MEETING REPORT June 26th, 2019

<English Session>

Today’s TOME TM O started the session with the quote of “ when in Rome, do as the Romas do”, in light of this quote, he speaks British English in London, speak American English in NY and Japanese English in Tokyo, so he humorously mentioned to speak Japanese English today.

After his funny introduction, TM S selected the Word of the evening which is Tasteful, he encouraged to use the word.

English Speech #1

The first speaker TM M, his point was to compare the objectives of CC manual and Pathways,

CC manual is based on skilled based objectives, it enables us to step forward one by one, whereas Pathways’ objective is more goal -based one, it just shows the goal, so it requires us to set our own milestones in the middle of the way to the goal, so that we can achieve the mile stone and lead to the final goal.

Table topics followed the speech, which was led by TM Y, he kindly took this role to fill the canceled English speech session. His topics were quite interesting like when do you quite driving car, which is quite controversial topic nowadays, and another topics were what do you do in rainy
season and how the new year resolutions going. Each topic was quite timely theme and every speaker talked with a lot of their insight.

Evaluation for English Speech #1

Evaluation for #1 by TM K pointed out two positive ones and one suggestion. Positive ones was, well organized structure and unique insight like setting the personal goal in the midway and suggestion was to show a bit more specific example so that help us to convince the difference between CC manual and Pathways.

General Evaluation

General Evaluation by TM S was to highly appreciated TMOE O to establish the relaxed atmosphere with his humor in the introduction and flexible support by TM Y to lead the Table topics to fill the slot.

<日本語 セッション>

日本語スピーチ #1

今日の言葉は、“ 趣がある “ という言葉。梅雨に入りすっきりしない天気が続くが、このような時期でも、緑雨、青葉雨といった雨の中に緑が映えるような趣がある使い方があり、このような表現の使用を勧めた。


スピーチ#1は、TM Aさん。

スピーチタイトルは、泣きたい気持ち A編。こちらのタイトル、数回前の他のTMのスピーチを引用しつつ、自分独自のアプローチでスピーチを展開。キャプテン翼をテーマに笑いあり、そして涙(?)あり、臨場感のあるジェスチャーあり、の展開に引き込まれた。


日本語スピーチ#2は、TM Oさん。



スピーチ#3 TM Sさん。


歴史・教養シリーズ ということで、江戸開城 西郷隆盛と勝海舟の会談で、江戸総攻撃が中止になった歴史的史実より、リーダーシップ・誠実さ・外交力の重要性を説いた。リーダーは、私利私欲を持ってはいけない。

日本語 評論#1


日本語 評論#2


日本語 評論#3  






MEETING REPORT June 26th, 2019

<English Session>

Today’s TOME TM O started the session with the quote of “ when in Rome, do as the Romas do”, in light of this quote, he speaks British English in London, speak American English in NY and Japanese English in Tokyo, so he humorously mentioned to speak Japanese English today.

After his funny introduction, TM S selected the Word of the evening which is Tasteful, he encouraged to use the word.

English Speech #1

The first speaker TM M, his point was to compare the objectives of CC manual and Pathways,

CC manual is based on skilled based objectives, it enables us to step forward one by one, whereas Pathways’ objective is more goal -based one, it just shows the goal, so it requires us to set our own milestones in the middle of the way to the goal, so that we can achieve the mile stone and lead to the final goal.

Table topics followed the speech, which was led by TM Y, he kindly took this role to fill the canceled English speech session. His topics were quite interesting like when do you quite driving car, which is quite controversial topic nowadays, and another topics were what do you do in rainy
season and how the new year resolutions going. Each topic was quite timely theme and every speaker talked with a lot of their insight.

Evaluation for English Speech #1

Evaluation for #1 by TM K pointed out two positive ones and one suggestion. Positive ones was, well organized structure and unique insight like setting the personal goal in the midway and suggestion was to show a bit more specific example so that help us to convince the difference between CC manual and Pathways.

General Evaluation

General Evaluation by TM S was to highly appreciated TMOE O to establish the relaxed atmosphere with his humor in the introduction and flexible support by TM Y to lead the Table topics to fill the slot.

<日本語 セッション>

日本語スピーチ #1

今日の言葉は、“ 趣がある “ という言葉。梅雨に入りすっきりしない天気が続くが、このような時期でも、緑雨、青葉雨といった雨の中に緑が映えるような趣がある使い方があり、このような表現の使用を勧めた。


スピーチ#1は、TM Aさん。

スピーチタイトルは、泣きたい気持ち A編。こちらのタイトル、数回前の他のTMのスピーチを引用しつつ、自分独自のアプローチでスピーチを展開。キャプテン翼をテーマに笑いあり、そして涙(?)あり、臨場感のあるジェスチャーあり、の展開に引き込まれた。


日本語スピーチ#2は、TM Oさん。



スピーチ#3 TM Sさん。


歴史・教養シリーズ ということで、江戸開城 西郷隆盛と勝海舟の会談で、江戸総攻撃が中止になった歴史的史実より、リーダーシップ・誠実さ・外交力の重要性を説いた。リーダーは、私利私欲を持ってはいけない。

日本語 評論#1


日本語 評論#2


日本語 評論#3  




