MEETING REPORT Oct 28th, 2020

October 28th,2020 Tokyo International TMC Meeting #359
Meeting Report

[English session]
Today’s TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) TM R.T.

The word of the evening presented by TM N.H was “Hot Potato”.
She chose this word based on an unfortunate event that her mother got an injury of a broken bone.

Role Introduction part.

Table Topics
Today’s Table Topics Master was TM T.M.

Please tell us your most impressive, most strange or most interesting dream you have ever experienced.
A1(TM N.H.) 1’44”
Her most strenge dream about the Crown Prince. she suddenly have dream she was proposed by the Crown Prince.
Very humourous dream make a lof of luagh.

In a morning, when you wake up, you found you suffered from nightmare.
What kind of things you will do to change your bad feeing due to nightmare?
A2(TM H.Y.) 1’19”
Second speaker was in the office and He was changing of clothes.
But he squared up to the Question courageously.

Imagine you are dreaming.
You are getting young again. You can re-start your life again from 18 years. What kind of life do you want to live, and why?
A3(TM A.O.) 1’40”
This my turn. This question tough one for me. If I was 18yeasr old. I learn the English so hard. I master English languge
Then I go to the Hollywood and visit famous actor and actress house.

Imagine you are dreaming.
There is a box in front of you. you are going to open it and do something.
What is in the box, and what will you do by using it?
A4(TM K.K.) 1’32”
In the box. He found the Gibbs what’s Gibbs? Gibbs for Major League Baseball player.
大リーガー養成ギブス in Japanese. By using Gibbs He hit the Home Run much more than Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron or Sadaharu Oh.
He will be Home Run batter and Home Run King.

Prepared speech #1
First speaker was TM F.G 7’23” (online)
His speech title was “My story:A nerd’s expectations in joining a Toastmaster Club”

Prepare speaker used by Zoom background instead of PowerPoint.
It was effective for speech. He talk about his story about what expect for toastmasters Club activity.

Prepare Speaker as TM F.G’s evaluator was TM T.H.
Evaluator was in his car because outside could be noisy for give the evaluation to prepare speaker.
Also Unfortunately low battery of his smart phone then turn of his smart phone camera.
But the evaluation gave good and effective advice to the prepare speaker.
He gave too many suggetions and comments so unfortunately time was over after all.

General evaluator TM K.K.
GRAHCO Report by TM M.Y.


今夜の言葉としてTM N.H.が選んだ言葉は『不幸中の幸い』。



準備スピーチ#3 日本語 TM N.K.さん (9’58”)

準備スピーチ#4 日本語 TM M.A.さん (6’19”)

TM N.K.さんへの論評者はTM H.Y.さん (2’28”)

TM M.A.さんへの論評者はTM O.N.さん (3’30”)

総合論評はTM K.K.
文法報告は、TM M.Y.

ベストスピーカーはTM M.A.
ベスト論評者は TM H.Y.
ベストテーブルトピックススピーカーはTM N.H.



Written by TM A.O.

MEETING REPORT Oct 14th, 2020

#358 Meeting Report, October 14th 2020


本日の司会であるTMOEは、TM N.Y.さん。仕事で忙しく、会社の会議室から作業着を着たままのリモートでの司会進行となりました。
最初はTM J.S.さんからの「今夜の言葉」。いつも意外な視点で例会を面白くしてくれるTM J.S.さん。「今夜の言葉」は「しびれる」でした。

準備スピーチ#1 アイスブレーカー 「コンフォートゾーンからの脱出」(time 5:36)
スピーカーは、今回がIce BreakのTM M.Y.さん。

準備スピーチ#2 メンタリング入門 「最初の一筆(ひとふで)」(time 7:23)
スピーカーは教育担当副会長のTM R.T.さん。
Pathwayになってから、トーストマスターズの制度が複雑になっている中で、「教育担当がメンター制度に明るく無くて良いのか?」との責任感満々のスピーチ。 ご自身の学生時代の合気道部の師範とのメンティー経験をベースにスピーチを構成。合気道部の師範は、社会に出ても役に立つようにという考えで指導されていた。師範の言葉として、「間違った事を一生懸命やっても間違いがひどくなるだけ。」、「根性だけではいけない。一生懸命稽古するのは当たり前。間違いに気づいて修正出来るようにならなくてはいけない。」、「技を盗む。盗めなくても真似る。」、「新入部員に一筆入れるのは君たちだ。基礎は一生もの。心して指導するように。」と紹介してくれました。トーストマスターズに応用して、「ゲストのトースト人生に一筆入れるのはメンバー全員だ。」とクラブメンバーにも訴えかけるスピーチでした。

準備スピーチ#1への論評(time 3:52)

