MEETING REPORT Jul 28th, 2021

Zoom meeting 2021/07/28

今夜のTMOE、TM N.H.さん。この4連休、登山に行ってきたそうで、リフレッシュしたところで、暑い夏を乗り越えていただきたいところです。


今夜の言葉担当のTM H.Aさんが、選んだ言葉は、「逆境」





最初の準備スピーチは、TM J.Sさん。


Pathways レベル3 : Know your sense of humor


目的: The purpose of this project is to begin developing a collection  of humorous stories and to present a speech that includes humor. 

国内と海外ビジネスの違いとして、最近よく耳にするジョブ型雇用に対して、日本の仕事観は、メンバーシップ型。それぞれ、一長一短があるが、ジョブ型は、スキルがあれば、チャンスが広がるが、そのスキルがマッチしなくなったり、そのポジションがなくなると、仕事がなくなってしまうという厳しい面も。2点めの違いとして、海外では、残業しないことが当たり前。定時に帰ることが美徳という意識。3点めは、仕事帰りの飲み会はない。4点めは、レビューをしっかり行う。仕事に対して、同僚から、Feedbackをしっかりもらう。その際、Positive Feedbackが先で、suggestionsが後に来るというところは、Toastmastersと共通するところがありそうです。


時間 7:55

準備スピーチ #2 は、TM A.Oさん。


 Pathways: Innovative Planning (日本語) 

レベル 4  プロジェクト:プロジェクトの効果的な管理 


目的:このプロジェクトの目的は、「計画の作成」、「チームの構築」、「チーム との連携による計画の実行」の演習を行うこと。 




時間 3:20

TM J.S.さんの準備スピーチに対しての論評は、TM M.Aさん



時間 2:50

TM A.Oさんのスピーチに対する論評は、TM R.Tさん


まずは、TM A.Oさんの服装についてのコメントから入りました。ワイシャツにネクタイということでスピーチへの意気込みを感じられたという印象。このスピーチの論評シートに従った論評を行い、



時間 3:15



TM J.Sさんのスピーチ、軽快なテンポ 話す冒頭に、「まぁ」という言葉が何度かあり、少し気になったという点をコメント。今夜の言葉である「逆境」を使用していた点を評価。

TM A.Oさんは、「あのー」が数度あったが、流れの中で自然だったのであまり気にならなかったというコメント。




English session started after the coffee break, word of the evening was “adversity”, which was the same meaning as Japanese WOE.

Word of the evening

Prepared speech 1

Pathways: Persuasive Influence 

Level2: Understanding your leadership style 

Purpose: The purpose of this speech is for the member to share some aspect of his or her primary leadership style or discuss leadership styles in general.

Title: “Moneyball” 

Prepared Speech 1

His speech picked up the movie “ Moneyball “ which featured a major league baseball team in the US, even though they didn’t have enough money to hire high-salary players, the team utilized data analytics to hire undervalued players but they could fit the team.

From this movie, he learned a lot especially leadership. There are several types of leadership styles, he felt to learn a lot about coaching. Leadership needs to change the way of work, like in the movie, the leader introduced a new work style by collecting data, analyzing them, and making a decision. Since this process, the team could find and hire undervalued players and they played well, and finally be a good team. Another lesson learned was not only just hiring undervalued players but also building up a team by inspiring and communicating with players. And delegation is also quite important. This was a great opportunity for him to learn a lot.

Table topics session TM K.M

Q1. what do you do regularly to keep in good condition?

TM O.N shared his story he tried to keep exercise to stair up and down 3 rounds for a year. In the current difficult situation, it would be good for his health.

Q2. What do you do during the Olympic games?

TM H.A. shared his story he has been trying to communicate with people around him and tried

temporary job to find new people, new friends. 

Q3 What do you do for the Olympic games?

TM K.K. has been serving as a volunteer for the games, this was a precious experience for him to contribute to the games and know many people, and make friends.

Q4. After the pandemic, which country do you want to go to?

TM M.Y. wants to visit Estonia after the pandemic, where has a lovely landscape in the Baltic states.


TM O.N   1:40

TM H.A.   1:30

TM K.K.   1:40

TM M.A.   1:15

Evaluation of TM F.G speech by TM M.Y.

Evaluation of prepared speech 1

He indicated some good points, which was the speech’s purpose was met clear, to share his leadership style, and structured leadership explanation, and a good review of the movie Moneyball. As an improvement, presentation slides were messy and too busy to read, it was difficult to understand. And the message was less focused.

Time 2:15

Award Ceremony

Best table Topic   TM K.K

Best Evaluator    TM R.T.

Best Speaker     TM F.G.