MEETING REPORT Jan 8th, 2020

  • <English Club Contest>
    We held a club contest of speech! 3 English speakers and 3 Japanese speakers
    tried it!
    Contest Chair of English was TM N.H, Chief Judge of English was TM J.S.
    Unusually, before opening, Judges and the other sta&s hold a briefing, and
    confirmed about the rules and roles. Also we had 4 guests (Ms. S, Mr. U, TM Y,
    TM K)
    The first half was the English part.
    But I’m sorry to say I can’t report the themes and details of today’s speeches
    because the winner will try coming upper area contest. So I’ll report a little.
    TM H.Y had a speech about his re-try of something and her daughter’s. It was
    full of his sincere mind. It was so suitable for a new year’s speech as her new
    TM A.O had a speech about anger control. He showed his experience of anger
    so humorously. He analyses the di6culty of anger control and suggests how to
    go along with it.
    TM R.K had a speech about cherishing words from her English private teacher.
    And she brought something important for the audience with her passionate
    During Tally counting, TM A.T interviewed to each speaker humorously and
    asked them why this theme. They all answered it with their career of TMC.
    In judging by the judges, TM R.K is going to try the next area contest.
    4 guests came and each of them told they enjoyed tonight. We’re all waiting for your next visit. And special thanks to TM M
    and TM K for helping our contest as a sta&, and brought us some gift!
    日本語コンテストは、コンテストチェア K.K、審査委員長 T.H のもと、3 名のコンテスタントが出場し
    (1)TM H.Y
    英語・日本語両方のコンテストに、同じタイトルの作品で臨んだ TM H.Y。英語では娘さんのことを

    る苦悩が共有され聴衆の共感を呼ぶとともに、TM H.Y の仕事にかけた闘志を感じる作品となっていました。

    (2)TM A.O
    こちらも英語・日本語両方のコンテストに臨んだ TM A.O でしたが、英語スピーチは趣味から着想
    (3)TM K.A
    大学時代の同じサークルの女性の座右の銘を、自身の人生や経験と結び付けて語った TM K.A
    得意のユーモラスな要素は取り入れつつ、TM K.A の価値観や人生観が垣間見られた、聴衆にも
    審査員による審査の結果、TM K.A が1位となり、次のエリアコンテストに進むこととなりました。
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