Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting #310

English Session

The President began his opening remarks by reminding the attendants that this meeting is the last one in 2018.

TM J.S. was the Toast Master of the Evening on this day. He cheerfully called TM R.K. to let her announce the word of the evening.

She was assigned to that role just 5 minutes ago, then she chose “suddenly.”

The next part was role introduction. Each role was taken by the following members.

Timer: TM H.T./ Vote Counter: TM S.K./ GRAHCO: TM H.Y./ Meeting Reporter: TM R.T.

Here came the 1st prepared speech. TM M.O. delivered her very first icebreaker speech in the Toastmasters club. The title was “My passion.”

She introduced herself by explaining the activities in NGO which she joined since 2016.

In Uganda, many young girls quit school since they don’t go there during menstruation. They are too poor to buy sanitary pads nor have enough knowledge of hygiene. Therefore the NGO provide cloth menstrual pads to them and teach not only girls but boys and teachers at school about the menstrual mechanism and how to keep sanitary environment. Her activities succeeded to help ¾ of girls supported to go back to school.

She also told that she had lots of opportunities to deliver speeches to advertise the activities in Japan. That’s why she jumped in this club.

Although she looked a little nervous, her explanation was clear, being filled with passion. TM S.J. commented that he’d like to join the activities.

The 2nd prepared speech was delivered by TM K.K. who joined the club several months ago. The title is “Year-End Gift.”

First, he asked the audience, “have you received a present?”.

He simulated the moment humorously when his gift arrived. That special gift was “udon,” Japanese rice noodle, from Kagawa prefecture. He ordered it by using the Hometown tax system, in which you can choose any municipality to pay tax, regardless of where you live instead of paying tax to your neighbor municipality. This system was introduced to help the local government in Japan which are suffered from the lack of tax revenue. It became popular since you can get some specialties in return.

TM K.K. felt good to use the system because he could support his hometown and get nice foods, however, his wife didn’t. She thinks it’s better to pay tax to the local government of where they live. Therefore the roads, schools and public welfare are enriched.

TM K.K. said that he had never thought about how tax system should be or how municipalities were suffered from the low income. He concluded that the Hometown tax system contributed to let people think about the politics and make them come closer to the local municipalities.

The 3rd speaker was TM K.A. who had one of the longest experience in the club.

Since he started a new Toastmaster’s educational system, Pathways, he did icebreaker again for the first time in years. The title was “My personality.”

2018 is a 15 years anniversary of his marriage. He recalled his memory when his wife met his mother. The mother said to her, “he’s really difficult and complicated.”

Everyone in the room laughed to hear that since he was always gentle and clear at his opinion.

TM K.A. added that even his father told him that his personality was too complicated to understand what he’s thinking about. The speaker, however, translated that in very positive way, “that means I’m a mysterious guy!”.

Anyway, he had grown up and been matured. And next, the personality seems to inherited to his son. He suddenly started crying and never said the reason though his parents asked him why.

TM K.A. also talked about his good points. That is curiosity, which led him to be in the club. Recently he applied to the volunteering of Tokyo Olympic games in 2020. The reason was another member spoke that the submission process was too long and painful. He recommended other members to apply too as a joke.

Next is the evaluation session.

TM K.S. pointed out 2 good points and one suggestion to the first speaker.

First, her attitude was polite but passionate. Second, the topic was appropriate for the icebreaker. Every audience could know what was her motivation to join in the club and how high it was.

He advised her to put her face up since she kept looking at the memo and made little eye-contact. If she looks at the audience directly, she can deliver her passion more vividly.

TM J.I. gave an evaluation for the 2nd speaker.

She was impressed by the topic since she just got a pamphlet of the Hometown tax system. TM J.I. praised the speaker’s comical gestures and vocal variety with good volume and effective eye-contact. Additionally, she said the structure of the speech, which started from a casual daily topic to a serious one, was effective.

The suggestion was to speak slower at the beginning even when he’s nervous.

TM K.H., who evaluated the 3rd speaker, said the speech caught his attention and never let go. The evaluator praised the speaker as a great story teller and was a natural to make people smile. One suggestion point was the speaker failed to describe his own personality because he wasn’t difficult.

Lastly, today’s general evaluator, TM B.H. gave a general comment about the English session. First, he showed his appreciation to the role takers and especially admired the TMOE for the preparation.

For the 1st evaluator, he complimented the kind and warm attitude, and suggested to explain why eye-contact was important.

GE said to the 2nd evaluator that quick start seemed preferable to the speaker.

For the 3rd one, he said it was better to ask a question in the end than to end normally.

The English session ended with applause.





