
2024年12月11日/ 11 December, 2024

Hybrid meeting : Zoom online / きゅりあん4


  • 準備スピーチ#1


  • 準備スピーチ#2


  • 準備スピーチ#1への論評はストーリー・テラーの巨匠TMKKさん。具体例を挙げての導入部分の素晴らしさ、現在と過去の対比がわかりやすかったというコメントがありました。おかゆとおじやで決着をつけてほしかったのが心残りだそうです!
  • 準備スピーチ#2への論評はTMKYさん。型通り(年末恒例)でありながらも型破りな展開!寛いだ雰囲気の中で、背景、過去の例、今年の予想といった期待を膨らませる展開でした。視覚資料の文字が多かったのが気になる点。

さて、来年はどんな年になるのでしょうか。何があっても”Just do it!!”

English session started by Word of the Evening by TMKK, “Active, energetic, dynamic.“

  • Prepared Speech#3 

In his speech “The Victory of Kataller in Toyama,” TMYU passionately talked about the dramatic victory of his favorite soccer team. Ten years ago, Kataller was promoted from J2 to J3. Unfortunately, they were downgraded to J1. A win or a draw in this game would have ensured their promotion to J3. TMYU hopped on the Shinkansen to cheer on Kataller, shouting and gesturing enthusiastically. How overjoyed! Kataller staged a late comeback!!  After the thrilling game, TMYU reflected on his own goals: ‘How many goals have I tried this year? Have I achieved any? If not, just try again, and your chance will come!'”

  • Prepared Speech#4

When we hear the title “After 20 Years,” what do we think of? Knowing TMNS’s sincere attitudes for work, we might assume she would be discussing her 20-year career. Well, that’s not right! She is actually talking about GOLF! After 20 years of playing golf, golf has become more than just a game or competition for her. Through golf, she has learned to handle challenges, manage unexpected situations, and build strong friendships over long days on the course. Golf has become a kind of philosophy for her, always inspiring and satisfying her. The beauty of golf is not found in the final score, but in the experience of being on the course.

  • Table Topics Session

Today, we have four table topics suggested by our skilled and generous table topic master, TMSE. 

  1. What do you still want to accomplish this year? What are your goals for next year?  TMKG replied, “I visited Singapore this year, but unfortunately, I got sick the next night and had to stay in the hotel for the rest of my trip. So, next year, I’d like to visit the city again and really enjoy myself.”
  • We still have 10 days left this year. If you were to take a trip in the next 10 days, would you prefer to visit Tohoku in the east or Kansai in the west?” Today’s guest, Mr. K replied, “I’d rather visit Kansai, as Tohoku is quite cold this time of year.” Our kind guest did not forget to show his consideration: “I apologize to those who live in Tohoku.” How polite!
  • “Choose any country you like. If you were its representative, how do you appeal the country?”  TMNF replied, “Having lived in Singapore for a few years, I’d love to represent the country. I admire many things about Singapore, such as…” All the members have been attracted by her heartful description of Singapore!
  • “Some countries are pushing Japan to develop nuclear weapons to prepare for potential global conflicts. What is your stance on this issue?  TMKM replied: “While Japan is under the U.S. nuclear umbrella, I am still opposed to having our own nuclear weapons. We have witnessed the horrors of Hiroshima and understand the immense risks of nuclear weapons. Although I recognize the complexities of this issue, my position remains the same.”
  • Evaluation for Prepared Speech #3

TMKM praised the speaker’s energetic gestures and movements, which effectively conveys the speech’s purpose. However, TMKM suggested that a slightly softer tone of voice might be more appropriate for some senior members.

  • Evaluation for Prepared Speech #4

TMKI commended the speaker’s logical structure and use of metaphors. To further enhance the speech, TMKI suggested varying the vocal tone and volume to better convey the intended message.

  • General Evaluation

TMKM noted that all sessions were conducted promptly. The meeting was enjoyable and gave us valuable learning opportunities.

Best Table Topic Speaker: TMNF

Best Evaluator: TMKI

Best Speaker: TMYU and TMNS (We have two best speakers today!)

Reported by TMMK