TITMC 371th Meeting Report Apr 14th,2021(wed) 19:00-21:00
Meeting Beginning:
At the Beginning, President TM K.K give us opening remarks.
In his speech, he mentioned that “Start New Comer, hope good start this year”.
English Session:
TMOE(Toastmaster of Evening) was TM A.O.
WOE(Word of the Evening) was “Status Quo” from Latin, means “keeping things as they are”.
Role takers, Timer TM G.K, Vote Counter TM R.T, GRACHO TM K.K, and Mtg Reporter TM N.K.
Each role taker explain his/her role by original method, including some “Humor”.
Speech #1:
By TM H.A, his first speech “Ice Breaker”.
He spoke 3 point to introduce himself, his profession, his interest, and why he joined Toastmaster.
He wanted to change himself and wanted to improve his speech skill.
Let’s study together !
Table Topic:
Table topic master was TM J.S. He gave member 5 questions, and one of member answered by short speech.
1st question was “What would you like to do after COVID-19 crisis gone ?”.
Ms.E (She joined as at this meeting) answered this question, she wanted to go Osaka and enjoy USJ.
2nd question was “What is your dream you have recently?”.
TM R.K answered this question, she dreamt go somewhere, and talking someone directly.
(We cannot do that due to COVID-19)
3rd question was “What was the most fun things you have ever experience?”.
TM F.G answered this question, his most fun experience was “Ramadan”.
During “Ramadan”, he cannot drink and eat. Keeping emotion was hard.
4th question was “Was there anything that make you cry?”.
TM N.K answered this question, he watched YouTube during his “Telework”, and he was crying by the movie
“detective drama” by Japanese actor Tetsuya Takeda. His quote in the movie made him cry.
5th question was “What is your happiness?”.
TM K.K answered this question, he felt happiness when he did excercise at home.
He kept health.
Evaluate Session:
TM R.T evaluated TM H.A’s speech.
Firstly, she said she couldn’t believe the speech was TM H.A’s 1st speech!
She mentioned 2 good point and 1 advice.
The good points were Structure and expression.
The advice was that repeat the keyword would be better.
We wanted to see his speech at Curian.
General Evaluator TM H.Y, he evaluated to Evaluator TM R.T, TT Master TM J.S, and TMOE TM A.O.
日本語セッションのTMOEは引き続きTM A.Oさん。
日本語スピーチの1本目はTM K.Mさん。タイトルは『「同じである」、「違う」ということ』。
日本語スピートの2本目はTM T.Mさん。タイトルは『10年目の余白』。
TM K.Mさんのスピーチ論評はTM O.Nさん。
TM T.Mさんのスピーチ論評はTM M.Aさん。
英語に続いてTM H.Yさんの総合論評。
論評者のTM O.Nさん、TM M.Aさん、そしてTMOEのTM A.Oさんへの論評を行いました。
ベストテーブルトピックはTM R.Kさん、ベスト論評はTM R.Tさん、
そしてベストスピーカーはTM T.Mさんでした。おめでとうございます!
新しく入会されたTM Q.Eさんの入会式を行いました。