【第438回例会レポート (2023/10/11(水)19:00~21:00)】


今夜は横浜フロンティアTMCよりTM Y.N.さんとTM S.S.さんにご参加いただきました。

さて、今夜の司会はTM M.A.(会長)です!
まず今夜の言葉は、TM K.Y.さんより「流石」。流石となった理由も併せてご説明いただきました。

スピーチ #1(TM H.H.)
Pathways “Presentation Mastery” Level 1「論評とフィードバック」
タイトル: 「秘境での激流下り」

TM H.H.さんの地元で流行っているというラフティングを紹介されました。
しかもガイドはネパールから出稼ぎに来ている方も多く、実はネパールがラフティング大国で あるというプチ情報も織り交ぜていました。

そこにボート70㎏と5-6人の乗員+ガイド1名で総重量は500-600㎏で挑むとのことで、 ダイナミックな様子が目に浮かびます。


スピーチ #2(TM K.M.)
Pathways “Leadership Development” Level 1 Researching and Presenting
タイトル: 「さようなら国立劇場」


そして、寺島しのぶさんが現在、歌舞伎座の文七元結物語に出演していることに驚き、 男性しか出演できないと思っていた歌舞伎の世界のリサーチの話へと進むのでした。


歌舞伎座は松竹が運営している点や、山田洋二郎監督が演出している点、幼馴染の中村獅童の推薦など にも言及され、いろいろな条件が組合さったのかもしれませんが、社会的な芸術として門戸が広く 開かれるかもしれない、というメッセージで締められました。

テーブルトピック(トピックマスター TM M.K.)
Q1. 丸く収めた経験は?(TM N.S.)
A1. 3次元で収める形が良い(難しい)

Q2. けむに巻かれた経験は?(TM K.A.)
A2. だまされた経験などを少々..

Q3. 何の妖怪に変化したい?(TM K.Y.)
A3. 昔映画などに出ていた妖怪を挙げられていました。

スピーチ#1に対する論評(TM N.K.)
良い点として、話が時系列でわかりやすい、細かい描写が良かった、写真もわかりやすい、を挙げられ、 改善点として、やってみたいと思わせるための経験談や面白いポイントを入れると良かったと論評されました。

スピーチ#2に対する論評(TM Y.U.)
良い点として、タイトルが良い、リサーチの深堀が適切、話のテンポが良い、ビジュアルエイドも効果的、を挙げられ、 改善点として、印象に残るシーンや思い出を取り込むともっと良かったのではないか、とコメントされました。

English Session

The word of the day was “Perseverence” by TM K.Y.

Speech #3 (TM A.O.):
Pathways “Presentation Mastery”Level 1 Ice Breaker
Title: “Self-intrduction”

He started from his ice break magic. It’s a real magic.
He showed the written word paper were rearranging and became the order of letters “MAGIC”. Wow!

He also showed ring magic, called chinese ring magic.
TM A.M. could not link the rings, but he easily linked together and un-linked again. Wow!

Speech #4 (TM S.E.):
Pathways “Strategic Relationship”Level 1 Evaluation and Feedback
Title: “Mysterious Cloud”

He revealed his experience of Mexico city earthquake in 1980’s.
He went his office and tried to restart, but he saw the purple, dark blue cloud.
He showed the picture, it was really scarely color.

He decided to go back home, but on the way, another earthquake hit and electlicity gone.
Road signal turend off and it was very difficult to drive, but finally he came close to his home.

But the road were blocked. He talked with local people.(He spoke this real Spanish.)
The blockade was because of the building was leaning! The building was his home!!
He rushed to the building and could meet again with his family and evacuated to safer place.

That was really a shocking story. And everyone lost the word.

Speech#3’s evaluation (TM J.S.)
He mentioned 3 good points, brief introduction, magic and massage.
He want to see one more magic (intaractive magic)
He closed by the phrase “No Magic No Life”. it’s a nice word!

Speech#4’s evaluation (TM N.H.)
She felt afraid, heart rate raising by his speech.
She pointed out 3 good points as 1. passion, 2. vivid description, 3. pose & silence.
She suggested 1. eye contact and 2. more cloud story.

