MEETING REPORT Jun 9th, 2021

Meeting report June 9th, 2021
Tokyo International Toastmasters club meeting #375
*The meeting was held online via Zoom due to COVID-19 pandemic

去年の7月から会長として勤めているTM K.K.さんの挨拶から例会が始まりました。今回の例会を含め、会長として挨拶するのは残り3回となります。TMOEはTM O.N.さんです。
今夜の言葉はTM K.K.さんより「免疫をつける」でした。

計時係:TM O.A. 集計係:TM M.K. 文法係:TM S.J. 例会レポート係 TM Q.E.

TM T.R.さんよりディスカッションを開催しました。目的はどんどんみんなで発言しましょう。構成は3つの問について4人で議論を行います。各グループに司会として1人のテーブルリーダーがいます。当日のテーブルリーダーはTM K.K.さん、TM S.J.さん、TM M.K.さんとTM T.R.さんでした。そして3つの問いは下記となります。
① 最近あった幸せなことはなんですか?
② あなたが幸せであるために、必要なこと/不要なことはなんですか?
③ あなたにとって、幸せとはなんですか?

総合論評:TM K.N.

文法報告:TM S.J.
日本語の部であ~とかえ~などの言葉はないとのことです。また、TM M.K.とTM K.N.が今日の言葉「免疫をつける」を使用しました。

English Session started on time at 8pm and we had a visitor, Miss Shimizu joining us from the end of Japanese session. TMOE O.N. then introduced the role takers of the day.

TM K.K.’s word of the evening “Happiness” was inspired by the today’s Japanese session. He also mentioned that his happiness is to serve as president of Tokyo’s International Toastmasters Club.

Role takers
Timer: TM O.A. Vote counter: TM M.K. GRACHO: TM S.J. Meeting Reporter TM Q.E.

Prepared speech #1: TM M.T
Speech Title: “One more learning”

It is TM M.T.’s last speech to complete his Innovative Planning pathways project. At the start of his speech, he reflected on his growth and also spoke about the feedback he received in the past. Thus, today’s speech is about feedback. In his first slide, he explained the changes in employment in Japan. From lifetime employment, it has now changed to job changing when necessary. Then he proceeded to briefly introduce the pros and cons of each work style and questioning why Toastmasters can achieve both methods while being clear and also flexible. He mentioned it is because everyone has the same objective and also because of the positive feedback.
To achieve happiness in life, psychologically we need individual space to be alone, mental space to share stress, emotions such as friends and social space which is a space where we feel valuable for others. For example, such as organizations and companies.
He believes feedback makes organization stronger because good feedback makes us feel recognition in each other. Thus, creating a social space to achieve happiness in life. In Toastmasters, because of this feedback system, this makes Toastmasters a stronger organization.

Prepared speech #2: TM H.N.
Speech Title: “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes”

TM H.N introduced her favorite television program, “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” using the three points, what, how and why. “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” is an NHK educational program which started in 2011. The show is meant to introduce the greatest books of the world where each month one book is introduced. The show is delivered through outline, recitation and lecture. TM H.N. then explained the reason she recommends this show. She also used her personal experience, with the book “MOMO”. In “MOMO”, people’s time have been stolen making life more hectic. When she read the book, she thought it was a book to criticize the modern busy society. However, the psychologist in “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” mentions that MOMO questions us about satisfying time(豊かな時間). So, she started thinking what is satisfying time or happiness. To conclude, these great books give clues to a better life and “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” introduces us to these books. That is why TM H.N introduced this show.

Evaluation for the speech#1: TM H.A.
TM H.A. gave three comments and one suggestion for TM T.M.’s speech. First good point was the effective usage of the presentation slide used by TM T.M. to explain his past and shift in Japanese society. Second good point, was that TM T.M. successfully caught the audience’s attention with the questions in the presentation. Thirdly, he mentioned that TM T.M.’s message that feedback makes organization stronger is very clear throughout his presentation. His suggestion to TM T.M. was to speak with more vocal variety and to include more personal experiences.

Evaluation for the speech#2: TM A.M.
TM A.M. gave three good points. The first good point is TM H.N.’s usage of visual aid which was easy to understand and very systematic. The second good point is TM H.N.’s gesture and facial expressions. She mentioned that TM H.N.’s gesture has vastly improved compared from before. The third is TM H.N.’s example using her own personal experience which clearly explains why TM H.N. wanted to recommend “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” to us.

General evaluation: TM K.N.
TM K.N. proposed some techniques to today’s evaluators. The first one is to convey the good point by explaining why do you think it is a good point. The second technique is using one’s own idea to improve the speaker’s speech. He also proposed the idea below for effective time management.
2 minutes: Explain the good points
2 minute 30 seconds: Explain the improvement
3 minutes: Closing

GRAHCO’s report: TM S.J.
There were no unnecessary or filler words from the prepared speech speakers. Both speakers also used the word of the day “Happiness” in their speech.

Award Presentation
Best Evaluator: TM H.A.
Beast Speaker: TM H.N.

Business Session
TM T.R invited speakers for the next meeting on June 23rd.
Today’s guest, Miss Shimizu also gave her comment. She was happy to be reunited with TM H.N. and TM K.N. in this meeting.