論評者はベテランのTM N.K.さん。
良かった点として、題材の選択。内容が、スピーチ目標と一致している。構成が、PREP(Point, Reason, Example, Point)に則っていて素晴らしい。 トーストマスターズでの抱負として3つ表明していたが、3つというのは、多くも少なくも無く丁度良い数を使っていた。声が良く通っていた。

準備スピーチ#2への論評(time 3:24)
論評者は、マジックマスターでもあるTM A.O.さん。

総合論評は、若いながらベテランの域にあるTM R.K.さん。
アイスブレイクへの論評は、褒めすぎても、コメントが多すぎてもダメであり、経験が有る人ほど難しいが、TM N.K.さんの論評は、スピーチ目標との一致、PREPへの言及等、内容が具体的だったと評価。改善点としては、少し早口で、聞きずらい部分も有った。との指摘が有りました。

TM A.O.さんの論評は、スピーチの内容が具体的、説得力の有る話が多かった等ののスピーチを詳細分析していたところを高く評価。改善点として、「スピーチに、欠点が無いのが欠点。」とは、さすがマジックマスター的な物言いだけれども、やっぱり欠点は見つけた方が良い。との指摘が有りました。


[English Session]
The “Word of the evening” was “Learning by doing” served by TM J.S.

Prepared Speech#1 Ice Breaker 「Sushi, IT, TMC」(time 4:53)
The speaker was TM T.T.
He introduced himself with pictures of fish. He has a special skill, which he can process whole raw fish by himself. He makes sushi foods every month with special knives and serve them to others. This introduction succeeded in giving big impact on the audience. And the introduction included a bit joke : “I am a Toastmaster but I am not a Sushi master.”
He also introduced how he reached the Tokyo International Toastmasters club. He found the website of our club and understood that the language was both Japanese and English, and the venue was in Oimachi. He declared that he wanted to improve his communication skill and motivate club members.

Table Topics
Table Topics master was TM M.A.
The first and second question were the same one, which was “What is your favorite speech?”
The first answerer was TM N.K.(time 2:00) and the second one was TM M.Y.(1:38).
The first answerer, TM N.K. said, “My favorite speech is one delivered by Chaplin in the movie of The Great Dictator”. He explained the reason that there were many speech techniques we should learn.
And the second answer, TM M.Y. introduced his recent Youtube video watching experience. He likes a black entrepreneur who was giving a great speech including jokes and great life lessons in the video.

The third and the fourth question were the same one, which was “What is your unforgettable speech in TMC?”
The third answerer was TM A.O.(time 1:43) and the fourth one was TM K.S.(2:06).
The third answerer, TM O.A. said, “Although every speech is unforgettable, today’s TM R.T.’s speech is the most unforgettable one. ” He explained the reason that the speech has had a high construction level.
And the fourth answer, TM K.S. remembered TM R.K.’s educational speech in last year without any script. She showed us how to make speech “along audience”. She said she prepared 3 or 4 patterns in her mind as audience’s reaction. That was so impressive one.

Evaluation for Prepared Speech #1
The evaluator was TM K.M.(time 3:35)
First of all, she congratulated the speaker on finishing his memorial speech as an Icebreak.
She pointed out several good points and points for improvement: The speech structure was good. The wording was suitable. His eye contact was very nice. If there had been more gestures and vocal variety during speaking, the speech would have been improved.

General evaluation
The general evaluator was TM R.K., who was the same as the general evaluator in Japanese session.
She evaluated the evaluator and the whole English session. She commented as follows:

Evaluation for evaluators for prepared speech #1
Evaluation for ice breaker speech is very difficult one. Neither too much negative feedback nor too many positive one is good for the speaker. The balance is very difficult. TM K.M’s evaluation was very detailed, referring to basic skills such as speech structure and eye contact as good points. She proposed to increase gestures and vocal variety as suggestions. These feedbacks might be very effective for the speaker.

Evaluation for the whole English session
TMOE N.Y. did great time management which the English session started at 8:00.
As for the Table topics session, the table topics master TM M.A. chose unique and new topics related to speech. She appointed not only experienced members but also new members as answerers. If she could assign other TM guests as answerers, they might be interested in the table topics more. This is an idea for improvement.
The vote counter TM F.G. did great job. The voting system was very smooth and easy to vote.
GRAHCO, TM A.O. was very nice. Her voice was very clear even through mask. We had better make a practice of speaking through mask in Curian.
Most of all, TMOE N.Y. should be acclaimed because he did great management in his busy situation from office under COVID-19.

Award Presentation
The winners are as follows:
・Best table topics speaker:TM A.O
・Best Evaluator:TM K.M.
・Best speaker:R.T.

Lastly, the President TM K.K thanked participants for the good meeting.

Business Session
In-house contest is going to be held on December 9th in 2020.
Theme : Road(道) / Bonds(縁)/ window(窓)/ piece(かけら)
Detailed information is announced by the project team later.