Today’s General Evaluator was TM K.K..

Best Tabletopic Speaker: TM K.A.
Best Evaluator: TM N.K.
Best Speaker: TM S.E.




2023年9月27日 / Sept27, 2023

Hybrid meeting : Zoom online / きゅりあん4

本日はまだまだ残暑が厳しいですが、参加者が多く、大盛況でした。今夜の司会はTM NHさん、いつもとおりスムーズに会が進行されました。本日は1名のゲスト参加、1名の入会式がありました。

[English Session]

TM KK presented the Word of the Evening; “Step by step.”  It is a very important  word for every member.

■Prepared Speech #1 “An Analysis of Communication Style of Smikko Gurashi” by TM MK

Smikko Gurashi ? At first I thought that it was a person`s name. But I found it my favorite characters, such as Shrimp Tail, Cutlet, Tokage, Penguin.

Surprisingly, TM MK analyzed the characters` personality and she suggested the measure to improve their negative parts by joining in this club. Amazing!   

◆Evaluation for Prepared Speech #1 by TM ON

TM ON admired that her speech was easy to understand and effective to use distinct Smikko Gurashi’s characters. In addition he analyzed that the use of clear pictures helped the audience understand the fictional characters. His suggestion was the use of more effective vocal variety.

■Prepared Speech #2 “Turning a new page” by TM SO

TM SO could turn a new page! It was his first speech in this club meeting.

However, his speech was very clear and his attitude was also calm and stable.

He had some hard experiences, such as graduation crisis and oversea transfer.

Despite of tough situation, his huge efforts to get through the hardships were paid off.

I hope that he will enjoy your next page and brush up his speech skill more and more.

◆Evaluation for Speech #2 by TM MA

TM MA praised that the structure, message, and expression of the speech were appropriate and skillful. Furthermore, she highly evaluated his impressive story of his huge efforts in abroad after his young day`s lazy life. She also suggested that he should use eye contact, body language, and vocal variety. Step by step!

  • Today’s Table Topics by TM AO

TM AO prepared some envelops. Speakers could select their favorite one. There was a topic written on the paper in each envelope, and then speakers made a speech about the topic.

Topic 1: “What is the most desirable trait another person can possess?”


Answered by TM KM

Topic 2: ”What do you love most about yourself?”


Answered by TM YU

Topic 3: “Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of?


Answered by TM KK

  • General Evaluation by TM GK 

TM GK praised evaluators’ pertinent feedbacks. TM GK’s evaluation is always gentle, reasonable, and effective for all TMs.


TM KKさんから今夜の言葉が共有されました。英語から派生して、「一進一退」。洗練された言葉の選択はさすがです。

  • 準備スピーチ1 「TITMCのITシステム Update Plan」 TM KA 

TM KAはスピーチを通して、今、このクラブが直面しているメンバーの情報共有の問題点について説明し、問題解決の方法として、サークルスクエアというグループウエアの利用の提案がありました。


  • 準備スピーチ1への論評 TM KI 

TM KIから、冒頭での全体の説明がありわかりやすかったこと、また内容は当クラブに相応しいものでありたいへんよかったとの評価がありました。一方、サークルスクエアの内容の説明が短かった、との指摘もありました。

  • 準備スピーチ2 「ほんわかなカオス」 TM WE 

  TM WEによる初スピーチは、とても初めてとは思えないものでした。



◆準備スピーチ2への論評 TM TM

TM TMから 「総じて、面白い!ナナメから来たと感じるスピーチで、論評がとても難しかった!」





  • 総合論評 TM GK 2人の論評者に向けて、さまざまな角度からの評価がありました。
  • 本日の受賞者

Best Table Topic Speaker: TM KK

Best Evaluator:TM TM

Best Speaker: TM SO



また、大先輩のTM KKより最後の参加にあたってコメントをいただき、今後のモチベーションアップにつながる会となりました。

<By TM KK>

Meeting Report Sep 13st, 2023

第436回例会レポート/ Meeting report #436 (September17th, 2023)

