














【例会日】 水曜日 (毎月第2、4、5) 詳しくは、例会案内ページを参照ください。

(c) 2013 Tokyo International Toastmasters Club
The names “Toastmasters International”, “Toastmasters” and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.









前回スピーチの英語トークイベントの企画、宣伝、実行を報告し振り返るスピーチでした。あるべきと考える姿を「三方よし」で示され、途中でゲストさんともコミュニケーションをとりつつの流れはさすが!最後にはスピーチタイトル、“Connecting the dots”のとおり、彼の次なる展開に向けての1つのプロジェクトになったに違いないと感じさせました。 (7:25)










<English session>

“The word of the Evening” is “Thrilled”. “I’m thrilled” sounds higher, deeper feeling than “I’m excited!”

English speaker is TMNF(guest), “Catch the GREEN APPLE!”, she made a great speech how she fell in love with people of Singapore. We’re all thrilled by her delivery skills, especially conversation part was really nice! She showed atmosphere of the country very well, so we all come to love to visit there. Thank you so much!(6:59)

Evaluator for TMNF is TMKY. He pointed out the strong point of her speech, that introduces herself, has clear structure and shows vivid scene with her voice tone!










新しい仲間が増えて、色とりどりの秋を迎えます! By TMMA




President O.N.’s opening remarks began with a short story. August 28th is a memorable day in the world of speeches, and it was on August 28th, 1963, that the famous “I have a dream” speech by Jr. Martin Luther King was delivered in Washington D.C. This speech was a symbolic event in the civil rights movement, and it was the catalyst for the voices calling for equality and human rights to spread around the world.

TMOE was TM J.S, who has just returned from a business trip from Nagano. He was the best entertainer in our club. He kicked off the educational session by creating a fun atmosphere.

Today’s word of the evening was “First thing first.” also served by TM J.S.

[English session]

Prepared Speech #1
Speech Title ” Art brings bread” by TM A.O.

TM A.O. gave a speech while demonstrating a magic trick in which he transformed a 1,000 yen bill into a 10,000 yen bill. As the title of his speech suggests, he embodied the idea that art brings bread by the magic trick. He delivered a wonderful and original speech that linked to the words of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto of the Japanese Navy, “People won’t move unless you show them, tell them, let them do it, and praise them.” [7’05”]

Table topics

Today’s Table Topics by TM Y.U.

With a typhoon approaching, the topics were related to that.

Q1: Have you ever cancelled your events due to any reason in your life?

Answered by TM N.K, “I cancelled participating a Toastmasters in Taiwan several years ago.” [2’14”]

Q2: Have you ever changed your direction such as job change, etc?

Answered by Guest H, “When I chose the university, I changed the course and now I am in the philosophy department.” [1’12”]

Q3: Typhoon is pronounced the same in both English and Japanese. What do you think would happen if there was only one language in the world?

Answered by Guest F, “It is said that 80% of human communication is non-verbal, but I don’t think it’s easy to communicate when you only have one language.” [1’12”]

Evaluation for Prepared Speech #1 by TM M.A.
She gave good points such as the cool title, much hospitality by magic and a famous phrase quote. She said that the speech was better than she had expected. [3’37”]

He pointed out that some speakers used some filler words.

General Evaluation by TM K.K.

She praised the evaluation, whch was done by beautiful voice, good performance and heart -warming comments.


今夜の言葉はEnglish sessionのWord of the eveningと同様「とりあえず」「まず最初に」でした。

準備スピーチ #1

タイトル「英語はどこから来たのか」by TM M.K.

準備スピーチへ#1への論評 by TM T.M.

準備スピーチ #2

タイトル「階段の向こうのライフスタイル」by TM K.Y.

準備スピーチへ#2への論評 by TM N.K.

文法報告 by H.H.

