Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting #320

The session on May 8th was the first day since Reiwa has started. It was a good day with blue sky and moderate temperature with the wind in the beautiful green season.


TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) was TM.A.T. She managed the entire session with cheerful mood, which makes TM members relaxing and comfortable. It is helpful for all who came back to the normal life with work after long Golden week holidays.

The word of the evening was “Encourage” which was presented by TM K.V. He mentioned it is a very helpful word to support and motivate people, which should be used proactively.

<English Session>

#1 Prepared Speech by TM D.N   (time: 14’14”)

  • Pathways: Strategic Relationship
  • Level 1 “Ice Breaker”
  • Title: “Self Introduction”

It was the 1st presentation for TM D.N. It was started with funny mood touching on his outfit; white and wide pants. He says ‘Everyone would consider why this stupid guy wears this strange outfit. The answer will come later’. It made everyone laugh. His presentation covered from his job to hobbies. His career started as a Navy and now a medical associate. He also loves Karate and diving. The reason wearing white pants came from here. Demonstration of Karate was interesting. Regarding diving, it would be a good opportunity for everyone to get to know the world competition/record of the depth of the sea-diving with no light nor sound and how risky it is. He covers a lot for his 1st presentation.

Evaluation for the Speech #1 by TM K.S (time 3’52”)

TM K.S called out 2 good points and 2 suggestions.

Good point 1: It included lot of humor, which let people relax with Confident.

Good point 2: He didn’t use memo.

Suggestion: it would be good if TM D.N. were keen to the time limitation as it took 14 min. Emphasizing on focus area and exercising with stop watch by himself as the official preparation would be helpful.

#2 Prepared Speech by TM T.H (time: 5’40”)

  • Pathways: Dynamic Leadership
  • Level 1 “Ice Breaker”
  • Title: “My addiction”

TM T.H. spoke about his addiction introducing his current status and situation; He works as an account executive covering 300 customers. Every end of month is the time to judge him and his team as the management asks the sakes achievement, which is very stressful. To manage his frustration, what he has been doing is going to Super Sento, which offers a variety of hot tabs even in the city, relaxing rooms, massage and sauna. They also provide some foods and drinks. It is helpful for him to escape from his facing stress and to release frustration. As a closing, he demonstrated drinking coffee-milk up (not a cafe late nor cappuccino) in an old type of small bottle as if he were in Sento. Having a sweat in sauna, then drinking coffee-milk without breathing is what he has been addicted to manage his frustrations.

Evaluation for the Speech #2 by TM T.M. (time 3’09”)

TM T.M. called out TM T.H wore all necessary basic speech skill sets; very confident, optimization, clear voice and attitude cheering himself, which brought positive mood in the room. It should have been very supportive on his job as a sales account executive since everyone could understand the situation easily with his presentation. One suggestion was to differentiate tone of voice. Variety of tone of it would retrieve more internets from audience.  

#3 Prepared Speech by B.H  (time: 7’47”)

  • Pathways: Team Collaboration Level 1
  • Title: “Test Drive”

TM B.H started his presentation sharing the monochrome picture of the first car in the world in 1887. At that time, the vehicle seemed very risky and dangerous for everyone as they’ve never seen it nor tried. TM B.H. shared another picture as an opposite example, which was the shot his son was sitting in the next seat in his car with reading a book with comfort. As a different approach, he shared a research result that KPMG consulting firm was done about the countries ranking in the world of ‘Readiness of the self driving car’. Japan was the 11th, while the Netherlands are in the 1st position. It was concluded with 2 points – 1. Self driving vehicles are future. 2. Self driving vehicles will be used by transportation companies initially.

Evaluation for the Speech #3 by TM A.O. (time 3’25”)

TM A.O called out the time management was good, however it would be better to reinforce more; If suppose, we have 7 minutes, it can be broken down 2min, 3min and 2 min. The first 2min can be used for ‘Introduction’ (this case – ‘Self driving concept’), the next 3min to be ‘Body’ (this case – ‘Sharing Global map, Chart, Research result’), and the last 2min to be used for ‘Conclusion’ (this case – ‘Benefit’), while TM BH spent 4min for the Body part, which made the presentation longer. Another advice was the chart was too small to see. Better to have a bigger one.

General Evaluation was done by TM K.K. mentioning today’s attendees are lucky having 3 different evaluation style.

