MEETING REPORT Mar. 27th, 2022

第396回 お花見例会レポート



■日本語スピーチ:TM R.T 「サイバーセキュリティの今」

セキュリティ分野のSEとして働くTM R.Tによる、40分にわたるセミナー形式スピーチ。冒頭でアンケートを取り、聴衆の前提理解度を把握したうえで、①システムの歴史、②サイバーセキュリティ今昔、③犯罪事例、そして④原因と対策の4本柱でセミナーを進めていきます。TM R.Tによると、サイバーセキュリティはここ数年でコペルニクス的転換を迎えているといいます。最初のコンピュータウイルスは、テストや遊び目的で利用されていましたが、近年ではランサムウェア等の金銭目的の犯罪として発展。以前はお城の外に門番を置くように、社内ネットワークさえ守れば安全だったものが、今は様々な要因によりお城(=社内システム)が地方武士に乗っ取られる時代。「ゼロトラスト」=すべて信用できず、常時監視する、というのが現在のサイバーセキュリティの常識になりました。そして、どんなに守っても、ウイルス感染の原因となる最後のセキュリティホールはすべて「人間」ということで、システムアップデートの徹底や、送られてきたリンクを開く前に立ち止まる等、基礎的なことを守ることが非常に重要と説明していました。パワーワードやクイズもふんだんに盛り込み、初心者でも興味が持てるよう工夫された素晴らしいセミナーでした。

■論評 TM A.OのTM R.Tへの論評




■総合論評 TM N.K

・TM A.Oについて、セミナー形式の長いスピーチの論評は大変だが、簡潔に説明できていた点が素晴らしかった。セミナー形式のスピーチのため、今回の自身の、学び等もフィードバックできるとより良かったのではないか。






  1. TM N.K


  • TM A.O


  • TM F.G


  • TM N.H


  • TM R.T


■Connect Stories

It was a game to created 1 story by connecting each member’s alternating supply of short sentences. The members used their imagination and created the stories like below!

The each slash (/) below means the change in speaker.

-Story 1 (6 speakers):

Long ago there was a man who had a large bag. / The bag was Santa Clause’s bag and it was filled with nice presents. He gave a present to a girl, but she didn’t show any interest to it. So / he asked Google what will attract her attention, / but there were so many answers and he decided to ask his grandma. / However, grandma was addicted to smart phone too and he couldn’t get answer from her. / Then he finally realized that it is not the present attracts her, but it is his heart accounts. So he sent her heartful of his love and they got married. Happily ever after.

-Story 2 (10 speakers):

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. / She was mean, and her parents, the king and queen, decided to let her embark on her journey to change her evil nature. / Her kingdom had hostile relations with neighboring kingdom, so she decided to visit there to defeat the king. / On the way, she met a witch and she welcomed the witch as a company by promising that she will give her the neighboring land after she defeated the king. / However, one day the 2 ladies met a handsome guy. They both fell in love with him. So the princess asked him, “do you choose a beautiful young woman like me, or do you choose the witch?” / He chose the witch, because she could do anything. / Then the princess realized that there’s something wrong in her soul, and what she wanted for a long time was love. She decided to defeat the neighboring kingdom because she wanted to be accepted by his mother and father. / She changed. She decided to change the situation by diplomacy instead of armed force. Thanks to her effort, the 2 kingdoms created friendly relationship, and she was welcomed by her kingdom as a heroin who brought the peace.


MEETING REPORT Mar. 23rd, 2022

第395回 例会レポート



■日本語スピーチ1:TM M.A “Brilliant!”


中学3年生の運動会前の、先生の一言ではじまったTM M.Aのスピーチ。クラスの誰も手を挙げない中、なんといつもは控え目な友達「すずちゃん」が手を挙げたことで、すずちゃん、TM M.Aを含む仲良し4人組が400メートルリレーを走ることになりました。運動会当日の秋晴れの空の下、すずちゃんの「私トップバッターを走る」というまたも意外な積極性のもとでレースは始まり、バトンをつないだ4人は見事1位に!(走行時、TM M.Aはコーナー手前で応援するクラスメートの姿がくっきりと目に入り勇気づけられたといいますが、物理法則的にも実はコーナーに差し掛かるところの応援席は、走る人からは真正面に最もよく目に入るのだとか)。そうして素晴らしい勝利の思い出となった運動会も終わり、寒くなった12月のある日、すずちゃんは仲良し3人に、1週間後に和歌山に転校すると告げたのでした。最後の思い出を作りたかったすずちゃんの勇気ある挑戦で、素晴らしい経験を分かち合えた4人。挑戦する仲間がいると一緒に輝ける、ちょっと無理めな挑戦でも仲間とトライしてみよう、というメッセージがきらりと輝く、美しく活き活きとしたTM M.Aのスピーチでした。