スピーカー及び論評者毎にfiller wordが散見されたとの指摘が有りました。


論評者TM T.M.への論評として、項目の組み合わせでスピーチが良くなっているとの指摘が秀逸であったとの指摘。論評者TM N.Kへの論評として、トーストマスターズのメンターを振り返るきっかけになる論評との賛辞が述べられた。

例会全体としては、ダブルロールが多かったがしっかり例会を勧められた事、Table topicsがユニークで有った事などを高く評価する意見が述べられました。

< 表彰 >

The Best Speaker:    TM M.K.

The Best Evaluator:  TM T.M.

The Best Table Topics Speaker: TM N.K.





今夜の言葉は、「そよ風」をTM K.M.さんが選んでくれました。

準備スピーチ #1 「緊張との付き合い方」TM T.M.
「Controlling your Fear」を元にしたセミナーでした。



準備スピーチへの論評 TM K.I.


文法報告はTM M.A.さん 今夜の言葉、あーカウント、印象的な言葉など詳細に報告されていました。

総合論評はTM M.K.さん 論評者のTM K.I.さんに対して的確なアドバイスとTMOEに対するコメントもされていました。

[English Session]

Word of the Evening [Breeze] by TM K.M.

Prepared Speech #2
Speech Title ” Better Than Before” by TM L.T.
The speakers talked about their own experiences with great interest.
English is fluent and easy to understand too.He spoke in his own words without looking at the manuscript.

Evaluation for Prepared Speech #2 by TM S.N.
Evaluator give four good points and one a room of improve.

  1. Big smile with speaker.
  2. Voice and gesture was effective work.
  3. Speech content interested.
  4. Speaker is Chinese. Then involved chinese culture topic with speech context.
    Suggetion: your speech need more pose. keep going speech. pose is good for audience.

Today’s Table Topics by TM K.K.

Topic 1: “How did you handle summer homework in your child hood?”
Answered by TM O.N, “I did paper work well in my school days. I did not like free research. I was scolded my father.” [2’22”]

Topic 2: ”How did you spend in summer holidy? Tell me your summer time memory. ”
Answered by TM T(Guest) “When I was Kid I belong baseball club.I played base ball a lot of time summer season.I also spend time for swimming pool.” [1’30”]

Topic 3: “If you have one week holiday.What season do you choose?”
Answered by TM O(Guest) “Summer holiday It’s could be OK. but too hot. So summer is not good season for me. I like Autumn. because not hot not cold.” [2’13”]

Topic 4: “If you have much money,time and energy. What would you do in summer holiday?”
Answered by TM A.O “I went to N.Y city or Los angeles and stay long time looking for celebrity.the take a picture together with many celebritis” [2’00”]

General Evaluation by TM M.K. 

Best Table Topic Speaker: TM Oさん(ゲスト)
Best Evaluator:TM S.N.さん
Best Speaker: TM T.M.さん

by TM A.O.


by  TM S.E. ( 2024/07/15)

Today was the first regular meeting day for the new president and directors.

The new president of TITMC TM ON expressed his appreciation to all attendants and declared the opening of the meeting.

Attendants:  Members -14 persons on site (Curian/Ohimachi)

                       -2persons on line           

[ First  Session]

Today’s TMOE was TM KM and she explained that meeting procedure to be combination of English and Japanese due to an irregular agenda of today.

The word of the evening was “Beyond Expectation(Unforeseen, unprecedented) ”   (= Japanese 日本語:想定外、予想だにしない,前例のない) presented by ON

++Prepared Speech #1  by TM LT      (time: 7’51”)

Pathways: Motivational Strategies    Level-1, Evaluation and Feedback

Title: “Better than Before”

TM LT shared his delighted impression with the book of same title he had read during his travel to Taiwan. TM LT showed that there were 4 classified human groups as ‘Upholders’, ’Questioners’, ’Obligers’ and ‘Rebels’. Then, he introduced that the book analyzed each and introduced suggestions for each group in order to achieve blighter future ‘better than before’. TM LT spoke straight to the audience with positive gesture which gave nice impression.

