MEETING REPORT Nov 11th, 2020

Meeting report
#360 Tokyo International TMC online meeting

We’ve got use to attend hybrid meetings (online and on sight), so we’re getting use to operate new style meeting. There were no guests, but we gathered on time.
As same as ordinal meeting, our president TM K called #360 TITMC online meeting started. Participants looked relax, because they attended this meeting from each place.

Tonight, we had two speeches, English one and Japanese one, and educational session for later half by TM M. Tonight’s MC, TMOE was TM N. He is always calm and relaxed and sometimes say funny thing. (I love his way of talking and saying something funny and serious.)
In the role introductions, each role takers briefly explained their roles.
And, today’s word of the evening was “intrinsic” showed by TM T.

Next was prepared speech #1, by TM S. He always made speech energetically and professionally with enthusiasm
His speech was based on Pathways “Engaging Humor” Level1 project, “Evaluation and Feedback – First Speech” and speech title was “Can’t laugh”. I thought this project was most suitable for TM S.
He introduced American jokes and classified them three types, Funny Joke, Pun Joke and Riddle Joke. He showed several jokes in his speech, and asked what type was each Joke. He also explained why Jokes were funny by, Cultural difference, Living environment difference, and Joke material difference. I felt that I could understand why Jokes were so funny.

準備スピーチ2人目はTM O。
パスウェイズを進めるにつれて自分のやりたい内容と違ってきたので、新たなパスを選びましたとのこと。パスウェイズは ”Presentation Mastery” レベル1、アイスブレイカーです。
スピーチタイトルは「 封筒透視術」。マジックと映画に造詣の深いTM O、今回もマジックネタで、皆のハートを鷲掴みしました。なぜ、TM Oが東京インターナショナルTMCに入会したのか、それはマジックをするうえでお客とのコミュニケーションが大事だと考え、入会したとのこと。そういえば、以前のアイスブレイクスピーチでも聞いたような…。今回はトランプと封筒を使ってのマジックで、初の「タネあかし」もありました。皆が「へー」と感じた内容でした。これからも、マジックと映画ネタのスピーチが楽しみです。

Next, evaluation for TM S’s prepared speech by TM A,
I felt TM A always evaluates clearly and well organized, and she did so tonight.
She mentioned 3 good points and one suggestion.
She praised TM S’s Content, Construction and Speech speed. I very agreed her evaluation. One suggestion was how to show exciting feeling on line. I thought that was our new style meeting’s issue

TM Oの準備スピーチに対する論評はTM H。
毎回鋭い観察で論評に臨むTM H、TM Oの鉄板ネタに対する論評で、改善点を見つけるのが難しいスピーチでしたが、今回もよく観察された論評でした。「TMCが練習の場」ということをやって見せたこと、自分が向上・実現したいことを(マジックの内容、マジックのしゃべり)を実演したこと…が我々の見本になるというコメントに納得しました。また、ベテランスピーカーの鉄板ネタスピーチなので、論評者に対して論評の際の視点をあらかじめ提示してはどうかとの改善点の提案がありました。なるほどです。

General evaluator was TM T.
In spite of attending in a long time, she did superb General evaluation.
She mentioned how our club’s online meeting changed smoother than before, and evaluated TM A’s evaluation for TM S. TM T mentioned TM A’s body language in her evaluation speech, that was so effective on line.
TM HによるTM Oのスピーチに対する論評について、スピーチの内容よりもより高い視点での俯瞰的な論評で、改善点も「論評者の視点」について、スピーカーが求めている本質的な論評だったと言及しました。

後半は、TM Mによるスピーチに関するワークショップ。TM Mは、12月に実施される我々クラブのクラブ内スピーチコンテストの発起人で、そのクラブ内コンテストのプロモーションを兼ねたと思われる内容でした。「スピーチとは何か」「ネタの探し方、ふくらませ方」「スピーチの構成」についてTM M自身の考えに基づいてよく整理されたPPTを使いながら、クラブメンバーに伝えていました。また、Zoomのブレイクアウト機能を使って出席メンバーを分けたグループディスカッションも行なわれ、出席メンバーは意見を交わしてスピーチ/スピーチの作り方/スピーチの内容の磨き方に対してアイデアを得ることが出来たと感じました。

…ベスト論評者は TM H
…ベストスピーカーは…TM Sでした!!
TM Sおめでとうございます!!


Report By TM Y.

MEETING REPORT Oct 28th, 2020

October 28th,2020 Tokyo International TMC Meeting #359
Meeting Report

[English session]
Today’s TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) TM R.T.

The word of the evening presented by TM N.H was “Hot Potato”.
She chose this word based on an unfortunate event that her mother got an injury of a broken bone.

Role Introduction part.

Table Topics
Today’s Table Topics Master was TM T.M.

Please tell us your most impressive, most strange or most interesting dream you have ever experienced.
A1(TM N.H.) 1’44”
Her most strenge dream about the Crown Prince. she suddenly have dream she was proposed by the Crown Prince.
Very humourous dream make a lof of luagh.

In a morning, when you wake up, you found you suffered from nightmare.
What kind of things you will do to change your bad feeing due to nightmare?
A2(TM H.Y.) 1’19”
Second speaker was in the office and He was changing of clothes.
But he squared up to the Question courageously.

