


President O.N.’s opening remarks began with a short story. August 28th is a memorable day in the world of speeches, and it was on August 28th, 1963, that the famous “I have a dream” speech by Jr. Martin Luther King was delivered in Washington D.C. This speech was a symbolic event in the civil rights movement, and it was the catalyst for the voices calling for equality and human rights to spread around the world.

TMOE was TM J.S, who has just returned from a business trip from Nagano. He was the best entertainer in our club. He kicked off the educational session by creating a fun atmosphere.

Today’s word of the evening was “First thing first.” also served by TM J.S.

[English session]

Prepared Speech #1
Speech Title ” Art brings bread” by TM A.O.

TM A.O. gave a speech while demonstrating a magic trick in which he transformed a 1,000 yen bill into a 10,000 yen bill. As the title of his speech suggests, he embodied the idea that art brings bread by the magic trick. He delivered a wonderful and original speech that linked to the words of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto of the Japanese Navy, “People won’t move unless you show them, tell them, let them do it, and praise them.” [7’05”]

Table topics

Today’s Table Topics by TM Y.U.

With a typhoon approaching, the topics were related to that.

Q1: Have you ever cancelled your events due to any reason in your life?

Answered by TM N.K, “I cancelled participating a Toastmasters in Taiwan several years ago.” [2’14”]

Q2: Have you ever changed your direction such as job change, etc?

Answered by Guest H, “When I chose the university, I changed the course and now I am in the philosophy department.” [1’12”]

Q3: Typhoon is pronounced the same in both English and Japanese. What do you think would happen if there was only one language in the world?

Answered by Guest F, “It is said that 80% of human communication is non-verbal, but I don’t think it’s easy to communicate when you only have one language.” [1’12”]

Evaluation for Prepared Speech #1 by TM M.A.
She gave good points such as the cool title, much hospitality by magic and a famous phrase quote. She said that the speech was better than she had expected. [3’37”]

He pointed out that some speakers used some filler words.

General Evaluation by TM K.K.

She praised the evaluation, whch was done by beautiful voice, good performance and heart -warming comments.


今夜の言葉はEnglish sessionのWord of the eveningと同様「とりあえず」「まず最初に」でした。

準備スピーチ #1

タイトル「英語はどこから来たのか」by TM M.K.

準備スピーチへ#1への論評 by TM T.M.

準備スピーチ #2

タイトル「階段の向こうのライフスタイル」by TM K.Y.

準備スピーチへ#2への論評 by TM N.K.

文法報告 by H.H.

スピーカー及び論評者毎にfiller wordが散見されたとの指摘が有りました。


論評者TM T.M.への論評として、項目の組み合わせでスピーチが良くなっているとの指摘が秀逸であったとの指摘。論評者TM N.Kへの論評として、トーストマスターズのメンターを振り返るきっかけになる論評との賛辞が述べられた。

例会全体としては、ダブルロールが多かったがしっかり例会を勧められた事、Table topicsがユニークで有った事などを高く評価する意見が述べられました。

< 表彰 >

The Best Speaker:    TM M.K.

The Best Evaluator:  TM T.M.

The Best Table Topics Speaker: TM N.K.