本日の司会(Toastmaster of the Evening)は、6年ぶりにTMOEを務めるTM G.K。欠席者が出てクラブのシンボルフラッグがない中、白板にフラッグの絵を描いて例会ムードを盛り上げます。


今夜の言葉(TM W.E): たけなわ 


準備スピーチ1:「音楽を奏でるように」 (TM K.M)

今年6月に本クラブに復帰したTM K.M。過去の自分のスピーチ対する先輩からのフィードバックを見返した際、ボーカルバラエティがワントーンになりがちだったことに気付きます。改善のヒントはないかと考え思い出したのが、以前聴きに行ったメンデルスゾーンのコンサート。ヴァイオリニストによって、音を一つ一つ丁寧に積み重ねるように弾いたり、フレアスカートを穿いた女性が階段を駆け下りるような滑らかさで弾いたりと、スタイルは様々。スピーチのボーカルバラエティも、音楽を奏でるように、自分のスタイルで身に着けていきたいとのことでした。

準備スピーチ1:「私のふるさとの光景」 (TM H.H)

初スピーチとして、自身のルーツを紹介するTM H.H。出身は徳島ののどかな田舎町で、小学校は規模が小さく、高校までクラス替えも経験なし(「好きな子と同じクラスになれた!」と甘酸っぱい経験してみたかったそうな…)。学校の前の駄菓子屋では、子供たちがキン消しのガチャガチャに夢中になったり、地面に直置きのジャンプを買ったり。夏になると駄菓子屋に銛が売られ、それを買ってフナやドジョウ、ナマズ等を捕まえたそうです(中には自分の足を銛で突いて病院送りになる子もいたそうな…)。そんな故郷は今も自然豊か、最近はラフティングで人気のスポットとなっています。

テーブルトピック(即興スピーチ) (出題者:TM Y.U)


(1)試合展開: 人生最大の番狂わせは?(回答者:ゲストY)


(2)ラグビーボール:どちらの結果になるかハラハラした経験は?(回答者:TM A.O)


(3)ノーサイド:何かに取り組んで、チームと称え合った経験は?(回答者:TM T.M)


#1 TM S.EからTM K.Mへの論評


#2 TM M.AからTM H.Hへの論評


[English session]

Word of the evening:  negligible

e.g. The difference was negligible.

1st speech “Zoo” by TM K.K

TM K.K tried English version of Rakugo, the Japanese traditional standup comedy, for the first time in her Toastmasters journey. She told a story of a man who was hired by a financially challenged zoo, which was looking for someone who can pretend to be a tiger. Dressed in the tiger costume, put in the animal cage, what will happen next to that stupid man―?  Sat on the chair with her Japanese fan in her hand, TM K.K performed a wonderful Rakugo and audience couldn’t stop laughing at the funny gestures and humorous development of the story.

2nd speech “”No” Strategy” by TM N.S

Have you ever said “yes” to join an event which you didn’t want to join? TM N.S had confronted such difficulties many times since she didn’t want say “no” to others, especially in the business situations. However always saying yes could cause negative effect both physically and mentally on us and hinder us from seizing better alternative opportunities. Thus, guided by self-development books, TM N.S sort out her priorities and learned when to say no, as well as the ways for refusal in a polite and assertive way. These knowledges helped her to establish her “NO strategy” or “Number One strategy” in her life. At the closing, she beautifully introduced the citation of Wallen Buffet pertaining to the power of saying “no”.

Evaluation for TM K.K by TM A.O

Brilliant performance of famous Rakugo story, successful delivery and closing, cracked audience up. Video recording before the performance to check the voice tone/ volume might help. Also, try to alter the ending part of the original script and create your own version to be an advanced Rakugo performer.

Evaluation for TM N.S by TM T.M

Double-meaning title was curious, the logic and structure were very clear throughout the speech, the storytelling part added persuasiveness and emotion to the business style presentation. To improve more, stand on listeners’ view point and show benefits of “no” strategy for the audience.

General Evaluator, TM K.I praised the hardworking of TMOE G.K to conduct a well-organized meeting, and suggested everyone who use slides to prepared a contingency plan for the tech issues, such as weak Internet connection, to keep the meeting proceed smoothly.

As the closing of this report, congratulations for the prize winners.

