MEETING REPORT Jun 30th, 2021

Meeting report June 30, 2021
Tokyo International Toastmasters club meeting #377
*The meeting was held online via Zoom due to COVID-19 pandemic

トーストマスターズクラブでは、6月が年度末の月。そのため、今回が2020年度最後の例会となりました。会長TM K.K.さんは、例会の開会挨拶でクラブ役員の皆さんの活躍をねぎらい、TMOE(司会)のTM S.E.さんを紹介。1か月半にわたる広島出張を終えたばかりのTM S.E.さんの近況報告とともに、セッションが始まりました。

今夜の言葉は「節目」。TM T.M.さんは、お仕事で大きな進展があったばかりとのこと。晴れ晴れとした表情で、年度末を迎えるクラブにとってもふさわしい言葉を紹介しました。

計時係:TM N.K. 集計係:TM H.A. 文法係:TM M.A. 例会レポート係 TM K.M.

TM A.O.によるディスカッションが行われました。タイトルは、「毎日がトーストマスターズ・ミーティング」。全国にある225のトーストマスターズクラブのリストを画面で共有しながら紹介。「その気になれば毎日、どこかのクラブの例会に参加することができ、学ぶことができる」、という切り出しでセッションは始まりました。クラブメンバーのみんなに質問が投げかけられました。「他のクラブ例会に参加したことはある?」、「なぜ参加したことがないのかな?」、「参加する意義とは?」、「リアルの例会とオンライン例会のどちらがいい?」など。そのやりとりのなかで、日本語や英語を学ぶため、などクラブへの参加目的が明確なメンバーがいることや、オフライン例会時の2次会(飲み会)でスピーチ以外のコミュニケーションを楽しんでいるメンバーも多いことがわかるセッションでした。(またリアルに会える日が楽しみですね。)

ディスカッションの論評を行ったTM G.K.さん。ディスカッションのタイトルでメンバーに興味をもたせ、セッションの冒頭で「なるほど」と思わせた点など、よかったところを紹介しました。一方で200を超えるリストをみせるよりも、いくつかのクラブにフォーカスして紹介こともできたのではないかと、改善できる点を指摘しました。

TM N.K. による時間報告、またTM M.A. による「あー」「えー」などの不要な言葉の使用や、「今夜のことば」がどれだけセッション中に使われたか、についての文法報告が行いました。

つづいて総合論評を行ったTM R.T.さんは、TM G.K.さんがプロジェクトの目的(オンラインミーティングのファシリテーション)に沿った論評であったと伝えるとともに、クラブリストをセッション後に送る方法もあるのでは、と提案しました。

At the beginning of the session, TMOE TM S.E. shared with his recent experience at work. He was in Hiroshima for 45 days, working on a plant installation project at Fukuyama port. In installing the Chinese-made machines, he worked with an interpreter who was a Chinese lady. Working with her, he realized that there was no restroom facility for ladies on site. He shared his thoughts that it seemed like a ‘wake-up call’ to think and improve in light of gender equality.

Next. TM T.M. announced the word of the evening to be ‘milestone’.

Role takers
Timer: TM N.K. Vote counter: TM H.A. GRAHCO: TM M.A. Meeting Reporter TM K.M.

TM K.K. moderated the discussion session “Looking back on this year”. As the President of the club, he was going to finish his year-long tenure at the end of the session. For the discussion, he invited the 2020-2021 executives (R.T., S.E., M.A., N.H., R.K.) as panelists. Each answered to each of his question.

‘What did you try during this year?’- TM R.T. reflected that she tried to make it easier for the members to understand the merit of Pathways (the Toastmasters’ Education System). To do so, she introduced the mentoring system and held sessions for the members to explain about Pathways. TM R.K. also shared her challenge during her tenure as Treasurer, to communicate and convey the message clearly to ‘pay the membership fee in time!’

To the question about the challenges, he/she faced, TM N.H. shared her thoughts about the new challenge during this Pandemic. As the meetings changed from face-to-face to online, it became difficult to welcome guests warmly. To fulfill the role to welcome guests to the Club, she overcame that difficulty, for example, by sending personal chat during the meeting and sending following up emails to the guests. TM S.E. shared experience throughout the year, that he had to cancel the reservation of the meeting venue at the appropriate timing, in relation to the declaration of the state of emergency to minimize the unnecessary cost. At the end of the session, TM K.K. asked what message they want to pass on to their successors. TM M.A. shared her thoughts to enjoy the work at the Club.

Next, TM. F.G. evaluated the discussion. After pointing out the good points, he commented the points for improvements, for example to introduce the outline of the session at the beginning.

After the timer report by TM N.K. and the GRAHCO report by TM M.A., TM R.T. gave the general evaluation. (The session was a good opportunity to look back on the year, and to hear their efforts they made for the members. Thanks to everyone!)

Award Presentation
Best Evaluator: TM A.O.
Beast Speaker: TM G.K.

Business Session
TM T.R extended the invitation to the members to be the speakers at the next meeting on 14 July.


MEETING REPORT Jun 9th, 2021

Meeting report June 9th, 2021
Tokyo International Toastmasters club meeting #375
*The meeting was held online via Zoom due to COVID-19 pandemic

去年の7月から会長として勤めているTM K.K.さんの挨拶から例会が始まりました。今回の例会を含め、会長として挨拶するのは残り3回となります。TMOEはTM O.N.さんです。
今夜の言葉はTM K.K.さんより「免疫をつける」でした。

計時係:TM O.A. 集計係:TM M.K. 文法係:TM S.J. 例会レポート係 TM Q.E.

