Meeting Report (#465) on Oct 9, 2024
by TM S.E. ( 2024/10/11)
It was slightly raining whole day. So, we could feel a bit cooler than the past weeks.
Our president TM ON declared the opening of the meeting on time and transferred the control to TMOE accordingly.
Attendants: Members -14 persons on site (Curian/Ohimachi)
& 1 guest via Zoom (Later one more guest joined at Japanese session)
[ First Session]
TMOE was TM TM. He asked new volunteer for today’s Meeting Reporter due to absence of the designated person, so TM SE applied for English session and TM SO applied for Japanese session.
The word of the evening was “ be longing for” (= Japanese 日本語:待ち焦がれる) presented by ON. He added that he had been longing for the autumn during hot summer.
++Prepared Speech #1 by TM KI (time: 6’09”)
Pathways: Motivational Strategies Level-1, Evaluation and Feedback
Speech Title: “Mt. Fuji” (5-7min)
TM KI shared her experience of climbing Mt.Fuji with her friend. She explained how the wind was strong and she had to slow down the pace. She told various incidents at that time. Finally, she could reach the destination and then she noticed shining stars around her. She explained how it was fantastic. She realized that taste of tea which was offered by her friend was so precious.
The Evaluator was TM ON (time: 3’42”)
TM ON pointed out that her speech was very good because she talked her own experience.
TM ON also said it was good because even though she had severe conditions but the conclusion went positive. His suggestions were to use combination of vocal variety and physical gesture more in order to increase much impact to the audience. He also expressed that he was longing for the next feedback speech.
++Prepared Speech #2 by TM KM(time:7’56”)
Pathways: Leadership Development
Level 3: Planning and Implementing
Speech Title: “How to make our 2024-2025 TITMC sessions momentous”
TM KM’s speech was close related to the result and analysis of ‘Moment of Truth’ which was conducted last month. Moment of Truth is a questionnaire survey to TITMC members and the new commers regarding the atmosphere, operations of TITMC.
TM KM talked about the results with the figures and explanation sheets, using colorful slides. As a summery, she pointed out that we need to develop our idea on guests’ care, roll of the Mentors, how to utilize Pathways.
The Evaluator was TM KY(time:2’39”)
TM KY praised her speech and touched 3 good points that the topic was very interesting to audience, delivery of her speech showed her confidence and her visual aide was effective. He also suggested that her speaking speed was sometimes rapid. He said that it would be more effective if she spoke slightly slowly. He added that time management in order not to exceed limit line would be important.
++General Evaluation:by TM AO
Because of limited time management, TM AO commented only on the evaluators shortly.
TM AO praised TM OM that his way of starting evaluation with the word of “Congratulations!” was very nice and gave a relaxed feeling to the speaker.
TM AO agreed with TM KY’s way of counting number of good points and personal suggesting points, because it would be easy and clear to the speaker and the audience for their understanding.
今夜の言葉は、「待ち望む」をTM N.K.さんが選んでくれました。
準備スピーチ #1 「例会の3つの役割の攻略法:TMOE, 総合論評, テーブルトピックマスター」TM M.K. パネリスト:TM M.A, TM Y.U, TM N.K (33分)
準備スピーチへの論評 TM H.H.
テーブルトピックス TM K.K.
Q1 「トランクルームあなたならどうやって使いますか」 回答者 TM S.O. (1分42秒)
Q2 「おすすめの散歩コース」 回答者 TM D.T (1分53秒)
Q3 「どうやって熟睡しますか」 回答者 TM S.E. (2分15秒)
文法報告はTM S.O.さん 今夜の言葉、あーカウント、などを報告されていました。
総合論評はTM A.O.さん 論評者のTM H.H.さんに対して的確なアドバイスとTMOEに対するコメントもされていました。
ベストスピーカー TM M.K
ベストテーブルトピックスマスター TM S.E
ベスト論評 TM H.H