Imagine you are dreaming.
You are getting young again. You can re-start your life again from 18 years. What kind of life do you want to live, and why?
A3(TM A.O.) 1’40”
This my turn. This question tough one for me. If I was 18yeasr old. I learn the English so hard. I master English languge
Then I go to the Hollywood and visit famous actor and actress house.

Imagine you are dreaming.
There is a box in front of you. you are going to open it and do something.
What is in the box, and what will you do by using it?
A4(TM K.K.) 1’32”
In the box. He found the Gibbs what’s Gibbs? Gibbs for Major League Baseball player.
大リーガー養成ギブス in Japanese. By using Gibbs He hit the Home Run much more than Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron or Sadaharu Oh.
He will be Home Run batter and Home Run King.

Prepared speech #1
First speaker was TM F.G 7’23” (online)
His speech title was “My story:A nerd’s expectations in joining a Toastmaster Club”

Prepare speaker used by Zoom background instead of PowerPoint.
It was effective for speech. He talk about his story about what expect for toastmasters Club activity.

Prepare Speaker as TM F.G’s evaluator was TM T.H.
Evaluator was in his car because outside could be noisy for give the evaluation to prepare speaker.
Also Unfortunately low battery of his smart phone then turn of his smart phone camera.
But the evaluation gave good and effective advice to the prepare speaker.
He gave too many suggetions and comments so unfortunately time was over after all.

General evaluator TM K.K.
GRAHCO Report by TM M.Y.


今夜の言葉としてTM N.H.が選んだ言葉は『不幸中の幸い』。



準備スピーチ#3 日本語 TM N.K.さん (9’58”)

準備スピーチ#4 日本語 TM M.A.さん (6’19”)

TM N.K.さんへの論評者はTM H.Y.さん (2’28”)

TM M.A.さんへの論評者はTM O.N.さん (3’30”)

総合論評はTM K.K.
文法報告は、TM M.Y.

ベストスピーカーはTM M.A.
ベスト論評者は TM H.Y.
ベストテーブルトピックススピーカーはTM N.H.



Written by TM A.O.

MEETING REPORT Oct 14th, 2020

#358 Meeting Report, October 14th 2020


本日の司会であるTMOEは、TM N.Y.さん。仕事で忙しく、会社の会議室から作業着を着たままのリモートでの司会進行となりました。
最初はTM J.S.さんからの「今夜の言葉」。いつも意外な視点で例会を面白くしてくれるTM J.S.さん。「今夜の言葉」は「しびれる」でした。

準備スピーチ#1 アイスブレーカー 「コンフォートゾーンからの脱出」(time 5:36)
スピーカーは、今回がIce BreakのTM M.Y.さん。

準備スピーチ#2 メンタリング入門 「最初の一筆(ひとふで)」(time 7:23)
スピーカーは教育担当副会長のTM R.T.さん。
Pathwayになってから、トーストマスターズの制度が複雑になっている中で、「教育担当がメンター制度に明るく無くて良いのか?」との責任感満々のスピーチ。 ご自身の学生時代の合気道部の師範とのメンティー経験をベースにスピーチを構成。合気道部の師範は、社会に出ても役に立つようにという考えで指導されていた。師範の言葉として、「間違った事を一生懸命やっても間違いがひどくなるだけ。」、「根性だけではいけない。一生懸命稽古するのは当たり前。間違いに気づいて修正出来るようにならなくてはいけない。」、「技を盗む。盗めなくても真似る。」、「新入部員に一筆入れるのは君たちだ。基礎は一生もの。心して指導するように。」と紹介してくれました。トーストマスターズに応用して、「ゲストのトースト人生に一筆入れるのはメンバー全員だ。」とクラブメンバーにも訴えかけるスピーチでした。

準備スピーチ#1への論評(time 3:52)

論評者はベテランのTM N.K.さん。
良かった点として、題材の選択。内容が、スピーチ目標と一致している。構成が、PREP(Point, Reason, Example, Point)に則っていて素晴らしい。 トーストマスターズでの抱負として3つ表明していたが、3つというのは、多くも少なくも無く丁度良い数を使っていた。声が良く通っていた。

準備スピーチ#2への論評(time 3:24)
論評者は、マジックマスターでもあるTM A.O.さん。

総合論評は、若いながらベテランの域にあるTM R.K.さん。
アイスブレイクへの論評は、褒めすぎても、コメントが多すぎてもダメであり、経験が有る人ほど難しいが、TM N.K.さんの論評は、スピーチ目標との一致、PREPへの言及等、内容が具体的だったと評価。改善点としては、少し早口で、聞きずらい部分も有った。との指摘が有りました。

TM A.O.さんの論評は、スピーチの内容が具体的、説得力の有る話が多かった等ののスピーチを詳細分析していたところを高く評価。改善点として、「スピーチに、欠点が無いのが欠点。」とは、さすがマジックマスター的な物言いだけれども、やっぱり欠点は見つけた方が良い。との指摘が有りました。


[English Session]
The “Word of the evening” was “Learning by doing” served by TM J.S.

