MEETING REPORT Feb 24th, 2021


今夜の言葉担当のTM Oさんから、今夜の言葉、希望。このような難しい状況の中でも希望をもって過ごしていきましょう、という観点での
選択でした。TM Oさんは、仕事の関係で職場からの参加ということで、英語のWorld of the eveningも一緒に発表。こちらは、Hope。

最初の日本語準備スピーチは、TM Yさんのスピーチ。


 Pathways プレゼンテーション熟達
 レベル1 論評とフィードバック(2回目のスピーチ)

 スピーチタイトル: 「遠くを見る」


 Pathways: Innovative Planning Lv3 提案の提示

 TM Tさんのスピーチは、チャット機能を使って、聴衆にファイルを送り、事前にそのファイルをダウンロードしてもらうというユニークなスタイル。




 TM Yさんの論評は、ベテランのTM Kさん。


 2本目のスピーチ、TM Tさんへの論評は、TM Yさん。
 ベテラン、Yさんの論評もさすが、TM Tさんのスピーチは情報がかなり多かったが、それをビジュアルエイドを活用し、分かりやすく、立て板に水の如く分かりやすい

 総合論評のTM Mさん。例会が、笑いに溢れる導入で、やはり、笑いは希望を生み出すという、今夜の言葉もしっかり意識したまとめ方はさすが。

【English Session】

●Prepared Speech #1

Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level 5 High Performance Leadership
Speech Title: “Mission Completed”

The purpose of this project is for the member to apply his or her leadership and planning knowledge to develop a project plan, organize a guidance
committee, and implement the plan with the help of a team.
The purpose of the second speech is for the member to share some aspect of his or her experience completing the project.

TM M explained very details for his project of in-house speech contest. use visual aids of slides with information of the project like the goals,
schedule,cost and project members. He showed the appreciation to project members for their hard work even though no salary.

●Tables Topics

The table topic master is TM O. He asked lots of questions to us, like below.

Q1.What makes you smile?

TM A talked this topic, she made a smile when see small children, she automatically makes a smile with those cute children.

Q2.What do you want most?

TM H mentioned she loves alcohol, in response to the Japanese speech, which related to wine.

Q3.Where would you most like to go?

Q4.What do you do to relieve stress?
TM M mention, alcohol is the best to release her stress. Many members love alcohol very much.

Q5.What is your greatest skill?
TM T talked this topic, she talked in Japanese prepared speech already, and mentioned alcohol is the one. It reminds audience her humorous speech in
Japanese session.

●Evaluation for Prepared speech #1

The evaluation for this speech, firstly showed the respect and appreciation to TM M because he is a front runner of Pathways Lv5, his speech gives us lots of
tips. Actually, this project is very tough one, consisting of two speeches and one project.

Today’s speech is well organized, fact check and learning from this.
Overall, very comprehensive one including lots of information like the goals of this project, schedule, cost and team members, it enables us to understand
entire project.

Visual aids and eye contact are also great, to make the engagement with audience.
Two suggestions are, wanted to know TM M’s challenge for this project, and how to overcome it. it helps us to understand a bit more his great effort to make
this success. Another one is wanted to listen to the voices from team members because this project was successfully concluded with their efforts as well.

Awards Ceremony

Best speaker: TM R.T.
Best Tabletopic Speaker TM R.T.
Best evaluator: TM K.K.

We could cover all of agenda today on time, two guests shared thier comments for the meeting, looled happy to be with our club.

MEETING REPORT Feb 10th, 2021

Meeting report of English session
#366 Tokyo International TMC online meeting

Tonight’s meeting was held online (zoom). We had two guests.
At the beginning our president TM K explained about the upcoming Area Contest which will be held on 21st of this month. Yes, it is now exciting contest season for us!

TM K continued as tonight’s TMOE. And each role assignee was introduced: Timer was TM S, Vote counter and GRAHCO was TM T. They carefully and properly explained about role objective so that each participants and guests can re-recognize it before start.

TM M introduced the word of the evening: “Masterpiece”. It is a good word and so suitable choice since it’s contest season!