The Evaluator was TM JS (time: 2’55”)

TM JS pointed out that his speech introduction was smooth and structure was well organized so that audience was easy to understand. He also mentioned that TM LT’s visual aide of listing 4 groups of human habit was successful to catch the attention. TM JS suggested that the speaker might be more careful for time management. He also suggested that it would be ideal if there were a concrete method or example which could give a better change.

++日本語準備スピーチ#1  TM HHさん   (time 5’22”)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery,  Level-2 効果的なボディーランゲージ


TM HHは スピーチ冒頭より著名なユーチューバーの物腰、声音の模写を行い、その方がいかに視聴者の心をつかんでいるかを話した。又、その為の身体の動きや喋り方のテクニック、カメラワーク等をTTB(徹底的に分解して)説明した。話し方が軽妙洒脱で聴衆はグイグイと引き込まれるようだった。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM AOさん  (time 3’28”)


[Second Session/第二部] 

8:05pmにTMOE KMさんが活動の再開を宣言され、これから始まるスピーチが通常とは違い、時間も長いこと。又、事前に指名された手強い邪魔者がスピーチの最中に邪魔に入りスピーカーがどの様に乗り切るか!? 楽しみであると聴衆の気分を盛り立てた。

++日本語準備スピーチ#2 TM MKさん   (time 14’53”)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery,  Level-4: Managing a Difficult Audience

タイトル: “「赤い靴」の謎を解く!”

TM KKさんは このスピーチを話すきっかけとなったエピソードに始まり、「童謡」と「唱歌」の違いを聴衆に問い、童謡「赤い靴」の第一次ブーム、「赤い靴」少女像の建設歴史、


そこにTM SEさんが 自身の身体不調や暑さ等 全く無関係な事項を並べ立てスピーチに割り込む様に邪魔に入ります。その後TM NKさんはオンライン上から、TM AOは会場よりスピーカーと意見とは違う主張を述べて邪魔に入ります。TM JSは隣と私語での会話を開始したりと次々に邪魔をします。スピーカーのTM MKさんは優しく丁寧は口調を変えずに 邪魔者を軽くいなした形でスピーチを予定通りに完遂されました。

論評者(Evaluator)は TM MAさん  (time 2’58”)

スピーチは良くリサーチされていて、内容も良く理解できた。又、邪魔者の発言に対し「そうですね!」と何度も肯定的な返答で 全てを受け止めてから話を進めるやり方が素晴らしかったと賞賛されていた。それにユーモアで話をくくられていた点、全体的に柔らかさが滲んだスピーチであったと。尚、話の進め方として「….私も疑問に思いました」との話しておられたが、「私は….だと思いました。」と断定的に言えたかも知れないと別の着地方法の可能性も示唆されてました。

その後 参加者全体での(振り返りディスカッション)時間が設けられ、TMOE KMさんより皆の感想や話の進め方での意見交換。やはり邪魔者の入り方やタイミングの課題が指摘された。

++総合論評:by TM NK

「話の途中で邪魔が入るスピーチ」に関しては、各邪魔者の役割とスピーカーの対応策に関しては 色んな観点あり もう少し皆で勉強したが良いであろうと。

又、TM NKさんがオンラインで参加して感じた事として、

―会場でのカメラの位置と手持ちペーパーによっては モニター画面で顔が隠れる可能性あり、注意が必要。




本日は総勢16名の参加となり、コーヒーブレークの時間も含み皆さん活発な交流となりました。そして終始 和やかな雰囲気で定刻(21:00)を迎え閉会となりました。 


< 表彰 >

The Best Speaker:    TM MK

The Best Evaluator:  TM KA


まずは会長のTM MAから、本日は今期の最後の例会となり会長及び役員が次月から交代となることが説明されました。役員就任式などもあり盛りだくさんです。


本日のTMOEはTM YU。今回は変則的な開催ながら、的確に、着実に例会を進めていきます。


TM AOから今夜の言葉の説明がありました。なんと「世間の風は冷たい」。単語ではなくほぼ文章です。本日は英語の部の今夜の言葉も同時に説明がされました。“Reality Bites”です。現実は厳しいことをこのように表現するそうです。勉強になりました。

