【第443回例会レポート( 2023/12/13(水)19:00~21:00)】

It was cloudy day but the temperature was not so cold as the middle of December.

Attendants:  Members -10 persons on site (Curian/Ohimachi)

                       -5persons on line

              Guest— – 1person (on site) 

[ English Session]

The president of TITMC TM MA declared the opening of the meeting on time.

Today’s TMOE was TM YU and was his first time for this roll.

The word of the evening was “Replenish” (= to fill something up again) presented by TM KM

++Prepared Speech #1  by TM AO      (time: 6’41”)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery Level-1, Evaluation and Feedback

Title: “I Love To See You Smile”

TM AO started to explain that he would give 7 short funny stories

 And asked us to distinguish which were funny, not-funny or not-understandable by writing down the judgement sheet. The 7 short stories were all funny ones (for me), however, we would wait for TM AO’s feedback at next timing.

The Evaluator was TM NS (time: 2’15”)

TM NS pointed out that his speech style was very unique because he shared small sheet of paper to all audience to catch the attention. TM NS also commented that all short story was funny.

++Table Topics: by TM KI

TM KI talked about her favorite songs and the timing of this year, then, she gave the following 5topics(=questions)

 — topic—                —(Speaker)—       —(time)—   

Q1: True Friend             (TM HH)           (1’09”)

Q2: Failure turned out success experience (TM SE)   (2’09”)

Q3: Christmas memory    (Quest)             (1’16”)

Q4: Plan for Christmas    (TM KM)           (1’14”)

Q5: Christmas Dream     (TM KY)            (1’23”)

++ GRACO’s Report: by SO.

TM SO told that the usage of the word” suffering” by TM AO at his speech was impressive.

++General Evaluation: by TM KA


定刻7:05pmにTMOE YUさんが活動の再開を宣言されました。

今夜の言葉は英語と同等語である「満たす」との通達がTM KMより示されました。


++準備スピーチ#1  TM HHさん   (time 6’45”)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery,  Lv1 リサーチとプレゼンテーション

タイトル 「光速を超えた先」

TM HHさんが技術系の人間であり技術の話にいつも興味持っている事。図書館に行って読んだ本や「量子テレポーション」に関する最新の研究の進み具合を話されました。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM MKさん  (time 3’23”)



++準備スピーチ#2 TM KKさん   (time 7’02””)

タイトル 「小遣いやろか」(独自スピーチ)

TM KKさんの子育ての実践のなかで経験された出来事を具体的に楽しく話されました。

具体的な例として 英単語1語につき10円とか、絵を描かせて小遣いを渡す等。


論評者(Evaluator)は TM ONさん  (time 3’05”)

TM KKさんがスピーチの入りの部分で前のスピーチが技術的で高尚だった点を上手く引き合いに出すテクニックを評価。又、話が「成功ケース」と「失敗ケース」として紹介した点が聴衆に分かり易さを与えたと評価しました。又、家庭内の話であるがビジネス等に拡がる普遍的な構成としてると。

++総合論評:by TM KA


終始 和やかな雰囲気で定刻(21:00)を迎え閉会となりました。   (TM SE)

< 表彰 >

The Best Speaker:    TM HH

The Best Evaluator:  TM MK

The Best Table Topics: TM SE

by  TM S.E. (Dec.18,2023)

【第441回例会レポート( 2023/11/22(水)19:00~21:00)】

The meeting started with greeting by our president TM M.A.

She mentioned today(11/22) was, in Japanese, いい夫婦の日, and started meeting with warm atmosphere.

Today’s TMOE was our Vice President Education, TM O.N.  He started the educational session referring to the opening comments from TM M.A

The word of the day was introduced by TM S.O.  The word was “Rewarding”

The 1st speaker was TM K.I. the speech was about Japanese ghost story.

She explained, in Japanese culture, ghost stories were a kind of entertainment in the history.  She started her story telling with picture of Katsushika Hokusai which shows ghost of “Kiku’s well”.  The storytelling was delivered with various tone of voice, and made us think the effect of ghost in our culture.

The next agenda was table topics.  We need to respond to impromptu questions from Table Topics master, TM N.H!!  She prepared several cards which show certain word and requested speakers to talk personal stories using words in the cards.

Q1 goes to our president, TM M.A., the word was “Motivation”

She made speech about how she and her husband strengthened the relationship and how it motivated her, which relates to the opening remarks of today’s meeting as a president!

Q2 goes to TM H.H., the word was “Ambition”

He made speech about his mindset to be a good speaker and why he joined toastmasters, and also from learning from YouTube.

Q3 goes to TM N.S., the word was “Skills”

She told about her honest feeling about her learning skills and talk about training about golf very smoothly.

Q4 goes to TM T.M., the word was “Personality”

He told he is not good at table topics even after long experiences in toastmasters and the reason why from his personality.

Q5 TM K.K., the word was “Best friends”

She told about the best friend who is always energetic and giving her energy, and planned travel with her to Hakodate next month.

The last agenda in English session was the evaluation by TM A.O. for TM K.I’s speech.

TM A.O. praised the choice of speech topic, effective visual of showing picture, and precise expressions during the speech.  And he suggests the effective use of script and tablet during the speech and more effective use of vocal variety.



#1 マジカルメンタリング TM MK


#2 洗濯物の山を制覇する TM KY



Best Speaker ・・・TM MK

Best Evaluator ・・・ TM AO

Best  Tabletopics Speaker ・・・TM TM
