Tokyo International Toastmasters Club Meeting #309

*English  below


空気が清々しくなってきた12月、TM NYさんが選んだ‘今夜の言葉’は「清冽(な)」でした。この言葉は主に水や空気に使うとのことで、例えば「水のような清冽な」という表現ができるそうです。


最初の日本語のスピーチ#1はTM THさんによる「11-22の日」でした。



次に、TM K.A.によるパスウェーズ(Pathways)コーナー。パスウェーズとは、どういう目的でスピーチするのかのマニュアルであり、10個のPathways中から自分に合う課題を選び、5つのレベルをステップアップしていくツールのことで、活用の仕方を丁寧に説明していただきました。


日本語のスピーチ#1への論評はTM Kさん。他クラブからの訪問にも関わらず、急きょ来れなくなった方の代役として引き受けていただきました。良かった点は抜群のタイミングでの間を取るなどのポーズを使ったメッセージ、そして声の出し方。改善点としては、男女の違いを極端にジェスチャーなどを用いて表現したら良いとのことでした。


文法報告はTM SEさん。皆さん、今夜の言葉を上手に取り入れており、特に注意すべき言葉/表現はなかったとのことです。


総合評価はTM KYさん。忙しい方が多いので、ドタキャンがあっても皆さんが対応できるようにしたらいい、ゲストの声かけなど積極的にすることなど気が付いた点を挙げていました。また、パスウェーズについてはゲストの方もいるので新旧の違い等を用いて説明すると良いのではとのことです。また、急きょ評論を引き受けてくれたTM Kさんは、事前にスピーカーの人柄について調べた上ですばらしい評論だったとのことです。



<English Session>

Today’s word of the day is ‘limpid’ which is the same as Japanese one ‘清冽な’ by TM NY and he explained that ‘limpid’ means clear, pellucid etc.


Prepared Speech #1 was provided by TM OT who is a visitor from another Toast Masters Club. The title is ‘Like, this young man’. His speech was started by talking his elementary school’s life. When he was a child, he disappointed by his teacher who said that he cannot achieve his ‘dream’. He expressed his frustration and strong emotion with body language. However, when he became a university student, he hit the turning point by finding the statement ‘boys, be ambitious like this old man’ by Dr William Smith Clark. He concluded ‘Never give up’


TM HB played his rule of Today’ table topics. He provided five questions.

  1. If you won a lottery and gain one billion yen, what would you use it?

→Donate for people and build a hotel with a free movie theater by TM O

  1. What would you give advice to yourself when you were 15 years old?

→Study hard, play girls, and play club activities by TM Y

  1. What profession will you choose?

→Profession of speech since he can speech in Toast Masters Club by TM K

  1. Provide two places where you most like?

→Spain in which he used to live , and Las Vegas where he lost by gambling last week and wants to go back to win next time by TM E

  1. What are you planning, like to buy, learn or reach your goal?

→Prepare to become a good grandfather for helping my daughter to take care of her kids by TM K


The evaluation #1 was conducted by TM OA. He analyzed TM OT’s speech by drawing a chart with three points such as strategic, balance, and time management In addition, he mentioned that the speech was really impressive by saying ‘don’t give up’ as action plan.


TM MT played a role of evaluation #2. He said the positive points were following the structure, good balance and tone volume, which were perfect combination to use them.


The CRAHCO’s was reported by TM ES saying there were no unnecessary words but no one use word of the day.


Lastly TM YC provided general evaluation about all agenda including table topics, 2 evaluation, speech.


Award Ceremony

The Best Table Topics Speaker TM E.

The Best Evaluator TM M.

The Best Speaker went to TM H.


Thank you so much!