The best speaker  TM K.K

The best evaluator  TM M.A

The best Table Topics speaker  TM A.O

Meeting Report Aug 30, 2023

例会レポート#435 / Meeting Report #435

Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting

2023年8月30日 / Aug 30, 2023

Hybrid meeting : Zoom online / きゅりあん4


今夜の司会はTM KMさん、柔らかくアットホームな雰囲気で会が進行されました。本日は他クラブから複数のゲスト参加もあり、クラブ間交流にも繋がる大変盛り上がる会となりました。

[English Session]

TM ON presented the Word of the Evening; “Words related to the sun.” Rather than picking one word, TMs were encouraged to select a wide range of words that are related to the sun. Very creative setting! Some of the words used are Energetic, Hot, Sun/Moon, Brilliant…

  • Prepared Speech #1 “Evaluation: What a Wonderful Skill” by TM MK  (Time 7:47)

TM MK shared her experience and perspective about “Evaluation.” She was deeply touched by the thoughtful, kind, and forward-looking feedback then. 3 insights about a good evaluation were pointed out: Feedback (Information) vs. Advice (Opinion, Behavior vs. Person, and Consideration for the background. She concluded by suggesting TMs to apply this evaluation skills to daily lives, which would lead to better relationships.

Evaluation for Prepared Speech #1 by TM GK (Time 3:31)

TM GK commented that TM MK made improvement on the points provided at the last evaluation. He also shared his suggestion about tempo & tone, which would make the TM MK’s speech livelier. TM GK also shared his thought on the stage/space usage. He pointed out that maybe TMs can all consider moving around the stage and using more space.

  • Prepared Speech #2 “Inspiration by one runner” by TM YU (Time 5:09)

TM YU shared his experience from his last full marathon. He translated 42.195km to the distance between familiar cities (Ooimachi to Chiba or to Yokosuka) to demonstrate the length to non-runners, which was very effective. He then talked about his hard race with vivid description and one man who gave TM YU inspiration and positive influence which pushed TM YU to cross the finish line. TM YU then concluded that this kind of inspired experience could happen at TMC as well.

Evaluation for Speech #2 by TM NH (Time 4:00)

TM NH commented on the use of vivid description which made the speech more relatable to non-runners. She also praised about the clear structure of the speech. On her suggestive feedback, she mentioned that varying Rhythm in his speech could make the speech more interesting.

  • Today’s Table Topics by TM JS

TM JS prepared 3 topics based on the recent news/trend.

Topic 1: Related to Super Moon, “What would you do if you landed on the Moon?”

Answered by TM CC from Fukuoka TMC (Time 2:05)

She wants to jump as high as possible on the moon since she is not very athletic on Earth.

Topic 2: Related to the treated water released from the Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima, “Are you for or against the news?”

Answered by TM ON (Time 1:51)

He supports the decision to discharge the treated water. He took the position based on the reason that the water is well treated and there is no damage to the environment.

Topic 3: Related to Shohei Otani, “If you have a chance to talk to him in person, what would you tell him?”

Answered by TM KM from Hiroshima Phoenix (Time 2:10)

“What is your motivation to play baseball, especially doing both pinching and batting?”

“Which do you enjoy the most, pitcher or batter?”

“How would you like to use the money you have?”

“What type of person would you like to get married to?”

  • General Evaluation by TM AO 

TM AO praised evaluators’ pertinent feedbacks. He also suggested to all TMs that we all need to remind ourselves about the hybrid environment, to pay attention both to the audience in person and virtual setting.