  • 準備スピーチ 「フィクションとノンフィクションの勝負」 by TM KK 


  • 準備スピーチへの論評 TM JS 


  • もう一度聴きたい!あのスピーチ 2023-2024 

ここからは会長のTM MAによる特別企画です。この一年間のスピーチのなかでよかったものを会員の事前投票によって選出し、もう一度スピーチしてもらおう!という企画です。


  • もう一度聴きたい!あのスピーチ#1 「3月の奇跡」 by TM MK 

日本語のもう一度聴きたいスピーチとしては、入会以来とても精力的にいくつものスピーチを披露してきたTM MKの「3月の奇跡」が選ばれました。品川区の広報誌をたまたま見て当会に入会したという TM MK、奇跡的なめぐりあわせについて生き生きと語ってくれました。

◆もう一度聴きたい!あのスピーチ#1への論評 by TM HH、TM NS、TM ON



[English Session]

“Let us listen to the Speech Again 2023 – 2024!” Moved to the English Session.

■Let us listen to the Speech Again #2 “Mysterious Cloud” by TM SE

This is an amazing story that TM SE experienced while living in Mexico. The suspenseful plot and the Spanish language inserted in the middle were very effective. It’s a captivating story that I never get tired of listening to.

The evaluation stated that the speech had a thrilling plot and a very good happy ending.

  • GRACHO’s Report for both Japanese & English by TM LT

This time, TM LT did GRACO for the first time. Even though his native language is neither Japanese nor English, I think it’s truly challenging for him to advise on the use of both languages. Great job!

  • General Evaluation for both Japanese & English by TM HH 

TM HH commended TMOE’s consideration of time management, the interesting word choices of “Word of the Evening”, and the excellence of “Let us listen to the Speech Again” planning.

  • Inauguration ceremony for new officers of 2024 – 2025

現会長のTM MAから2023-2024の活動成果のまとめののち、次期役員の就任式が厳粛に執り行われました。ガベル(小槌)はこういう時にも使うのですね。

  • Closing Session by new president of 2024-2025

次期会長のTM ONから次年度に向けた意気込み、抱負などについてお話がありました。





例会レポート#455 / Meeting Report #455

Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting

2024年5月29日 / May29, 2024

Hybrid meeting : Zoom online / きゅりあん4

会長兼今夜の司会はTM MAさん、1/2理論の話から始まりました。



TM AOさんから今夜の言葉が共有されました。「的を射る」。「的を得る」は間違いですとの説明から始まりました。

  • 準備スピーチ1 「不器用コミュニケーション」 TM KY 

TM KYはスピーチを通して、自分のコミュニケーションスタイルを理解する、ということで、上司とのコミュニケーションの経験をもとにして、相手に飲まれてはだめ、少しずつ歩み寄る、との方法を伝授してくれました。TM KYはランナーなので、スポーツマンかと思いきや、球技はどんくさい、とのこと、笑えるポイントでした。

  • 準備スピーチ1への論評 TM KM 


  • 準備スピーチ2 「なぜなんだ?どうしてなんだ?」 TM ON  

タイトルからは想像できない内容でした。高校生のころから何を悩んでいるの?なんと答えは、春分の日と秋分の日の話。夏至と冬至はなぜ休みでないのか、とか、明治時代の話だとか、さすがTM ONさん!色々聞けてお得な気持ちになりました。


◆準備スピーチ2への論評 TM AO

  なじみのない観衆と心を通わせるのが、スピーチテーマ。そこをほめたうえで、論評者 TM AOも負けていません。豊富な知識で、スピーチ内容を補足しました。2度おいしい感じでした。

  • 総合論評&文法報告 TM YU



[English Session]

TM AO presented the Word of the Evening; “Nail it on the head.”  It is a very important  word for every speaker.

■Prepared Speech #1 “Back to the starting point – with my new teacher” 

by TM KK

TM KK made a speech about many times failure of EIKEN exam. Lately she fatefully met an excellent American English teacher. Despite of some difficulties such as poor pronunciation, she claimed that  “ I never give up”.

