The next meeting is on Aug. 10th, 2022 (Wed)

The next meeting is planned for Aug. 10th, 2022 (Wed)!!

To avoid the close contact of the members and guests, the next meetings in August will only be held online(zoom).
We usually hold meetings at Oimachi (Curian) in Shinagawa Ward of Tokyo every second fourth and fifth Wednesdays, from 19:00 to 21:10.)

Guests are free to participate in our regular meetings up to 3 times. Let’s come and join us!

please refer to the  Meeting Schedule page.

Venue: “Curian” (Shinagawa Citizens Hall) (Please refer to Access Page.)

Temporarily changed to Ota city seikatsu center.

If you would like to join our club as a guest, please click here(Jump to form page) !!


MEETING REPORT April 22nd, 2020

]*English report below

3回目のzoom meeting です。会長のTM ATさんによる皆さんへの労いの言葉から始まります。こんな時でも温かく例会は始まるのでした。
TMOEはTM TMさん。にこやかで安定感抜群はいつもどおり、ZOOMも手慣れた操作です。 様々なバーチャル背景の紹介に、皆も色々と試してみたくなりました。
今夜の言葉はTM AOさん。「怒り心頭に発する」。「達する」ではなく「発する」ですよ、ということもボードを示しながら解説。コロナへの苛立ちからスーパーの店員さんに突っかかっている人を見かけての発案でした。私も「達する」だと思っていました・・・。

準備スピーチ#1 High Performance Leadership Manual
「結果報告!『楽しく使いこなそう!日本のトーストマスターズ』WS」 TM RKさん (time 7’29)
前回の15分間にわたるWS(ワークショップ)に対する成果報告です。WSの効果を確認するためメンバーには事前にメールでアンケートがありました。アンケート結果を次々報告することから始まりますが、そんな場面でも、聴衆を惹きつけるよう、問いかけや自虐ネタを上手に織り込みます。オンラインでの共有画面はTM RKさんのスライドなのですが、全ての聴衆の顔が見えているかのような進行はさすがでした。アンケートの感想からは、TMの歴史や意義をもう少し入れてはという建設的な意見や、実際に他のクラブに参加するための下調べの紹介、また他のクラブへの参加意欲が増した理由などが綴られて、幅広く意見を集めることができましたとのこと。最後に近く他のクラブのオンライン例会の紹介がありました。オンライン例会の開催が増えているこの頃は、家に居ながらにして日本中、世界中のクラブをゲスト訪問できるチャンスですね。

論評者はTM KSさん (time 3’23)

準備スピーチ#2:CC#9 “Powerful Persuasion”
「聖地巡礼のすすめ」 TM ATさん (time 7’22”)
聖地巡礼の中でもドラマ部門です。BBCドラマ”SHERLOCK“にはまりロンドンの「世界一有名な番地」を訪ねた体験から、聖地巡礼がいかに楽しいか、楽しむためのポイントをお話しいただきました。他の巡礼者との出会いと交流のリアル、2Dで見ていたものが3Dに立ち上がる感動、そして巡礼において守るべきマナーなどを力説されていましたが、何よりもご本人の輝く笑顔が楽しさを物語っていたような・・・!? きれいな写真を交えての力のこもったスピーチでした。
論評者はTM KKさん (time 3’34)

文法報告はTM AOさんから。文法の指摘にとどまらずそれぞれのスピーチ内での素敵な言葉のピックアップが盛り沢山です。どんな展開の中でも丁寧な言い回しをされている点、気持ちが前に出て印象深い表現が表れている点を、細かく拾い上げてくださりました。他のメンバーにとっても、それぞれの個性の際立つスピーチのディテールを再確認する機会になりました。
今日の言葉「怒り心頭に発する」が誰からも使われず、内心がっかりなTM AOさんでしたが、「このクラブはマザーテレサのように穏やかな方々ばかりなので不適切な選択だった」と自ら反省。そこにTM TMさんより「誰も使ってくれなくて、本当は“怒り心頭・・・”と言いたかったのでは?」とのツッコミが・・・!

総合論評はTM NKさん。TM KSさんには、次のスピーチにつながるネタを提供できると尚良いということ、TM KKさんには論評の順番に関する指摘がありました。

久しぶりに前半のみ参加されたTM JKさんからも一言。このご時勢にも変わらぬ皆さんの向上心に魅了されました!とのこと。大変そうな中ですがまたお待ちしていますね!