Prepared Speech#1 Ice Breaker 「Sushi, IT, TMC」(time 4:53)
The speaker was TM T.T.
He introduced himself with pictures of fish. He has a special skill, which he can process whole raw fish by himself. He makes sushi foods every month with special knives and serve them to others. This introduction succeeded in giving big impact on the audience. And the introduction included a bit joke : “I am a Toastmaster but I am not a Sushi master.”
He also introduced how he reached the Tokyo International Toastmasters club. He found the website of our club and understood that the language was both Japanese and English, and the venue was in Oimachi. He declared that he wanted to improve his communication skill and motivate club members.

Table Topics
Table Topics master was TM M.A.
The first and second question were the same one, which was “What is your favorite speech?”
The first answerer was TM N.K.(time 2:00) and the second one was TM M.Y.(1:38).
The first answerer, TM N.K. said, “My favorite speech is one delivered by Chaplin in the movie of The Great Dictator”. He explained the reason that there were many speech techniques we should learn.
And the second answer, TM M.Y. introduced his recent Youtube video watching experience. He likes a black entrepreneur who was giving a great speech including jokes and great life lessons in the video.

The third and the fourth question were the same one, which was “What is your unforgettable speech in TMC?”
The third answerer was TM A.O.(time 1:43) and the fourth one was TM K.S.(2:06).
The third answerer, TM O.A. said, “Although every speech is unforgettable, today’s TM R.T.’s speech is the most unforgettable one. ” He explained the reason that the speech has had a high construction level.
And the fourth answer, TM K.S. remembered TM R.K.’s educational speech in last year without any script. She showed us how to make speech “along audience”. She said she prepared 3 or 4 patterns in her mind as audience’s reaction. That was so impressive one.

Evaluation for Prepared Speech #1
The evaluator was TM K.M.(time 3:35)
First of all, she congratulated the speaker on finishing his memorial speech as an Icebreak.
She pointed out several good points and points for improvement: The speech structure was good. The wording was suitable. His eye contact was very nice. If there had been more gestures and vocal variety during speaking, the speech would have been improved.

General evaluation
The general evaluator was TM R.K., who was the same as the general evaluator in Japanese session.
She evaluated the evaluator and the whole English session. She commented as follows:

Evaluation for evaluators for prepared speech #1
Evaluation for ice breaker speech is very difficult one. Neither too much negative feedback nor too many positive one is good for the speaker. The balance is very difficult. TM K.M’s evaluation was very detailed, referring to basic skills such as speech structure and eye contact as good points. She proposed to increase gestures and vocal variety as suggestions. These feedbacks might be very effective for the speaker.

Evaluation for the whole English session
TMOE N.Y. did great time management which the English session started at 8:00.
As for the Table topics session, the table topics master TM M.A. chose unique and new topics related to speech. She appointed not only experienced members but also new members as answerers. If she could assign other TM guests as answerers, they might be interested in the table topics more. This is an idea for improvement.
The vote counter TM F.G. did great job. The voting system was very smooth and easy to vote.
GRAHCO, TM A.O. was very nice. Her voice was very clear even through mask. We had better make a practice of speaking through mask in Curian.
Most of all, TMOE N.Y. should be acclaimed because he did great management in his busy situation from office under COVID-19.

Award Presentation
The winners are as follows:
・Best table topics speaker:TM A.O
・Best Evaluator:TM K.M.
・Best speaker:R.T.

Lastly, the President TM K.K thanked participants for the good meeting.

Business Session
In-house contest is going to be held on December 9th in 2020.
Theme : Road(道) / Bonds(縁)/ window(窓)/ piece(かけら)
Detailed information is announced by the project team later.

MEETING REPORT Sep 9th, 2020(Joint Meeting with Yokohama Frontier TMC)

Meeting Report Sep 30th ,2020 横浜フロンティアTMC&東京インターナショナルTMC合同例会

「実は横浜市民です!」というアピールの東京インター会長TM Kさんのあいさつから始まりました。TMOEはTM S(横)さん。にこやかで余裕を持った語り口です。「今夜の言葉」はTM Oさん(東)です。合同例会なので「あれ?」という気づきから違いが発見される期待感を込めて「違和感」です。なお「違和感がある」「違和感を覚える」と使いますが「違和感を感じる」はNGですので気を付けましょう!
タイマーTM Yさん(横)は、バーチャル背景でリミットタイム色を表示、という東京インターにとっては新しい試みです。VOTEはTM Mさん(横)。集票はZOOMの集計ボックスにチェックをつける方式です。GRAHCOはTM Kさん(横)。文法係・ahカウンター・今夜の言葉カウントを兼務していただく東京インター方式にあわせて頂きました。例会レポートは私TM A(東)。本日欠席のメンバーとwebサイトを訪れる未来のメンバーのために、中継します!