◆Evaluation for Prepared Speech #1 by TM HH

TM HH admired that her speech was easy to understand. Lastly he added that she should use more laugh and gesture.

  • Today’s Table Topics by TM KM

TM KM prepared some France –related stories. Some beautiful pictures of historical buildings were displayed. These fashionable styles were like TM KM.

Topic 1: “Your forgettable victory?”

Answered by TM HH “diet”

Topic 2: ”Your collection?”

Answered by TM AO “movie brochure”

Topic 3: “Your forgettable hours?

Answered by TM ON “Ohtani”

Topic 4: “Your memorial present?

Answered by TM YU “From grandmother”

  • GRACHO & General Evaluation by TM YU 

In English session also, TM YU had double roles. He praised evaluators’ pertinent feedbacks. TM YU’s evaluation is always gentle, reasonable, and effective for all TMs.

  • 本日の受賞者

Best Table Topic Speaker: TM YU

Best Evaluator:TM KM

Best Speaker: TM KY



<By TM KK>


GWが明けて間もない今回の例会。ハイブリッドで16名の参加がありました。前回、奥ゆかしくも緊張した面持ちで見事に初総合論評を勤め上げたTM SOさん。今回はTMOEとしてデビューします!

通常は日本語と英語のスピーチ二つずつで構成されている例会ですが、今回はテーブルトピックスのプロジェクトが日英でひとつずつ、そして、日本語のワークショップ、英語のスピーチというイレギュラーでスリリングな展開になっています。初TMOEのTM SOさん、どのような手腕を見せてくださるのでしょうか。

  • 日本語の部

 「今夜の言葉」は、常に前進を続ける新鋭TM HHさん。旅先で体験した薫風にちなみ、「ただよう、そよぐ」です。

【準備スピーチ#1】TM NK

Pathways:  Engaging Humor 即興スピーチにおけるユーモアの効果

あらかじめ与えられた複数のお題に目を通しておき、例会当日、その中からTMOEによって選定されたふたつのトピックについて、ほぼ即興(!)のスピーチをする、という上級者向けプロジェクト。ここで登場するのは、以前「テーブルトピックスは怖くない」というスピーチで私たちを沸かせた当クラブの守護神、TM NKさん。今夜の展開にも期待が高まります!

Q1: 「あるイベントで問題がおき、準備が整うまでの間、聴衆を繋いでおくためのスピーチ」

本日行われるTMさんのWorkshopで回線トラブルが起きたという臨場感あふれた想定。必死に準備を整えるTMさんを応援しつつ、待たされている聴衆の期待を高めようとするTM NKさん。さすがです! 

Q2 「自然災害の避難所で地域のリーダーとしてみんなを元気づける」


論評者はこちらもベテランTM AO。

最初の「トラブルの場つなぎのためのスピーチ」では、いつ、トラブルが解決するかわからないので、細かなエピソードを繋いだ点が良かったとの論評。次の「避難所の人々への呼びかけ」では、まとまった時間があるため一続きの話ができたとのこと。なるほど! そして、ふたつやるなら、くだけたものとフォーマルなものなどと、語調を変えるのもいいかも、という目からうろこの提案でした。


お待ちかね、「スピーチ向上ワークショップ」!リードするのは我がクラブが誇る若きベテラン、TMTMさん。スピーチというものは最左翼の論文(内容中心)と最右翼のアジテーション(印象中心)の中間に位置し、良いスピーチとは印象が決め手になる。では、印象をよくするためには…?、という目の離せない展開でした。メイントピック(PREP) とサブトピック(自分の体験、データ、引用など)をブレンドした「あわせだし」を用い、準備を重ねた末「氷山の一角」を語る、など、分かりやすい例えを用いながらの、圧巻のワークショップとなりました。

  • English Session

English session started with the “Word of the Evening,” given by TM HH, “waft.”