[English Session]
The word of the day is ”Bite the Bullet” by TM AO. It means to hold back pain or to be patient. It’s so fit for this stay–home-situation!

Prepared Speech #1:Pathways “Innovative Plannning” Level3 Inspire your Audience
“The Last Evidence” : TM TM (time 7’50”)
TM TM firstly showed a beautifully typed slide, AI is Artificial Intelligence. And he introduced, for example, 94% jobs of accountants and auditors might be replaced by AI and Robots. In fact, by doing try-and-error, the AI interpretation became clever day by day. And we concern about AI “Singularity”…like some movies. Will AI dominate the world? He asked the difference between AI and human. He mentioned about self- consciousness of identity, mind and heart. He mentioned just same as “I think therefore I am” by Descartes. Thinking day by day, it is Sanctuary for us. It’s the last evidence of human being. His message inspired audience who has a fearness for Singularity .

His evaluator is TM EK. (time 3’27”)
She mentioned 2 good points about the speech. Firstly, TM TM compared AI’s good points and bad points. Secondly, he made the speech so clearly through his visual aids, it was so easy to understand for audience. At the end, she mentioned her some questions whether AI might have a self-confidence or own ideas in the future. That was the meaning for us because of fearness.

Table Topics is produced by TM KA. He asked 3 questions about this corona situation.
1) How to enjoy your stay-home situation? by TM MA (time 1’20”)
She enjoys with her children by sewing dresses, making meals and so on. Even in this situation, children grow up day by day. To see something growing up is a pleasure for her.
2) How to enjoy your online meeting? by TM AO (time 1’24”)
Unfortunately he dislikes online meetings because he doesn’t like to show his face on the screen. He considers himself to be too self-conscious. But he realized just to turn off his camera. It is a good idea!
3) How to keep your heath? by TM NH (time 1’14”)
She doesn’t like exercise. But in this situation she began to use “a pilates ring”. From her room she showed how to use it through her camera to our screen. We can know it easily!

General Evaluator is TM NK. He mentioned that the evaluation by TM EK had 2 good points. Firstly, she evaluated so clearly for audience, 2 good points and 1 improve point. Secondly, she evaluated along his speech project, ”Inspire Your Audience”. It is an important point. And he recommended TM KA to select three-table-topics more differently even if all of us were so conscious for Corona situation, for example to select what you want to do after it finished. It was dare high hurdle he gave to TMKA.

The third online meeting has completed warmly even in this hard situation. Next meeting is May 13, the fourth online meeting.

The Best Speaker :TM AT
The Best Evaluator: :TM KK
The Best Table Topics Speaker :TM NH
Written by TM MA

MEETING REPORT April 8th, 2020

April 8, 2020, our 2nd Online Meeting by ZOOM.

TM A.T. ,our President started today’s meeting.

<English Session>

Today’s TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) was me,TM K.K..

Today’s WOE (Word of Evening) was “move on” by TM K.S.,
we needed to “move on” despite such a BAD situation due to COVID-19.

Prepared speech #1
First speaker was TM R.T., speech title was “モラハラ注意報”.

She expained about the point of moral harassment by interesting story and
Power point slides.
Her speech was very Speedy like “roller coaster”, but hit our heart very much.

Prepared speech #2
Second speaker was TM N.H., speech title was “The hero’s journey”.

She talked about Mentor and Hero using some materials from movie.
Her message was “good menter lead hero”.

Evaluation #1

TM A.O. evaluated TM R.T.’s sppech.
He named TM R.T.s speech “roller coaster”, because her speech was
Speedy and thrilling.
Also he said “God Speech”, because opening was “Taiwanese God”,
ending was “Greek god”.

He got “Best Evaluator”.

Evaluation #2

TM J.S. evaluaterd TM N.H.’s speech.
He evaluated her speech by 3-good points and 1-suggestion.
3-good points were “presentation slide”,”vocal variety” and “Speech structure”.

GE(General Evaluator) by TM A.T.
She evaluated TM A.O.’s and TM J.S.’s evaluation, and commented to English session.
She said that speakers used “Visual aid” and members used “Chat system” for online meeting.
The online meeting was continued for while, we had to think out and enjoy online meeting.


TM K.S.による日本語の今夜の言葉は「だからこそ」。

日本語セッションはTM R.K.によるワークショップ「楽しく使いこなそう!日本のトーストマスターズ」。
トーストマスターズ教育の最高賞「DTM(distinguished Toastmaster)」の獲得に向けたワークショップでした。
TM R.K. 本人やメンバーの体験談を活用し、他のクラブとの関わり方や、より楽しむ方法を



Written by N.K.