TM ONさんから今夜の言葉が共有されました。英語セッションの「Sun」から派生して、「月」の満ち欠け(Wax and Wane)が紹介されました。さすが、TM ON。そこから一捻りを加え、相反する言葉として、増えたり減ったり、行ったり来たり、満ちたり欠けたりなどを今夜の言葉として提案されました。

  • 準備スピーチ1 「褒めますか?」 TM KI (時間 6:20)

褒め事・叱る事について、TM KIご自身の経験と周囲の方々を観察した気づきから、褒めることの難しさや深さを考察したスピーチでした。途中、登場人物との関係を具体的且つユーモアを交えて描写している点が印象的でした。話し掛けるような親しみのある言葉選びで親近感がもてるスピーチでした。最後は、TM KIが腹落ちした褒められた体験を共有すると共に、相手が受け止め易い褒め方を意識すべき点を示唆してまとめられました。

準備スピーチ1への論評 TM MA (時間 3:38)

TM MAから、タイトルや具体的な登場人物の描写に惹きつけられる点の評価があり、今後に向けてのフィードバックとしては、スピーチの構成をサポートする接続詞の効果的な使い方について言及がありました。

  • 準備スピーチ2 「サマータイムブルース」 TM TI (時間 7:30)

中1の娘さんのエピソードについてのスピーチでした。「夏と冬、どちらが好きか?」という娘さんからの質問をきっかけとして、TM TIの季節に関する様々なエピソードから、季節にまつわる音楽、友人の音楽にまつわる面白いエピソード、歌の歌詞からまた季節に繋げる構成で、聴衆を惹きつける工夫が盛りだくさんのスピーチでした。最後は、娘さんへの質問への答えと本当に好きな季節が異なっていたサプライス、そして娘さんへの深い愛情を表現したほっこりとする展開でした。

準備スピーチ2への論評 TM ON (時間 4:03)

TM ONから魅力的なタイトルや効果的な擬音の使い方など、3つの良かった点が共有されました。前回の論評を踏まえて改善していた点についても言及がありました。今後に向けてのフィードバックとしては、登場人物を娘さんだけに絞っても十分魅力的なコンテンツだったのではという言葉がありました。

  • 総合論評 TM AO


  • 本日の受賞者

Best Table Topic Speaker: TM KM

Best Evaluator:TM GK

Best Speaker: TM YU



<By TM NS>

Meeting Report Aug 23, 2023

Meeting Report #434 Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting
Hybrid meeting : Zoom online / きゅりあん4

お盆明け、2週連続開催される例会の1週目、まだ厳しい暑さが続く日々ですが、ゲスト 8名、総勢20名以上の大人数でハイブリッドでの開催となりました。今夜の司会はTM KK さん、ユーモア交えた進行が進み、2名の入会式も行うことが出来ました。

今夜の言葉はTM NSによる “やおら”
準備スピーチ#1 : TM NK (時間 8:21)
トーストマスターズクラブのお作法、挨拶、One for All, All for Oneの理念など、 スピーチを通じて、特に新しく加わったTMにとってとても勉強になるスピーチでした。
準備スピーチ#1への論評 : TM KM (時間 3:05)

テーブルトピックス TM OM

Q1 : 人生の中で一番大きな戦いとは?
A1:TM SE : 自然災害の経験
Q2 : あなたにとっての勝負飯は?
A2:TM AO : 勝負前には食さない
Q3 : あなたにとっての勝負服は?
A3:TM CO : 明るい色の服
総合論評 : TM NH
論評者に対してスピーチの目標が触れられていた点、話の区切り、メリハリを持つことで より効果的に伝わる点、TMOE、テーブルトピックマスターに対して、始まりの導入のス ムーズさ、適切なトピックを選択された点についてフィードバックがありました。

[English Session]
“The word of the Evening by TM NS is “deliberately”
#Prepared Speech 1 by KA (Time 7:12)
Tittle : “WE WILL” from Blue Giant
The Story about how he became fan of Jazz Comic Movie : Blue Giant and Hiromi Uehara.

He demonstrated playing the saxophone by his umbrella.
Evaluation for Speech 1 by SE (Time 3:30)
The combination of vocal varieties and his gentle / slow tone were funny and accomplished the speech goal.
#Prepared Speech 2 by MK (Time: 7:03 )
Tittle : Evaluation : What a wonderful Skill!
Her thought about Toast Masters Club, especially for the concentration on evaluation.
She mentioned her own experiences and what she has learned and things she can apply for her life.
Evaluation for Speech 2 by GK (Time 3:20)
Great link from opening and played her roles in her speech and her challenge, 1 suggestion on selecting more positive word.
General Evaluation by TM NH
Feedback to the evaluators, better to mention the connection on the structure in the speech and the importance for the time keeping.
Overall the meeting was full of energy and meeting was organized well including the information on white board.

