Meeting Report (#316) March 13,2019



定刻にTM JSが開会・ゲスト紹介(4名)を行いTMOEのTM NKさんにコントロールを渡し 和やかに本日の例会がスタートしました。

今夜の言葉「挑戦」がTM BHさんより提示されました。TM BHさんはインドの方ですが White Boardにゆっくりですが 漢字で「挑戦」と書かれたのがchallengingで印象的でした。



準備スピーチ#1  TM RTさん   (time 7’08”)

Pathways: Innovative Planning Lv1 Evaluation and Feedback

タイトル 「スケールアップ」

幼稚園時代より「英語好き」で、ラジオ英会話/BBC放送etc. 永く英語勉強続けてきたが、この所英語力アップに行き詰まりを感じていた。 最近オーディオ・ブックを聞き続けていると急に聞き取り能力がスケールアップしてきたと。それも二倍速で聞いているからだと分析、「速聴」であると。特に、「母国語で聞く」、「集中して聞く」、「自分の興味ある分野を聞く」のが効果高いであろうと、ゆったりとした雰囲気で説得力あるスピーチでした。

論評者(Evaluator)は TMさん  (time 2’54”)

スピーチタイトルと内容・構成が上手くマッチし聴衆の心を鷲掴みにしていた。しゃべり方では抑揚が上手く効いていて声のインパクトが伝わってきた。又、独特の雰囲気(佇まい)が有って 背筋が伸びる感があった。

準備スピーチ#2 TM KSさん   (time 7’41”)

CC#9 「パワフルな説得」

タイトル 「ネガティブフィードバックについて、考えよう」

ネガティブ・フィードバックには二通りの効果があ り、一つは相手の気持ちを萎縮させるもの、もう一つが相手の修正を促すものであると。 例として、マイクのファウリング修正に使う「負帰還」。又、先日のM-1グランプリで発生した上沼恵美子さんの論評について詳しく説明し、分析された。終盤では、役に立つ論評を行う事、それをしっかりと(被論評者に)伝える事が肝要であり、受け取る方も しっかりと受け止める必要があると。


論評者(Evaluator)は TM ATさん  (time 3’12”)


又、タイトルは話す内容をしっかり示しており、電気信号からM-1グランプリへ話を繋いで行く巧みさを感じた。M-1グランプリの例では、素晴らしい分析であったが、それでは どうしたら良かったのか? もう少し話をして欲しい気持ちもある。


総合論評のTM AOさんより、今日の言葉の「挑戦」は使い易かったのか 多くの方が使っていたこと、「速聴」は初めて聞く言葉であった点、スピーチでは具体的な固有名詞を使った方が説得力あると思うとのコメントありました。


[ English Session ]


The word of the evening was “ Dozens”(= many, a lot of )  presented by TM BH


Prepared Speech #3  by TM JI      (time: 5’43”)

Pathways : Innovation Planning

Title:  “MY Network”

TM JI introduced the company activities which were related with development of leadership. She engaged in several activities like IGEN,PCN,LGPT+ and DAN.

She pointed out the social necessity of WIT&O(Woman in Tech & Operation) and

Tech4Girls(Tech for Girls). Because the percentage of women engineers are so low.

She that she was trying to involve her company colleagues for educating technical issues to other ladies. She also believes such educating activities will be beneficial to her leadership development.

The evaluator was TM YO  (time 3’18”)

TM YO commented that;

The speech fully drew attention of the audience and showed speaker’s confidence by her voice control and eye contact. The topic was well matched to the present circumstance.

The episode might have reduced to only so that the speaker could deepen the case.


Prepared Speech #4  by TM MY    (time: 7’39”)

CC #7  “Research your topic

Title:  “Programing Education”

TM MY took up the actual case of his son who started the computer programing at his elementary school from the scratch. He showed the research result that 46% of the parents considered such training of computer programing might be beneficial to their children for their future carrier opportunity.

TM MY also picked up the other analysis and statistics. Such implied that the bright future carrier opportunity might be opened to the younger kids of developing countries rather than Japan. He emphasized that keeping interest, creativity and logical thinking might be the key factors for kids’ future.


The evaluator was TM KI  (time 3’38”)

TM KI commented that;

The speech went very smoothly due to the logical following the research figurers. The question and answer style procedure made the audience easy to understand the contents.

It was amazing and good point that the speaker led the audience to the unexpected conclusion against the everybody’s expectation. It seemed be better that the showed slides might have been bigger, so that the audience could recognize the figurers clearly.


Prepared Speech #5  by TM KK      (time: 7’40”)

Pathways : Research and Presenting

Title:  “Unknown Truth”

TM KK started to talk about the world population(7.4billion). The actual population is much bigger than the one we learned in our school days. He pointed out the uncomfortable fact that we Japanese made enormous food waste these days. Even though we have an idea of “MOTTAINAI” and the advanced logistic system in Japan. For example,  a lot of “EHOMAKI” was thrown to the garbage after a certain day. TM KK expressed that he would fight against such miserable food waste situation by doing some actions like choosing minimum expiry date products.


The evaluator was TM TH  (time 3’34”)

TM TH commented that;

The speaker’s voice control was natural and smooth. The face looked serious and wats well matching to the contents. Many questions to the audience were effective to catch audience interest. The example of “EHOMAKI” was just fit to the main theme.


< Awarding >

The Best Speaker :  TM RT

The Best Evaluator :  TM TM


< Induction Ceremony >

We had the induction ceremony for Mr.Noguchi and Ms.Hirakawa who were welcomed as new members of  TITMC.

