Meeting Report Aug 23, 2023

Meeting Report #434 Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting
Hybrid meeting : Zoom online / きゅりあん4

お盆明け、2週連続開催される例会の1週目、まだ厳しい暑さが続く日々ですが、ゲスト 8名、総勢20名以上の大人数でハイブリッドでの開催となりました。今夜の司会はTM KK さん、ユーモア交えた進行が進み、2名の入会式も行うことが出来ました。

今夜の言葉はTM NSによる “やおら”
準備スピーチ#1 : TM NK (時間 8:21)
トーストマスターズクラブのお作法、挨拶、One for All, All for Oneの理念など、 スピーチを通じて、特に新しく加わったTMにとってとても勉強になるスピーチでした。
準備スピーチ#1への論評 : TM KM (時間 3:05)

テーブルトピックス TM OM

Q1 : 人生の中で一番大きな戦いとは?
A1:TM SE : 自然災害の経験
Q2 : あなたにとっての勝負飯は?
A2:TM AO : 勝負前には食さない
Q3 : あなたにとっての勝負服は?
A3:TM CO : 明るい色の服
総合論評 : TM NH
論評者に対してスピーチの目標が触れられていた点、話の区切り、メリハリを持つことで より効果的に伝わる点、TMOE、テーブルトピックマスターに対して、始まりの導入のス ムーズさ、適切なトピックを選択された点についてフィードバックがありました。

[English Session]
“The word of the Evening by TM NS is “deliberately”
#Prepared Speech 1 by KA (Time 7:12)
Tittle : “WE WILL” from Blue Giant
The Story about how he became fan of Jazz Comic Movie : Blue Giant and Hiromi Uehara.

He demonstrated playing the saxophone by his umbrella.
Evaluation for Speech 1 by SE (Time 3:30)
The combination of vocal varieties and his gentle / slow tone were funny and accomplished the speech goal.
#Prepared Speech 2 by MK (Time: 7:03 )
Tittle : Evaluation : What a wonderful Skill!
Her thought about Toast Masters Club, especially for the concentration on evaluation.
She mentioned her own experiences and what she has learned and things she can apply for her life.
Evaluation for Speech 2 by GK (Time 3:20)
Great link from opening and played her roles in her speech and her challenge, 1 suggestion on selecting more positive word.
General Evaluation by TM NH
Feedback to the evaluators, better to mention the connection on the structure in the speech and the importance for the time keeping.
Overall the meeting was full of energy and meeting was organized well including the information on white board.

Best Table Topics speaker: TM CO
Best Evaluator: TM GK
Best Speaker: TM MK
Cheers, Scribed by TM YU

Meeting Report Aug 9, 2023


#433 Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting

August 9, 2023

Hybrid meeting : Zoom online / きゅりあん4F


そんな中、初めて参加を含め4人のゲストを迎え、TMOEのTM ON のクスッと笑えるユーモアの利いた司会で賑やかな例会となりました。


今日の言葉の”borderless ; 境界のない”を実現したユニークでボーダレスな例会をメンバーとゲストで開催することができました。

【English session】

1st Speaker TM MK 7’40”

Speech Title : A serious Talk about Smiling

She shared her experience in Hong Kong that had talked about her foreign friends under different culture. It was really informative and thoughtful.

1st Evaluator TM MA 3’42”

TM MA evaluated 3 good points and 2 suggestions. Speech was well- structured and very understandable, delivered effectively by using picture. In addition to such points, valuable suggestions including gesture and vocal variety will give 1st speaker good directions.

Table Topic

TM KK had managed this session and gave 3 topics.

1st TM SE talked about his favorite animations with good humor. 2’07”

2nd Guest spoke her memory playing with toys in her childhood in America. 1’42”

3rd TM YU answered shortly by talking about summer vacation homework. 1’20”


日本語準備スピーチ#1 TM KM 6’05”

タイトル 「音楽を奏でるように」


日本語準備スピーチ#2 TM TM 7’01”

タイトル 「優しさ」


日本語準備スピーチ#1への論評 TM KA 3”31’

TM KMのボーカルバラエティーを繰り返し真似るなど、茶目っ気たっぷりの論評でした。話すスピードとスピーチ時間に対するアドバイスがあり、スピーカにも貴重なフィードバックがされました。

日本語準備スピーチ#2への論評 TM NK 3’07”


総合論評のTM AOから、論評の良かったところ、改善点など価値のあるコメントで締めくくられました。

Meeting Report July 26th, 2023

Meeting Report #432


今夜の司会TM KIがクールにそしてスマートに例会をさばきます。


今夜の言葉は、TM JSによる「脚光を浴びる」です。

#準備スピーチ1 : TM KK (時間:7:14)




論評 for 準備スピーチ1:TM NK(時間 2:30)


#テーブルトピックス TM GK

Q1: あなたは恐れがないなら何をしますか?

A1:TM JS:日本を元気にするため日本の首相に立候補する。(時間1:32)


A2:TM NM:トーストマスターで活動。感謝日記書いている。(時間1:40)


A3:TM NH: 人から離れる。スマホを見ない。読書 。(時間1:40)

前半総合論評:TM NH


[English Session]

The word of the Evening by TM JS is “Incremental Growth”

#Prepared Speech 1  by TM MK  (Time: 6:42)

Title: Power of Encouragement

The story is What a great encouragement and motivation TM MK lesson -learned from her professor in the past.

Evaluation for Speech 1 by TM KA (Time: 3:52)

It is a very helpful evaluation for TM MK to specify 3 good points and 2 suggestions on the speech

#Prepared Speech 2 by TM YU (Time: 4:30)

Title: What we hear doing most is usually what we most need to do.

This is Ice breaker speech and first-time speech in TITMC for TM YU.

It is the story about himself with 5 keywords described interesting.

Evaluation for Speech 2 by TM KM (Time: 2:42)

It is very motivated evaluation for TM YU to identify 3 good points and 2 suggestions

#Prepared Speech 3 by TM SE (Time:7:30)

Title: Unforgettable Photo

This is the story that TM SE experienced in Thai back in 2022, there is

One picture shown Budda status on the water! What happened?

Evaluation for Speech 3 by TM AO (Time: 3:33)

It is very fascinated evaluation some great points and some suggestion that make the pictures more effective and impressive.

General Evaluation by TM NH

3 evaluators were highly evaluated well with some positive points and Smooth Meeting progress and TMOE management were greatly appreciated by TM NH

Best Table Topics speaker: TM NM

Best Evaluator: TM KM

Best Speaker: TM MK


Cheers, Scribed by TM JS