■日本語スピーチ2:TM T.M “ニコイチ”

TM T.Mによるスピーチは、先日開催のエリア93日本語ユーモアスピーチコンテストで見事優勝したスピーチの再演でした。4月にディビジョンIスピーチコンテストに進出予定のため、内容の詳細はこちらには記載できませんが、日常のふとした疑問からはじまったなんともユーモラス(そして「シリアス」)な問いかけに、TM T.Mがああでもないこうでもないと考えを巡らせ、周囲の人や家族も巻き込みながら、やがてあるとても大切なことを思い出すという内容でした。テンポ良く畳みかけるような展開と、傑出した言葉選びで聴衆を笑いの渦に巻き込みながら、最後にはいつの間にか聞く人の心の中にも温かい感情が芽生えているような、非常に完成度の高いユーモアスピーチでした。ご興味のある方は、ディビジョンIコンテストで是非!

■論評 TM A.OのTM M.Aへの論評







■論評 TM K.KのTM T.Mへの論評






■総合論評 TM R.T

・TM A.Oの論評への論評


・TM K.Kの論評への論評


[English session]                                              Reported by M.A

The word of the evening is ”a long way” by TM N.H. She introduced some way to use! So educational and cool one!

Prepared Speech #3 “It’s happening in the field!” By TM M.Y    6’22”

Off course it began with the imitating “Him” by the drama! He told us the importance of “Genba” not to miss the core message. He showed us some examples. The tiny connecter talked a lot for us! And he displayed some pictures of his trip to Wakkanai. That inspired us a lot. We can learn more and feel more in “the field”. Don’t miss it!

Evaluation #3 for Speech By TM N.K 3’10”

TM K told his body language along pathway’s project are successful. And his speech material were so impressive one, especially at Wakkanai. He mentioned that his unintentional body language will be expected more. And during the screen-share time we couldn’t see your appearance much. But his speech message inspired us a lot.

The Table Topics session by TM R.T

Firstly she showed spring flowers on the screen. Today’s questions are about “spring”!

Q1: What told you the advent of Spring this year?

A1:TM M.A 2’27”

She went shopping with her family to get some spring clothes. After that they drove to her mom’s house. On the way she dropped in Japanese sweets shop to get some Ohagi. She found special Ohagis covered with pink beans paste mixed with tiny broken cherry blossom leave. That’s the very spring.

Q2: Do you know some secret place to enjoy spring flower?

A2:TM N.K 1’15”

We all know he have a walk around his neighborhood for his health every day. He found some spring flowers by the “pathway” and “unknown person’s garden” day after day. That’s his own scenery. He call it a small adventure. Don’t ignore these spring!

Q3:Tell us about the most beautiful or most impressive scenery in Spring.

A2:TM A.O 1’25”

He’d grown up in Tochigi, lived in the visiting spot for Cherry bloosm trees!! There his family business was some souvenir shop, Omiyage-ya-san! So he had to work to help his parents during the high season for Ohanami party. The cherry bloosm season was a both tough and happy experience for him.

Q4:What do you recommend to eat at Ohanami?

A4:TM N.H 1’47”

Firstly, she said she doesn’t like Ohanami party, to eat under the cherry bloosm! Because the members don’t look at flowers on Ohanami party even if the flowers are on the very moment of their beauty!! Actually her memory of Ohanami was walking alone to see flowers apart from friends and she was adviced by her friend about “hana yori dango”. Less eating food, more seeing flowers. This is her recommendation about Ohanami food. 

Q5: How do you mitigate or evade the symptoms of hay fever?

A5:TM T.M 1’41”

The only way coming up to his mind was going to Hokkaido or Okinawa to escape from hay fever. But April is the highest season of his business so that he can’t work from distance, on line. He wishes April will disappear! Yes!! Let’s destroy April!

General Evaluation by TM T.M

He mentioned to each contributions for meeting. And he’s sure it made a warm atmosphere tonight, it is a very strong point for our club!

Best table topic speaker: TM N.H

Best evaluator: TM A.O

Best Speaker: TM M.A


MEETING REPORT Nov. 24th, 2021

#388例会レポート(24th November, 2021)

Over the trouble meeting !?