TM T.R.さんよりディスカッションを開催しました。目的はどんどんみんなで発言しましょう。構成は3つの問について4人で議論を行います。各グループに司会として1人のテーブルリーダーがいます。当日のテーブルリーダーはTM K.K.さん、TM S.J.さん、TM M.K.さんとTM T.R.さんでした。そして3つの問いは下記となります。
① 最近あった幸せなことはなんですか?
② あなたが幸せであるために、必要なこと/不要なことはなんですか?
③ あなたにとって、幸せとはなんですか?

総合論評:TM K.N.

文法報告:TM S.J.
日本語の部であ~とかえ~などの言葉はないとのことです。また、TM M.K.とTM K.N.が今日の言葉「免疫をつける」を使用しました。

English Session started on time at 8pm and we had a visitor, Miss Shimizu joining us from the end of Japanese session. TMOE O.N. then introduced the role takers of the day.

TM K.K.’s word of the evening “Happiness” was inspired by the today’s Japanese session. He also mentioned that his happiness is to serve as president of Tokyo’s International Toastmasters Club.

Role takers
Timer: TM O.A. Vote counter: TM M.K. GRACHO: TM S.J. Meeting Reporter TM Q.E.

Prepared speech #1: TM M.T
Speech Title: “One more learning”

It is TM M.T.’s last speech to complete his Innovative Planning pathways project. At the start of his speech, he reflected on his growth and also spoke about the feedback he received in the past. Thus, today’s speech is about feedback. In his first slide, he explained the changes in employment in Japan. From lifetime employment, it has now changed to job changing when necessary. Then he proceeded to briefly introduce the pros and cons of each work style and questioning why Toastmasters can achieve both methods while being clear and also flexible. He mentioned it is because everyone has the same objective and also because of the positive feedback.
To achieve happiness in life, psychologically we need individual space to be alone, mental space to share stress, emotions such as friends and social space which is a space where we feel valuable for others. For example, such as organizations and companies.
He believes feedback makes organization stronger because good feedback makes us feel recognition in each other. Thus, creating a social space to achieve happiness in life. In Toastmasters, because of this feedback system, this makes Toastmasters a stronger organization.

Prepared speech #2: TM H.N.
Speech Title: “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes”

TM H.N introduced her favorite television program, “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” using the three points, what, how and why. “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” is an NHK educational program which started in 2011. The show is meant to introduce the greatest books of the world where each month one book is introduced. The show is delivered through outline, recitation and lecture. TM H.N. then explained the reason she recommends this show. She also used her personal experience, with the book “MOMO”. In “MOMO”, people’s time have been stolen making life more hectic. When she read the book, she thought it was a book to criticize the modern busy society. However, the psychologist in “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” mentions that MOMO questions us about satisfying time(豊かな時間). So, she started thinking what is satisfying time or happiness. To conclude, these great books give clues to a better life and “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” introduces us to these books. That is why TM H.N introduced this show.

Evaluation for the speech#1: TM H.A.
TM H.A. gave three comments and one suggestion for TM T.M.’s speech. First good point was the effective usage of the presentation slide used by TM T.M. to explain his past and shift in Japanese society. Second good point, was that TM T.M. successfully caught the audience’s attention with the questions in the presentation. Thirdly, he mentioned that TM T.M.’s message that feedback makes organization stronger is very clear throughout his presentation. His suggestion to TM T.M. was to speak with more vocal variety and to include more personal experiences.

Evaluation for the speech#2: TM A.M.
TM A.M. gave three good points. The first good point is TM H.N.’s usage of visual aid which was easy to understand and very systematic. The second good point is TM H.N.’s gesture and facial expressions. She mentioned that TM H.N.’s gesture has vastly improved compared from before. The third is TM H.N.’s example using her own personal experience which clearly explains why TM H.N. wanted to recommend “A Masterpiece in 100 minutes” to us.

General evaluation: TM K.N.
TM K.N. proposed some techniques to today’s evaluators. The first one is to convey the good point by explaining why do you think it is a good point. The second technique is using one’s own idea to improve the speaker’s speech. He also proposed the idea below for effective time management.
2 minutes: Explain the good points
2 minute 30 seconds: Explain the improvement
3 minutes: Closing

GRAHCO’s report: TM S.J.
There were no unnecessary or filler words from the prepared speech speakers. Both speakers also used the word of the day “Happiness” in their speech.

Award Presentation
Best Evaluator: TM H.A.
Beast Speaker: TM H.N.

Business Session
TM T.R invited speakers for the next meeting on June 23rd.
Today’s guest, Miss Shimizu also gave her comment. She was happy to be reunited with TM H.N. and TM K.N. in this meeting.

MEETING REPORT May 26th, 2021

TITMC 第374回例会レポート 2021/5/26(水) 19:00-21:20

# English Session:

Our president TM K.K. started our meeting with showing tonight’s 2 big events. Yes, the super moon and the election for new officers!

Today’s TMOE was TM T.M.
The word of the evening was “Cut to the chase” by TM H.Y. (He was on the way home!)

# Speech #1 (TM M.Y.) 6:25
“Estonia-History links the present with the past”

Title page showed the geographical location of Estonia and a beautiful photo of the capital city. We’re all excited with this opening that we felt like on a travel to unknown country. At the beginning of his speech, he showed his speech structure clearly. We could traveled with him to Estonia’s some sightseeing spots and think of the country’s the present and the past. And he let us learn this country correctly as tourists. We felt his kindness and passion for this small lovely country. Lastly he recommended a trip to Estonia after this Covid-19 situation. Great speech!

# Speech #2 (TM H. A.)7:37
“Introduce your future”

He started with his conviction about the meaningful self-introduction. Don’t introduce only your past and present but introduce your future. He showed how boring the former one is.
And he said “Why do you introduce yourself?”, ”To build a good relationship!” It’s clear vision of his. And he compared 2 self-introduction, a typical one and a future oriented one effectively. And lastly, he introduced himself oriented on his future. We’re all moved his sincere and meaningful speech so much.

