
Hybrid meeting : Zoom online / きゅりあん4


【English Session】

TM SE shared a word of the evening: “Genial”

■Prepared Speech #1 “Laughing by the Entrance” by TM MK (Time 7:11)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery, Lv3 Elective Project: Know Your Sense of Humor

TM MK presented the speech in a usual calm and confident manner. TM MK used Japanese saying “Warau Kadoniha Hukukitaru” as a trigger and transitioned the speech to the story about a rather embarrassing hot spring experience when TM MK mistakenly used the wrong “entrance” to the public bath. TM MK shared that the relaxing moment turned into some very awkward and embarrassing experience.  The way TM MK structured the speech to include surprising turns made the whole speech very humorous.

<Evaluation for Speech #1> by TM KY (Time 3:17)

TM KY shared 3 good points and one suggestion. TM KY pointed out that the well-thought speech title was very effective, and unexpected turn of the story was good as well. TM KY also mentioned the choice of words were effective. TM KY suggested that TM MK may consider including some additional twists to the story, which may bring additional laughs. TM KY also included there were some unclear words due to the poor NW connection.

■Prepared Speech #2 “Hammered down or Greased?” by TM HA (Time 7:17)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery, Lv2 Understanding Your Communication Style

TM HA talked about different communication styles and suggested that as TMs, we should master all sorts of communications styles, including facial expression, use of vocal variety, and gesture to match the purpose/intent and given situation. TM HA reinforced his suggestion by pointing out that different purpose requires different communication styles, and different cultures have different preferred communication styles. As always, TM HA delivered his speech in a very confident and direct manner.

<Evaluation for Speech #2> by TM HH (Time 2:38)

TM HH shared that the level of the voice/tone was just right for the topic. TM HH also pointed out that the use of vocal variety and gesture was very effective, and the facial expression created a good impact to the speech as well. TM HH mentioned there was no negative points found in the speech.

■General Evaluation by TM JS

TM JS provided general evaluation with usual energetic style.

For first evaluator TM KY, TM JS pointed out that it was good to focus on positive side of the speech since positive feedback is usually more effective. He also added additional good point to TM MK’s speech that using word posters to support the speech was very effective.

For second evaluator TM HH, TM suggested that when you cannot find any negative points about the speech, maybe TM HH could try looking at something to add to the speech, rather than something to change.

<By TM NS>


今夜の言葉はTM NSによる “寛容な”

準備スピーチ#3 : TM KM (時間 7:03)




準備スピーチ#1への論評 : TM AO (時間3:08)


特別プロジェクト : TM MK



特別プロジェクトへの論評 : TM MA (時間2:56)



総合論評 : TM JS


Best Table Topics speaker: TM NH

Best Evaluator: TM MA

Best Speaker: TM KM


Cheers, Scribed by TM NO & YU