例会の司会(TMOE: Toastmaster of the Evening)はTM O(わたし)が務めました。



早速、トラブルが発生。TM Sさんにアサインした今夜の言葉ですが、出席の確認が事前に出来ていなかったため(TMOEの認識不足)当日不参加であることがこの時わかりました。




計時係:TM Kさん、集計係:TM Kさん

文法係は、決まっていませんでしたが、TM Nさんが快く担当を引き受けてくれました。

例会レポートのTM O(わたくし)が担当します。



■TM Sさん:『海外でのビジネス習慣における“あるある”とは(会議編)』


Sさんが経験した日本の会社でよく遭遇する日本式会議の悪しき傾向(長い、結論が出ない、消極的な参加者がいる)を的確に聴衆に伝えてくれました。多くの方が共感するスピーチになっていました。会議とは効率よく論点を明確にして進めることが大切。会議の後はNEXT STEPを決めること。論理的思考に基づく議論をする。と言った海外の会議のセオリーを紹介して日米の会議の比較を交えてスピーチをされていました。

■TM Hさん:『彼がファミチキを食べられなくなる日』




■TM Mさん:TM Sさん『海外でのビジネス習慣における“あるある”とは(会議編)』に対する論評









■TM Tさん:TM Hさん『彼がファミチキを食べられなくなる日』に対する論評









TM Kさん。論評者に対する論評と、例会全体へのコメントを行うのが、総合論評の目的です。


TM MさんとTM Tさんの論評に対する論評






日本語の部最後に、TM Nさんより、非日常例会の中で使われた間違った表現、素晴らしい表現、不要な言葉、今夜の言葉が使われた回数について報告がありました。

<English Session>

Word of the Evening

TM O introduced Word of the Evening. “Coincidence”

Role introduction

Since we had three international guests, each role taker introduced the role again in English!

Timer:TM K, Vote counter: TM K, GRAHCO:TM M, Mtg report:TM O(myself)

Prepared Speech

■TM N:” Thank you, coronavirus. “

Speech topic about Coronavirus that is change everything around us.

Our work style change work from home. Then Speaker’s sleep time longer than before.

Its about 9 hours and take a breakfast 10am. Those change topics cause by coronavirus. Speaker found bright side this circumstance.

After Speech PC slow down Internet connect Oh no! trouble again.

We managed to solve the Internet connect problem.

Table Topics Session

TM Aさん as Master of Table Topics

Q1 Do you have some routine to get along well with your partner for long time?

1st Speaker TM Kさん

Q2 If you have much time and money, what do you like to present for your partner?

2nd Speaker TM Kさん

Q3 If you have much time and money, where do you like to go with your partner?

3rd Speaker TM Kさん

Q4 Who are your impressive couple in a movie or around you or …?

4th Speaker TM Fさん

■TM F:Evaluation to TM N’s speech

Evaluation is to give feedback for prepared speech. In Toastmasters, there is no teacher-student relationship, so members become speakers and evaluators for each other.

3 good points

1.Title was very curious. One the other hand takes careful use expression “thank you coronavirus” some people not good feel about coronavirus.

2.Reseach is good.

3.Logical stricture. Easy to understand.

■General Evaluation (by TM K)

TM Tさんwas General Evaluator of TM Fさん.

Kさんtold 3 good points and 2 room of the improvement points

Award Presentation

Best Table Topic Speaker TM Kさん

Best  Evaluator TM Tさん

Best Speaker TM Hさん





次回は、合同例会(Joint meeting)です。皆様の参加をお待ちしています。


MEETING REPORT Jun 9th, 2021

Meeting report June 9th, 2021
Tokyo International Toastmasters club meeting #375
*The meeting was held online via Zoom due to COVID-19 pandemic

去年の7月から会長として勤めているTM K.K.さんの挨拶から例会が始まりました。今回の例会を含め、会長として挨拶するのは残り3回となります。TMOEはTM O.N.さんです。
今夜の言葉はTM K.K.さんより「免疫をつける」でした。

計時係:TM O.A. 集計係:TM M.K. 文法係:TM S.J. 例会レポート係 TM Q.E.

TM T.R.さんよりディスカッションを開催しました。目的はどんどんみんなで発言しましょう。構成は3つの問について4人で議論を行います。各グループに司会として1人のテーブルリーダーがいます。当日のテーブルリーダーはTM K.K.さん、TM S.J.さん、TM M.K.さんとTM T.R.さんでした。そして3つの問いは下記となります。
① 最近あった幸せなことはなんですか?
② あなたが幸せであるために、必要なこと/不要なことはなんですか?
③ あなたにとって、幸せとはなんですか?