【Prepared speech #1】  Title:  “Who is mentoring for”

TM NO, another experienced member of our club, gave a speech based on the Pathways project “Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring.” The speech began by introducing TM NO’s experiences with three mentors he encountered early in his career. These mentors embodied typical “Showa bosses,” such as “a constant preacher,” “a never-giving-up fighter,” and “a never-stopping critic.” TM NO was losing his confidence while working with them.

Years later, TM NO attended the Toastmasters Mentoring Program, where he learned the real qualities of a mentor. Now, he is a good listener and a supportive, patient, and flexible mentor for his own colleagues.

The evaluator of this speech, TM NS, one of our remarkable English speakers, was impressed by its well-organized style and witty, humorous touch. He suggested that the first part should be more concise to ensure the speech finishes on time.

【English Table Topics Project】TM JW

TM JS, who presented on Table Topics today, has a well-deserved reputation as the club’s most positive speaker. Today, as always, he gave us brilliant table topic speeches with humor and twist. 

Question 1: “Words for winning an award at a speech competition”

With humility and gratitude, TM JS jokingly claimed that his only contribution was socializing with members at the after-meeting gatherings!

Question 2: “To give positive messages to the employees in the company which is about merger”

TM JS discussed the merits of the merger, emphasizing the advantages of a fresh environment and integrated systems.

Unfortunately, technical difficulties interrupted the speech a few times today, making it challenging for TM NH to follow the entire flow. Despite this, TM NH praised the speeches, particularly TM JS’s use of powerful words like “I believe” and “I promise,” which effectively conveyed his positive emotions.

Even though today’s meeting had some unexpected technical issues, TM SO, our Toastmaster of the Evening, did an excellent job keeping the meeting on track.

Best evaluator today: TM NH    Congratulations!

by TM MK



今夜の進行役、TMOEは、ちょうど1年前に入会してから大車輪の活躍のTM MK。準備万端のノート片手に初の司会、1つ1つ丁寧に確認しながら進めて行きます!



準備スピーチ#1 「2万字の壁」TMHH [6’04”]

数年前に大学院に通っていたTMHH。文章を書くことが苦手な自分がどうやって論文2万字の壁を乗り越えられたか!? 気鋭の教授の示した斬新なトレーニング方法を公開し、イメージを共有してくださりました(かこさとしさんの絵本を使ったトレーニング、楽しそう!)。俯瞰するとヘンリーフォードの格言にも通じることにも気付いた驚きも!!聴衆の関心にマッチして有益な、また落ち着いて自然体のスピーチでした!


ワイン好きのTMNSですから、いい雰囲気でワイン指南のスピーチが始まったかな?と思わせて実は、、、我らがPathways教材にバッチリ沿ったCommunication Style分析のスピーチでした。Style別に何と、カリフォルニアワインの薦め方を相手に合わせて実証実験したTMNS。結果は…!お薦めポイントの挙げ方や語彙に洒落た工夫が凝らされた、楽しいスピーチでした!

総合論評はTMSO。初めての大役に終始謙虚すぎる様子が何ともユーモラスで愛されキャラ!それでも論評者への論評はgood pointsを拾って鋭い着眼点を示していました。冒頭で聴衆に“温かい空気”を要求する技、真似てみたい!

<English Session>

The Word of the Evening were “Innovative” and “creative”. Dual member’s dual WotE!!

Prepared Speech#3: TMKY ”Turning Pages, Turning Lives”

 The Story related with his long journey on reading books since his childhood (dark period!?), and it leads us to the heartwarming world of his storytelling volunteer days for kids as father. His picture-book-reading performance was so nice! And it turns him realize his cherish memories with his elderly Mom who have to be deeply thanked. So precious story and moving speech!

Table Topics Master TM ON

As we’ll have GW holidays soon, he researched about National holidays and his topics were showed with it,

Q1: Which is your favorite national holiday?

A1: TMMA: The mountain day. Because she has good memories of mountain climbing in summer. But she recommends the day have to be moved August11th to July 21sth or around, because the sun shine just after rainy season is the most beautiful on the top of the mountain. [1’45”]

Q2:Which national holiday do you eliminate?