# Evaluater TM A.O.3:16
He started with showing his ignorance about this small country with his own way, it made everyone smile and relaxed. And he raised TM M.Y.’s good points:well-organized structure, topic focus on, and understandable presentation. Lastly he thanked to his presentation, that he got a great motivation to research about Estonian film industry! (We all knows he deeply loves films all over the world!)

# Evaluater TM N.H. 4:09
She showed TM H.A.’s 3 good points and 2 feedbacks clearly. Good points were, starting with question, showing his speech objective at the beginning, and demonstrating with his own. They are extremely effective to deliver speech values for audience. And feedbacks were showing his speech “map” at the beginning and using pictures on his slides instead of many letters. Her evaluation sounds so gentle and helpful for our new member. So great!

# 日本語セッション:

今夜の言葉はTM H.Y.さんより、五月にちなんで「五月蝿い(うるさい)」です。”五月蝿くならないように”など、否定形にも多く使われました。

# 準備スピーチ#3 6:57
TM J.S.さんによる「世界中のどこでも結果を出せる人に共通する〇〇とは」


ここで本日のTMOEによる、クラブ役員の仕事の「勝手に説明会!」が、入会間もないメンバーに向けて開催されました。これはスピーチ論評者への準備時間確保の配慮でもあります。もぅ~みんなが上手くいく手立てを、ついつい考え実行しちゃうんですね、TM T.M.さん。スライドもサクッと用意されて行き届いていました。さすがミスター東京インターと呼ばれるわけです!

# 論評 TMR.T. 3:22

総合論評は安定のTMK.K. 論評TMR.T.の人を観る力、それを言語化する能力の高さを称賛しましたが、まだまだ称賛し足りない様子でした。また、TMT.M.の例会マネジメントについても、行き届いた取り回しを「TMスピリット」と大いに称えました。

ベスト論評者:TM R.T.
ベストスピーカー:TM H.A.



MEETING REPORT May 12h, 2021

Meeting report May 12th, 2021
Tokyo International Toastmasters club meeting #373
*The meeting was held online via Zoom due to COVID-19 pandemic

TM K.K. kicked off the meeting and showed his appreciation to the club members as he is finishing his one-year term as the president at the end of June. It was a great reminder that the election of officers for 2021-2022 will be held soon. Then he broke the ice by sharing some stories about fun things he did with his family staying home during Golden Week holidays. One was cooking beef stew on Mother’s Day, and another was enjoying Karaoke at home using an app.

R.T. served as the TMOE. Expanding the topic, she mentioned her brother’s wedding ceremony during the holidays. She reported that her wedding speech was a great success. As TM N.H. said, it was great to hear of the result like getting feedback.

The word of the evening was “harbinger” introduced by TM F.G. It means ‘something that foreshadows a future event / something that gives an anticipatory sign of what is to come’.

Role takers
Timer: TM M.T. Vote counter: TM R.T. GRACHO/General evaluator: TM N.H. Meeting Reporter TM H.A.

Prepared speech #1: TM K.M.
Speech title: “To be the ‘same’ and ‘different’”

The speech started throwing a question: “Do you like traveling oversea?”. She is a big fan of traveling and has an experience of living abroad in childhood. Then she talked about her childhood memories of not being treated equally and feeling as an outsider in Australia.
Picking up some sad incidents happening around the world due to “being different”, she continued raising a question “What is being different?”
By comparing her two different travel experiences in China, she found a clue to answer the question of “being different”. In Guilin (桂林市) local people treated her as Japanese but in Ningbo (寧波市) she was mistakenly treated as Chinese. She concluded that it depends on who she was with. “I am who I am” the word she said sounded like a great mindset when you face with some problems caused by being “the same” and “different”.

Evaluation for the speech #1: TM J.S.
TM J.S. mentioned three good points and one suggestion for improvement. Firstly, the story was good because the speech was based on speaker’s own experience and driven by traveling. That helped the speech understandable. Secondary, using some visuals helped listeners imagine where she was. Thirdly, her friendly facial expression kept getting listener’s attention. The suggestion was the speech would be more powerful by having some more intonation like up and down or putting a pause and improving vocal variety.

Prepared speech #2: TM O.N.
Speech title: “Root”
The speech started with one thing everyone has thought about at least once in school. He recently got a question from his son, “Why should I study something you never use?”. Back in his junior high, he had the same question wondering why he had to study square root (√). He had been thinking it’s never used in social life, however, he recently changed his opinion on square root as he found it is hidden in many places. For example, A3 or A4 paper has an aspect ratio of 1 to √2 and which is called “silver ratio”. And he also showed that ratio is used in Horyu-ji temple(法隆寺)and in Draemon (ドラえもん). Next he introduced an idea of “golden ratio” which has 1 to (1+√5)/2 ratio. It is used in the Venus de Milo, the Mona Lisa and business cards. He pointed out how beautiful they are, and square root seems more important as you feel its beaty.

Evaluation for the speech #2: TM N.K.
TM N.K. picked up three good points and some suggestions for improvement. The first is starting the speech with a general question which is why we must study. The second is that the speech was persuasive because it delivered his own idea which was “math makes our life happy”. The third is giving some examples effectively reinforced the speaker’s message. One of the suggestions was bringing his core message to introduction part as it is persuasive speech. Another is using vocal variety and making eye contact.

General evaluation: TM N.H.
To TM J.S.
The evaluation had a clear structure giving three good points and one suggestion. It was better to mention the speaker’s last speech since it was her second speech. And It would be more detailed if TM J.S. shared which story he liked.

