April 8, 2020, our 2nd Online Meeting by ZOOM.
TM A.T. ,our President started today’s meeting.
<English Session>
Today’s TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) was me,TM K.K..
Today’s WOE (Word of Evening) was “move on” by TM K.S.,
we needed to “move on” despite such a BAD situation due to COVID-19.
Prepared speech #1
First speaker was TM R.T., speech title was “モラハラ注意報”.
She expained about the point of moral harassment by interesting story and
Power point slides.
Her speech was very Speedy like “roller coaster”, but hit our heart very much.
Prepared speech #2
Second speaker was TM N.H., speech title was “The hero’s journey”.
She talked about Mentor and Hero using some materials from movie.
Her message was “good menter lead hero”.
Evaluation #1
TM A.O. evaluated TM R.T.’s sppech.
He named TM R.T.s speech “roller coaster”, because her speech was
Speedy and thrilling.
Also he said “God Speech”, because opening was “Taiwanese God”,
ending was “Greek god”.
He got “Best Evaluator”.
Evaluation #2
TM J.S. evaluaterd TM N.H.’s speech.
He evaluated her speech by 3-good points and 1-suggestion.
3-good points were “presentation slide”,”vocal variety” and “Speech structure”.
GE(General Evaluator) by TM A.T.
She evaluated TM A.O.’s and TM J.S.’s evaluation, and commented to English session.
She said that speakers used “Visual aid” and members used “Chat system” for online meeting.
The online meeting was continued for while, we had to think out and enjoy online meeting.
TM K.S.による日本語の今夜の言葉は「だからこそ」。
日本語セッションはTM R.K.によるワークショップ「楽しく使いこなそう!日本のトーストマスターズ」。
トーストマスターズ教育の最高賞「DTM(distinguished Toastmaster)」の獲得に向けたワークショップでした。
TM R.K. 本人やメンバーの体験談を活用し、他のクラブとの関わり方や、より楽しむ方法を
Written by N.K.