A2:TMSE: Nothing, we Japanese should be rest more and more against their tendency. Eliminate… the Showa-day?  His opinion is to add 5 more national holidays for Japanese people, spring, summer, autumn, winter and 1 more(Reiwa-day!?). [1’49”]

Q3:Add more national holidays in June and December!

A3:TMTM:Nothing. Because June is the rainy season, we can’t enjoy going out, and December has Xmas and New-year-end-days, and off course we’re too busy. If he adds a National holiday, he selects on November 23th…It’s… his birthday! [1’15”]

Today’s GE, TMSO He was too shyly again, but thanked each role takers, TMOE MK, and our Vice President of Education, TMON who assigned this big role for him! Warm atmosphere was in full bloom at the meeting room in Curian!

Lastly TMOE MK summarized this valuable meeting on award ceremony luxuriously with her deep tone! Even though it was her first role, she prepared perfectly and created this inspirable and punctual meeting. And she said later she widely noticed a lot by driving our regular meeting as TMOE. Many thanks!

Best Table topics Speaker: TMSE

Best Evaluator; TMKM

Best Speaker: TMHH, TMKY

Congratulations!!Reported by TMMA


Hybrid meeting : Zoom online / きゅりあん4


【English Session】

TM SE shared a word of the evening: “Genial”

■Prepared Speech #1 “Laughing by the Entrance” by TM MK (Time 7:11)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery, Lv3 Elective Project: Know Your Sense of Humor

TM MK presented the speech in a usual calm and confident manner. TM MK used Japanese saying “Warau Kadoniha Hukukitaru” as a trigger and transitioned the speech to the story about a rather embarrassing hot spring experience when TM MK mistakenly used the wrong “entrance” to the public bath. TM MK shared that the relaxing moment turned into some very awkward and embarrassing experience.  The way TM MK structured the speech to include surprising turns made the whole speech very humorous.

<Evaluation for Speech #1> by TM KY (Time 3:17)

TM KY shared 3 good points and one suggestion. TM KY pointed out that the well-thought speech title was very effective, and unexpected turn of the story was good as well. TM KY also mentioned the choice of words were effective. TM KY suggested that TM MK may consider including some additional twists to the story, which may bring additional laughs. TM KY also included there were some unclear words due to the poor NW connection.

■Prepared Speech #2 “Hammered down or Greased?” by TM HA (Time 7:17)

Pathways: Presentation Mastery, Lv2 Understanding Your Communication Style

TM HA talked about different communication styles and suggested that as TMs, we should master all sorts of communications styles, including facial expression, use of vocal variety, and gesture to match the purpose/intent and given situation. TM HA reinforced his suggestion by pointing out that different purpose requires different communication styles, and different cultures have different preferred communication styles. As always, TM HA delivered his speech in a very confident and direct manner.

<Evaluation for Speech #2> by TM HH (Time 2:38)

TM HH shared that the level of the voice/tone was just right for the topic. TM HH also pointed out that the use of vocal variety and gesture was very effective, and the facial expression created a good impact to the speech as well. TM HH mentioned there was no negative points found in the speech.

■General Evaluation by TM JS

TM JS provided general evaluation with usual energetic style.

For first evaluator TM KY, TM JS pointed out that it was good to focus on positive side of the speech since positive feedback is usually more effective. He also added additional good point to TM MK’s speech that using word posters to support the speech was very effective.

For second evaluator TM HH, TM suggested that when you cannot find any negative points about the speech, maybe TM HH could try looking at something to add to the speech, rather than something to change.

<By TM NS>


今夜の言葉はTM NSによる “寛容な”

準備スピーチ#3 : TM KM (時間 7:03)




準備スピーチ#1への論評 : TM AO (時間3:08)


特別プロジェクト : TM MK



特別プロジェクトへの論評 : TM MA (時間2:56)



総合論評 : TM JS


Best Table Topics speaker: TM NH

Best Evaluator: TM MA

Best Speaker: TM KM


Cheers, Scribed by TM NO & YU