March 25 th, 2020 was the historical day of our club!

It was the first time Online Meeting for us.

About fourteen members gathered and enjoyed this web-meeting.

TM K.K. ,our VPE (Vice Presidents Educational) started today’s meeting with encouraging us to get through this situation .

<English Session>

Today’s TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) was me,TM K.S..

I was so excited,thrilled and happy to taking TMOE role on this meeting.

All of us are now in world-wide difficult situation.

But I believe we can adapt and turn the situation around positively for the future.

TM H.Y. selected the word “Seclude” as ‘Word of the evening ‘ .

Prepared speech #1
First speaker was TM T.M..
His speech title was “Authentic Confidence”

He explained about the difference between deduction feedback and addition feedback

with his experience before and after Toastmasters.

“Think addition .Not deduction.”

His message is really educational and impressive for us as Toastmaster members.

His evaluator was TM R.T..
She praised his speech’s structure and contents which has many good topics.

She also mentioned about his visual aid as one more good point.

And she suggested if his conclusion page of visual aid wasn’t monochrome but colorful , his message would be enhanced more and more.

<Ice-Break Session>








TM H.Y.の選んだ日本語の今夜の言葉は『籠る』『巣ごもり』・・・うーん、タイムリー。

日本語のスピーチは、TM R.K.のHigh Performance Leadershipというプログラムに従った

スピーチ。High Performance Leadershipとは、どのような教育プログラムか紹介するとともに、





TM R.Kのスピーチの論評はTM.K.K.。良い点として、このHPLテーマの動機になったきっかけの紹介をしていた点、









二人目は、TM T.M.。”最強のおつまみはシチュエーションだ!”と





そして、3人目はTM H.Y.。既に飲みながら、そこそこ出来上がった感じでの参入です。





ベスト論評者とベスト宅飲みスピーカーはTM R.T.でした。






Written by K.S.


MEETING REPORT Feb 26th, 2020

The first half was English Session.
There were fewer attendance than usual, but today’s meeting was
surrounded by a lot of smiles than usual.
TM A.T. our presidents started today’s meeting with a topic of her visit
for Cat cafe, NECO CAFE in Japanese.
That turned our fear of feeling of various trouble into a happy feelings.
And today’s TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) TM N.H. said she was being
so shocked
 because of a little incident a few days ago, but she was good seeing
everyone this night and she came to feel very happy.
Thanks to her positive narrative, we also felt encouraged by her and
the atmosphere of the meeting has softened.
TM N.K. selected the word “LEGEND” as ‘Word of the evening ‘ after “King
Kazu” (he is a famous football player)
because Feb.26 was his birthday.
Prepared speech #1
First speaker was TM R.T..
Her speech title was “Mindfulness”
She sang a song and showed off the story about her father who encounterd
a bear.
Through experience of his depresssion from sleeplessness,she introduced
us about ‘Mindfulness Meditation’.
She demonstrated simple execize that can be done while sitting on a
chair and let us experience together.
We shared a chill vibe and we could truely relax.
Her evaluator was TM J.S..
He firstly pointed out about the introduction part, in which TM RT used
body language and props
(grabs looking like bear hands) effectively to attract the intention of
the audience.
Then, he praised TM RT’s preparation of the speech (writing out some
technical term before the speech)
 and also her workshop session, those were effective way to help the
audience to understand her speech quite well.
As a slight suggestion, he advised TM RT to spent more time and speak
slowly to make audience feel relax.
Prepared speech #2
Second speaker was TM R.K..
Her speech title was “You Are Russian from Today!”
This speech project was “The humorous Speech”
She talked about her ballet teacher who had told TM R.K. “Now,you are
russian from today!”
when TM R.K. just started ballet.
“No way.I’m not Russian!(ロシア人であるわけないじゃん!)
With the feelings of those days,she talked us the story humorously.
After a while, she had finally understood the meaning of what her
teacher was saying.
Showing the example of good and bad ballet arm position,she conveyed us
the answer she had found .
Be aware of your posture, you can show yourself like a Russian even if
you are Japanese.
Her evaluator was TM K.S..
He praised she truely entertained her audience with contents itself.
Especially ,her title and opening introduced all of us into her elegant
ballet world.
And as second good point ,he mentioned about example of ballet posture.
He also mentiond the knowlege about how to show bodylanguage effectively
is her strong point and adapting it for her body language reinfoce her
speech more and more.
General evaluator TM N.K. praised TMOE TM N.H. greatly managed to time
schedule and role assignment.
砂漠のような風景のカードを見せたTM R.T.
お、ゲストのTさんが、とても美しいストーリー展開にして、TM J.S.につなぎます。
チームAの論評は、TM N.H.
TM A.Tは、けなげな話を展開しました
これまたきれいなストーリー展開でTM R.K.につなぎます。
ただでは終わらせないのは、さすがベテランのTM R.K.・・
論評のTM N.K.さん。耳のカードを使って”聞き応えある”とコメント。
会長のTM A.T.は改めて今日のTMOEの素晴らしい司会を称えました。