準備スピーチ#1 影響力のある説得 「トンネル」 TM Hさん (time 6‘37“)

続くテーブルトピックは、横フロ会場のTM Fさんから。盛り上がっている会場では、ホワイトボードいっぱいにアルファベットのカードが並んで掲示されています(テレビ番組みたい!?)。カードの裏にはキーワードが書かれていて、スピーカーは2つ、3つのカードを選び、ショートスピーチに必ず取り込むというゲームです。
トップバッターTM Nさん(東)が選んだカードの裏には「あきらめない」と「友人」。半沢直樹の職場の友達がうらやましく、あきらめないで友人をつくりたい、と繋げました(結構本気です!)。
続いてTM Tさん(横)は「キレる」「いたたた・・・」。命より大事なケータイが壊れたエピソードを披露されました。みなさん、ケータイのバックアップをお忘れなく!
TM T(東)さんは「難しい」「準備」。趣味の和太鼓演奏会でリズムを外した準備不足を挙げ、ご自身のキャラ紹介を兼ね、今日の言葉「違和感」もうまく取り込む反射神経を発揮したスピーチでした。
横フロ会長のTM Mさん(横)は「元気」「自慢」。ピッタリのカードを引き当てたようで、自己紹介で使い瞬殺。その後じっくり制限時間にあわせてくる余裕ぶりでした。
続くTM Kさん(東)からはカード3枚!「横浜」「美しい」「銀行」。横浜の美しい人たちに会えた幸せは宝くじで1億円を当てたに等しく、この幸せな想いは横浜銀行に預けたい、、、のだそうです。意外とまぁまぁ自然な流れに聞こえましたよ~さすが会長!
TM Mさん(横)「キラキラ」「どうしたの?」「かわいい」。今日の合同例会を楽しみにしていたら、目がキラキラしてしまい、本日仕事場で「どうしたの?」と聞かれたそうです!しかも「かわいい!」と言ってくれる人もいたとかいないとか・・・! さすがさすが会長!!

準備スピーチへの論評はTM Kさん(横)3’24”
日本語の部の総合論評はTM Nさん(東)。TMOE、それぞれの役割について、一つ一つコメントくださり、論評者へはポイントを数多く見つけてTM Hワールドに引き込む手法に感心されていました。始まる前からみんなが画面でニコニコしていたのは、企画準備の二人の功労者のおかげです!と。
文法報告では、TM Kさん(横)さんが、ah-カウンター・今夜の言葉の回数を報告し、また一人一人の秀逸だった言葉をピックアップされました。

[English Session]
TMOE is turned to TM K(T). The word of the day is ” peaceful” by TM Y(Y).

Prepared Speech #2:Pathways Dynamic Leadership
“Ready to Change?” TM I(Y) (time 6’37”)
TM I showed his experience of “change” super dramatically. One day he lost his job and struggled, after a while he got a new job in India! He accepted the change. It gave him a new life…job, food, and wife! He suggested us to open our window and ready to change ourselves!

Table Topics: TM K(T) He prepared Table Topics that were very timely and suggestive.
Q1: If you are Hanzawa-Naoki, to whom do you do “bai-gaeshi”?
A1: TM I(Guest)1:44 She wants to do Bai-gaeshi to a guy who wouldn’t propose to her at that time! She thinks he might feel regret deeply now.
A2: TM O(T)2:06 She wants to do Bai-gaeshi to her naughty daughter! She didn’t hear any Mom’s word, never! …But now she finds to have to change herself.
Q2: Where do you like to go with “go to eat”?
A1: TM F(Y)2:02 He likes to go to Shimoda in Izu area and have Tai-Shabushabu!
A2: TM O(T)2:06 He likes to go Lotteria and see some too-big hamburger on 29th day! Hamburger in Japan is too smaller than original, authentic one. But he don’t recommend it for anyone to have. It’s not good for health.
Q3: If you can add one more function to Zoom system, what do you add?
A1: TM A(Y)2:07 He said zoom is perfect and he is satisfied it, but…he likes to add stamp on camera and change his picture to funny.
A2: TM K(T)2:08 His opinion is about a focus function. Even at the slide vision time, it automatically zoom the person who is speaking, then we can understand easily who is a main person.
Q4: If you do “workation”, it means “work +vacation”, which place do you like to go?
A1: TM Y(Y)1:50 She wants to do workation at Karuizawa area seeking for its fresh air and nature, but it’s necessary to change her job to work only with PC.
A2: TM M(T)1:52 She likes to go workation at Yatugatake-kogen during Summer. Because it has beautiful mountains and it is 1000-1400m height from sea level, it is always about 8 degrees cooler than Tokyo.

Evaluation for prepared speech TM T(T) 3:16 His objective is so difficult one, but he went so well! She points out his 3 good points. His speech structure was well organized, his body languages and voice variety were so well, even if it is online, he didn’t give up anything and impressed us a lot. And his unique story is successful to deliver his message to us. Improve point is to focus the core message more.

GE TM K(Y), He evaluated TM T’s evaluation. He mentions she evaluated very well organized and explained suggestion specifically. It is because the improvement point is the most
important. And he thanks all attendance to make kindly, relaxed atmosphere over all. And see you again!

The Best Speaker :TM H(T) The Best Evaluator: :TM K(Y) The Best Table Topics Speaker :TM I(guest from Aoyama-lunch)
Lastly, Farewell from President TMM(Y) Thanks for this exciting, energetic but peaceful meeting for all of us.

