
2023年9月27日 / Sept27, 2023

Hybrid meeting : Zoom online / きゅりあん4

本日はまだまだ残暑が厳しいですが、参加者が多く、大盛況でした。今夜の司会はTM NHさん、いつもとおりスムーズに会が進行されました。本日は1名のゲスト参加、1名の入会式がありました。

[English Session]

TM KK presented the Word of the Evening; “Step by step.”  It is a very important  word for every member.

■Prepared Speech #1 “An Analysis of Communication Style of Smikko Gurashi” by TM MK

Smikko Gurashi ? At first I thought that it was a person`s name. But I found it my favorite characters, such as Shrimp Tail, Cutlet, Tokage, Penguin.

Surprisingly, TM MK analyzed the characters` personality and she suggested the measure to improve their negative parts by joining in this club. Amazing!   

◆Evaluation for Prepared Speech #1 by TM ON

TM ON admired that her speech was easy to understand and effective to use distinct Smikko Gurashi’s characters. In addition he analyzed that the use of clear pictures helped the audience understand the fictional characters. His suggestion was the use of more effective vocal variety.

■Prepared Speech #2 “Turning a new page” by TM SO

TM SO could turn a new page! It was his first speech in this club meeting.

However, his speech was very clear and his attitude was also calm and stable.

He had some hard experiences, such as graduation crisis and oversea transfer.

Despite of tough situation, his huge efforts to get through the hardships were paid off.

I hope that he will enjoy your next page and brush up his speech skill more and more.

◆Evaluation for Speech #2 by TM MA

TM MA praised that the structure, message, and expression of the speech were appropriate and skillful. Furthermore, she highly evaluated his impressive story of his huge efforts in abroad after his young day`s lazy life. She also suggested that he should use eye contact, body language, and vocal variety. Step by step!

  • Today’s Table Topics by TM AO

TM AO prepared some envelops. Speakers could select their favorite one. There was a topic written on the paper in each envelope, and then speakers made a speech about the topic.

Topic 1: “What is the most desirable trait another person can possess?”


Answered by TM KM

Topic 2: ”What do you love most about yourself?”


Answered by TM YU

Topic 3: “Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of?


Answered by TM KK

  • General Evaluation by TM GK 

TM GK praised evaluators’ pertinent feedbacks. TM GK’s evaluation is always gentle, reasonable, and effective for all TMs.


TM KKさんから今夜の言葉が共有されました。英語から派生して、「一進一退」。洗練された言葉の選択はさすがです。

  • 準備スピーチ1 「TITMCのITシステム Update Plan」 TM KA 

TM KAはスピーチを通して、今、このクラブが直面しているメンバーの情報共有の問題点について説明し、問題解決の方法として、サークルスクエアというグループウエアの利用の提案がありました。


  • 準備スピーチ1への論評 TM KI 

TM KIから、冒頭での全体の説明がありわかりやすかったこと、また内容は当クラブに相応しいものでありたいへんよかったとの評価がありました。一方、サークルスクエアの内容の説明が短かった、との指摘もありました。

  • 準備スピーチ2 「ほんわかなカオス」 TM WE 

  TM WEによる初スピーチは、とても初めてとは思えないものでした。



◆準備スピーチ2への論評 TM TM

TM TMから 「総じて、面白い!ナナメから来たと感じるスピーチで、論評がとても難しかった!」





  • 総合論評 TM GK 2人の論評者に向けて、さまざまな角度からの評価がありました。
  • 本日の受賞者

Best Table Topic Speaker: TM KK

Best Evaluator:TM TM

Best Speaker: TM SO



また、大先輩のTM KKより最後の参加にあたってコメントをいただき、今後のモチベーションアップにつながる会となりました。

<By TM KK>