  • TM K.S. Encourage approach
  • TM T.M. Story telling approach
  • TM A.O Analytical approach




今夜の言葉は「れいぎただしい」がTM K.V.さんより提示されました。日本へ来て1年、メンバーになって約1ヶ月の彼は、「漢字が書けないので平仮名でごめんなさい」と話しメンバーを笑わせ、次のとおり説明。‘This is the word to describe Japanese people, who are very Reigi Tadashii, very polite! 是非使ってください!’と和やかにスタート。



準備スピーチ#1 TM J.S.さん(time 8’29”

  • ACマニュアル 物語の話術
  • プロジェクト#4 感動的なストーリー
  • タイトル: 「意識」

GW中に放送されたTV番組の中から、和太鼓に魅了されたスイス出身のアニナさんのエピソードを披露。佐渡へ来て2年。和太鼓に夢中になり楽しむが、課題は大きな声が出ないこと。掛け声で大きな声を出す必要のある和太鼓には致命的。師匠にアドバイスをされても彼女は躊躇する。そんな試練に立ち向かい、やがて彼女が大きな声で歌えるまで成長していく様を実際にTM J.S.さんはアニナさんに成りきって大きな声で歌って見せる。聴衆は一瞬驚きながらも引き込まれる。TM J.S.さんのキーメッセージは、意識を変える事が勝因となる事。そして最後には、「意識」を「意思気」に変えてチャレンジしてみませんか?と締めくくった。

日本語スピーチ#1への論評 TM K.A.さん(time 3’33”)


準備スピーチ#2 TM Y.I.さん(time 6’57”

  • CCマニュアル 
  • プロジェクト#4 表現方法
  • タイトル: 「積み重ね」

「いい線行ってるんだけどな、何か違うんだよね」というセリフ回しからスタート。メンバーはどんな話が展開されるかと引き込まれる。昔、水泳に夢中になっていたが、人と比べて起用ではないTM Y.Iさん。それでも人の2倍時間をかければ習得できるのが分かっていたので、根気よく練習を重ねてバタフライが出来るまでに。遠泳も2-3キロ泳げるまでになった。そしてスピーチは、10年も続けているフラメンコの内容へ。滑らかなフラメンコの踊りの手の動きが美しく、彼女がどれだけフラメンコを愛しているかが伝わってくる。一時は離れたこともあったが今は夢中になっている。「継続は力なり。続けることは素晴らしい」。そして「トーストマスターズも続けてやっていきましょう!」と締めくくった。

日本語スピーチ#2への論評 TM N.K.さん(time 3’10”)




総合論評は、英語の部と同じくTM K.Kさんより。

– TM K.Aさん:印象から評価。詳細なスピーチの分析で分かりやすい。森を見て木を見ていくようなアプローチで素晴らしい。

– N.K.さん:冗談から入る論評で彼しかできない楽しいアプローチ。内容もスピーカーの特徴を捉えて分析されていて良かった。


< 表彰 >

The Best Speaker :  TM T.H.

The Best Evaluator :  TM T.M.





Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting #320

The session on May 8th was the first day since Reiwa has started. It was a good day with blue sky and moderate temperature with the wind in the beautiful green season.


TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) was TM.A.T. She managed the entire session with cheerful mood, which makes TM members relaxing and comfortable. It is helpful for all who came back to the normal life with work after long Golden week holidays.

The word of the evening was “Encourage” which was presented by TM K.V. He mentioned it is a very helpful word to support and motivate people, which should be used proactively.

<English Session>

#1 Prepared Speech by TM D.N   (time: 14’14”)

  • Pathways: Strategic Relationship
  • Level 1 “Ice Breaker”
  • Title: “Self Introduction”

It was the 1st presentation for TM D.N. It was started with funny mood touching on his outfit; white and wide pants. He says ‘Everyone would consider why this stupid guy wears this strange outfit. The answer will come later’. It made everyone laugh. His presentation covered from his job to hobbies. His career started as a Navy and now a medical associate. He also loves Karate and diving. The reason wearing white pants came from here. Demonstration of Karate was interesting. Regarding diving, it would be a good opportunity for everyone to get to know the world competition/record of the depth of the sea-diving with no light nor sound and how risky it is. He covers a lot for his 1st presentation.

Evaluation for the Speech #1 by TM K.S (time 3’52”)

TM K.S called out 2 good points and 2 suggestions.

Good point 1: It included lot of humor, which let people relax with Confident.

Good point 2: He didn’t use memo.

Suggestion: it would be good if TM D.N. were keen to the time limitation as it took 14 min. Emphasizing on focus area and exercising with stop watch by himself as the official preparation would be helpful.

#2 Prepared Speech by TM T.H (time: 5’40”)

  • Pathways: Dynamic Leadership
  • Level 1 “Ice Breaker”
  • Title: “My addiction”

TM T.H. spoke about his addiction introducing his current status and situation; He works as an account executive covering 300 customers. Every end of month is the time to judge him and his team as the management asks the sakes achievement, which is very stressful. To manage his frustration, what he has been doing is going to Super Sento, which offers a variety of hot tabs even in the city, relaxing rooms, massage and sauna. They also provide some foods and drinks. It is helpful for him to escape from his facing stress and to release frustration. As a closing, he demonstrated drinking coffee-milk up (not a cafe late nor cappuccino) in an old type of small bottle as if he were in Sento. Having a sweat in sauna, then drinking coffee-milk without breathing is what he has been addicted to manage his frustrations.