合同例会は、にぎやかで、エキサイティングで、そして温かでした!計画してくださりましたTM K(T)さんによりますと、2つのクラブは同じトーストマスターが同じ時期に立ち上げたという・・・親が同じ、いわば兄弟クラブだそうですね。それぞれ10年以上の歩みを経ても、何か共通する温かい雰囲気を感じました。


MEETING REPORT Oct 28th, 2020

October 28th,2020 Tokyo International TMC Meeting #359
Meeting Report

[English session]
Today’s TMOE(Toastmaster of the evening) TM R.T.

The word of the evening presented by TM N.H was “Hot Potato”.
She chose this word based on an unfortunate event that her mother got an injury of a broken bone.

Role Introduction part.

Table Topics
Today’s Table Topics Master was TM T.M.

Please tell us your most impressive, most strange or most interesting dream you have ever experienced.
A1(TM N.H.) 1’44”
Her most strenge dream about the Crown Prince. she suddenly have dream she was proposed by the Crown Prince.
Very humourous dream make a lof of luagh.

In a morning, when you wake up, you found you suffered from nightmare.
What kind of things you will do to change your bad feeing due to nightmare?
A2(TM H.Y.) 1’19”
Second speaker was in the office and He was changing of clothes.
But he squared up to the Question courageously.

Imagine you are dreaming.
You are getting young again. You can re-start your life again from 18 years. What kind of life do you want to live, and why?
A3(TM A.O.) 1’40”
This my turn. This question tough one for me. If I was 18yeasr old. I learn the English so hard. I master English languge
Then I go to the Hollywood and visit famous actor and actress house.

Imagine you are dreaming.
There is a box in front of you. you are going to open it and do something.
What is in the box, and what will you do by using it?
A4(TM K.K.) 1’32”
In the box. He found the Gibbs what’s Gibbs? Gibbs for Major League Baseball player.
大リーガー養成ギブス in Japanese. By using Gibbs He hit the Home Run much more than Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron or Sadaharu Oh.
He will be Home Run batter and Home Run King.

Prepared speech #1
First speaker was TM F.G 7’23” (online)
His speech title was “My story:A nerd’s expectations in joining a Toastmaster Club”

Prepare speaker used by Zoom background instead of PowerPoint.
It was effective for speech. He talk about his story about what expect for toastmasters Club activity.

Prepare Speaker as TM F.G’s evaluator was TM T.H.
Evaluator was in his car because outside could be noisy for give the evaluation to prepare speaker.
Also Unfortunately low battery of his smart phone then turn of his smart phone camera.
But the evaluation gave good and effective advice to the prepare speaker.
He gave too many suggetions and comments so unfortunately time was over after all.

General evaluator TM K.K.
GRAHCO Report by TM M.Y.


今夜の言葉としてTM N.H.が選んだ言葉は『不幸中の幸い』。



準備スピーチ#3 日本語 TM N.K.さん (9’58”)

準備スピーチ#4 日本語 TM M.A.さん (6’19”)

TM N.K.さんへの論評者はTM H.Y.さん (2’28”)

TM M.A.さんへの論評者はTM O.N.さん (3’30”)

総合論評はTM K.K.
文法報告は、TM M.Y.

ベストスピーカーはTM M.A.
ベスト論評者は TM H.Y.
ベストテーブルトピックススピーカーはTM N.H.



Written by TM A.O.

MEETING REPORT Sep 9th, 2020

Meeting Report (#355) Sep. 9 ,2020
[English session]
It was the 7th meeting which we had both online and at venue. We had 2 guests on that day.

The word of the evening presented by TM SE was “High time”. In Japanese “SHIODOKI”.

-1st speech “The Third Idea” presented by TM HY (time: 6’43)
The objective of his speech was to develop or enhance the understanding of the steps and strategies to address conflict. He introduced a story that under COVID-19 situation,how his boss took the higher view to solve the problem of San-Mitsu,and he was so encouraged of this idea.He conclused that to solve a problem will have close communication,higher view point and overlook the situations.

TM AO’s comment to TM HY was; the purpose was clear, good situation,and seasonal topic as well. the room for improvement is expressing more detail of the problem will be better.

-2nd speech “Contest Project” presented by TM TM (time:7’04)
His speech objective was to apply his leadership knowledge to develop a project plan organize a guidance committee. He passionately appealed with humor that he wants to host a private contest in our club without stiff rules. Someone who wants to join it just please to contact with him.he asked the TM members.

TM ON’s comment to TM TM was; (1) the speech was very interesting with humors, made audience laugh. He was very professional as well. The suggestion was if he introduce some contest ideas will be much better.

TM RK gave us very constructive Gracho’s report.


準備スピーチ#3 Persuasive Influence 「神々とドラゴン」TM FGさん(time 6’13”)

TM FGさんへの論評者はTM NHさん (time 3:20)
いつもながら明るく歯切れのよい口調で、オーディエンスの心のつかみ方が上手と、褒めるところから始まります。スライドもとても見やすくてすばらしい!!サジェスチョンとしては、ポーズをとってみるとか、Vocal Varietyを使ったら、もっと良かったではと。次回も楽しみにしています!