Best Table Topics speaker: TM CO
Best Evaluator: TM GK
Best Speaker: TM MK
Cheers, Scribed by TM YU

Meeting Report Aug 9, 2023


#433 Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting

August 9, 2023

Hybrid meeting : Zoom online / きゅりあん4F


そんな中、初めて参加を含め4人のゲストを迎え、TMOEのTM ON のクスッと笑えるユーモアの利いた司会で賑やかな例会となりました。


今日の言葉の”borderless ; 境界のない”を実現したユニークでボーダレスな例会をメンバーとゲストで開催することができました。

【English session】

1st Speaker TM MK 7’40”

Speech Title : A serious Talk about Smiling

She shared her experience in Hong Kong that had talked about her foreign friends under different culture. It was really informative and thoughtful.

1st Evaluator TM MA 3’42”

TM MA evaluated 3 good points and 2 suggestions. Speech was well- structured and very understandable, delivered effectively by using picture. In addition to such points, valuable suggestions including gesture and vocal variety will give 1st speaker good directions.

Table Topic

TM KK had managed this session and gave 3 topics.

1st TM SE talked about his favorite animations with good humor. 2’07”

2nd Guest spoke her memory playing with toys in her childhood in America. 1’42”

3rd TM YU answered shortly by talking about summer vacation homework. 1’20”


日本語準備スピーチ#1 TM KM 6’05”

タイトル 「音楽を奏でるように」


日本語準備スピーチ#2 TM TM 7’01”

タイトル 「優しさ」


日本語準備スピーチ#1への論評 TM KA 3”31’

TM KMのボーカルバラエティーを繰り返し真似るなど、茶目っ気たっぷりの論評でした。話すスピードとスピーチ時間に対するアドバイスがあり、スピーカにも貴重なフィードバックがされました。

日本語準備スピーチ#2への論評 TM NK 3’07”


総合論評のTM AOから、論評の良かったところ、改善点など価値のあるコメントで締めくくられました。

Meeting Report July 26th, 2023

Meeting Report #432


今夜の司会TM KIがクールにそしてスマートに例会をさばきます。


今夜の言葉は、TM JSによる「脚光を浴びる」です。

#準備スピーチ1 : TM KK (時間:7:14)




論評 for 準備スピーチ1:TM NK(時間 2:30)


#テーブルトピックス TM GK

Q1: あなたは恐れがないなら何をしますか?

A1:TM JS:日本を元気にするため日本の首相に立候補する。(時間1:32)


A2:TM NM:トーストマスターで活動。感謝日記書いている。(時間1:40)


A3:TM NH: 人から離れる。スマホを見ない。読書 。(時間1:40)

前半総合論評:TM NH


[English Session]

The word of the Evening by TM JS is “Incremental Growth”

#Prepared Speech 1  by TM MK  (Time: 6:42)

Title: Power of Encouragement

The story is What a great encouragement and motivation TM MK lesson -learned from her professor in the past.

Evaluation for Speech 1 by TM KA (Time: 3:52)

It is a very helpful evaluation for TM MK to specify 3 good points and 2 suggestions on the speech

#Prepared Speech 2 by TM YU (Time: 4:30)

Title: What we hear doing most is usually what we most need to do.

This is Ice breaker speech and first-time speech in TITMC for TM YU.

It is the story about himself with 5 keywords described interesting.

Evaluation for Speech 2 by TM KM (Time: 2:42)

It is very motivated evaluation for TM YU to identify 3 good points and 2 suggestions

#Prepared Speech 3 by TM SE (Time:7:30)

Title: Unforgettable Photo

This is the story that TM SE experienced in Thai back in 2022, there is

One picture shown Budda status on the water! What happened?

Evaluation for Speech 3 by TM AO (Time: 3:33)

It is very fascinated evaluation some great points and some suggestion that make the pictures more effective and impressive.