MEETING REPORT Feb 12th, 2020

[English Session]
English Session started on time at 19:00, by the Gabel of our President, TM AT.
President AT introduced today’s guest and introduced TMOE, TM RT.
TMOE RT started English Session very warmly.
At first, helpers introduced their roles;
Word of the evening “ADORE” was introduced by TM KS, followed by the introduction of Timer by TM AO, Vote Counter by TM KS, GRAHCO by TM MA, and Meeting Reporter by TM RK.
Next, one of the most exciting session, Prepared Speech Session has started.
Prepared Speech #1
Competent Communication Manual #8 “Get Comfortable with Visual Aids”
Title: “How to Take Photos ~ for Beginners ~” by TM AT (Time: 7’30”)
This project is to practice using visual aids effectively while making speeches/presentations. 
TM AT talked about 3 tips for beginners to take nice pictures; “boke”, “brightness” and “color temperature”. She showed us nice pictures she took, and we could feel that it is not too difficult to take better pictures in our daily lives.
Evaluation by TM NK (Time: 2’57”)
TM AT’s explanation was very easy to understand and we felt like we can take good photos. To make this speech more effective, it would be great if the photos on the slides were much bigger, and adjust background colors based on the atmosphere of each photo.
Prepared Speech #2
Pathways: Persuasive Influence: Level 2 #2 “Active Listening”
Title: “Hey, Mr./Ms. President!” By TM NH (Time: 7’30”)
This project includes handling a Table Topics Session in the speech. TM NH suggested to make a new Toastmasters Club “Tokyo International Doggies and Kitties TMC”, and held “Club President Elections”. TM NH appointed 3 “candidates” and let them to make election speeches.
Special Version of Table Topics Session
Q1 What is one original rule of this club?: TM TH “Let’s bring our dogs/cats to the meeting!”
Q2 How do we get new members?: TM MA “Welcome guests with nice foods!”
Q3 What is your passion for dogs and cats? TM TK “Prepare toys for animals!”
The result will be announced at the end of the meeting.
Evaluation by TM RK (Time: 3’10”)
The topic was interesting. Organizing Table Topics Session within 7 minutes is almost impossible, but TM NH handled this session with 3 speakers very well. Great time management. It would be greater if TM NH commented on each speech, not only summarizing what the speaker had said.
General Evaluation by TM TH
Both of the speech evaluators were commenting on details of each Prepared Speech, with timely topics.
後半の日本語セッションはTMOE RTさんの声がけにより時間通りに開始されました。
タイトル「リターンマッチ」by HSさん(時間:7’30”
タイトル「メメントモリ」by KAさん(時間:7’30”
総合論評 THさん
・ベストスピーカー/Best SpeakerNHさん
・ベストテーブルトピックス/Best Table Topics (President of the new TMC!?)THさん
・ベスト論評/Best EvaluatorAOさん

MEETING REPORT Jan 8th, 2020

  • <English Club Contest>
    We held a club contest of speech! 3 English speakers and 3 Japanese speakers
    tried it!
    Contest Chair of English was TM N.H, Chief Judge of English was TM J.S.
    Unusually, before opening, Judges and the other sta&s hold a briefing, and
    confirmed about the rules and roles. Also we had 4 guests (Ms. S, Mr. U, TM Y,
    TM K)
    The first half was the English part.
    But I’m sorry to say I can’t report the themes and details of today’s speeches
    because the winner will try coming upper area contest. So I’ll report a little.
    TM H.Y had a speech about his re-try of something and her daughter’s. It was
    full of his sincere mind. It was so suitable for a new year’s speech as her new
    TM A.O had a speech about anger control. He showed his experience of anger
    so humorously. He analyses the di6culty of anger control and suggests how to
    go along with it.
    TM R.K had a speech about cherishing words from her English private teacher.
    And she brought something important for the audience with her passionate
    During Tally counting, TM A.T interviewed to each speaker humorously and
    asked them why this theme. They all answered it with their career of TMC.
    In judging by the judges, TM R.K is going to try the next area contest.
    4 guests came and each of them told they enjoyed tonight. We’re all waiting for your next visit. And special thanks to TM M
    and TM K for helping our contest as a sta&, and brought us some gift!
    日本語コンテストは、コンテストチェア K.K、審査委員長 T.H のもと、3 名のコンテスタントが出場し
    (1)TM H.Y
    英語・日本語両方のコンテストに、同じタイトルの作品で臨んだ TM H.Y。英語では娘さんのことを