最初のスピーカーはTM A.O. で、タイトルは「今年の漢字を大予想!『厄』『騒』『故』」でした。

その年を振り返る究極のサマリーとして、毎年「今年の漢字」に注目しているというTM A.O. このイベントは、1995年の阪神淡路大震災から始まり、去年は「北」が選ばれていることをせつめい。



















日本語の部、2番手のスピーカーはTM T.M. で、タイトルは「社長退任演説」でした。




ここで、突然演台の陰に姿を消したTM T.M.。暫くすると、サンタの防止に髭姿で再登場。そう、彼はサンタクロース会社?の社長だったのです。







ここで、サンタからTM T.M.に戻り、自分には6年生と4年生の子供がいる、と語るスピーカー。彼らはもうサンタを信じていないが、「なんだ、お父さんがサンタだったんだ」と言っていたそう。子供に限らず、親や兄弟、恋人を喜ばせたいと思う人の心には、国境や人種を超えて、サンタクロースがいるのだ、と締めくくりました。


TM A.T.は「論評者ということを忘れてスピーチを楽しむことができた。素晴らしい!」とスピーカーを絶賛。





2番目の論評者はTM S.E.でした。


特にTM S.E.が感心したのは、2点。





TM K.H.は全体をふりかえり、経験豊かなメンバーによって、楽しく時間通りの運営がされていた、と発言。




Best Speaker : TM T.M.

Best Evaluator: TM A.T.







Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting #310

<English Session>

The President began his opening remarks by reminding the attendants that this meeting was the last one in 2018.

TM J.S. was the Toast Master of the Evening on this day. He cheerfully called TM R.K. to let her announce the word of the evening.

She was assigned to that role just 5 minutes ago, then she chose “suddenly.”

The next part was role introduction. Each role was taken by the following members.

Timer: TM H.T./ Vote Counter: TM S.K./ GRAHCO: TM H.Y./ Meeting Reporter: TM R.T.

Here came the 1st prepared speech. TM M.O. delivered her very first icebreaker speech in the Toastmasters club. The title was “My passion.”

She introduced herself by explaining the activities in NGO which she joined since 2016.

In Uganda, many young girls quit school since they don’t go there during menstruation. They are too poor to buy sanitary pads nor have enough knowledge of hygiene. Therefore the NGO provide cloth menstrual pads to them and teach not only girls but boys and teachers at school about the menstrual mechanism and how to keep sanitary environment. Her activities succeeded to help ¾ of girls supported to go back to school.

She also told that she had lots of opportunities to deliver speeches to advertise the activities in Japan. That’s why she jumped in this club.

Although she looked a little nervous, her explanation was clear, being filled with passion. TM S.J. commented that he’d like to join the activities.

The 2nd prepared speech was delivered by TM K.K. who joined the club several months ago. The title is “Year-End Gift.”

First, he asked the audience, “have you received a present?”.

He simulated the moment humorously when his gift arrived. That special gift was “udon,” Japanese rice noodle, from Kagawa prefecture. He ordered it by using the Hometown tax system, in which you can choose any municipality to pay tax, regardless of where you live instead of paying tax to your neighbor municipality. This system was introduced to help the local government in Japan which are suffered from the lack of tax revenue. It became popular since you can get some specialties in return.

TM K.K. felt good to use the system because he could support his hometown and get nice foods, however, his wife didn’t. She thinks it’s better to pay tax to the local government of where they live. Therefore the roads, schools and public welfare are enriched.

TM K.K. said that he had never thought about how tax system should be or how municipalities were suffered from the low income. He concluded that the Hometown tax system contributed to let people think about the politics and make them come closer to the local municipalities.

The 3rd speaker was TM K.A. who had one of the longest experience in the club.

Since he started a new Toastmaster’s educational system, Pathways, he did icebreaker again for the first time in years. The title was “My personality.”

2018 is a 15 years anniversary of his marriage. He recalled his memory when his wife met his mother. The mother said to her, “he’s really difficult and complicated.”

Everyone in the room laughed to hear that since he was always gentle and clear at his opinion.

TM K.A. added that even his father told him that his personality was too complicated to understand what he’s thinking about. The speaker, however, translated that in very positive way, “that means I’m a mysterious guy!”.

Anyway, he had grown up and been matured. And next, the personality seems to inherited to his son. He suddenly started crying and never said the reason though his parents asked him why.

TM K.A. also talked about his good points. That is curiosity, which led him to be in the club. Recently he applied to the volunteering of Tokyo Olympic games in 2020. The reason was another member spoke that the submission process was too long and painful. He recommended other members to apply too as a joke.

Next is the evaluation session.

TM K.S. pointed out 2 good points and one suggestion to the first speaker.

First, her attitude was polite but passionate. Second, the topic was appropriate for the icebreaker. Every audience could know what was her motivation to join in the club and how high it was.

He advised her to put her face up since she kept looking at the memo and made little eye-contact. If she looks at the audience directly, she can deliver her passion more vividly.

TM J.I. gave an evaluation for the 2nd speaker.