総合論評:TM K.N.

文法報告:TM S.J.
日本語の部であ~とかえ~などの言葉はないとのことです。また、TM M.K.とTM K.N.が今日の言葉「免疫をつける」を使用しました。

English Session started on time at 8pm and we had a visitor, Miss Shimizu joining us from the end of Japanese session. TMOE O.N. then introduced the role takers of the day.

TM K.K.’s word of the evening “Happiness” was inspired by the today’s Japanese session. He also mentioned that his happiness is to serve as president of Tokyo’s International Toastmasters Club.

Role takers
Timer: TM O.A. Vote counter: TM M.K. GRACHO: TM S.J. Meeting Reporter TM Q.E.

Prepared speech #1: TM M.T
Speech Title: “One more learning”

It is TM M.T.’s last speech to complete his Innovative Planning pathways project. At the start of his speech, he reflected on his growth and also spoke about the feedback he received in the past. Thus, today’s speech is about feedback. In his first slide, he explained the changes in employment in Japan. From lifetime employment, it has now changed to job changing when necessary. Then he proceeded to briefly introduce the pros and cons of each work style and questioning why Toastmasters can achieve both methods while being clear and also flexible. He mentioned it is because everyone has the same objective and also because of the positive feedback.
To achieve happiness in life, psychologically we need individual space to be alone, mental space to share stress, emotions such as friends and social space which is a space where we feel valuable for others. For example, such as organizations and companies.
He believes feedback makes organization stronger because good feedback makes us feel recognition in each other. Thus, creating a social space to achieve happiness in life. In Toastmasters, because of this feedback system, this makes Toastmasters a stronger organization.

Prepared speech #2: TM H.N.
Speech Title: “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes”

TM H.N introduced her favorite television program, “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” using the three points, what, how and why. “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” is an NHK educational program which started in 2011. The show is meant to introduce the greatest books of the world where each month one book is introduced. The show is delivered through outline, recitation and lecture. TM H.N. then explained the reason she recommends this show. She also used her personal experience, with the book “MOMO”. In “MOMO”, people’s time have been stolen making life more hectic. When she read the book, she thought it was a book to criticize the modern busy society. However, the psychologist in “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” mentions that MOMO questions us about satisfying time(豊かな時間). So, she started thinking what is satisfying time or happiness. To conclude, these great books give clues to a better life and “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” introduces us to these books. That is why TM H.N introduced this show.

Evaluation for the speech#1: TM H.A.
TM H.A. gave three comments and one suggestion for TM T.M.’s speech. First good point was the effective usage of the presentation slide used by TM T.M. to explain his past and shift in Japanese society. Second good point, was that TM T.M. successfully caught the audience’s attention with the questions in the presentation. Thirdly, he mentioned that TM T.M.’s message that feedback makes organization stronger is very clear throughout his presentation. His suggestion to TM T.M. was to speak with more vocal variety and to include more personal experiences.

Evaluation for the speech#2: TM A.M.
TM A.M. gave three good points. The first good point is TM H.N.’s usage of visual aid which was easy to understand and very systematic. The second good point is TM H.N.’s gesture and facial expressions. She mentioned that TM H.N.’s gesture has vastly improved compared from before. The third is TM H.N.’s example using her own personal experience which clearly explains why TM H.N. wanted to recommend “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” to us.

General evaluation: TM K.N.
TM K.N. proposed some techniques to today’s evaluators. The first one is to convey the good point by explaining why do you think it is a good point. The second technique is using one’s own idea to improve the speaker’s speech. He also proposed the idea below for effective time management.
2 minutes: Explain the good points
2 minute 30 seconds: Explain the improvement
3 minutes: Closing

GRAHCO’s report: TM S.J.
There were no unnecessary or filler words from the prepared speech speakers. Both speakers also used the word of the day “Happiness” in their speech.

Award Presentation
Best Evaluator: TM H.A.
Beast Speaker: TM H.N.

Business Session
TM T.R invited speakers for the next meeting on June 23rd.
Today’s guest, Miss Shimizu also gave her comment. She was happy to be reunited with TM H.N. and TM K.N. in this meeting.

The next meeting is on Aug. 10th, 2022 (Wed)

The next meeting is planned for Aug. 10th, 2022 (Wed)!!

To avoid the close contact of the members and guests, the next meetings in August will only be held online(zoom).
We usually hold meetings at Oimachi (Curian) in Shinagawa Ward of Tokyo every second fourth and fifth Wednesdays, from 19:00 to 21:10.)

