Meeting Report July 26th, 2023

Meeting Report #432


今夜の司会TM KIがクールにそしてスマートに例会をさばきます。


今夜の言葉は、TM JSによる「脚光を浴びる」です。

#準備スピーチ1 : TM KK (時間:7:14)




論評 for 準備スピーチ1:TM NK(時間 2:30)


#テーブルトピックス TM GK

Q1: あなたは恐れがないなら何をしますか?

A1:TM JS:日本を元気にするため日本の首相に立候補する。(時間1:32)


A2:TM NM:トーストマスターで活動。感謝日記書いている。(時間1:40)


A3:TM NH: 人から離れる。スマホを見ない。読書 。(時間1:40)

前半総合論評:TM NH


[English Session]

The word of the Evening by TM JS is “Incremental Growth”

#Prepared Speech 1  by TM MK  (Time: 6:42)

Title: Power of Encouragement

The story is What a great encouragement and motivation TM MK lesson -learned from her professor in the past.

Evaluation for Speech 1 by TM KA (Time: 3:52)

It is a very helpful evaluation for TM MK to specify 3 good points and 2 suggestions on the speech

#Prepared Speech 2 by TM YU (Time: 4:30)

Title: What we hear doing most is usually what we most need to do.

This is Ice breaker speech and first-time speech in TITMC for TM YU.

It is the story about himself with 5 keywords described interesting.

Evaluation for Speech 2 by TM KM (Time: 2:42)

It is very motivated evaluation for TM YU to identify 3 good points and 2 suggestions

#Prepared Speech 3 by TM SE (Time:7:30)

Title: Unforgettable Photo

This is the story that TM SE experienced in Thai back in 2022, there is

One picture shown Budda status on the water! What happened?

Evaluation for Speech 3 by TM AO (Time: 3:33)

It is very fascinated evaluation some great points and some suggestion that make the pictures more effective and impressive.

General Evaluation by TM NH

3 evaluators were highly evaluated well with some positive points and Smooth Meeting progress and TMOE management were greatly appreciated by TM NH

Best Table Topics speaker: TM NM

Best Evaluator: TM KM

Best Speaker: TM MK


Cheers, Scribed by TM JS