His evaluation had also a clear structure. And it was good that he shared some techniques that would be helpful for everyone. However it’s better to speak more slowly.

Overall TM N.H. said it was great to hear some happy stories during the holidays from TM K.K. and TM R.T. They created a good meeting atmosphere. And she commented both TM K.M.’s. and TM O.N.’s speech ware really nice.
今夜の言葉はTM F.G.さんより「○○の兆し」でした。「物事が起こることを予想されるようなしるし」という意味です。亀甲のひび割れが漢字の由来になっているそうです。

計時係:TM M.T. 集計係:TM R.T. 文法係/総合論評TM N.H. 例会レポート係 TM H.A.

準備スピーチ#1:TM Q.E.

入会後初の自己紹介スピーチを披露して頂きました。来日して11年経つTM Q.E.さんが今でも「なぜ日本に来たのか」と頻繁に聞かれるため、その理由を詳しく説明してくださいました。
マレーシア出身の彼女はテレビ番組に出演していた中島美嘉さんの歌唱力とスタイルに強烈に心を惹きつけられました。それから彼女のリサーチを始め、そして歌を理解するために日本語を学ぶようになります。そしていつか生で中島美嘉さんを見たいと思うようになりました。当時高校生だったTM Q.E.さんは国の奨学金制度を使い日本への留学を果たします。そして来日1年目で中島美嘉さんのライブを訪れ、号泣したそうです。日本に来たのは中島美嘉さんのファンだからというシンプルな理由を語ってくれたTM Q.E.さんでしたが、今も長く住んでいるのは人の温かさや優しさ、また住みやすさを感じているからであり、これからも日本でいい思い出をつくっていきたいという温かい言葉でスピーチを締めくくって下さいました。

準備スピーチ#1への論評:TM K.K.

準備スピーチ#2:TM A.O.
人生には3つの坂がある、上り坂、下り坂、そして“まさか!”ということで冒頭、先月の第93回アカデミー賞で起きたある出来事についてTM A.O.さんは触れていきます。主演男優賞は昨年逝去したチャドウィック・ボーズマンさんが有力視されるなか、受賞したのはなんとアンソニー・ホプキンスさん。しかも本人は「受賞すると思っていなかった」ということで会場にはいなかったという“まさか!”の事態が起きたという内容でした。

準備スピーチ#2への論評:TM M.Y.

総合論評:TM N.H.
To TM K.K.


例会全体に対しては、4人それぞれの個性が輝くスピーチだったこと、TMOE TM R.Tさんの高いファシリテーション力、TM F.Gさんの機知に富んだ今夜の言葉のチョイスを良かった点としてピックアップされました。

教育担当 TM R.T.:次回のスピーカー募集中、ただし30分程度の役員選挙があるので人数未定です。

MEETING REPORT Apr 28h, 2021

TITMC第372回例会レポート 2021/4/28(水) 19:00-21:00 @Zoom


本日のTMOEは、GW中にお誕生日を迎えるというTM N.K.さん(おめでとうございます!ぱちぱちぱち)。お誕生日には毎年外食をしていたのに、昨年に続いて今年はその辺のケーキになりそうとのこと。でも、最近はテイクアウトも充実しているので、ぜひ素敵な誕生日を過ごしてほしいです。

今夜の言葉はTM H.Y.さんから「あまねく(普く、遍く)」。早くワクチンがあまねく行きわたりますように。

#準備スピーチ1 TM R.T.「2人の歩む道」
ハーフマラソンで見かけた家族ランナーの姿に、人生というものを感じたTM R.T.さん。弟さんご夫妻も、よいときも、つらいときも、自分がどう思うかを誠実に言葉にして伝えあってほしい。それが自分も相手も大事にするということであり、そうすれば、人生というマラソンを2人で走っていけるはず。

#TM T.M.さんによる論評
 新郎新婦の人柄がわかるエピソードがあり、2人への応援メッセージでもあり、参列者にも楽しいスピーチとなっていて、結婚式のスピーチとしてふさわしい。新しい家族が生まれる場であり、姉としてのTM R.T.さんのちょっと寂しい気持ちや弟さんへの愛情といった、少し複雑な気持ちも少し入れてもいいかもしれない。
TM R.T.さんの愛溢れるスピーチに、TM T.M.からの論評時間はあえて気にしないこちらも愛溢れる論評でした。

#準備スピーチ2 TM K.K.「春なのに」
 オンライン花見例会をやると決めたものの、まだ具体的なイメージがないTM K.K.。でも彼は成功を確信していました。なぜならプロジェクトメンバーに恵まれ、みんなからどんどんいろんなアイデアが湧いてきたから。アイデアを推敲するうちに、もはや企画会議自体が花見例会のような楽しさに。そうして花見例会は楽しく開催されました。このプロジェクト体験から、まずプロジェクトメンバーが楽しむことが大事なこと、TMで身に着けたスキルは色んなところで活かされることに気が付きました。今後はOBOGも含めて、またイベント例会を行いたいと締めくくりました。

#TM N.H.さんによる論評
 ストーリーラインが明確で、かつその時々の自分の視点・感情を入れたことで、聞き手に分かりやすくしかも生き生きと伝わるスピーチだった。改善提案としては、Project Managentのプログラムなので、マネジメントの学びの視点をもっと入れてもいいかもしれない。

日本語セッションの総合論評はTM M.A.さんから。
TM T.M.さんは、TM R.T.さんの大事なスピーチに誠実に向き合っていることが何より素晴らしく、TM R.T.さんが求めているポイントについてしっかりとした言及、提案を行っている。
TM N.H.さんは、論評は言葉を吟味する時間がないのに、適切な言葉選びをしている。その言葉の選び方が秀逸でいつも驚かされる。

The word of the day was “In a nutshell”, by TM H.Y.