General Evaluation by TM NH

3 evaluators were highly evaluated well with some positive points and Smooth Meeting progress and TMOE management were greatly appreciated by TM NH

Best Table Topics speaker: TM NM

Best Evaluator: TM KM

Best Speaker: TM MK


Cheers, Scribed by TM JS

Meeting Report July 12th, 2023

例会レポート #431 /Meeting Report #431

2023712/July 12th, 2023

今回は我らがTM MAさんを、新会長として迎える初めての会合です。 新メンバーも増えて新たな気持ちでのスタートとなりました。今夜のTMOEは<Mr.思いやり>のTM KAさん。やや緊張気味のメンバーたちを安心感で満たしつつ、会は穏やかな雰囲気で始まりました。

【 English Session 

The Word for Evening is “achieve,” proposed by freshman TM YU.  A fitting start to this meeting!

  • Prepared Speech #1  “Get to Know Me”  by TM NM

TM NM was born in Japan and spent her youth in Canada. Coming back to Japan, she soon realized that though Japan has a world-leading physical health system, its mental health system is significantly behind. With the thought of how to fill this large gap, she started a business related to mental health in Japan.

Evaluation was given by TM GK, the super speaker of our TITMC. He said that he was so impressed by TM NM’s speech that he couldn’t help but just listen to it. He commented that she delivered a passionate speech in fluent and beautiful English.

  • Today’s Table Topics  by TM TM 

TM TM prepared 3 Questions. How did our members answer to the questions, which were full of humor and dignity?

Q1: If you could become an animal, what animal would you like to be?

Answer by TM ON: “I want to be a northern fox and dance with the cute girls of the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters.”  (Well, well, well…!!)

Q2: “If you could turn back the clock on your life by one hour, what would you do?

Answer by TM SE: “I would check the results of a horse race, then go back in time to buy a winning ticket. With the money I made, I would go on a world tour.”  (All members agreed with his splendid idea!)

Q3. If you could go back in time and join Toastmasters again, what speech would you like to make?

Answer by TM MA: “Being a member of the club for a long time, I have gradually been promoted to a higher position. So, if I could go back in time and give a speech, I would like to give a speech about my <achievements>.” (Fantastic! Actually, TM MA is now the president of ourclub!)


  • 日本語スピーチ#1  「テーブル トピックは怖くない」 TM NK

大先輩、TM NKさんによる待望のトピック!即興で振られた質問に即興で答える「テーブル トピック」に怯えるメンバーも多いはず。そこでTM NKさんが提示した策は「話しやすいトピックに置き換える」こと。例えば、「総理大臣の国家予算対策」は「恐妻のお小遣い対策」に。なるほど、これなら気軽に長く話すことができそうです。

論評は的確の誉れ高いTM KKさんから。新入会者が多い中、テーマの選定が適切であり、具体例が多く、聴衆を巻き込みつつ魅力的に話を展開させていった点を、いつものようにロジカルに提示してくださいました。

  • 日本語スピーチ#2  「私とスピーチの関係」 TM NS

自称、「スピーチ苦手」なTM NS さんが行った渾身のアイスブレイク・スピーチです。転職した職場でプレゼンを求められることが多くなり、大変なストレスにさらされているTM NS さん。寝る間を削って準備してもプレゼンの前はため息ばかり。そんなプレゼンは自分にとってまさに<疫病神>。これを何とか<友人>に変えるべく、TITMCに入会なさいました。

論評はベテラン、TM NHさんから。品位を感じさせるスピーチ、謙虚で落ち着いた様子に大変好感が持てたというというコメントがありました。スピーチの印象をさらにアップさせるため、タイトルをひと工夫するといいかも!という提案がありました。 

総合論評 TM KK


受賞者: おめでとうございます!

  • ベスト・スピーカー: TM NSさん
  • ベスト論評者:TM NHさん
  • ベストテーブルトピックスピーカー:TM SEさん

今回のミーティングは役員交代後の初めての会、さらに新会員によるスピーチが二つもあったことから、まさに刷新の風吹き渡る爽やかな会となりました。入会間もない<フレッシュ>なメンバーも、年齢を重ねた<ややフレッシュ>なメンバーも、それぞれのゴールを<達成>してていこう!という気迫とともに、今回の会合は終了となりました。  By TM MK

Meeting Report June 14th, 2023

Meeting Report #429


今夜の司会、TM Kさんが、会場を常に明るく盛り上げます。


今夜の言葉は、TMAさんによる「みずみずしい(瑞々しい)」です。アジサイの花にフォーカスして、美しいスタートになりました!(でもTMOE Kさんが落としてくるんです!!)

