Meeting Report January 11th, 2023

第418回例会レポート/ Meeting report #418 (January 11th, 2023)

It was the first meeting in bright new 2023 and the Toastmaster of the evening was our club’s Mr. Passionate, TM J.S!

[English session]

■Word of the evening:  Go Dutch (chosen by TM S.E)

Definition: Share the cost of something. TM S.E also introduced us the expression “Greek”, meaning the things which is way too difficult to understand.

■1st speech “My happy communication style” by TM K.K

In this speech, TM K.K introduced her view on her communication style from 3 aspects; (1) According to Pathways, or the study program of Toastmasters, communication style could be categorized into 4 groups, passionate, supportive, direct and analytical. TM K.K assumed that she took supportive communication style in workplace but direct style in private situation. (2) According to TM K.K, personality traits and relationship of the communicators played a significant role in their communication (i.e. supportive person could have a good match with direct and competitive person,) (3) Different personality traits could complement each other. A good combination of different communication style could produce a constructive result.

■Evaluation for TM K.K by TM K.K

Great points: (1) Match with the objective -her speech met her speech objective (to learn about different communication styles and identify my primary style), (2)Analysis -Her analysis toward communication style was multi-faceted and was eye-opening.

Suggestions: (1) To speak clearly and get closer to the microphone so that audience online can hear her clearly, (2) To have more eye-contact with the audiences who’s online.

■2nd speech “Knock Knock” by TM H.A

Knock knock. Every morning TM H.A is woken up by a sound made by a man who is knocking on his room’s door. Actually the man is TM H.A’s competitor and TM H.A have been competing against him more that 20 years. When TM H.A was in his teenage, he didn’t notice the man’s presence. But in his 20s the man suddenly came up to him, and then the man started to follow after TM H.A just like his shadow. One day TM H.A learned that some of his friends were also competing against the man, and they advised him to keep diary to defeat him. TM H.A did just as they told him to, and he found some progress. Now, dear readers, could you guess who the man TM H.A is competing against is? It was himself in the past. TM H.A is always trying to be a better man compared to the past! He never gives up, and his competition continues.

■Evaluation for TM K.K by TM K.K

Excellent points: (1)Story –audience could see image the of the story, (2) Structure – opening from the sound of “knock knock” attracted audience’s attention, and the until the very end audience was wondering who’s TM H.A’s competitor, just like a mystery novel, (3) Inspiring – audience got inspired and felt that “I should be more competitive as well!”

Suggestions: To hint who’s TM H.A’s competitor at the early part of the speech so that audience can get guide to the flow of the story.

Challenge: To make stories on our club’s SNS to attract guests!


■今夜の言葉: 割り勘(TM S.E)

「お金に関する言葉を例会で使うのは難しいが、それにチャレンジするのがトーストマスター」とTM S.E。

■準備スピーチ1:「振り返り」 (TM A.O)

Pathways Lv.5の最終スピーチとして、これまでの全てのスピーチの振り返りを行ったTM A.O。彼のPathはInnovative Planningで、Lv.1の最初のスピーチを行ったのは2016年。最初の「Ice Breaker」では入会動機としてマジックのプレゼンが上手くなりたかったことを紹介し、次の「リサーチ」に関するスピーチでは日本でコメディ映画が受けない理由を分析しました。Lv.2では「リーダーシップスタイル」のスピーチで野球、サッカー、ラグビーのリーダーのあり方の違いを分析したり、「メンタリング」のスピーチでSTAR WARSをネタにメンターについて説明したりしました。Lv.3では得意の手品ネタを多数披露しましたが、本当に大変になるのはLv.4から!「PJの管理」ではメンバーと他のクラブ訪問PJを企画したり、Lv.5「PJの実行」では自身が会場係(クラブ役員)として直面していた課題を「会場マニュアル」の形にしてクラブに貢献しました。全ての旅路を経験したTM A.Oからのアドバイスは2つ。(1)過去のスピーチ原稿やアジェンダはとっておいたほうがいい(記録をアップロードも可能)、(2)やる気になればPathwaysはどんどん進められる。最後は得意のマジックで幕を下ろすTM A.O。Lv.5完了、おめでとうございます!

■TM N.KからTM A.Oへの論評

良かった点: (1)TM A.Oの4~5年にわたるスピーチのスタイルがよく伝わってきて、「そのスピーチ、あったあった!」と脳裏に浮かんでくる内容だった、(2)アジェンダ/記録の大切さを他のメンバーにも伝えていた(TM A.Oは昔、全てノートにとっていたはず!)、(3)TM A.Oのコミュニケーションが、よく伝わってきた。みんなが最後いつかやるスピーチなので参考になる。

改善点:(1)Pathを通じた自分自身の成長について、考えを述べると良かったのではないか、(2)Innovative PlanningというPathをメンバーにおすすめできるか?そういった観点もあると良かった。

■テーブルトピック(即興スピーチ) (出題者:TM R.T)

※少しお疲れ気味のトピックマスター:TM R.Tでしたが、出題のセンスや話の運び方の上手さは流石。

(1)知らなくて失敗してしまった習慣はありますか? (回答者:TM H.A)


(2)今年の抱負はなんですか?(回答者:TM K.K)


(3)あの時の私はカンが冴えてたな~という経験は?(回答者:TM S.E)


ベスト論評者はTM N.K、ベストテーブルトピックはTM K.K、ベストスピーカーはTM H.Aでした。おめでとうございます!

2023年も幸先の良い、元気で明るい例会でした!Thank you for everyone and our Toastmaster of the evening, TM J.S!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

■総合論評 TM N.H