# Speech #1 (TM F.G.): “Let’s talk about Justice”
Japanese Government has announced the new round of a state of emergency declaration. The purpose is saving lives. But on the other hand, it limits our daily activities, which may cause a big impact on the economy. TM F.G. gave us his research presentation about “what is Justice, what is Fair.” For example, smoking may cause some bad effect to some people, but it may save economy. The government should ban the smoking or not? He introduced and explain in the view of three schools, Utilitarianism, Categorical Imperative, Libertarianism.

# Evaluation for Prepared Speech
The evaluator was TM K.M. TM F.G.’s speech was well organized, especially nicely put at beginning to arouse everybody’s interests. Also, the purpose of this project (Research and Presenting) was nicely met by introducing three schools. There were two suggestions; the audiences may want to know TM G.H,’s own opinion about “Justice,” and it would be better if hi set the slide and font bigger.

#Table Topics
Table Topic master was TM G.K. He gave us four Table Topics, which change this tough situation into positive mind.
Q1. “If you could be a witness to a historical event, what event you choose?”
=>TM A.O. answered “The academy award ceremony was held yesterday. Anthony Hopkins won the Oscar for best actor contrary to the majority of expectations. So I want to back to yesterday with this knowledge and say to people, “Anthony Hopkins will win the Oscar!” They will respect me.”
Q2. “Where do you want to go when the pandemic was over and you are free to travel?”
=>TM H.A. said “I traveled around Spain three years ago. It was beautiful time and a want to go there again.”
Q3. ”What was your trouble in your childhood?”
=>TM A.T. said “I have 2 elder brothers and we were fighting in the house everyday over something very small(such as the result of video game). But of course, I love them.”
Q4. “Which do you want to meet, your grate grand parents or your great grand children?”
=> TM H.Y. answered “I would like to meet my great grand parent and want some advice from them.”

Awards Ceremony
Best Table Topic Speaker: TM A.O.
Best Evaluator: TM N.H.
Best Speaker: TM F.G.

Next Meeting will be held on May 12.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and see you again soon.

MEETING REPORT Apr 14h, 2021

TITMC 371th Meeting Report Apr 14th,2021(wed) 19:00-21:00

Meeting Beginning:

At the Beginning, President TM K.K give us opening remarks.
In his speech, he mentioned that “Start New Comer, hope good start this year”.

English Session:

TMOE(Toastmaster of Evening) was TM A.O.
WOE(Word of the Evening) was “Status Quo” from Latin, means “keeping things as they are”.
Role takers, Timer TM G.K, Vote Counter TM R.T, GRACHO TM K.K, and Mtg Reporter TM N.K.

Each role taker explain his/her role by original method, including some “Humor”.

Speech #1:

By TM H.A, his first speech “Ice Breaker”.
He spoke 3 point to introduce himself, his profession, his interest, and why he joined Toastmaster.
He wanted to change himself and wanted to improve his speech skill.
Let’s study together !

Table Topic:

Table topic master was TM J.S. He gave member 5 questions, and one of member answered by short speech.
1st question was “What would you like to do after COVID-19 crisis gone ?”.
Ms.E (She joined as at this meeting) answered this question, she wanted to go Osaka and enjoy USJ.

2nd question was “What is your dream you have recently?”.
TM R.K answered this question, she dreamt go somewhere, and talking someone directly.
(We cannot do that due to COVID-19)

3rd question was “What was the most fun things you have ever experience?”.
TM F.G answered this question, his most fun experience was “Ramadan”.
During “Ramadan”, he cannot drink and eat. Keeping emotion was hard.

4th question was “Was there anything that make you cry?”.
TM N.K answered this question, he watched YouTube during his “Telework”, and he was crying by the movie
“detective drama” by Japanese actor Tetsuya Takeda. His quote in the movie made him cry.

5th question was “What is your happiness?”.
TM K.K answered this question, he felt happiness when he did excercise at home.
He kept health.

Evaluate Session:

TM R.T evaluated TM H.A’s speech.
Firstly, she said she couldn’t believe the speech was TM H.A’s 1st speech!
She mentioned 2 good point and 1 advice.
The good points were Structure and expression.
The advice was that repeat the keyword would be better.
We wanted to see his speech at Curian.

General Evaluator TM H.Y, he evaluated to Evaluator TM R.T, TT Master TM J.S, and TMOE TM A.O.


日本語セッションのTMOEは引き続きTM A.Oさん。


日本語スピーチの1本目はTM K.Mさん。タイトルは『「同じである」、「違う」ということ』。


日本語スピートの2本目はTM T.Mさん。タイトルは『10年目の余白』。


TM K.Mさんのスピーチ論評はTM O.Nさん。


TM T.Mさんのスピーチ論評はTM M.Aさん。


英語に続いてTM H.Yさんの総合論評。
論評者のTM O.Nさん、TM M.Aさん、そしてTMOEのTM A.Oさんへの論評を行いました。


ベストテーブルトピックはTM R.Kさん、ベスト論評はTM R.Tさん、
そしてベストスピーカーはTM T.Mさんでした。おめでとうございます!


新しく入会されたTM Q.Eさんの入会式を行いました。


MEETING REPORT Mar 31h, 2021

#370例会レポート(31st March, 2021)
TM K.K.さんの提案で、今夜は「オンライン花見例会」として開催しました! 「オンライン」と「お花見」という、今の時代を反映した新しい組合せの試みでしたが、お花見の余興らしさもトーストらしさもある企画が盛りだくさんで、とても楽しい例会になりました!Zoomの個人背景には各々桜の写真を使い、お花見の雰囲気も充分に出ていました!