#準備スピーチ1 「エイリアン父さん」TM Hさん(6:55)


論評TM Nさんからは、ホメ、ホメ、ホメで非の打ち所の無いスピーチのところ、控え目ながらに訥々と絞りだした改善案、「最後はヒデキ・カンゲキに繋げて欲しかった・・・」に、同世代メンバーは大受けでした!(・・・がこのフレーズを知らない人もいて、ココに世代の溝が!!!)

[English Session]

The word of the Evening is “Fresh”.

Prepared Speech “How to raise my motivation” By TM K (6:20)

She shared with us 4 important things related to her positive ways of thought vividly. Each one has her special way, that we heard the details. And she concluded her speech clearly and warmly. We all found where her usual high-energy come from!

TM G’s evaluation was very helpful. The smart, kind, and detailed evaluation linked to the word “Positive” inspired not only the speaker but also the audience. And he showed her a very specific way to make her speech more impressive.

Today’s Table Topics Master was TM K.

He prepared 2 Questions, how to enjoy the rainy season and too hot summer!

A1:TM Eto, Enjoy the rainy season by swimming.(1:17)

A2:Guest M, Enjoy the rainy season with fancy umbrellas, smelling the rain, staying home, and planning something for later fine days.(2:10)

A3:TM Aisaka, Enjoy too hot summer by swimming and drinking beer(1:30)

A4:Guest S, enjoy too hot summer by camping, and staying in nature, especially with fresh cold wine! A hard environment gives her a new perspective. (0’55)

TT master, TM K deeply recommended fresh beer, and craft beer in summer! It was the most important answer!

Best Table Topics speaker: Guest S

Best Evaluator: TM G

Best Speaker: TM H






Meeting Report May 31st, 2023

#428 Meeting Report (May 31, 2023)

Meeting started with Japanese session as hybrid format (In-person & Zoom)

Welcomed 3 guests that demonstrated great enthusiasm, and meeting kicked off with great energy.

Before moving to role introductions, we had multiple role changes and speech order adjustments to accommodate participants availability.

Toastmaster of the Evening, TM J.S., displayed strong leadership and flexibility.

・Word of the Evening:”Greenfield”

…Selected by TM G.F., word is used to describe an area of land that has never had buildings on it before; referring to starting something from scratch.

・Prepared Speech – English

■TM K.I.:”Okinawa Link”

Great backstory of how there is a link with her current life & Okinawa. Starting off with her beautiful relationship of a friend from Okinawa, and how TM K.I. had many discoveries and learnings of Okinawa culture as their friendship developed over time.

■Evaluation for TM K.I. (Delivered by TM K.K)
Several positive points were specified pertaining to self management, structure of speech, and conclusion of speech. Even through some technical issues, TM K.I. was able to move forward with great poise and managed situation very well.

One suggestion shared was to make more effort to maintain eye contact even if online format.

■Table Topics (Facilitated by TM S.E.)

Topic: Fruit countries Summit Talk (taking from G7 summit at Hiroshima in May’23)

Speakers were to represent a particular fruit as if it were a country, and how that fruit would make the world a better place.

Fruits: Apple, grapes, watermelons, strawberries

・Prepared Speech – Japanese

■TM K.K.:”くつがえった仮説(Kutsugaetta Karisetsu)” (Overturned hypothesis)

Great introduction of family members living together, and who is to blame for not tidying up the house. However, after several years of living apart, it may have became evident of who is to blame… overturning the initial hypothesis.

■Evaluation for TM K.K. (Delivered by TM A.O. )
Numerous positive points were shared as the speech was full of humor, and followed a Rakugo principles (a traditional Japanese comic storytelling). Usage of certain vocabulary was highlighted, which helped lighten up story.

One call out was to use more exaggeration for dramatics to close the speech.