She was impressed by the topic since she just got a pamphlet of the Hometown tax system. TM J.I. praised the speaker’s comical gestures and vocal variety with good volume and effective eye-contact. Additionally, she said the structure of the speech, which started from a casual daily topic to a serious one, was effective.

The suggestion was to speak slower at the beginning even when he’s nervous.

TM K.H., who evaluated the 3rd speaker, said the speech caught his attention and never let go. The evaluator praised the speaker as a great story teller and was a natural to make people smile. One suggestion point was the speaker failed to describe his own personality because he wasn’t difficult.

Lastly, today’s general evaluator, TM B.H. gave a general comment about the English session. First, he showed his appreciation to the role takers and especially admired the TMOE for the preparation.

For the 1st evaluator, he complimented the kind and warm attitude, and suggested to explain why eye-contact was important.

GE said to the 2nd evaluator that quick start seemed preferable to the speaker.

For the 3rd one, he said it was better to ask a question in the end than to end normally.

The English session ended with applause.





最初のスピーカーはTM A.O. で、タイトルは「今年の漢字を大予想!『厄』『騒』『故』」でした。

その年を振り返る究極のサマリーとして、毎年「今年の漢字」に注目しているというTM A.O. このイベントは、1995年の阪神淡路大震災から始まり、去年は「北」が選ばれていることをせつめい。



















日本語の部、2番手のスピーカーはTM T.M. で、タイトルは「社長退任演説」でした。




ここで、突然演台の陰に姿を消したTM T.M.。暫くすると、サンタの防止に髭姿で再登場。そう、彼はサンタクロース会社?の社長だったのです。







ここで、サンタからTM T.M.に戻り、自分には6年生と4年生の子供がいる、と語るスピーカー。彼らはもうサンタを信じていないが、「なんだ、お父さんがサンタだったんだ」と言っていたそう。子供に限らず、親や兄弟、恋人を喜ばせたいと思う人の心には、国境や人種を超えて、サンタクロースがいるのだ、と締めくくりました。


TM A.T.は「論評者ということを忘れてスピーチを楽しむことができた。素晴らしい!」とスピーカーを絶賛。





2番目の論評者はTM S.E.でした。


特にTM S.E.が感心したのは、2点。





TM K.H.は全体をふりかえり、経験豊かなメンバーによって、楽しく時間通りの運営がされていた、と発言。




Best Speaker : TM T.M.

Best Evaluator: TM A.T.






Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting #309

*English below



空気が清々しくなってきた12月、TM NYさんが選んだ‘今夜の言葉’は「清冽(な)」でした。この言葉は主に水や空気に使うとのことで、例えば「水のような清冽な」という表現ができるそうです。


最初の日本語のスピーチ#1はTM THさんによる「11-22の日」でした。



次に、TM K.A.によるパスウェーズ(Pathways)コーナー。パスウェーズとは、どういう目的でスピーチするのかのマニュアルであり、10個のPathways中から自分に合う課題を選び、5つのレベルをステップアップしていくツールのことで、活用の仕方を丁寧に説明していただきました。


日本語のスピーチ#1への論評はTM Kさん。他クラブからの訪問にも関わらず、急きょ来れなくなった方の代役として引き受けていただきました。良かった点は抜群のタイミングでの間を取るなどのポーズを使ったメッセージ、そして声の出し方。改善点としては、男女の違いを極端にジェスチャーなどを用いて表現したら良いとのことでした。


文法報告はTM SEさん。皆さん、今夜の言葉を上手に取り入れており、特に注意すべき言葉/表現はなかったとのことです。


総合評価はTM KYさん。忙しい方が多いので、ドタキャンがあっても皆さんが対応できるようにしたらいい、ゲストの声かけなど積極的にすることなど気が付いた点を挙げていました。また、パスウェーズについてはゲストの方もいるので新旧の違い等を用いて説明すると良いのではとのことです。また、急きょ評論を引き受けてくれたTM Kさんは、事前にスピーカーの人柄について調べた上ですばらしい評論だったとのことです。



<English Session>

Today’s word of the day is ‘limpid’ which is the same as Japanese one ‘清冽な’ by TM NY and he explained that ‘limpid’ means clear, pellucid etc.


Prepared Speech #1 was provided by TM OT who is a visitor from another Toast Masters Club. The title is ‘Like, this young man’. His speech was started by talking his elementary school’s life. When he was a child, he disappointed by his teacher who said that he cannot achieve his ‘dream’. He expressed his frustration and strong emotion with body language. However, when he became a university student, he hit the turning point by finding the statement ‘boys, be ambitious like this old man’ by Dr William Smith Clark. He concluded ‘Never give up’


TM HB played his rule of Today’ table topics. He provided five questions.