今夜の司会(TMOE)は、TM K.K.さん。「かの有名な”桜を見る会”に参加したことがある」という、嘘か誠かのお話から例会がスタートしました。参加者がリラックスして例会に入れるようなネタ・ジョークの選び方がいつも秀逸です(^^)
計時係(Timer)はTM O.N.さん。文法係(GRAHCO)は急遽前回入会されたばかりのTM H.A.さんに引き受けていただきました。積極性が素晴らしいです!!

TM K.M.さんからの「今夜の言葉」は、「ときめく」。桜やお花見のイメージにぴったりな言葉です!

前半は、通常の準備スピーチをTM R.T.さんに披露していただきました。スピーチタイトルは「永遠の輝き?」。


TM R.T.さんに対する論評はTM A.O.さんでした。
また、TM R.T.さんのスピーチに限らず、オンライン(Zoom)における課題として、ビジュアルエイドが充実するもののスピーカーの顔が見えなくなるので、その点の工夫をすべき。(これは素晴らしい提言ですね!)

文法係(GRAHCO)のTM H.A.さんから、TM R.Tさんのスピーチについて、・スピーチしながら自分で間違いに気づいて訂正するスキルが素晴らしい、・「ときめいちゃいますよね」という変化球の言い方が良かった、と評価がありました。
TM A.O.さんの論評については、「まずはじめに…」「それからこうなって…」と接続詞の使い方が上手く、スピーチを思い起こさせる。肩の力が抜けて、語り掛けるような論評。との評。
TM K.K.さんからTM H.A.さんについて「入会されたばかりなのに、個性を見る観察眼が素晴らしい!」と評されました。


一人目はTM K.K.さんが司会の『K.の部屋』
お題1: オンラインと花見と私
TM K.M.さん。オンラインでの花見は今回が初めてだった。最近オンラインでのおしゃべり会を始めた。週2回オフィスに出勤するが、きれいな桜が見える。
お題2: 花見と家族と私
TM M.A.さん。桜で思い出すのは、息子さんの学校の桜、入学式の思い出。先日のTM O.N.さんのスピーチに出てきた森山直太朗の「さくら」にジーンとした。
お題3: 花見と映画と私
TM A.O.さん。坂口安吾の短編小説「桜の森の満開の下」を、篠田正浩監督・若山富三郎主演で映画化した。内容が怪奇・文学的で、理解するのが困難であったため、若山富三郎さんには「これは月光仮面です」との説明で納得してもらったらしい。
お題4: 桜とトーストマスターズと私
TM O.N.さん。お花見の例会は過去にあったのだが、O.N.さんはその時は参加が出来なかった。屋外でのお花見には寒くて凍えた記憶などいい思い出が多くないので、今日のオンラインでの例会はいい機会。
お題5: 花見とお酒と私
TM R.T.さん。言うのを躊躇うが、花見で友達とファイヤーボールという度数の高いお酒を飲んだ。桜が頭の中でぐるぐる回る状態に…。さらに、携帯電話を失くしてしまい、取りに行くことになってしまった。
お題6: 花見と楽しかった思い出と私
TM G.K.さん。大学生の時に初めて日本に来たが、大学生の時は花見をする機会がなかった。社会人になって、屋外の花見は寒いなどネガティブな話を聞いていたが、ライトアップされた桜を見ていいものだと思った。

二人目はTM M.A.さんが司会の『M.の部屋』

三人目はTM G.K.さんが司会の『G.の部屋』

四人目はTM N.H.さんが司会の『N.の部屋』
N.H.の部屋は、ある絵について言葉で説明をして、その説明を聞いた他の参加者がその絵を正しく描けるか、という内容でした! 聞いた言葉の説明から絵を連想することは、コミュニケーションとともにイマジネーション力を駆使した作業で楽しかったです!

企画が盛りだくさんで、楽しいオンライン花見例会になりました!お花見の余興の雰囲気がすごく味わえました! 提案と企画を担当されたTM K.K.さん、TM M.A.さん、TM G.K.さん、TM N.H.さんのご尽力のおかげですね。
この日は年度末最終日ということで業務の都合で急遽参加できなくなった方もおりましたが、入会されたばかりのTM H.A.さんが積極的にroleを引き受けてくれたのもナイスカバーでした!

Report by TM M.Y.

MEETING REPORT Mar 24h, 2021

TITMC 第369回例会レポート 2021/3/24(水) 19:00-21:00

# 日本語セッション:

今日は久しぶりのTMOEのTM K.M.さんでした。

さて、今夜の言葉はTM R.T.さんより「麗か(うららか)」でした。桜と合いますね。

# 準備スピーチ#1
TM M.A.さんによる「トチハナ」




# 準備スピーチ#2
TM N.H.さんによる「メッセージ」

Division I、コンテストスピーチに向けた練習スピーチです。




# TM M.A.さんへの論評はTM N.K.さんより:
# TM N.H.さんへの論評はTM S.E.さんより:

# 総合論評TM T.M.さんから:
TM N.K.さんは、カジュアルにリラックスした表現や分析の視点が良かった。
TM S.E.さんは、対話型の論評としてTM N.H.さんから情報を引き出していたところが素晴らしいと述べました。
また、TMOEのTM K.M.さんが柔らかい言葉で良い雰囲気を出していた、とコメントされました。

# English Session:

The word of the day was “Come alive” by TM R.T..

# Speech #1 (TM G.K.):
“Sunny partly Sunny”

At the beginning, he showed a sky(sun with black cloud) photo, and asked “What will happen next?”.
Then he showed some pictures one by one, such as thunder, clear sky, or totally sunny.