Guests are free to participate in our regular meetings up to 3 times. Let’s come and join us!

please refer to the  Meeting Schedule page.

Venue: “Curian” (Shinagawa Citizens Hall) (Please refer to Access Page.)

Temporarily changed to Ota city seikatsu center.

If you would like to join our club as a guest, please click here(Jump to form page) !!


MEETING REPORT Jul 8th, 2020

July.8,2020 Tokyo international TMC Meeting #350
Meeting Report

This meeting was memorable 350th meeting! and the first time “Online and
Onsite” Hybrid meeting!!

We struggled very much with web-meeting setting but I think it was
meaningful experience for us.

And today was the first meeting for new TITMC’s 2020-2021 officers ,too.

TM K.K. who is new President for our club started today’s meeting with
tones rich in wit.

And, today’s TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) TM A.T. spoke expressively
and took the
lead of Today’s educational session .

First half was English Session.

Prepared speech #1
First speaker was TM T.M..
His speech title was “Thank you!”

He presented us strong message for us through his great speech.
Now,all of us are in this difficlt situation and many people are
complaining to something.
But,he quoted two useful tips of our situatioun .
One is the words of Lao-tse (老子),”To be satisfied with what you
have,witthout complaints.”
And,another one is the speech message of TM Y.O. who is our club member ,
“Many people make our world better.Don’t forget this world isn’t
automatically given.
He said,we need appreciation for everything before endurance.
His message “Thank you!!”was very simple one,but reached our heart.

His evaluator was TM R.T..
She firstly pointed out about the introduction part, in which TM RT used
body language and props
(grabs looking like bear hands) effectively to attract the intention of
the audience.
She praised TM T.M.’s speech was very enjoylable and best point was his
great message .
As a suggestion, she said it might be a good idea to mention about the
aim of this speech
at the beginning of the speech

General evaluator TM A.K. praised TMOE TM A.T. and other members greatly
managed to
this meeting inspite of difficult situation.


今夜の言葉としてTM R.T.が選んだ言葉は『もやもや』。


日本語の準備スピーチはTM N.H.です。
小さな妹に強く言えず、いつも交渉に負けてしまってきたTM N.H.の仕事は、



1つめの雨の思い出については、TM T.H.のまさかの甘ずっぱい恋の思い出。

ベストスピーカーはTM N.H.、
ベスト論評者は TM.M.A.、
ベストテーブルトピックススピーカーはTM K.K.



Written by TM K.S.

MEETING REPORT Feb 26th, 2020

The first half was English Session.
There were fewer attendance than usual, but today’s meeting was
surrounded by a lot of smiles than usual.
TM A.T. our presidents started today’s meeting with a topic of her visit
for Cat cafe, NECO CAFE in Japanese.
That turned our fear of feeling of various trouble into a happy feelings.
And today’s TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) TM N.H. said she was being
so shocked
 because of a little incident a few days ago, but she was good seeing
everyone this night and she came to feel very happy.
Thanks to her positive narrative, we also felt encouraged by her and
the atmosphere of the meeting has softened.
TM N.K. selected the word “LEGEND” as ‘Word of the evening ‘ after “King
Kazu” (he is a famous football player)
because Feb.26 was his birthday.
Prepared speech #1
First speaker was TM R.T..
Her speech title was “Mindfulness”
She sang a song and showed off the story about her father who encounterd
a bear.
Through experience of his depresssion from sleeplessness,she introduced
us about ‘Mindfulness Meditation’.
She demonstrated simple execize that can be done while sitting on a
chair and let us experience together.
We shared a chill vibe and we could truely relax.
Her evaluator was TM J.S..
He firstly pointed out about the introduction part, in which TM RT used
body language and props
(grabs looking like bear hands) effectively to attract the intention of
the audience.
Then, he praised TM RT’s preparation of the speech (writing out some
technical term before the speech)
 and also her workshop session, those were effective way to help the
audience to understand her speech quite well.
As a slight suggestion, he advised TM RT to spent more time and speak
slowly to make audience feel relax.
Prepared speech #2
Second speaker was TM R.K..
Her speech title was “You Are Russian from Today!”
This speech project was “The humorous Speech”
She talked about her ballet teacher who had told TM R.K. “Now,you are
russian from today!”
when TM R.K. just started ballet.
“No way.I’m not Russian!(ロシア人であるわけないじゃん!)
With the feelings of those days,she talked us the story humorously.
After a while, she had finally understood the meaning of what her
teacher was saying.
Showing the example of good and bad ballet arm position,she conveyed us
the answer she had found .
Be aware of your posture, you can show yourself like a Russian even if
you are Japanese.
Her evaluator was TM K.S..
He praised she truely entertained her audience with contents itself.
Especially ,her title and opening introduced all of us into her elegant
ballet world.
And as second good point ,he mentioned about example of ballet posture.
He also mentiond the knowlege about how to show bodylanguage effectively
is her strong point and adapting it for her body language reinfoce her
speech more and more.
General evaluator TM N.K. praised TMOE TM N.H. greatly managed to time
schedule and role assignment.
砂漠のような風景のカードを見せたTM R.T.
お、ゲストのTさんが、とても美しいストーリー展開にして、TM J.S.につなぎます。
チームAの論評は、TM N.H.
TM A.Tは、けなげな話を展開しました
これまたきれいなストーリー展開でTM R.K.につなぎます。
ただでは終わらせないのは、さすがベテランのTM R.K.・・
論評のTM N.K.さん。耳のカードを使って”聞き応えある”とコメント。
会長のTM A.T.は改めて今日のTMOEの素晴らしい司会を称えました。