準備スピーチ#4 プレゼンテーションマステリィ「テーブルトピックは怖くない!」 TM NKさん (7’18)
TM NKさんへの論評はTM RTさん(3‘13)、初めから、「ちょっと厳しい論評になるかもしれない」と宣言し、一気に緊張感が高まり、なかなかうまいテクニックだなと感じた。
総合論評は、TM KSさん。TM RTさんの論評への論評、ZOOM+きゅりあんのhybrid例会の準備への労い、TM MAさんのおかげで、会場全体にカメラを設置、雰囲気をより分かり易くなり、そしてTMOE KKさんの素晴らしい時間管理と配慮に富んだ進行に感謝しました。また、アイスブレーカーで披露した、「地球全体が静まり、自分自身と対話」を美しい表現として挙げられました。

The Best Speaker :TM TM
The Best Evaluator: :TM NH


MEETING REPORT Aug 26th, 2020

【第354回例会レポート (2020年8月26日(水)19:00~21:00)】





役割紹介は、計時係:N.Kさん、集計係:K.Kさん、GRACO:N.Hさん、例会レポート係:T.H 各自が担当の説明をしました。

Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level 4 気難しい聴衆の管理。



① 最近の我々クラブの傾向として、新しい方が入会して頂いても、数回参加されてその後、中々顔を出して頂けない傾向がある。またベテラン会員も最近スピーチをされない方が多く、スピーチされる方が毎回、限定的になっている。
② Pathwaysが、各個人の目標と合わない場合もあり、また内容も難しい項目も課せられるので、次のスピーチ目標として進まない場合がある。

① Pathwaysの代わりに、以前使用されていたACマニュアルを使用しても良いことに役員会議で決定された。ACマニュアルは入門編としては非常に分かり易い構成となっているので、こちらを利用しても進める事も可能に。
② メンターと一緒にPathwaysを進めていく、目標の設定も明確にする。メンター制度がうまく機能していないので、対で自己紹介をして、「ほう・れん・そう」もしながら、メンターがフィードバックする。また最初のアイスブレークスピーチもメンターが一緒になってスピーチのサポートをする。




英語のworld of the evening was “Sustainable”. (T.H)


1st Speaker J.Sさん
Pathways: “Engaging Humor”
Lv.1: Icebreaker
Speech title “SMART”
Time: 4 to 6 minute


タイトルの”SMART”の頭文字をそれぞれ取って、①Smile, ②Motivate, ③Applause, ④Respect, ⑤Thank you という内容でご自信のパーソナリティーと生き方を皆の前で、説得力のあるプレゼンをしてくれました。

Q1: Please make a plan next speech, and when it will be?

Q2: How are you trying to enjoy this irregular summer?

Q3: You are assigned on-line or hybrid meeting as a host. What kind of things do you organize for the meeting?









MEETING REPORT Jul 29th, 2020

Meeting Report (#351) July 29 ,2020
[English session]
It was the 3rd meeting which we had both online and at venue. We had 4 guests on that day.

The word of the evening presented by TM KK was “Well done”. He chose this word since this word is related to the doneness of steak, and it was “the day of meat” or niku-no-hi in Japanese language (this is pun, because it was July 29th and in Japanese we can read “29” as “ni-ku”, which means “meat”).

-1st speech “To Enjoy It” presented by TM MA (time: 7’43)
The objective of her speech was to share her leadership style, and at the opening of her speech, she mentioned that her ideal leader is someone who shows the vision. Then she looked back at her carrier as an architect. She mentioned that 1 of the most important skills of an architect is showing their visions, or images of the architecture to be built, and be honest to what we believe is good. At the end she claimed that Toastmaster’s Pathways is the useful tool to grow each person’s leadership style, which has diverse courses to meet each learner’s demands.

TM AO’s comment to TM MA was; (1)the topic was good, because it is an essential function of leaders to show their visions to the team, (2)her attitude was great, because when she forgot her script, she tried to continue the speech without reading the script in her hand, and (3) the room for improvement is time management, because the speech was overtime.

-2nd speech “Cinderella vs COVID-19” presented by TM RT (time:7’04)
Her speech objective was to use the visual aid effectively, and she chose to tell us her half-own-made fairy tale based on Cinderella, with beautiful slides move like an electric picture book. In her Cinderella story, COVID-19 was wide spread in the kingdom, and Cinderella was a clever woman who helped the people from COVID-19 and won prince’s heart at the same time. It was a story sprinkled with humors, e.g. the alarm of 12 o’clock was not the sound of bells but the beep of iPhone.

TM SE’s comment to TM RT was; (1) the title was good, because the audience couldn’t guess what kind of story would be told from the title, and that makes audience excited, (2) the slide were great, because it looked beautiful, was easy to catch, and very effective to attract audience’s attentions, and (3) the storyline was well prepared, because I could hear a lot of laughter from the audience, which means many people were enjoying your story and the humors.