Under this COVID-19 situation, he works from home and that makes him isolated.
And he found talking by himself and hearing the inner voice, it’s easy to fall into the negative spiral.

His message was “Change your self-talk”, like, “I know it won’t work.”, “I never have enough time.” or “I am not good enough.”.

Instead, let’s use “Transformational Vocabulary”, like “I am going to take a break.”, “I can …”, “I will …” or “I choose …”.
That’s lowering the intensity of negative emotions and increasing to even greater heights of pleasure!

# Speech #2 (TM O.N.)

He talked about “Sakura”, cherry blossoms.
Most Japanese like to see the full bloom of cherry blossoms.
And he showed many “Sakura” examples, such as
The name of Japanese national rugby team “Brave Blossoms”,
“Hanamichi Sakuragi” who is the main character of Slam Dunk,
“Sakura” sweets and the name of movie Tora-san’s sister.

He also introduced Japanese old poem from “Kojiki” and “Manyoshu” and
“Sakura” music video by Naotaro Moriyama

“Sakura” includes many cultures in Japan.

# Evaluator TM F.G.
He picked up good points as organized speech, nice tempo and good & calm delivery.
He mentioned this project is persuasive speech, so adding passion may improve the speech.
He also commented on many practical advice.

# Evaluator TM M.Y.
He mentioned the “Sakura” episodes were very effective.
And also mentioned the pace, and using a music video.
He suggested changing the speech pace.

# Award Presentation
Best Evaluator: TM S.E.
Best Speaker: TM M.A.


And one more thing, we had an induction ceremony and Mr. A joined our club.
Thank you and let’s enjoy toastmastering!


MEETING REPORT Mar 10th, 2021

#368 Meeting Report, March 10th 2021

The meeting was held via zoom because of the situation under coronavirus. The TMOE was TM M.A.

[English Session]
The “Word of the evening” was “Record-high” served by TM O.N.

Prepared Speech#1 Contest speech 「Tomorrow」(time 7:18)
The speaker was TM R.K.
The speech was about an English teacher in her teenager’s days. The teacher left her an unforgettable message.

Table Topics
Table Topics master was TM N.H. There were five table topics.
 The first table topic was “What or who inspired you recently?” The first answerer, TM A.O. said “The opening day of movie “Evangelion” was Monday. Movie opening days are usually Saturday or Friday. Evangelion was the first time for his 40 years’ movie mania life. That impressed me a lot.” (time 1:52)
 The second table topic was “By time machine, do you want to go to the past? And When?” The second answerer, TM G.K. said “I love to go back to my university days. I spent fun time such as traveling other countries and did a lot of part time jobs at that time.” (time 1:14)
 The third table topic was “Do you think you are introvert or extrovert?” The third answerer, TM F.G. said, “I am both. When I am with close people, I am extrovert. When I am reading books, I am introvert. “ (time 1:14)

 The fourth table topic was “Could you tell us one thing we haven’t learned about you?” The fourth answerer, TM M.F. said, “Two years ago, I tried to find new jobs when I was 39 years old. I passed interviews from three companies” (time 1:26)
 The final table topic was “What do you like about yourself?” The final answerer, TM K.K. said, “That is flexibility. I am very flexible. I can enjoy daily life even under Covid-19 situation due to this point” (time 1:45)

Evaluation for Prepared Speech #1 (time 3:26)
The evaluator was TM G.K. (time 3:26).
This was the second time for him to listen to the speech and he found greater improvement than before. He pointed out several good points and a point for improvement: The starting phrase “See you tomorrow” was very catching. The speech was well instructed like movie. The vocal variety was very effective for person-to-person call. He suggested that if there had been more diversified tempo, the speech would have been improved.

General evaluation
The general evaluator was TM M.Y. He evaluated the TM G.K.’s evaluation and the whole English session as follows:
TM G.K. used good expressions to make us understood such as “like movie”, “catching”, “effective”. As for the whole English session, TMOE M.A. did speaker’s arrangements well in advance. President K.K. used a timely topic like weather condition as a meeting’s opening talk. Each role takers explained each role clearly. Time management was good.

本日の司会TMOEは、 TM M.A.さん。週末のご主人とキャッチボールをしたところ、投げる、受ける、投げ返すの運動が、熟年夫婦には心地よかったとのこと。しきりに、出席者にキャッチボールを勧め、オープニングトークで聴衆の心を掴んでいました。

TM O.N.さんからの「今夜の言葉」は「絆」。「今週は東日本大震災の日から10年目の3月11日の週」とのことでの選択とのこと。

準備スピーチ#1 Pathways “Innovative planning”  「春なのに」(time 3:40)
スピーカーは、会長のTM K.K.さん。3回連続のスピーチプロジェクトの一つ。オンライン花見例会の提案スピーチでした。バーチャルで花見の雰囲気を醸し出しながら、スピーチも取り混ぜて3月31日に開催しょうとの呼びかけ。その場でBGMも披露し、聴衆のテンションを上げていました。手伝ってくれる人の募集をしつつ、盛り上がったスピーチでした。

準備スピーチ#2 Pathways “Engaging Humor” 「Can Laugh」(time 7:30)
スピーカーはTM J.S.さん。昨年11月に行ったスピーチのフィードバックを活かした2回目のスピーチ。英語のジョークについての内容でした。アメリカンジョークには3つのタイプが有る①冗談②ダッジャレ③なぞなぞ。アメリカンジョークと日本のジョークには3つの違いが有る①文化の違い②生活環境の違い③ジョークネタの違い(笑いのツボの違い)。という比較文化論的な考察を入れつつ、ジョークの実例を次々に紹介していました。最後に、紹介したジョークの一部を変更した“How many Toastmasters does it take to change the world?“との問いかけがあり、その答えは「皆さんの心次第。」という秀逸な締めで終わりました。