MEETING REPORT Nov 27th, 2019

Meeting Report (#335)  Nov.27, 2019 by TM MK


TM KKさんのあいさつで本日の例会が開始。参加者が少なくダブルロールも予想されていました。しかしふたを開けてみれば大盛況。遅れていくと席を見つけるのも大変でした。



今夜の言葉はTM KSさんです。本日は欠席の予定でしたが、プロジェクタ当番だということに気づき、必死!?の思いで来たとのこと。それに由来したたとえ火の中、水の中が本日の言葉です。新しいあまり普段は使わない言葉もいいのですが、このような知っているがあまり使わない言葉というのも、語彙遣いの練習になります。

続いて役割紹介です。計時係:TM ?さん、集計係:TM HYさん、文法係:TM AOさん、例会レポート係:TM MYです。

準備スピーチ#1 The Better Speaker Series “Controlling Your Fear”

タイトル 「恐怖心をモノにする」 by TM RK

スピーチにおける恐怖心の正体は何か、どのように克服するかをシナリオ仕立てにして小気味良いテンポでまとめていました。まずは本日着てきたパーカーから時事トピックであるローマ法王の演説を組み合わせてスムーズな導入。緊張の理由は人によって違うことを理由を明確にして説明していました。さらに分析を深め、緊張の鍵は周りのレスポンスであること、人との距離が鍵であることを明らかにします。さて恐怖心の解決策については一転して自らの甲府でのイベントを絡めて提案。具体例があり、だれもが実践できるような提案をしていました。スクリプトを丸暗記しない、プランB, C, Dを用意するというのは明日からでも実践できる知恵といえます。さすが落ちつきながら、ユーモアあり、気づきあり素晴らしいスピーチでした。

論評者は TM YI

スピーチの特徴を一言でまとめると、優しい語り口でありながら力強いメッセージである。時事トピックであるローマ法王と自分のつながりにより聴衆をスピーチに引き込み、さらに質問の投げかけとその反応により聴衆と確固たる関係を築いている。甲府イベントの意外性についても言及があった。プランB, C, Dについて明日から自分たちでもお手軽にできるポイント。スペースは広かったのでもう少し使ってもよかったのではないかという指摘。

準備スピーチ#2 洞察力に富むコミュニケーション level 1 #2 論評とフィードバック

タイトル 「ストーリーテリング」 by TM MA


論評者は TM NK


総合論評 TM AO

2人の論評者はそれぞれ対象となるスピーチが15分と6分程度と大幅に異なるにもかかわらず、きっちりまとめていた。TM YIは、オープニング~詳細に時系列~自分の感銘ポイントを適切に表現していた。最初に感銘ポイントを持ってくるとより聴衆に評価が伝わりやすくなる。TM NKは自分の担当でない人のスピーチをアドリブでとりている。改善点としては子供の反応はスピーチで述べられていたこと、聞いてくれない子供への対応を明らかにすべきという指摘。


[English Session]

Prepared Speech #1 Pathways : Level2 #1 Understanding Your Leadership Style

Speech Title : Switching Leadership Style by TM NH

TM NH introduce speech with Godzilla style sensational picture. Comparing two contradicted situation, bring the question of “What is ideal leadership style”. Quick analysis is “No single style leadership but it is necessary to change case by case”. So further bring theoretical background of Danie Goleman to support speech. Goleman introduce 6 styles of leadership, namely affiliative, democratic, commanding, pacesetting, visionary and coaching. Most important aspect of theory is each style fits a different situation. Then introducing her own story that how change of leadership style help her carrier. Mission of year end drinking party does not work out well because staff does not follow the order. After changing leadership style so discussing more rather than command style, then although change in original plan but huge success. Let’s change our leadership style based on situation.

