

今夜の進行役、TMOEは、ちょうど1年前に入会してから大車輪の活躍のTM MK。準備万端のノート片手に初の司会、1つ1つ丁寧に確認しながら進めて行きます!



準備スピーチ#1 「2万字の壁」TMHH [6’04”]

数年前に大学院に通っていたTMHH。文章を書くことが苦手な自分がどうやって論文2万字の壁を乗り越えられたか!? 気鋭の教授の示した斬新なトレーニング方法を公開し、イメージを共有してくださりました(かこさとしさんの絵本を使ったトレーニング、楽しそう!)。俯瞰するとヘンリーフォードの格言にも通じることにも気付いた驚きも!!聴衆の関心にマッチして有益な、また落ち着いて自然体のスピーチでした!


ワイン好きのTMNSですから、いい雰囲気でワイン指南のスピーチが始まったかな?と思わせて実は、、、我らがPathways教材にバッチリ沿ったCommunication Style分析のスピーチでした。Style別に何と、カリフォルニアワインの薦め方を相手に合わせて実証実験したTMNS。結果は…!お薦めポイントの挙げ方や語彙に洒落た工夫が凝らされた、楽しいスピーチでした!

総合論評はTMSO。初めての大役に終始謙虚すぎる様子が何ともユーモラスで愛されキャラ!それでも論評者への論評はgood pointsを拾って鋭い着眼点を示していました。冒頭で聴衆に“温かい空気”を要求する技、真似てみたい!

<English Session>

The Word of the Evening were “Innovative” and “creative”. Dual member’s dual WotE!!

Prepared Speech#3: TMKY ”Turning Pages, Turning Lives”

 The Story related with his long journey on reading books since his childhood (dark period!?), and it leads us to the heartwarming world of his storytelling volunteer days for kids as father. His picture-book-reading performance was so nice! And it turns him realize his cherish memories with his elderly Mom who have to be deeply thanked. So precious story and moving speech!

Table Topics Master TM ON

As we’ll have GW holidays soon, he researched about National holidays and his topics were showed with it,

Q1: Which is your favorite national holiday?

A1: TMMA: The mountain day. Because she has good memories of mountain climbing in summer. But she recommends the day have to be moved August11th to July 21sth or around, because the sun shine just after rainy season is the most beautiful on the top of the mountain. [1’45”]

Q2:Which national holiday do you eliminate?

A2:TMSE: Nothing, we Japanese should be rest more and more against their tendency. Eliminate… the Showa-day?  His opinion is to add 5 more national holidays for Japanese people, spring, summer, autumn, winter and 1 more(Reiwa-day!?). [1’49”]

Q3:Add more national holidays in June and December!

A3:TMTM:Nothing. Because June is the rainy season, we can’t enjoy going out, and December has Xmas and New-year-end-days, and off course we’re too busy. If he adds a National holiday, he selects on November 23th…It’s… his birthday! [1’15”]

Today’s GE, TMSO He was too shyly again, but thanked each role takers, TMOE MK, and our Vice President of Education, TMON who assigned this big role for him! Warm atmosphere was in full bloom at the meeting room in Curian!

Lastly TMOE MK summarized this valuable meeting on award ceremony luxuriously with her deep tone! Even though it was her first role, she prepared perfectly and created this inspirable and punctual meeting. And she said later she widely noticed a lot by driving our regular meeting as TMOE. Many thanks!

Best Table topics Speaker: TMSE

Best Evaluator; TMKM

Best Speaker: TMHH, TMKY

Congratulations!!Reported by TMMA