮き沈みをTM A.Oが軽やかかつ鮮やかに解説していきます。1990年代後半には日本でもハロウィン文化が流行し始めたことで再び「ハロウィン」シリーズが劇場公開されるようになり、2018年の「ハロウィン」はシリーズ最大のヒット作となったそうです。そして今年2022年も「ハロウィン ENDS」という新作が公表され、ネットで賛否両論大炎上しているのだとか。さて、当たりはずれと浮き沈みの激しい「ハロウィン」シリーズは、今後も制作され続けるのでしょうか…!?

■総合論評 TM N.H

・TM A.Oのスピーチに対する論評:ハロウィン例会にぴったりなトピック。ユーモラスな語り口調で、聴衆を惹きつけていた。映画「ハロウィン」は日本ではあまり知られていないので、冒頭にもう少し映画自体の説明(どんな殺人鬼が出てくるのか等)があると、より聴衆がイメージしやすかったと思う。


ベスト論評者はTM K.K、ベストテーブルトピックはTM F.Gでした。おめでとうございます!

■総合論評 TM N.H

Meeting Report October 12th, 2022

Meeting Report #411   October12th













Meeting Report August 10th, 2022

Meeting #407

The meeting started with a greeting by our president TM N.H.

As we are told we will have “Workout” in the meeting, attended members put on colorful clothes than a usual meeting!

Today’s TMOE was our past president, TM R.T.

The meeting started with the word of the day.

Today’s word was “Change” because it is the timing of the change from summer to autumn.

1st speaker was TM N.H.  The title was “Try and shine”, which is synchronized with our club slogan, “the more you try, the more you shine!.

The speech time was shorter than usual, 2-3 minutes.

It was the project kick-off speech to join the flyer contest! From the speech, we can easily understand what she is going to do, the steps we follow, and the expected members as well in a concise manner.

Each slide page gave us a good image of what she was going to explain.

Also, we could feel the power to motivate even in a short speech time!

Table topics were pretty special.

TM F.G gave us a certain sound, and then the speaker was requested to make a story from the image of the sound.

1st speaker/ TM A.O

The sound was like a round of applause.  It reminds him of his actual experience at a magic show.

(TM A.O was actual magician, and he got a great applause at his magic performance!)

2nd speaker/ TM K.K

The sound was like the cheerful voice of kids.  Voice of kids is enjoyable.

even though voice of kids is sometimes bothering especially when we are busy, thinking about current situation, Kids are precious…

3rd Speaker/ TM T.M

The sound was like the booing by the kids.

Recently my wife get angry because 3 neighbor kids sometimes broke into the garden of my home and damage it.

The sound remind me of their voice while they are playing in the garden!

4th speaker/ TM R.T

The sound was like the sound of UFO!?

When she was five years old, she saw a shadow sleeping in a tatami room…

and then, her grandmother’s passing a few days later…It was the unforgettable event.

5th speaker/ TM S.E

The sound was like the sound of wave.

TM S.E created the story of the cat. The cat is scared of the sound and tries to run away while calling meow meow!

Then TM S.E firmly hugged the cat so that the cat would never go to the dangerous place.

The evaluator for the TM N.H’s speech was TM M.A.

She mentioned good points of speech organization, visual aid, smile during the speech, and gestures.

Also she mentioned that the speech motivated the VPPR, who is in charge of club PR.

She suggested the speech must be more impressive if there is a surprise for audience within the speech.

The general evaluator was TM S.E.

He felt the comfortable atmosphere of the meeting (he was on the business trip) and enjoyed the special taste table topics a lot!

For the evaluator TM M.A, TM S.E suggest variation of positive words (Beautiful, Wonderful, Great, etc)

日本語の部は、TM O.Nさんによる今日の言葉「移ろい」から始まりました。

TM A.Oさんによる準備スピーチのタイトルは「他クラブ例会参加報告」








TM A.Oさんへの論評は、今日が初めての論評というTM K.Kさん。



総合論評のS.Eさんは、TM K.Kさんの論評は、最初の論評にも関わらず構成がしっかりしていたところ、自分の経験を絡めて論評することで論評者の立ち位置が良く見えてきたのが良かったとのコメント。


本日のベストTable Topics SpeakerはTM.R.Tさん

Best論評者はTM M.Aさん

BestスピーカーはTM N.Hさんでした!拍手!



Meeting Report August 10th, 2022

第406回 例会レポート



今夜のTMOE(司会)はTM M.T.さん


計時係:TM O.N.さん
例会レポート係:TM A.O.


日本語準備スピーチ#1 TM R.T.さん





論評#1 TM M.A.さん



論評#2 TM F.G.さん



論評#3 TM K.K.さん





論評者の論評#1 TM T.M.さん



論評者の論評#2 TM R.T.さん


論評者の論評#3 TM N.H.さん


[English session]

・Point 結論 
・Reason 理由 
・Example 具体例 
・Point 結論

TM T.M. as Master of Table Topics

Q1 What is summer for you?
A1 Speaker TM A.O.
P:Summer is The End of year.
R:I like Summy. my Best Season. I’m enjyoded most fun.
E:Festival Fire works
P:Summer is The End of year.
Time 2’15”

Q2 What is summer for you?
A2 Speaker TM O.N. さん
P:Summer is So-men(Noodle)
R:I like eat So-men(Noodle) smmer tradition for me.
E:There are many topping with So-men.
P:Summer is So-men(Needle)
Time 1’24”

Q3 What is summer for you?
A3 Speaker TM N.K.さん
P:Summer is dislike Season for me.
R:I hate hot. Humid claimate I hate sweit
E:I can not cotrol for hot.
P:Summer is dislike Season for me.
Time 0’57”


マスター・オブ・ワードウルフ TK N.H.さん





◆Award Presentation



Reported by TM A.O.