Evaluation from TM GK

TM GK firstly point out about opening. Opening of speech is interesting and exciting so that audience was pulled in directly into speech. Then visual is effectively used to provide concreteness on the speech, Nice visualization of Godzilla. Lastly body language spice up the speech. As two improvement, first, it would be good to provide brief explanation of typical Japanese such as “忘年会“, secondary, directly answer the objective of “Identify your leadership style”.

Prepared Speech #2 Pathways : Innovative planning Lv3 #2 Elective projects, Connect with storytelling

Speech Title : Learning from Rugby world cup by TM KK

Starting speech with calm and strong attitude. It has been mentioned that we are nearly welcoming year end of 2019. then Speech continue how it was looks like for TM KK as VPE of his role in TITMC. It has been mentioned that roll is really challenging due to planning of TITMC meeting every week and promotion of new member ship. So now bring theme of this speech that “How we can increase of new members”. Now speech bring one of the biggest sport even in Japan “Rugby World cup(WC)”.I has achieved great success but how? TM KK now provide his analysis. this success is because of mass introduction not only existing fan but also new fan who does not have any exposure to WC. But how it can be possible to have exposure. Answer is SNS and hands on meeting. So this idea can be also brough into strategy of TITMC promotion for new membership.

Evaluation from TM RT

TM RT first point about how objective is fulfilled. Basically objective is well satisfied, citation of WC is also timely and strongly related with theme. Next mention about deep insight about speech. This insight about WC promotion is also uniquely connect TITMC membership promotion. A further in detail explanation would help for understanding of strategy.

General Evaluation TM AO

TM GK provide fluent evaluation in English, also TM GK use “Thank you” as header word for evaluation. Evaluation is based on context, so well summarized alongside with analysis. Also it is unique and effective evaluation how speech meet objective. Although this is fundamental question which need be clarified in evaluation, often not mentioned. TM RT provide standard organizational evaluation so it is easily captured and understood by audience.


Evaluation : TM GK

Speaker : TM NH

MEETING REPORT Oct 9th, 2019

Meeting Report (#331)  Oct.9, 2019

by TM S.E. 


定刻にTM ATさんが開会を宣言し ゲスト紹介(

)を行い、今夜のトーストマスターTM NHさんにコントロールを渡し 和やかに本日の例会がスタートしました。

TMoENHさんよりは本会の今年のスローガンである”One for all, all for one”の言葉の由来などがあり、リラックスした雰囲気が醸し出されています。

次に、今夜の言葉「こつこつと」がTM NKさんより提示されました。毎回TM NKさんの身振り豊かな話しぶりには皆ほっこりとさせられます。

続いて役割紹介がなされました。計時係:TM AOさん、集計係:TM KSさん、

文法係:TM SMさん、例会レポート係:TM SEです。

  • 準備スピーチ#1

Pathways: Dynamic Leadership, Level 1 「リサーチとプレゼンテーション」

タイトル 「あの日の分析」 TM TH  (Time 6’50“)

-約1か月前の例会で「論評」の役割を果たす予定であった「あの日」に急な体調不良が発生し、不参加となってしまった。その体調不良に至る過程と状況をスピーチで具体的かつ説得力を持って分析されていた。耳石の損傷による眩暈、むち打ち症、或いは何らかの原因での過呼吸等が考えられたとの話。病院までは救急車で救急病棟に直行し手当を受けた状況を時系列で具体的に示された。聴衆も臨場感を持って話に聞きほれてました。医師の診断は原因不明との結論で、決して納得いく内容ではなかったが、症状も落ち着て来たの帰宅した由。これらの実経験を分析し 聴衆に次の提案をなされた。➀必要に応じ救急車は使うべし

夜間診療は新米医師が多い事を留意すべし ③You Tubeでの(病気の対応法等)検索も役に立つことがある ④ あまりに心配するより、好きな事(例えば、トーストマスター例会参加や温泉巡り等)をやると気分が晴れるし良い対応策と思うと。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM KKさん  (Time 3’53”)

非常に素晴らしいスピーチであり、次の3点が称賛された。➀タイトルの意外性と導入部の巧みさで聴衆の気持ちを最初から掴んでいた。②リサーチの徹底性が指摘され、耳の構造図を使った説明や、救急病院での会話の描写など聴衆がその場に居たかの如く思える。 ③更に、ビデオやスライド等が効果的に使用されていた。尚、Suggestionとして次の提案がなされた。医師の分析手法や対応についての観察と分析は良く理解されたので、TM TH個人としての原因分析の話がもう少し付け加えて頂ければより完成度が上がると思うと。

  • 準備スピーチ#2 TM HYさん   (Time 7’33”)

Pathways: 影響力ある説得 Level3 #1 「対立の解消について

タイトル 「そのとき、あなたは?