準備スピーチ#1への論評(time 2:39)
論評者は教育担当副会長のTM R.T.さん。良かった点として、3分で概要を説明してメンバーをやる気にさせることが出来、スピーチ目標を達成した。説明の構成が良かった。BGMを流してメンバーのテンションを上げた。募集で時間をかけていたところが時間配分が適切で良かった。今後のアドバイスとしては、酒と肴を用意して、背景を桜にしたら良かった。との指摘。スピーチの影響を受けてか、論評もテンションが高めでした。

準備スピーチ#2への論評(time 2:58)
論評者は、TM A.O.さん。前回も聞いていたが、益々分かり易くなったと称賛。良かった点として、説明フォーマットとの指摘。可能なら購入したいとのこと。次から次へと説明が進みTempoが良かった。改善点としては、前回のスピーチのフィードバックはもう少し間を開けた方が良いとのことであったが、今回もジョークの後で間を入れた方が良い。情報量が多すぎたのではないか。新たな取り組み案として、自分が翻訳家であれば、この様に翻訳するというやり方も有るのではないか?シリーズ化しても良いとの提案もありました。

総合論評は、TM M.Y.さん。
準備スピーチ#1の論評者への論評としては、BGMを使った、以前のスピーチを利用して分かり易かった等の指摘が具体的とのコメントでした。準備スピーチ#2の論評としては、前回のスピーチとの比較が有った。シリーズ化提案が面白かったとの好意的なコメントでした。本日の例会全体に関しては、Table Topicsの質問は、考えさせられると同時に回答は簡単ではなく良い内容で有った。今夜の言葉「絆」は、震災から10年の節目での選択は良かった。

今夜の文法係はTM F.G.さん。今夜の言葉「絆」は、一回使用された。「あの~」等不要な言葉は、人によって、数回~数十回使用された。との報告が有りました。

・Best table topics speaker:TM G.K.さん
・Best Evaluator:TM G.K.さん
・Best speaker:R.K.さん

最後に、TMOEのTM M.Aさんが、「キャッチボールをしてパートナーと絆を深めましょう。」とのジョークを放って例会を締めくくりました。

Business Session
会計係のTM R.K.さんから、会費納入のお願いが有りました(締め切り:3/15)。

MEETING REPORT Feb 24th, 2021


今夜の言葉担当のTM Oさんから、今夜の言葉、希望。このような難しい状況の中でも希望をもって過ごしていきましょう、という観点での
選択でした。TM Oさんは、仕事の関係で職場からの参加ということで、英語のWorld of the eveningも一緒に発表。こちらは、Hope。

最初の日本語準備スピーチは、TM Yさんのスピーチ。


 Pathways プレゼンテーション熟達
 レベル1 論評とフィードバック(2回目のスピーチ)

 スピーチタイトル: 「遠くを見る」


 Pathways: Innovative Planning Lv3 提案の提示

 TM Tさんのスピーチは、チャット機能を使って、聴衆にファイルを送り、事前にそのファイルをダウンロードしてもらうというユニークなスタイル。




 TM Yさんの論評は、ベテランのTM Kさん。


 2本目のスピーチ、TM Tさんへの論評は、TM Yさん。
 ベテラン、Yさんの論評もさすが、TM Tさんのスピーチは情報がかなり多かったが、それをビジュアルエイドを活用し、分かりやすく、立て板に水の如く分かりやすい

 総合論評のTM Mさん。例会が、笑いに溢れる導入で、やはり、笑いは希望を生み出すという、今夜の言葉もしっかり意識したまとめ方はさすが。

【English Session】

●Prepared Speech #1

Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level 5 High Performance Leadership
Speech Title: “Mission Completed”

The purpose of this project is for the member to apply his or her leadership and planning knowledge to develop a project plan, organize a guidance
committee, and implement the plan with the help of a team.
The purpose of the second speech is for the member to share some aspect of his or her experience completing the project.

TM M explained very details for his project of in-house speech contest. use visual aids of slides with information of the project like the goals,
schedule,cost and project members. He showed the appreciation to project members for their hard work even though no salary.

●Tables Topics

The table topic master is TM O. He asked lots of questions to us, like below.

Q1.What makes you smile?

TM A talked this topic, she made a smile when see small children, she automatically makes a smile with those cute children.

Q2.What do you want most?

TM H mentioned she loves alcohol, in response to the Japanese speech, which related to wine.

Q3.Where would you most like to go?

Q4.What do you do to relieve stress?
TM M mention, alcohol is the best to release her stress. Many members love alcohol very much.

Q5.What is your greatest skill?
TM T talked this topic, she talked in Japanese prepared speech already, and mentioned alcohol is the one. It reminds audience her humorous speech in
Japanese session.

●Evaluation for Prepared speech #1

The evaluation for this speech, firstly showed the respect and appreciation to TM M because he is a front runner of Pathways Lv5, his speech gives us lots of
tips. Actually, this project is very tough one, consisting of two speeches and one project.

Today’s speech is well organized, fact check and learning from this.
Overall, very comprehensive one including lots of information like the goals of this project, schedule, cost and team members, it enables us to understand
entire project.

Visual aids and eye contact are also great, to make the engagement with audience.
Two suggestions are, wanted to know TM M’s challenge for this project, and how to overcome it. it helps us to understand a bit more his great effort to make
this success. Another one is wanted to listen to the voices from team members because this project was successfully concluded with their efforts as well.

Awards Ceremony

Best speaker: TM R.T.
Best Tabletopic Speaker TM R.T.
Best evaluator: TM K.K.

We could cover all of agenda today on time, two guests shared thier comments for the meeting, looled happy to be with our club.