MEETING REPORT July 31th, 2019

Meeting Report for the TITMC Meeting #327 31st July 2019


夏本番、ムッと蒸し暑い一日。この日は出席者が少なく、場内は沈黙気味…。そんな空気を汲み取り、「今皆さんの気持ちは一つ。暑い、そして人が少ない!」と笑いを誘うTM A.Tの言葉で例会はスタート。TMOEは安定感抜群のTM K.A、ゲストは2回目の参加となるAさん。

今夜の言葉はTM A.Oによる「事ほど左様に」。ラジオのパーソナリティが使っていたそうで、「前述のとおり、これほどに」といった、物事を纏める際に使う言葉だそうです。

日本語スピーチ#1:TM H.Y 「カエルの子は…」


評価者:TM N.Sによる評価


日本語スピーチ#2:TM T.M「給食トリビア」


評価者:TM K.Sによる評価


テーブルトピックはTM N.Hによる出題。「トイストーリー4」を観て子供時代を思い出したということで、「思い出」にまつわるお題をチョイス。

1.捨てられない思い出の品と、それにまつわる思い出を教えてください。:TM K.M


2.過去に影響を受けた作品(ジャンル不問)について語ってください。:ゲスト Aさん


3.あえて「昔はよかった、何故なら~…」を語ってください。:TM K.A


4.退職した後は、故郷に住みたいか?別の場所に住みたいか?:TM G.K


総合論評者はTM G.KTM N.Sの論評に対し、スピーチの中の対比に気づいた点を評価。改善点を指摘する際に申し訳なさそうな様子も見られたが、論評者として強く言って良い、とアドバイス。TM K.Sの論評に対しては、内容がスピーチ目的に合致していることを見抜いた点を評価。その鋭さなら、改善ポイントもよりハイレベルなことを言えたはず!と、更なる洞察を促すコメントでした。

日本語セッションは定刻通り終了し、10分のコーヒーブレイクへ。しかし、場内は相変わらず沈黙気味。そんな中…?(English Sessionに続く)

<English Session>

During the break time, TM R.T played jazzy coffee-shop-style music with her smartphone to relax the silent atmosphere. Nice way to change the circumstances!

The Word of the Evening for English session was “Once in a blue moon”, a very poetic expression which means “very rarely” or “not often”.

English Speech #1 “Where is the water?” by TM A.O

TM A.O, the great magician of TITMC, introduced that he joined the TMC in order to brush up his communication skills to interact with his audiences. He proved what he acquired through his TM life by performing a magic using 3 cups and a bottle of water, with a lot of jokes and fun. At the end of his speech, he reminded everyone that TMC is a safe place for practicing, for any kind of expressions.

->Evaluator for TM A.O’s speech was TM A.T.

TM A.T evaluated TM A.O’s speech was full of his passion, and the construction was superb as well as the level of inspiring audiences. Her suggestion to him was to involve the audience more and make the performance interactive, for example by letting audience to join the magic.

English Speech#2 “How to describe “Mentor” in Japanese?” by TM K.K

TM K.K described that he didn’t know what the word “mentor” exactly mean. When he googled the translation of “mentor” in Japanese, he only found “mentaa”, and even the visual images of the word on Google didn’t help him. But finally it came home to him that mentoring was what he experienced through TM activities, such as being helped by senior members, or helping other members. The answer was not on Google, but in his mind.

->Evaluator for TM K.K’s speech was TM K.M.

TM K.M pointed out the good points of TM K.K’s speech such as (1) effectively used body languages, (2) match to the speech objective, and (3) well organized story. He suggested that it would be even better if there’s any episode regarding mentoring in the speaker’s school days.

General Evaluator was TM G.K. He praised TM A.T for find out the passion point and objectives in TM A.O’s speech, while pointing out her suggestion may not be suitable if the speech was for competition, not for regular meeting. For TM K.M, he described his evaluation was a great complements for TM K.K’s speech, though his suggestion was not quite realistic, since TM K.K didn’t meet mentor in his school days.

Regarding the meeting overall, he made 2 suggestions; (1) be careful not to choose negative/abusing words, and (2) it might be fair to change the timing of General Evaluation, since the evaluators for the second half session can take in what General Evaluator suggested in the first half session.

This night’s Best Evaluators were TM K.S & N.K, Best Table Topic Speaker was TM G.K, and the Best Speaker was TM K.M. Congratulations to you all!





Finally our dear Guest, A-san made a comment in English. She showed how she worked hard to study English and expressed her excitement to be able to attend the TM meeting. It was a very moving speech to all. Thank you!