    る苦悩が共有され聴衆の共感を呼ぶとともに、TM H.Y の仕事にかけた闘志を感じる作品となっていました。

    (2)TM A.O
    こちらも英語・日本語両方のコンテストに臨んだ TM A.O でしたが、英語スピーチは趣味から着想
    (3)TM K.A
    大学時代の同じサークルの女性の座右の銘を、自身の人生や経験と結び付けて語った TM K.A
    得意のユーモラスな要素は取り入れつつ、TM K.A の価値観や人生観が垣間見られた、聴衆にも
    審査員による審査の結果、TM K.A が1位となり、次のエリアコンテストに進むこととなりました。
  • unnamed (1).jpg

MEETING REPORT Dec 25th, 2019

Report (#337) by TM S.E. 

[ English Session ]

The meeting was scheduled to be the special Christmas party style with food & drink.

TM AO declared the opening of the session by toasting at 19:00 sharp.

Today’s TMOE is TM HB

The word of the evening “Eyes opening” presented by TM RT 

The roll takers: Timer.…TM MA, Vote Counter….TM TM, Grahco….TM AO,

Meeting Report…TM SE

It was chilly outside but the meeting room was getting warm and cozy by friendly conversation, drinking, and eating.

  • Prepared Speech #1 by TM RK (Time: 7’30”)

Project: ‘’Humorously Speaking’’

Assignment #2: ‘’Leave then with a smile’’

The Title: ‘’Single Bell’’

-As the speaker declared beforehand, it was very unique due to mixture with a Japanese phrase for this unique Christmas party style.

She explained the meaning of ‘’Single Bell” ( why not Jingle Bell) and the fact of a long time without a partner. She revealed the story of her sharp tongue humorously. She also picked up the famous violinist who she believed in having a very similar character.

The evaluator was TM KS (time 3’57”)

-TM KS commented that the speech was humorous and attracted the audience with a detailed story. Her face expression was great. Furthermore, the speaker made a nice comparison with an actual well-known person which gave a vivid image of the story.

  • Table Topics & Special session by TM TM

As the special event of Christmas meeting, TM TM chose 3 persons for making a small speech with accidentally selected ‘Action’, ’Place’ and ‘Time’. (For example, A candidate had to make a marriage proposal on the moon. etc)

Selected candidates are TM KK, TM MK and TM AT

-All the audience enjoyed such unexpected and not logical situation drama. Everybody was laughing at each other and drank cheerfully.

MEETING REPORT Nov 27th, 2019

Meeting Report (#335)  Nov.27, 2019 by TM MK


TM KKさんのあいさつで本日の例会が開始。参加者が少なくダブルロールも予想されていました。しかしふたを開けてみれば大盛況。遅れていくと席を見つけるのも大変でした。



今夜の言葉はTM KSさんです。本日は欠席の予定でしたが、プロジェクタ当番だということに気づき、必死!?の思いで来たとのこと。それに由来したたとえ火の中、水の中が本日の言葉です。新しいあまり普段は使わない言葉もいいのですが、このような知っているがあまり使わない言葉というのも、語彙遣いの練習になります。

続いて役割紹介です。計時係:TM ?さん、集計係:TM HYさん、文法係:TM AOさん、例会レポート係:TM MYです。

準備スピーチ#1 The Better Speaker Series “Controlling Your Fear”