-先月の台風15号が関東直撃し、各地に大きな爪痕をのこしたこと。又、交通手段において計画運休が初めて大々的に運用された事を伝えた。アンケート結果として計画運休には9割が納得しているが、復旧に時間かかったことに4割以上が不便を感じたことなど紹介された。HYさんは会社で総務に携わっておられるようで、台風の際 会社として従業員へ通達し対応してゆくか 関係者で討議し、いかに行動したかを発表。又、その後 意思決定のプロセスを分析し、今後へつなげる話をされた。最後に、聴衆に向かっては「今週も大型台風が来ることが予想されているが、其の時 あなたはどうされますか?」との問いで話を締め括られた。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM JSさん  (Time 2’51”


総合論評のTM AOさんより、各人共に非常に良かった。特に、TMoENHさんの議事進行が滑らかで、和やかな雰囲気作りが素晴らしいと。又、TM HYさんが会社で縁の下の力持ちであることが良く解りましたとのコメントありました。

[ English Session ]

This session started 19:55 which was 5min. ahead of the scheduled time.

The word of the evening was “ Steady” presented by TM BH 

  • Prepared Speech #1 by TM MA (Time: 6’13”)

Pathways: Visionary Communication, Level#1 Ice Breaker

Title: “A curious girl”

– TM MA introduced her younger days of memories. She was a very curious girl who had strong interest in architecture, history, and buildings. So she studied architecture and became an architect for more than 20year. Then, she explained the reasons why she takes part in TITMC. 1) There is a necessity of explaining the public in English. 2) To find the place(or community) where allows the mistakes of her action(s). Because she had been working independently as an architect, so there was no boss nor no commander.

3) In order to achieve the ability to think in English, joining the Toast Masters Club might be a good chance. She also point out that it took 5years before joining TITMC due to find out the spare time and brushing up her English ability.

The evaluator was TM NS (time 3’25”)

-TM NS commented that;

1)Speaker’s attitude seems very stable, confident with good voice control. The usual ice break speaker was shaking and/or rushing, but she looked confident. 2) The explanation of her purpose to join the club was so clearly mentioned. 3) The speech was constructed well. The introduction, body and business background story flew smoothly.

One suggestion added. The speaker was looking at the paper material almost all the time.

If she could look at the audience’s eye more often, the speech could be much better.

  • Prepared Speech #2 by TM TM (Time: 6’53”)

Pathways: “Innovative Planning”, Level#3 “Present a proposal”

Title: “Margin”

-TM MY showed a piece of printed paper and started his speech. He said that the paper has not only the main contents but also marginal things. He insisted it was better to have margin in our life rather than only the main contents. The reasons were as follows;

1) Productivity: He referred to Google research that the productivity of a team be higher when they share each personal information rather than no sharing. 2) Communication:

Marginal things themselves promote additional feelings and communication. He got out Kappa-Ebisen from the bag and started talking. 3) Interest things: The machine is accurate, logical and no mistake. However, there were some of the products which made from emotional feeling could give us additional interest and preference.

The evaluator was TM AT (time 3’10”)

-TM AT commented that;

The speech was easily understood. The speaker gave the conclusion first, then, started the reasons and main contents, followed the conclusion last part. His gesturer with some of the materials like a copy sheet of Garigari-kun Tamagoyaki version(new product), Kappa-Ebisen was so funny and attracted the audience greatly. She suggested that it would be more understandable if the speech included the speaker’s own experience.

  • General Evaluation by TM AO

-She commented that each evaluator did nice job; TM NS made a well-organized evaluation.

TM AT was very professional and cool. She also pointed out that TM TM gave a question to TM AO in his speech intentionally or not. So, she said that TM AT could have react and evaluated his speech by the passionate way.

  • Awarding Presentation

The Best Speaker : TM TM

The Best Evaluator : TM NS

TITMC Meeting #331 has completed with a sense of satisfaction at 20:45 on Oct.9,2019

Today’s attendants were total 18persons(including 1guest-Mr.Okamoto)