Evaluation for the Speech #2 by TM T.M. (time 3’09”)

TM T.M. called out TM T.H wore all necessary basic speech skill sets; very confident, optimization, clear voice and attitude cheering himself, which brought positive mood in the room. It should have been very supportive on his job as a sales account executive since everyone could understand the situation easily with his presentation. One suggestion was to differentiate tone of voice. Variety of tone of it would retrieve more internets from audience.  

#3 Prepared Speech by B.H  (time: 7’47”)

  • Pathways: Team Collaboration Level 1
  • Title: “Test Drive”

TM B.H started his presentation sharing the monochrome picture of the first car in the world in 1887. At that time, the vehicle seemed very risky and dangerous for everyone as they’ve never seen it nor tried. TM B.H. shared another picture as an opposite example, which was the shot his son was sitting in the next seat in his car with reading a book with comfort. As a different approach, he shared a research result that KPMG consulting firm was done about the countries ranking in the world of ‘Readiness of the self driving car’. Japan was the 11th, while the Netherlands are in the 1st position. It was concluded with 2 points – 1. Self driving vehicles are future. 2. Self driving vehicles will be used by transportation companies initially.

Evaluation for the Speech #3 by TM A.O. (time 3’25”)

TM A.O called out the time management was good, however it would be better to reinforce more; If suppose, we have 7 minutes, it can be broken down 2min, 3min and 2 min. The first 2min can be used for ‘Introduction’ (this case – ‘Self driving concept’), the next 3min to be ‘Body’ (this case – ‘Sharing Global map, Chart, Research result’), and the last 2min to be used for ‘Conclusion’ (this case – ‘Benefit’), while TM BH spent 4min for the Body part, which made the presentation longer. Another advice was the chart was too small to see. Better to have a bigger one.

General Evaluation was done by TM K.K. mentioning today’s attendees are lucky having 3 different evaluation style.

  • TM K.S. Encourage approach
  • TM T.M. Story telling approach
  • TM A.O Analytical approach




今夜の言葉は「れいぎただしい」がTM K.V.さんより提示されました。日本へ来て1年、メンバーになって約1ヶ月の彼は、「漢字が書けないので平仮名でごめんなさい」と話しメンバーを笑わせ、次のとおり説明。‘This is the word to describe Japanese people, who are very Reigi Tadashii, very polite! 是非使ってください!’と和やかにスタート。



準備スピーチ#1 TM J.S.さん(time 8’29”

  • ACマニュアル 物語の話術
  • プロジェクト#4 感動的なストーリー
  • タイトル: 「意識」

GW中に放送されたTV番組の中から、和太鼓に魅了されたスイス出身のアニナさんのエピソードを披露。佐渡へ来て2年。和太鼓に夢中になり楽しむが、課題は大きな声が出ないこと。掛け声で大きな声を出す必要のある和太鼓には致命的。師匠にアドバイスをされても彼女は躊躇する。そんな試練に立ち向かい、やがて彼女が大きな声で歌えるまで成長していく様を実際にTM J.S.さんはアニナさんに成りきって大きな声で歌って見せる。聴衆は一瞬驚きながらも引き込まれる。TM J.S.さんのキーメッセージは、意識を変える事が勝因となる事。そして最後には、「意識」を「意思気」に変えてチャレンジしてみませんか?と締めくくった。

日本語スピーチ#1への論評 TM K.A.さん(time 3’33”)


準備スピーチ#2 TM Y.I.さん(time 6’57”

  • CCマニュアル 
  • プロジェクト#4 表現方法
  • タイトル: 「積み重ね」

「いい線行ってるんだけどな、何か違うんだよね」というセリフ回しからスタート。メンバーはどんな話が展開されるかと引き込まれる。昔、水泳に夢中になっていたが、人と比べて起用ではないTM Y.Iさん。それでも人の2倍時間をかければ習得できるのが分かっていたので、根気よく練習を重ねてバタフライが出来るまでに。遠泳も2-3キロ泳げるまでになった。そしてスピーチは、10年も続けているフラメンコの内容へ。滑らかなフラメンコの踊りの手の動きが美しく、彼女がどれだけフラメンコを愛しているかが伝わってくる。一時は離れたこともあったが今は夢中になっている。「継続は力なり。続けることは素晴らしい」。そして「トーストマスターズも続けてやっていきましょう!」と締めくくった。

日本語スピーチ#2への論評 TM N.K.さん(time 3’10”)




総合論評は、英語の部と同じくTM K.Kさんより。

– TM K.Aさん:印象から評価。詳細なスピーチの分析で分かりやすい。森を見て木を見ていくようなアプローチで素晴らしい。

– N.K.さん:冗談から入る論評で彼しかできない楽しいアプローチ。内容もスピーカーの特徴を捉えて分析されていて良かった。


< 表彰 >

The Best Speaker :  TM T.H.

The Best Evaluator :  TM T.M.