MEETING REPORT July 31th, 2019

Meeting Report for the TITMC Meeting #327 31st July 2019


夏本番、ムッと蒸し暑い一日。この日は出席者が少なく、場内は沈黙気味…。そんな空気を汲み取り、「今皆さんの気持ちは一つ。暑い、そして人が少ない!」と笑いを誘うTM A.Tの言葉で例会はスタート。TMOEは安定感抜群のTM K.A、ゲストは2回目の参加となるAさん。

今夜の言葉はTM A.Oによる「事ほど左様に」。ラジオのパーソナリティが使っていたそうで、「前述のとおり、これほどに」といった、物事を纏める際に使う言葉だそうです。

日本語スピーチ#1:TM H.Y 「カエルの子は…」


評価者:TM N.Sによる評価


日本語スピーチ#2:TM T.M「給食トリビア」


評価者:TM K.Sによる評価


テーブルトピックはTM N.Hによる出題。「トイストーリー4」を観て子供時代を思い出したということで、「思い出」にまつわるお題をチョイス。

1.捨てられない思い出の品と、それにまつわる思い出を教えてください。:TM K.M


2.過去に影響を受けた作品(ジャンル不問)について語ってください。:ゲスト Aさん


3.あえて「昔はよかった、何故なら~…」を語ってください。:TM K.A


4.退職した後は、故郷に住みたいか?別の場所に住みたいか?:TM G.K


総合論評者はTM G.KTM N.Sの論評に対し、スピーチの中の対比に気づいた点を評価。改善点を指摘する際に申し訳なさそうな様子も見られたが、論評者として強く言って良い、とアドバイス。TM K.Sの論評に対しては、内容がスピーチ目的に合致していることを見抜いた点を評価。その鋭さなら、改善ポイントもよりハイレベルなことを言えたはず!と、更なる洞察を促すコメントでした。

日本語セッションは定刻通り終了し、10分のコーヒーブレイクへ。しかし、場内は相変わらず沈黙気味。そんな中…?(English Sessionに続く)

<English Session>

During the break time, TM R.T played jazzy coffee-shop-style music with her smartphone to relax the silent atmosphere. Nice way to change the circumstances!

The Word of the Evening for English session was “Once in a blue moon”, a very poetic expression which means “very rarely” or “not often”.

English Speech #1 “Where is the water?” by TM A.O

TM A.O, the great magician of TITMC, introduced that he joined the TMC in order to brush up his communication skills to interact with his audiences. He proved what he acquired through his TM life by performing a magic using 3 cups and a bottle of water, with a lot of jokes and fun. At the end of his speech, he reminded everyone that TMC is a safe place for practicing, for any kind of expressions.

->Evaluator for TM A.O’s speech was TM A.T.

TM A.T evaluated TM A.O’s speech was full of his passion, and the construction was superb as well as the level of inspiring audiences. Her suggestion to him was to involve the audience more and make the performance interactive, for example by letting audience to join the magic.

English Speech#2 “How to describe “Mentor” in Japanese?” by TM K.K

TM K.K described that he didn’t know what the word “mentor” exactly mean. When he googled the translation of “mentor” in Japanese, he only found “mentaa”, and even the visual images of the word on Google didn’t help him. But finally it came home to him that mentoring was what he experienced through TM activities, such as being helped by senior members, or helping other members. The answer was not on Google, but in his mind.

->Evaluator for TM K.K’s speech was TM K.M.

TM K.M pointed out the good points of TM K.K’s speech such as (1) effectively used body languages, (2) match to the speech objective, and (3) well organized story. He suggested that it would be even better if there’s any episode regarding mentoring in the speaker’s school days.

General Evaluator was TM G.K. He praised TM A.T for find out the passion point and objectives in TM A.O’s speech, while pointing out her suggestion may not be suitable if the speech was for competition, not for regular meeting. For TM K.M, he described his evaluation was a great complements for TM K.K’s speech, though his suggestion was not quite realistic, since TM K.K didn’t meet mentor in his school days.

Regarding the meeting overall, he made 2 suggestions; (1) be careful not to choose negative/abusing words, and (2) it might be fair to change the timing of General Evaluation, since the evaluators for the second half session can take in what General Evaluator suggested in the first half session.

This night’s Best Evaluators were TM K.S & N.K, Best Table Topic Speaker was TM G.K, and the Best Speaker was TM K.M. Congratulations to you all!





Finally our dear Guest, A-san made a comment in English. She showed how she worked hard to study English and expressed her excitement to be able to attend the TM meeting. It was a very moving speech to all. Thank you!