第395回 例会レポート
■日本語スピーチ1:TM M.A “Brilliant!”
中学3年生の運動会前の、先生の一言ではじまったTM M.Aのスピーチ。クラスの誰も手を挙げない中、なんといつもは控え目な友達「すずちゃん」が手を挙げたことで、すずちゃん、TM M.Aを含む仲良し4人組が400メートルリレーを走ることになりました。運動会当日の秋晴れの空の下、すずちゃんの「私トップバッターを走る」というまたも意外な積極性のもとでレースは始まり、バトンをつないだ4人は見事1位に!(走行時、TM M.Aはコーナー手前で応援するクラスメートの姿がくっきりと目に入り勇気づけられたといいますが、物理法則的にも実はコーナーに差し掛かるところの応援席は、走る人からは真正面に最もよく目に入るのだとか)。そうして素晴らしい勝利の思い出となった運動会も終わり、寒くなった12月のある日、すずちゃんは仲良し3人に、1週間後に和歌山に転校すると告げたのでした。最後の思い出を作りたかったすずちゃんの勇気ある挑戦で、素晴らしい経験を分かち合えた4人。挑戦する仲間がいると一緒に輝ける、ちょっと無理めな挑戦でも仲間とトライしてみよう、というメッセージがきらりと輝く、美しく活き活きとしたTM M.Aのスピーチでした。
■日本語スピーチ2:TM T.M “ニコイチ”
TM T.Mによるスピーチは、先日開催のエリア93日本語ユーモアスピーチコンテストで見事優勝したスピーチの再演でした。4月にディビジョンIスピーチコンテストに進出予定のため、内容の詳細はこちらには記載できませんが、日常のふとした疑問からはじまったなんともユーモラス(そして「シリアス」)な問いかけに、TM T.Mがああでもないこうでもないと考えを巡らせ、周囲の人や家族も巻き込みながら、やがてあるとても大切なことを思い出すという内容でした。テンポ良く畳みかけるような展開と、傑出した言葉選びで聴衆を笑いの渦に巻き込みながら、最後にはいつの間にか聞く人の心の中にも温かい感情が芽生えているような、非常に完成度の高いユーモアスピーチでした。ご興味のある方は、ディビジョンIコンテストで是非!
■論評 TM A.OのTM M.Aへの論評
■論評 TM K.KのTM T.Mへの論評
■総合論評 TM R.T
・TM A.Oの論評への論評
・TM K.Kの論評への論評
[English session] Reported by M.A
The word of the evening is ”a long way” by TM N.H. She introduced some way to use! So educational and cool one!
Prepared Speech #3 “It’s happening in the field!” By TM M.Y 6’22”
Off course it began with the imitating “Him” by the drama! He told us the importance of “Genba” not to miss the core message. He showed us some examples. The tiny connecter talked a lot for us! And he displayed some pictures of his trip to Wakkanai. That inspired us a lot. We can learn more and feel more in “the field”. Don’t miss it!
Evaluation #3 for Speech By TM N.K 3’10”
TM K told his body language along pathway’s project are successful. And his speech material were so impressive one, especially at Wakkanai. He mentioned that his unintentional body language will be expected more. And during the screen-share time we couldn’t see your appearance much. But his speech message inspired us a lot.
The Table Topics session by TM R.T
Firstly she showed spring flowers on the screen. Today’s questions are about “spring”!
Q1: What told you the advent of Spring this year?
A1:TM M.A 2’27”
She went shopping with her family to get some spring clothes. After that they drove to her mom’s house. On the way she dropped in Japanese sweets shop to get some Ohagi. She found special Ohagis covered with pink beans paste mixed with tiny broken cherry blossom leave. That’s the very spring.
Q2: Do you know some secret place to enjoy spring flower?
A2:TM N.K 1’15”
We all know he have a walk around his neighborhood for his health every day. He found some spring flowers by the “pathway” and “unknown person’s garden” day after day. That’s his own scenery. He call it a small adventure. Don’t ignore these spring!
Q3:Tell us about the most beautiful or most impressive scenery in Spring.
A2:TM A.O 1’25”
He’d grown up in Tochigi, lived in the visiting spot for Cherry bloosm trees!! There his family business was some souvenir shop, Omiyage-ya-san! So he had to work to help his parents during the high season for Ohanami party. The cherry bloosm season was a both tough and happy experience for him.
Q4:What do you recommend to eat at Ohanami?
A4:TM N.H 1’47”
Firstly, she said she doesn’t like Ohanami party, to eat under the cherry bloosm! Because the members don’t look at flowers on Ohanami party even if the flowers are on the very moment of their beauty!! Actually her memory of Ohanami was walking alone to see flowers apart from friends and she was adviced by her friend about “hana yori dango”. Less eating food, more seeing flowers. This is her recommendation about Ohanami food.
Q5: How do you mitigate or evade the symptoms of hay fever?
A5:TM T.M 1’41”
The only way coming up to his mind was going to Hokkaido or Okinawa to escape from hay fever. But April is the highest season of his business so that he can’t work from distance, on line. He wishes April will disappear! Yes!! Let’s destroy April!
General Evaluation by TM T.M
He mentioned to each contributions for meeting. And he’s sure it made a warm atmosphere tonight, it is a very strong point for our club!
Best table topic speaker: TM N.H
Best evaluator: TM A.O
Best Speaker: TM M.A