In the English session, we had two speeches to be delivered by TM A and TM Y. They will be the contestant for the English session of the upcoming Area Contest as representative of our club! So, their speeches tonight were done as rehearsal for the upcoming Area Contest. Before the speech, each evaluator shared the evaluation sheet which will be used for tonight’s speech evaluation and also for the Area Contest. It made clear for all of participants about how they evaluate.

TM A delivered the first speech. Her speech title was “I believe”.
The speech started with an impressive sentence: “I fell in love with the phrase “I believe””. (We all know she loves the phrase :)) In our meeting last year she got a GRAHCO suggestion that she better use “I believe” rather than “I think”. Before that, she never used “I believe” because she believed the phrase is too great for her. By that suggestion, she got aware that the phrase “I believe” makes speech positive and stronger. And it helps in speeches to show one’s belief from inner or real life.
Her facial expression and body language showed joy, passion and power. It lasted from the beginning till the end of the speech. So impressive! Speech pitch and tones were also very controlled.

The second speech was delivered by TM Y. The title was “Graduation”.
He started the speech with inserting the word of the evening: “it may not be a masterpiece..” 🙂
Regarding graduation, he remembered his senior year experience which was tough for him. He needed to pass the exam at the last semester of his senior year, otherwise he could not graduate the university. And, he shared another example about his daughter’s experience last year. She, second year university student, went abroad to Cebu island to study English, however she had to give up soon because of Covid-19. Covid-19 changed our life such as remote work style and less direct communication. TM Y interpreted that Covid-19 tests us. We need to be adaptable to change, and we need to pass the “test”.
Timely topic selection, structure and message!

TM M was the evaluator for TM A’s speech.
He showed two “beautiful” points, one suggestion. As first beautiful point, he praised her challenging spirit because she changed the speech style from the last one. And also she used the area effectively and voice variation. The second beautiful point was strength or power. It lasted from the beginning till the end. And, at last, he gave her his message well-wishing for the upcoming Area Contest: “believe yourself!”.

TM H was the evaluator for TM Y’s speech.
At first she admired him that he changed the speech title and topic from the last one. New topic would gather people’s empathy more. And she gave him two suggestions. Recommend to focus on key or core message more. Recommend to show emotion or self-feeling in the speech.

GRAHCO TM T introduced good word usage during the speeches and evaluations.
– Fell in love by TM A
– Masterpiece (word of the evening) by TM Y
– Beautiful points (rather than Good points) by TM M
– Core or key message by TM H

Finally TM N gave the general evaluation to the participants.
At first he explained about the objective of general evaluation especially for the sake of understanding by guests. 1) Evaluations for evaluators and 2) Review of overall meeting.
TM M’s suggestion was very clear with concrete examples.
TM H admired him that he changed the speech topic. TM N also had the same feeling. And TM H’s suggestion was also very clear and helpful.
He then summarized that the overall meeting had been operated well as usual. This is because small things add up to make a big difference!! – TMOE TM K distributed tonight’s agenda timely; Suitable word of the evening introduced by TM M; and Timer TM S explained clearly how to show time.

Reported by TM Y.M.

【今夜の言葉】TM T.M 「圧巻」

◆TM N.K  勝手に教育シリーズ③「私のトーストマスター歴」
Pathを変更し、3度目のIce Breakerに臨むN.Kさん。有名な諺になぞらえ、「トーストマスターズは自ら助くる者を助く」のメッセージで始まったスピーチは、茨の道だった自身の入会経験の話へ発展します。初めて参加した例会は、発足したばかりのクラブの第一回目例会。初心者メンバー同士でなんとか例会を運営し、始めて5か月でなんと教育担当役員を担うことになった彼は、同じ県内のトーストマスターズクラブを片っ端から訪問し、助けを求めることにします。そうして生まれた人脈から、やがてN.Kさんはディストリクトの役職を担い、全国・さらには台湾のトーストマスターズとの関係を築いていきました。当クラブを支える大ベテランとなった今、彼はクラブのメンバーに「私に助けを求めてください」と、心強いメッセージを発するのでした。

◆TM G.K  「厚い壁と熱い思い」

◆TM N.Kへの論評:TM Y.M

◆TM G.Kへの論評:TM A.O