タイトル 「恐怖心をモノにする」 by TM RK

スピーチにおける恐怖心の正体は何か、どのように克服するかをシナリオ仕立てにして小気味良いテンポでまとめていました。まずは本日着てきたパーカーから時事トピックであるローマ法王の演説を組み合わせてスムーズな導入。緊張の理由は人によって違うことを理由を明確にして説明していました。さらに分析を深め、緊張の鍵は周りのレスポンスであること、人との距離が鍵であることを明らかにします。さて恐怖心の解決策については一転して自らの甲府でのイベントを絡めて提案。具体例があり、だれもが実践できるような提案をしていました。スクリプトを丸暗記しない、プランB, C, Dを用意するというのは明日からでも実践できる知恵といえます。さすが落ちつきながら、ユーモアあり、気づきあり素晴らしいスピーチでした。

論評者は TM YI

スピーチの特徴を一言でまとめると、優しい語り口でありながら力強いメッセージである。時事トピックであるローマ法王と自分のつながりにより聴衆をスピーチに引き込み、さらに質問の投げかけとその反応により聴衆と確固たる関係を築いている。甲府イベントの意外性についても言及があった。プランB, C, Dについて明日から自分たちでもお手軽にできるポイント。スペースは広かったのでもう少し使ってもよかったのではないかという指摘。

準備スピーチ#2 洞察力に富むコミュニケーション level 1 #2 論評とフィードバック

タイトル 「ストーリーテリング」 by TM MA


論評者は TM NK


総合論評 TM AO

2人の論評者はそれぞれ対象となるスピーチが15分と6分程度と大幅に異なるにもかかわらず、きっちりまとめていた。TM YIは、オープニング~詳細に時系列~自分の感銘ポイントを適切に表現していた。最初に感銘ポイントを持ってくるとより聴衆に評価が伝わりやすくなる。TM NKは自分の担当でない人のスピーチをアドリブでとりている。改善点としては子供の反応はスピーチで述べられていたこと、聞いてくれない子供への対応を明らかにすべきという指摘。


[English Session]

Prepared Speech #1 Pathways : Level2 #1 Understanding Your Leadership Style

Speech Title : Switching Leadership Style by TM NH

TM NH introduce speech with Godzilla style sensational picture. Comparing two contradicted situation, bring the question of “What is ideal leadership style”. Quick analysis is “No single style leadership but it is necessary to change case by case”. So further bring theoretical background of Danie Goleman to support speech. Goleman introduce 6 styles of leadership, namely affiliative, democratic, commanding, pacesetting, visionary and coaching. Most important aspect of theory is each style fits a different situation. Then introducing her own story that how change of leadership style help her carrier. Mission of year end drinking party does not work out well because staff does not follow the order. After changing leadership style so discussing more rather than command style, then although change in original plan but huge success. Let’s change our leadership style based on situation.

Evaluation from TM GK

TM GK firstly point out about opening. Opening of speech is interesting and exciting so that audience was pulled in directly into speech. Then visual is effectively used to provide concreteness on the speech, Nice visualization of Godzilla. Lastly body language spice up the speech. As two improvement, first, it would be good to provide brief explanation of typical Japanese such as “忘年会“, secondary, directly answer the objective of “Identify your leadership style”.

Prepared Speech #2 Pathways : Innovative planning Lv3 #2 Elective projects, Connect with storytelling

Speech Title : Learning from Rugby world cup by TM KK

Starting speech with calm and strong attitude. It has been mentioned that we are nearly welcoming year end of 2019. then Speech continue how it was looks like for TM KK as VPE of his role in TITMC. It has been mentioned that roll is really challenging due to planning of TITMC meeting every week and promotion of new member ship. So now bring theme of this speech that “How we can increase of new members”. Now speech bring one of the biggest sport even in Japan “Rugby World cup(WC)”.I has achieved great success but how? TM KK now provide his analysis. this success is because of mass introduction not only existing fan but also new fan who does not have any exposure to WC. But how it can be possible to have exposure. Answer is SNS and hands on meeting. So this idea can be also brough into strategy of TITMC promotion for new membership.

Evaluation from TM RT

TM RT first point about how objective is fulfilled. Basically objective is well satisfied, citation of WC is also timely and strongly related with theme. Next mention about deep insight about speech. This insight about WC promotion is also uniquely connect TITMC membership promotion. A further in detail explanation would help for understanding of strategy.

General Evaluation TM AO

TM GK provide fluent evaluation in English, also TM GK use “Thank you” as header word for evaluation. Evaluation is based on context, so well summarized alongside with analysis. Also it is unique and effective evaluation how speech meet objective. Although this is fundamental question which need be clarified in evaluation, often not mentioned. TM RT provide standard organizational evaluation so it is easily captured and understood by audience.


Evaluation : TM GK

Speaker : TM NH