今夜の言葉は、英語セッションに続き29(にく)にちなんで・・・「がっつり」! この言葉、わりと新しく広まったようで北海道起源説が有力とか。さぁ、日本語セッションも「がっつり」行きましょう!
準備スピーチ#3 Presentation Mastery 「2791日」  TM NKさん (time 7’34”)
TM NKさんの謎かけのようなスピーチタイトルは、彼がリーダーシップについて学び始めてからの日数、つまりtoastmasters歴、でした!ご自身がtoastmastersで出会った感銘を受けた人物のリーダーシップスタイルについてご紹介くださいました。「やる気にさせるのが上手いリーダー」「不安を払拭するのが上手いリーダー」そして「ユーモアの上手いリーダー」を、ご自身との具体的なエピソードをユーモアに交えて披露。最後にもう一度まとめて目指すリーダーシップ像を語るという、よく構成され、分かりやすい内容でした。また、ゲストを含めてこれからtoastmastersで学んでゆく人にとって、素晴らしい人物との出会いとリーダーシップ体験を予感させる、輝きのあるスピーチでした。
TM NKさんへの論評者はTM TMさん (time 3:25)

Table Topicsコーナー。今回はVPE(教育担当係)としての責任感に満ちたTM RTさんが、例会に関する皆さんの考えを伺うような、でもぶっ飛んだ、Topicsを用意しました。
A:例会がロシア語だった!?全く分からない内容では逃げ出すしかない。(TM SEさん 0:52)
A:楽しい活動が見ることができる例会!自分の能力を身に付けられるだけでなく楽しめる例会!(ゲストFさん 0:45)
A:(あのスプーン曲げの超能力者、ユリ・ゲラーは実はマジシャンだったことから・・・)自分はマジシャンなのでマジックで超能力スピーチができるので・・・、乞うご期待!(TM AOさん1:55)
A:当然、宇宙語で宇宙チャンピオンを決めることになるだろう。トーストは世界30万人の会員のいる多言語に広がる組織、みんなでコミュニケーションは当然です。(TM NKさん 1:34)
途中で、TM NKさんからTable Topicsのコツの披露もありました。なるほどー!!
総合論評は、TM JSさん。TM TMさんの論評への論評、ZOOM+きゅりあんのhybrid例会の準備への労い、そしてTMOE NHさんの素晴らしい時間管理と配慮に富んだ進行に感謝しました。会議室からのZOOM参加、きゅりあん会場へ来たい!お気持ち伝わりました。お待ちしてます!
The Best Speaker :TM RT
The Best Evaluator: :TM TM
The Best Table Topics Speaker :TM NK

MEETING REPORT Jun 24th, 2020



会長のTM ATさんのオープニング。在宅勤務がながくなり、仕事の合間に家事を済ませることが楽しいと、まさにワークライフバランスを絶妙に
とった生活の術を披露。あまりにも連日洗濯をするようになったため、水道局から、水道漏れを心配されるというハプニング。本日のTMOEのTM NK

で、今日の今夜の言葉は、久しぶりにご参加いただいた TM GKさんの 「待ち遠しい」という言葉を披露。早くまたみんなで集まれる機会、元通り

日本語セッションの最初の準備スピーチは、TM KAさん。スピーチは、

#1 準備スピーチ

Pathways Visionary Communication
Project Lv2 Understanding Your Leadership Style
Title 「我が家のジョンFケネディ」

奥さまは、温泉に行きたい、テニスをしたい、とビジョンを語り、そのプロジェクトにTM KAさんを巻き込んで、実現させるというリーダーシップを


#2 準備スピーチ

Project Connect with Storytelling
Title 「マッチ売りの少女」

久しぶりの準備スピーチのTM ONさん。初めてのZoomでのスピーチだったが、初めてとは思えないくらい、Zoomの特性や機能を使った興味深い内容と





#1 論評

TM RTさんから論評。最初に自分のリーダーシップのスタイルを語り、身近な例(奥さん)と大きな例(コロナ)を使い、また、成功例と失敗例を例示
のある内容を評価。 一方で、改善点として、結論部にもう少し力強さが欲しかった点を指摘。

#2 論評

TM TMさんのユーモラスな論評。やられた、ふりまわされたと。Zoomの背景を変える、挙手機能を使う等、斬新なスピーチスタイルへのチャレンジ精神を

-English Session

Same as Japanese Session, TM GK proposed to use ” Looking forward to ” as a Word of the Evening, he encouraged us to use the word in each section.
One Prepared speech for English session, because of time constrained, as we have a ceremony for transition from current officers to new officers in the
last part.

#1 Prepared Speech

TM RK made a fierst speech for Pathways, she is DTM with previous manuals, so migrate to Pathways world from this speech.

Pathways Dynamic Leadership
Project Lv1 Ice Breaker
Title 「the 8th Anniersary」

She decided to deliver a speech because the day for the meeting 24th June is memorial day for her to join Toastmasters club 8 years ago,this is
8th anniversary day for her.
She had rich experience in Toastmasters club in multiple clubs. The speech was not so well prepared, non prepared speech she indicated.

One of the impressive memories is the story for a club president. She was a club officer in the same club, so the person requested her to take an action like
to reply to inquiries from a guest.But it was a fruitful experience for her.

Completion of DTM made her feel as if the life of toastmasters is over, but recognize this is another challenge to wrestle Pathways from now on.

#1 Evaluation

TM AO listed us lots of great points for her speech, like very informative and great structure. One suggestion is more explanation to Toastmasters‘ terminology like DTM
would help to understand easier especially for guests. More information for such a terminology helped them to understand more, but overall speech was great.