  1. If you won a lottery and gain one billion yen, what would you use it?

→Donate for people and build a hotel with a free movie theater by TM O

  1. What would you give advice to yourself when you were 15 years old?

→Study hard, play girls, and play club activities by TM Y

  1. What profession will you choose?

→Profession of speech since he can speech in Toast Masters Club by TM K

  1. Provide two places where you most like?

→Spain in which he used to live , and Las Vegas where he lost by gambling last week and wants to go back to win next time by TM E

  1. What are you planning, like to buy, learn or reach your goal?

→Prepare to become a good grandfather for helping my daughter to take care of her kids by TM K


The evaluation #1 was conducted by TM OA. He analyzed TM OT’s speech by drawing a chart with three points such as strategic, balance, and time management In addition, he mentioned that the speech was really impressive by saying ‘don’t give up’ as action plan.


TM MT played a role of evaluation #2. He said the positive points were following the structure, good balance and tone volume, which were perfect combination to use them.


The CRAHCO’s was reported by TM ES saying there were no unnecessary words but no one use word of the day.


Lastly TM YC provided general evaluation about all agenda including table topics, 2 evaluation, speech.


Award Ceremony

The Best Table Topics Speaker TM E.

The Best Evaluator TM M.

The Best Speaker went to TM H.


Thank you so much!


Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting #309


空気が清々しくなってきた12月、TM NYさんが選んだ‘今夜の言葉’は「清冽(な)」でした。この言葉は主に水や空気に使うとのことで、例えば「水のような清冽な」という表現ができるそうです。


最初の日本語のスピーチ#1はTM THさんによる「11-22の日」でした。



次に、TM K.A.によるパスウェーズ(Pathways)コーナー。パスウェーズとは、どういう目的でスピーチするのかのマニュアルであり、10個のPathways中から自分に合う課題を選び、5つのレベルをステップアップしていくツールのことで、活用の仕方を丁寧に説明していただきました。


日本語のスピーチ#1への論評はTM Kさん。他クラブからの訪問にも関わらず、急きょ来れなくなった方の代役として引き受けていただきました。良かった点は抜群のタイミングでの間を取るなどのポーズを使ったメッセージ、そして声の出し方。改善点としては、男女の違いを極端にジェスチャーなどを用いて表現したら良いとのことでした。


文法報告はTM SEさん。皆さん、今夜の言葉を上手に取り入れており、特に注意すべき言葉/表現はなかったとのことです。


総合評価はTM KYさん。忙しい方が多いので、ドタキャンがあっても皆さんが対応できるようにしたらいい、ゲストの声かけなど積極的にすることなど気が付いた点を挙げていました。また、パスウェーズについてはゲストの方もいるので新旧の違い等を用いて説明すると良いのではとのことです。また、急きょ評論を引き受けてくれたTM Kさんは、事前にスピーカーの人柄について調べた上ですばらしい評論だったとのことです。



<English Session>

Today’s word of the day is ‘limpid’ which is the same as Japanese one ‘清冽な’ by TM NY and he explained that ‘limpid’ means clear, pellucid etc.


Prepared Speech #1 was provided by TM OT who is a visitor from another Toast Masters Club. The title is ‘Like, this young man’. His speech was started by talking his elementary school’s life. When he was a child, he disappointed by his teacher who said that he cannot achieve his ‘dream’. He expressed his frustration and strong emotion with body language. However, when he became a university student, he hit the turning point by finding the statement ‘boys, be ambitious like this old man’ by Dr William Smith Clark. He concluded ‘Never give up’


TM HB played his rule of Today’ table topics. He provided five questions.

  1. If you won a lottery and gain one billion yen, what would you use it?

→Donate for people and build a hotel with a free movie theater by TM O

  1. What would you give advice to yourself when you were 15 years old?

→Study hard, play girls, and play club activities by TM Y

  1. What profession will you choose?

→Profession of speech since he can speech in Toast Masters Club by TM K

  1. Provide two places where you most like?

→Spain in which he used to live , and Las Vegas where he lost by gambling last week and wants to go back to win next time by TM E

  1. What are you planning, like to buy, learn or reach your goal?

→Prepare to become a good grandfather for helping my daughter to take care of her kids by TM K


The evaluation #1 was conducted by TM OA. He analyzed TM OT’s speech by drawing a chart with three points such as strategic, balance, and time management In addition, he mentioned that the speech was really impressive by saying ‘don’t give up’ as action plan.


TM MT played a role of evaluation #2. He said the positive points were following the structure, good balance and tone volume, which were perfect combination to use them.


The CRAHCO’s was reported by TM ES saying there were no unnecessary words but no one use word of the day.


Lastly TM YC provided general evaluation about all agenda including table topics, 2 evaluation, speech.


Award Ceremony

The Best Table Topics Speaker TM E.

The Best Evaluator TM M.

The Best Speaker went to TM H.


Thank you so much!