Today’s attendants were total 20persons (including 4guests)


Meeting Report (#316) March 13,2019



定刻にTM JSが開会・ゲスト紹介(4名)を行いTMOEのTM NKさんにコントロールを渡し 和やかに本日の例会がスタートしました。

今夜の言葉「挑戦」がTM BHさんより提示されました。TM BHさんはインドの方ですが White Boardにゆっくりですが 漢字で「挑戦」と書かれたのがchallengingで印象的でした。



準備スピーチ#1  TM RTさん   (time 7’08”)

Pathways: Innovative Planning Lv1 Evaluation and Feedback

タイトル 「スケールアップ」

幼稚園時代より「英語好き」で、ラジオ英会話/BBC放送etc. 永く英語勉強続けてきたが、この所英語力アップに行き詰まりを感じていた。 最近オーディオ・ブックを聞き続けていると急に聞き取り能力がスケールアップしてきたと。それも二倍速で聞いているからだと分析、「速聴」であると。特に、「母国語で聞く」、「集中して聞く」、「自分の興味ある分野を聞く」のが効果高いであろうと、ゆったりとした雰囲気で説得力あるスピーチでした。

論評者(Evaluator)は TMさん  (time 2’54”)

スピーチタイトルと内容・構成が上手くマッチし聴衆の心を鷲掴みにしていた。しゃべり方では抑揚が上手く効いていて声のインパクトが伝わってきた。又、独特の雰囲気(佇まい)が有って 背筋が伸びる感があった。

準備スピーチ#2 TM KSさん   (time 7’41”)

CC#9 「パワフルな説得」

タイトル 「ネガティブフィードバックについて、考えよう」

ネガティブ・フィードバックには二通りの効果があ り、一つは相手の気持ちを萎縮させるもの、もう一つが相手の修正を促すものであると。 例として、マイクのファウリング修正に使う「負帰還」。又、先日のM-1グランプリで発生した上沼恵美子さんの論評について詳しく説明し、分析された。終盤では、役に立つ論評を行う事、それをしっかりと(被論評者に)伝える事が肝要であり、受け取る方も しっかりと受け止める必要があると。


論評者(Evaluator)は TM ATさん  (time 3’12”)


又、タイトルは話す内容をしっかり示しており、電気信号からM-1グランプリへ話を繋いで行く巧みさを感じた。M-1グランプリの例では、素晴らしい分析であったが、それでは どうしたら良かったのか? もう少し話をして欲しい気持ちもある。


総合論評のTM AOさんより、今日の言葉の「挑戦」は使い易かったのか 多くの方が使っていたこと、「速聴」は初めて聞く言葉であった点、スピーチでは具体的な固有名詞を使った方が説得力あると思うとのコメントありました。


[ English Session ]


The word of the evening was “ Dozens”(= many, a lot of )  presented by TM BH


Prepared Speech #3  by TM JI      (time: 5’43”)

Pathways : Innovation Planning

Title:  “MY Network”

TM JI introduced the company activities which were related with development of leadership. She engaged in several activities like IGEN,PCN,LGPT+ and DAN.

She pointed out the social necessity of WIT&O(Woman in Tech & Operation) and

Tech4Girls(Tech for Girls). Because the percentage of women engineers are so low.

She that she was trying to involve her company colleagues for educating technical issues to other ladies. She also believes such educating activities will be beneficial to her leadership development.

The evaluator was TM YO  (time 3’18”)

TM YO commented that;

The speech fully drew attention of the audience and showed speaker’s confidence by her voice control and eye contact. The topic was well matched to the present circumstance.

The episode might have reduced to only so that the speaker could deepen the case.


Prepared Speech #4  by TM MY    (time: 7’39”)

CC #7  “Research your topic

Title:  “Programing Education”

TM MY took up the actual case of his son who started the computer programing at his elementary school from the scratch. He showed the research result that 46% of the parents considered such training of computer programing might be beneficial to their children for their future carrier opportunity.

TM MY also picked up the other analysis and statistics. Such implied that the bright future carrier opportunity might be opened to the younger kids of developing countries rather than Japan. He emphasized that keeping interest, creativity and logical thinking might be the key factors for kids’ future.


The evaluator was TM KI  (time 3’38”)

TM KI commented that;

The speech went very smoothly due to the logical following the research figurers. The question and answer style procedure made the audience easy to understand the contents.

It was amazing and good point that the speaker led the audience to the unexpected conclusion against the everybody’s expectation. It seemed be better that the showed slides might have been bigger, so that the audience could recognize the figurers clearly.


Prepared Speech #5  by TM KK      (time: 7’40”)

Pathways : Research and Presenting

Title:  “Unknown Truth”

TM KK started to talk about the world population(7.4billion). The actual population is much bigger than the one we learned in our school days. He pointed out the uncomfortable fact that we Japanese made enormous food waste these days. Even though we have an idea of “MOTTAINAI” and the advanced logistic system in Japan. For example,  a lot of “EHOMAKI” was thrown to the garbage after a certain day. TM KK expressed that he would fight against such miserable food waste situation by doing some actions like choosing minimum expiry date products.


The evaluator was TM TH  (time 3’34”)

TM TH commented that;

The speaker’s voice control was natural and smooth. The face looked serious and wats well matching to the contents. Many questions to the audience were effective to catch audience interest. The example of “EHOMAKI” was just fit to the main theme.


< Awarding >

The Best Speaker :  TM RT

The Best Evaluator :  TM TM


< Induction Ceremony >

We had the induction ceremony for Mr.Noguchi and Ms.Hirakawa who were welcomed as new members of  TITMC.

Today’s attendants were total 20persons (including 4guests)