After that, we held the ceremony for current/new officers transition, and discussed how we are going to have regular meetings from July onwards.

This was a joyful and great atmosphere for all of the attendees, and I appreciate their greatest effort to make the meeting great.

MEETING REPORT Jun 10th, 2020

Meeting report
#348 Tokyo International TMC online meeting
We’ve had several times online meetings before this meeting, so we’re getting use to sitting
in front of our PC or Tablet. There were no guests, but we gathered on time.
As same as ordinal meeting, our president TM T called #348 TITMC online meeting started.
Participants looked relax, because they attended this meeting from their home.
Tonight, we had English session for the first half. Tonight’s MC, TMOE was TM AI. He is
always calm and relaxed. (I love his way of talking and making interesting speeches.)
In the role introductions, each role takers briefly explained their roles.
And, today’s word of the evening was “suddenly ( or sudden)” showed by TM “KJ”.
Next was prepared speech #1, by TM “O”. He always made speech with magic or jokes.
His speech was Pathways Level 3 project, “Know Your Sense of Humor” and speech title
"This joke always gets a laugh”. I thought this project was most suitable for TM “O”.
He made his speech introduced jokes and asked audience whether those jokes were funny
or not (how did audience feel).
He showed 7 jokes, and asked “Did you understand this joke and feel funny?”
Some of jokes weren’t understood in a short time, but I thought 80% of them were
understood and felt funny.
One of the jokes I liked most was below.
“I received an invitation of Apple computer's dinner party.
There are two notes were written in it.
One, please enjoy foods as you please. But do not fill your stomach with foods.
Two, you may talk with anyone freely. But please avoid intelligent topics.
At first, I was puzzled suddenly I understood.
It's based on Stay hungry, stay foolish policy.
Next was table topics session by TM “KN”.
This was the first time our club had table topics session at the online meeting.
She sent a line male beforehand to think about her table topic question.
She asked some questions with showing a matryoshka doll, souvenir from Russia about
#1: Please tell your memorable “item” you have and why.
TM H answered, “Scarf”. That was sent from her mother. And she traveled abroad
with that scarf.
#2: Please tell your “item” you want to give ( or recommend) someone and why.
TM KJ answered “Cushion”. And he wanted to give it to TM KN, because he thought TM
KN was hard worker. He wanted her to be refreshed and relaxed.
#3: Please tell your most harsh memory about the “item” you have.
TM AI answered ”A Pokempon” ball for Game of Pokemon Plus. He had enjoyed
“Pokemon go” walking around everywhere. But he lost it (previous one), and had to get
another one.
#4: Please tell how did you met your “item”.
TM N answered “Balance chair”. He found it in a library. And he felt it was confortable.
#5: please tell your love to the “item” you have.
TM Y answered “old clock”. He bought it when he was junior high school student. He
loved that clock so much that he brought it for oversea travel.
We fully enjoyed TM KN’s table topic session!
Next, evaluation for TM O’s prepared speech by TM H,
I felt TM H always evaluates logically, and she did so tonight.
She mentioned TM O’s jokes, humor and surrealism.
She praised TM O’s way of starting speech and grubbing audience’s attention.

Also she suggested that where was TM O’s speech goal? Audience enjoyed your speech
but she felt his speech goal was vague,.
General evaluator was TM M, suddenly assigned tonight.
In spite of attending after long time, she did superb General evaluation.
She described concisely how our club’s online meeting was going, and evaluated TM H’s
evaluation for TM O. Thank you TM M.
First half, English session had finished. And each attendee took a break.
計時係はTM T、投票係はTM E、文法係はTM KI、例会レポート係はTM Y。
「今夜の言葉」はTM KJから「おそるおそる」という言葉を選出されました。コロナ禍か
準備スピーチ1人目はTM SG。
Pathways: Innovative PlanningのLevel 1: Evaluation and Feedback (Japanese)
(2nd speech)です。
スピーチタイトルは「 クリスマスが過ぎて、そして。」
TM SGが仲間と自作のオーディオドラマをWeb上に公開したことを前回のスピーチで紹介
準備スピーチ2人目はTM AK。
Pathways:洞察力に富むコミュニケーションのLevel 1: リサーチとプレゼンテーション
仕事柄、建物に関して造詣の深いTM AK。今回は住宅の「継承」、神戸にある洋館、街の
TM SGの準備スピーチに対する論評はTM SW。
TM SGのオーディオドラマに対して、周囲の人やWeb上で受け取った意見・感想に対して
TM AKの準備スピーチに対する論評はTM N。
オンラインでの接続状態が悪く、TM AKのスピーチの6割位しか聞き取れなかったとのこ
とでしたが、条件が悪い中でもしっかりと論評をされていました。TM AKのスピーチでは

総合論評は英語の部に引き続き、TM Mが担当。
についても言及。特にイタリアの街を背景にしたTM SWの画面が秀逸でした。
また、TM KIの画面には、かわいい「猫ちゃん(TM Eの家の猫ちゃん)」を取り込んで頭
…)テーブルトピックスピーカーは、TM HとTM A、
ベスト論評者は TM SW
そして、ベストスピーカーはTM Aでした。TM Aおめでとうございます!!
Report By TM Y.